Amourshipping: When Dreams Ar...

By Typovo

77.4K 1.6K 680

The Sequel to "An Amourshipping Story" Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters in this story or Pokè... More

Lumiose City
The Gang Reunited
My Mind Is Set On You
Jealous All Over Again
"I Love You"
She Is Strong!
The Hideout
The Search
He's Mad
The Warm Smile
Dipped in Pain
The World Is Beautiful
I Love You Too
The Cocoon
Breathing and Smiling
Dreams Don't End
When Dreams Are Fulfilled (REDONE Ver.) Announcement

When Dreams Are Fulfilled

4.4K 95 89
By Typovo

When Serena opened her eyes, she found herself in her bed. Light was coming down from the window and hitting her face. She moved over the the side and put the covers over her head, to block the light and yawned.

"Wait a minute." Serena threw the covers off of her and looked around. She was in her bedroom?

She was still in the cloths she went outside with too. Then she remembered. Her mind went back to when she was siting next to Ash and she wanted to rest her eyes so she closed them. It looks like she was more tired then she thought. I mean, she hasn't slept for a full 24 hours. She must of fell asleep instead!

"Does that mean that- oh no." She thought. Ash was the only person who could of brought her back to her house.

She jumped out of her bed and changed into another pair of jeans, taking off her sneakers and then putting them
back on. She changed her shirt, into a plain white t-shirt and kept her jacket on.

When she was sure she was ready, she went to her bedroom door and walked out. She walked as fast as she could to the living room and the kitchen. Once she reached the end of the hallway, she looked to the left and saw that Bonnie was there watching the same program that she watched from last night, Dedenne doing the same.

Serena looked the right and saw that Clemont was cooking something. Her stomach made a rumbling sound. She remembered that they didn't have any dinner. Everyone was too exhausted to even make any.

Serena walked over. "What are you making Clemont?"

"I'm making bacon and eggs." Clemont moved the bacon around in the pan. The bacon sizzled in the pan, making Serena even more hungry.

"Do you know where Ash went?" Serena asked.

"When I woke up, he walked out do the house and I think he said that he would be right back, but he didn't say where he was going." Clemont said, his eyes still focusing on breakfast.

"Oh, okay, thanks." Serena walked back to back of the house and went back into her bedroom and sat down on her bed.

She looked up on her chiffonier and saw the blue ribbon and the handkerchief that Ash gave her. She jumped back off of the bed and put the ribbon into her hand. Where was she supposed to put it? She looked around the room. There was no frames or anything that she had. She didn't want to put in in anything that would of enclosed it. She wanted to have it where she could see it everyday. Of course wearing it wasn't an option, now that it wasn't even big enough to wrap around Serena's wrist. She exhaled and plopped back down on her bed. She put it into her pocket that was stitched to her jacket and headed for the door. She grabbed the nob and pulled the door opened. She was about to walk out, but stopped.

Ash was standing there, his hand, reached out for where the nob used to be and fell. He immediately stood back up and acted as if he was hiding something behind his back

"Ash? What in the world are you doing?" Serena yelled, almost scolding him.

"Oh, I was coming to see if you were in your bedroom."

"Well, I'm right here so, why did you want to come see me?" Serena looked up at him.

"Oh, well I wanted to give you these." Ash held out his hands in front of him. Flowers, of all the same pale purple color, the stem skinny, with the tiny pale purple flowers growing all around it.

"It's the Lilac from yesterday." Ash handed it to Serena and scratched the side of his forehead. "Oh I forgot something else." He jumped up and then went back into his pocket. When he brought his hand back out, he held out a thin, square box. It was silver, a red ribbon holding it together and he handed it to Serena.

Serena put the Lilac back down on a shelf next to her and took the box. She unwrapped the ribbon and opened the box. When she saw it her mouth opened in awe. She reached her hand in the box and brought the gift that was inside out of the box. It was a sliver necklace, a diamond placed in the side of it. It sparkled in the light as it turned back and forth.

"Look on the back." Ash waited patiently.

Serena turned it around and there was a small text written into it. She read it aloud, "Don't give up until the very end." She looked back up at Ash and asked, "Ash, how did you pay for this?" Serena looked at it and placed it into her palm.

"Never mind that, do you know where that blue ribbon I gave you is?" Ash smiled.

Serena reached into her jacket and brought it out.

"Can I see the necklace and the ribbon." Ash asked.

"Sure." Serena handed the 2 items to Ash and watch him as he placed the necklace onto his palm and taking the ribbon, sliding through the gap in the necklace and tying the blue ribbon into a bow, wrapping it around the side of the heart.

Ash tugged on the ribbon, making sure it's secure and showed it to Serena. "There."

Serena looked at it. She smiled. Now she could wear the ribbon and wear the necklace that Ash have her. She jumped up and hugged Ash.

Ash stumbled back, but caught his balance and hugged her back.

"Thanks so much Ash." Serena release him.

"Hey wait, you don't even know if you like it or not, you haven't even tried it on." Ash laughed.

"I don't need to try it on Ash, I know I love it." Serena smiled.

"Well at least let me put it on you." Ash walked over behind Serena.

Serena moved her hair out of the way as Ash put the necklace over her head and placed it around her neck.

He attached the back of the necklace and walked around in front of her to see it. "It looks good on you." Ash smiled.

Serena blushed and then ran out of the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Ash ran after her.

"I'm going to put the flowers into a vase." Serena ran into the kitchen, passing Clemont and went into one of the cabinets under the sink and grabbed a vase. She turned on the sink and placed the vase under it, filling it with water. Once she was done, she turned off the sink and ran back to her room. She set the vase next next to her bed and went back to the shelf and grabbed the flowers. She carefully placed them into the vase and backed up to look at them. She smiled and walked back over to Ash.

"It looks good there." Ash examined the flowers.

"I think so too, now come one, I think Clemont is done with breakfast." Serena ran out the door.

"Hey! Stop running off!" Ash ran after her, leaving the Lilac there in the room.


"Man! That was best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life." Ash placed his hand on top of his stomach.

"Thanks Ash." Clement said as he ate his eggs.

"Anyway, I've got to go." Ash stood up from his chair.

"Where?" Bonnie asked.

"I got to go to the Pokemon center and tell my mom that I'm staying here in Kalos." Ash walked over to the hanger and grabbed his jacket and hat. "Serena will you come with me?" Ash asked,, he voice uneven as if I've was regretting asking was soonas he started the sentence.

Serena put her plate in the dishes and look back at him. "Sure, but why do you want me to come?"

"I just want someone there when I tell her." Ash sweatdropped.

Bonnie laughed.

"Bonnie why are you laughing?" Clemont starred over at her.

"Sorry, I just can't help it. Ash is scared of his mom." She continues to laugh until she ran out of breath and inhaled, but then she started laughing again.

Ash moved to the door and exited the house, his head hanged down in same and embarrassment. Serena followed and fake smiled hoping he would just forget about it.


"Bonnie, why did you do that?" Clemont looked down at her in disappointment.

"I'm sorry that was just the first thing that popped into my head, I know the real reason was because he felt more comfortable telling his mom if Serena was right next him as he tells her." Bonnie took a sip of her orange juice and jumped onto the couch.

"Bonnie, still that wasn't very nice, you embarrassed him." Clemont put away the dishes. "You're such a teenager." Clemont mumbled under his breath so Bonnie couldn't hear.

"Oh, by the way, I called Korrina and she's coming over to visit so make sure to get ready."

"Wait, WHAT!?" Clemont dropped a plate into the sink.

"Yeah, change into some nice cloths or something, you can't always wear that thing you know." Bonnie turned around and pointed at his outfit.

"How did you invite her!?" Clemont started to panic.

"Being Kalos Queen has privileges you know. There was a whole phone book on Serena's laptop of people she knew, and what did I find? That's right Korrina!" Bonnie jumped up in joy.


"I'm glad your moving on! Oh, my young man is growing up!" Ash's mom clapped her hands together in happiness.

Serena sweatdropped in the background as Ash's mother celebrated. Ash saw Mr. Mime dancing in the background, swinging the broom around.

"Mom!" Ash yelled at her and Delia stopped in the middle of her celebration, but Mr. Mime kept dancing in the background.

Ash sweatdropped and immediately wanted to stop the call. "Yeah, bye, got to go!" Ash clicked the button on the panel and the screen in front of him went black.

He turned back around and found Serena laughing under her breath.

Ash starred at her and made a fish face.

"I'm sorry-" Serena laughed. "It was just Mr. Mimes dancing!" She laughed as she reimagined it. "Oh my gosh it was hilarious!" She couldn't breath.

"Yeah, yeah, come on, I'm starting to regret letting you come." Ash walked out of the Pokemon center, Serena following still laughing.

After a while, Serena stopped laughing and stayed quite.

Once they walked for a while, Ash stopped walking and turned around to face Serena. "Serena... that reason I brought you along, wasn't for you to help me call me mom... Man that's a weird sentence." Ash laughed. "I actually brought you here to ask you-" ash hesitated. "To ask you-"

Serena stood there waiting, almost confused.

"To ask you- to ask you to be with me- I want you to be with me and I- I want to ask you if you would like to be my girlfriend. You're my dream Serena. The only way to fulfill that dream is if you- if you were my girlfriend?" Ash blushed. That was the most awkward sentence he has ever said in his entire life.

Serena almost laughed, but at the same time felt her whole body heat up. "Is he seriously asking to become his girlfriend?" She felt as if her mind was going to explode, but instead it made her do something unexpected. She leaned into him and kissed him on the lips.

She pulled back and blushed, "Does that answer your question?"

Ash almost fell down in shock. His whole face went red. He couldn't talk. She just kissed him. His whole body grew warm as he felt his heart start to beat faster. Then he does the next unexpected thing. He grabs her by the waist and pulled her towards him and he kisses her back, this one longer then the last one. When the kiss was finished, Serena opened her eyes and saw that Ash's eyes were still closed.

Ash's eyes opened and he blushed a deep red. "Um, I think we should head back now." Ash turned around and started to walk back towards Serena's home.

Serena blushed and followed him. She felt so happy. She was actually dating Ash. A smile grew into her face as she blushed thinking back to the kiss.

Ash thought back on it too, the image of it cutting deep into his brain. He felt his heart lift up from his chest and send waves of emotions throughout his whole body, making him feel warm inside as he walked back to Serena's house.

Once they reached her house, they entered, but what they found made them both fall down onto the wooden tile.

"Korrina!?" Serena exclaimed.

"Oh, hi Serena, long time, no see!" She waved to her as she sat on the couch an watched the same t.v show that Bonnie watched, Lucario watching next to her as well. "And if it isn't Ash!" Korrina jumped up from the couch and roller skates over to them. "What brings you back to Kalos?"

"That's a long story." Ash exhaled


After everyone talked and got to know what was happening in each other's lives, they ate lunch and saw Clemont and Korrina bonding.

When ever something cute happened between the two, Bonnie and Serena would jump and down in their head, Ash smiling instead, as he watched.


It seemed like it became nighttime came in just under a second, as if someone switched the lights off, by flipping the switch.

Soon Bonnie came rushing into the living rooms, where Ash and Serena were talking.

"He asked Korrina out on a date!!!" Bonnie flailed her hands up in the air.

Serena and Ash's jaws both dropped as the news registered into their brain.

"He what?" Ash jumped up from the couch.

"Oh my gosh! What did Korrina stay? What did Korrina say?!" Serena ran over to Bonnie.

"She said yes!" Bonnie jumped up and down, Serena joining her.

After all the fangirling ended, everyone sat in the living room and talked. Serena walked over with fresh pokepuffs that she made and set them down in the table in the middle of the living room. Everyone instantly jumped right in and started to eat them right away.

She was about to take a seat next to Ash, but before she could do that, She screamed as Ash grabbed her by the waist and threw her onto his lap.

He smiled as he pulled her closer towards his chest and hugged her by the waist.

Serena let him pull her in closer in until she eventually pressed against his chest. She laid there and listened to his heartbeat. After a while she decides to sit back up and kiss him on the cheek and then lay back down on his chest. She felt his heart beat fasten. She smiled. While everyone talked and ate at the living room, Serena there she looked at the necklace Ash gave her. She felt the ribbon and watched the necklace reflect light off of the diamond and heart. She read the back of it over and over, making her feel warm. She eventually dozed off and fell asleep, still laying on Ash's chest, knowing that there was still more dreams out there that she wanted to fulfill.


When dreams are fulfilled, new ones replace them, giving you a new goal to look forward to accomplishing and knowing that you can't give up on those dreams. All you have to do is find that dream and have the power and strength to not give up on it. It's as simple as that.

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