Chased by Life and Death

By Lillian2Gwen

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"She is a monster.", they said. Well, they are not wrong. I'm not a normal monster like the others from the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
The End
Authors Note

Chapter 6

113 9 0
By Lillian2Gwen

WARNING! This chapter contains blood and violence. Please be ready.


I knew that something bad will happen. I knew it since Monica started to act weird with Hunter. The cafeteria is in chaos and we try to calm down the students while rescuing some who have been trapped by the pieces of the wall. I turn to where was the wolf and Monica but all I see is a red fire which I can't see through and hear screaming from Monica. Parker comes beside me with Blake while Tristan with Hunter and Ian are ordering the students out of the cafeteria. Logan is with Luke and they are helping someone who is pinned down and can't stand. Suddenly, the wolf goes flying to the wall, drops to the ground and he escapes before we can react. "We have to find Monica; she is injured and she is human," speaks Parker worried. Blake is terrified and I don't move because I'm scared too. Parker takes a step and then another but I grab his arm.

"WE HAVE TO RESCUE HER!" he shouts but when he turns ahead the fire disappears and there isn't a trace of Monica, not even her blood. Parker and Blake stare horrified. "S-she i-is not there," says Blake.

"No, we have to take her back. Maybe they took her with them. We have to find them," says Parker and turns to leave but Logan blocks his way. I realized that the place was empty except for us and the team of Maddie and the boys who were behind Logan.

"Monica is fine. She is injured but she is fine, she will come later to us." Logan reassures us. "How did you know that, you haven't seen her. Also, she has to go to a healer the wolf ripped all her shoulder flesh."

"I know that because I communicate with minds and I asked her how is she and second she is my best friend and I know her pretty well so she is fine," says Logan. "But where is she?" asks Ian. "In a room with a school teacher. She doesn't like to go to healers and hospitals." Tristan answers. "Alright, now we know that she is okay we have to help the injured to the infirmary and clean the mess." orders Hunter and gestures around. "Logan, Hunter we will take the left side and you take the right. Are you all okay?" asks Rafe, who is one of Maddie's boyfriends. Maddie herself comes forward and says "Where is Monica? Is she okay?".

"She is fine, a teacher is healing her", I say but me and Tristan with Logan we know this is not true. We don't know where Monica is or how she is.

"Noah, are you okay?" asks Monica inside my head. "Monica, where are you? Are you okay?" "Well, the wound was bad but I have shifted now and I'm in the woods, healing," she answers and I sign in relief. "Yes, we are okay, none of the boys were injured but we have some students who are hurt. We will help them to the infirmary and clean the mess."

"Okay, I won't come today and neither tomorrow because I have to heal and search for the fluffy bastard. Tell the others, okay? Bye." and she closes the link. She always does this thing. Whenever she is injured, she hides or comes to us with a smile while we know that she is hurt. But even we talk to her she continues to do the same thing and the reason for that is that she wants to protect us. After, the accident with Ethan she secretly goes to battles and missions alone in order we can't see her killing creatures. Parker signs but he still feels worried so I go to him and whispered "Don't worry, she is okay." and he relaxes just a little bit. "Alright let's get to work," shouts Hunter.


Thereafter, we finished cleaning and transferred ten students to the infirmary we went to our room. In the meantime, I told Tristan and Logan that Monica had contacted me and she was fine. When we were outside of the door Hunter said "We have to go and report the attack to Clearborn and then we have some work to do. More importantly, the teachers announced that all the students must stay inside the dorm buildings until Sunday night so they can track the wolf. So, stay inside and don't do anything stupid." he walks away with Logan on his trail.

We go inside and take turns to shower. The guys don't talk while we are eating and then they go to their rooms. I head to my room with Blake next to me and when we are there I lay on my bed. All the time, Monica and the other two are talking about anything for example small battles and killings and I'm left out because I'm young. They all say that and it's annoying. Indeed, I don't like to fight and kill but I can help them with something. If they always left me out it feels like I'm a burden and I don't like that.

In reality, I haven't drunk blood before, not even from an animal. If I drink and get obsessed about it and can't stop, then what? Then they will stab me in my heart and I will die but I know Monica won't let this happen. All these years since we were kids, she always was there to listen to me. She is a person who you can relax around and she will make you happy when you feel down. To tell you the truth, I like her since we were small and can say that I'm in love with her. In the same way are feeling Tristan and Logan, we have debated our feelings towards her and if anything happens, we will accept it.

"This wolf was like a beast today," says Blake. "He was really big and had a dark aura around him." "You see I have seen similar ones a long time before. It was when these dudes kidnapped my little sister and me. Back then I was useless and couldn't do anything, now it's the same. When Monica was in trouble, I couldn't do anything, I was scared." "I was scared too-" I speak to him, "but I know here we will become stronger and we would protect our family." "Do you think Monica is okay? She should have contacted us." "Maybe she is unconscious." "You are right. Anyway, let's get some sleep. Night, Noah." "Night, Blake" but the sleep never comes.


Saturday passed quickly, the school hasn't caught the wolf yet and Logan with Hunter haven't returned. Also, we haven't heard from Monica since Friday and I start to worry. Sometimes she disappears for days but comes back again. It's Sunday and we are sitting in the living room watching TV. The guys haven't slept because I can see that they have dark circles under their eyes. We all are worried and there is nothing we can't do. Parker stands up and says "I can't do this anymore; we have to find Monica. To make sure she is okay." and seers to the door.

"We can't go outside," speaks Luke but Parker doesn't stop. "I'm going to find Monica, if you want to come then come but if you don't then stay here until they say to go outside." he opens the door as Ian with Tristan stands up.

"I agree we have to do something." Ian agrees with him and Tristan turns to me. "You know that I won't stay here and do nothing if Shorty is in trouble.". I sign and stand up too. "Okay," and Blake with Luke rise from their sits. "Why do I get the feeling that something bad will happen?" asks Luke and we walk outside.

 When we are outside of the building, we see that the whole campus is empty. Then as we see the main building, Parker stops and turns in the wood's direction.

"What is it?" Ian asks him. "I feel something there." and points to the woods. "It's creepy and scary there so why don't we go to the building to search," says Blake but Parker starts to head in the woodside. "My instinct tells me that there is something there and I will trust it." then I hear Tristan say "I like this dude." and walks towards him. The rest of us hesitated but in the end, we follow them. We walk and walk until we are deep into the forest.

"So where is the thing you felt I don't see anything." Ian breaks the silence but Parker doesn't answer him. "What the fuck are you doing here? Didn't I say that you have to stay inside." says a voice behind Blake, Luke, and I scream. We turn to find Hunter and Logan glaring at us with arms crossed. "Do I have to repeat myself?" "No," me and Ian say in unison.

"I just felt something here and I came to investigate," answers Parker. "So, you are saying brother that because you felt something you came here?". "Yes," says Parker and his voice sounds determined. "So, if your instinct tells you to jump off a cliff you will do it? That's-" but Luke interrupts him. "Do you feel that?". We all fall quiet and I realized that the place has gone silenced, neither bird nor animals have stopped what they were doing, and neither leaves nor moves. Then we hear from behind something. Suddenly, the black wolf emerges from the trees and he is running with full speed in our direction. We are frozen in our places and Hunter with Logan come right in front of us. The wolf leaps into the air and opens his mouth but from the left, a familiar white tiger leaps into the air and brings his teeth around the wolf's neck, and tackles him to the ground. We fall back as the big animals wrestle. The tiger bites him more and more, while he tears big parts of the wolf's flesh. The wolf himself starts to howl in pain. The tiger is hitting him with his pawns and his nails slash through his skin he tears into the creature's stomach like a hungry animal and inwards start to scatter everywhere. The creature stops fighting back and moving, it is dead. The trees and the ground are covered with offals and blood and we stare at the white tiger. However, the white and black stripes have turned into crimson. We don't dare to move and I don't know if we are breathing.

"Holy shit," says Parker, and the tiger turns slowly to us. Immediately, our alphas are on alert as the tiger has fully turned its head in our direction. The guys gasp and their eyes widen from what they see. "Omg" speaks Ian, Parker, and Blake in unison. The tigers' eyes are light green and they sparked so brightly that it's like you can lose yourself to them. Then they stop sparkling and the white fluffy creature growls like it's trying to say something to us, turns, and starts running. In seconds, it disappeared from our vision and the guys exhale the breath they were holding. Meanwhile, red fire burst around the place and Ian takes a step forward but I stop him and point. "Look" and what is left of the wolf's body disappears with the blood and inwards around the trees. "What is happening?" asks Blake while Luke asks "What was this thing?". "I think it saves us", says Parker and Hunter snorts.

"We could have saved ourselves. We didn't need his help. Now let's head back and if you violate my orders again, I will make you clean the school's toilets." he heads back in our school direction and we follow him. "We wanted to look for Monica, that's why we were outside," says Ian. What would they say if they had already found her?


"Let's say we are inside the building, but where would she be? She can be anywhere," says Blake. "The teacher contacted me and said she is in his office," answers Logan. We nod, get inside, and take up the stairs. The teacher's office is on the third floor and when we are finally outside the door, I read the name which is written on the door. Tristan signs and I snort. Hunter knocks and opens it. The office is a cozy place with beige walls, a brown couch with a wooden table, and on the desk sits the man we are looking for. He stands smiling "Hello, I'm Mr. Aaron Scott but you can call me Aaron."

"Wait" speaks Ian, "Your last name is Scott" and he looks between Tristan and Aaron. That's right. "Are you by the way relatives?". Tristan smiles and points to Aaron "He is my dad." and all the guy's jaws fall to the ground. 

"Well, now I can see the similarity. The nose, face, and the smile," says Luke.

"That was not expected," Parker speaks. "So how it's going, I must ask why are you outside the dorm? The wolf is still wandering around." Aaron crosses his arm on his chest. "That's not a problem, the wolf is dead" responds Hunter and straightens his back. "And how did you know that?" but this time Luke answers. "We were outside in the woods and he attacked us but a white tiger with green eyes save us and killed the wolf." Mr. Aaron studies us and laughs. "Okay, if you didn't get hurt it's alright but what you did was naïve and luckily was the tiger there to save you. Because this wolf was not a regular wolf like the others."

"Is Monica okay? Because that's why we are-" but I don't finish because from a door left from us which I haven't seen before walks Monica. She approaches us and stops, studying us. We are wearing sweatpants and jackets because of the cold and we are looking like we haven't slept for days. On the other hand, Monica is fine and she is wearing grey leggings and a pink sweater, and for the first time, her blonde hair falls to her waist. "Omg are you okay?" she asks as she looks at us, worried. To our surprise, Parker rushes to her, grabs her shoulders, looking for injuries but he doesn't see any signs. "You are okay," he says, relieved. Monica smiles "Of course I'm sorry if I made you worried."

 Parker brings his hand to her face and cups her cheek. Monica's eyes widen and I think she isn't breathing, she only stares into his eyes.

"You are," he says like he is reassuring something. "You saved us" Monica freezes like a statue. "Wait, you are saying that Monica sent the tiger to rescue us?" asks Ian, confused.

"No, stupid. She is the tiger" answers Luke and the guys gasp except for me, Logan, and Tristan. "This is crazy," says Hunter in disbelief. Monica smiles and says "That's right". "But you-" speaks Ian but Aaron cuts him "Why don't you go to your room to talk and relax?".

"That's a great idea, Mr. Aaron. Thank you for your help," says Logan and heads to the door. We say our goodbyes and follow him outside but Tristan shouts "Bye Dad" and we hear "Mr. Aaron for you.", we laugh. On our way to the dorm, we don't speak but we are watching every move Monica does. When we are finally inside and sitting on our couches, the questions start.

"But you are human, your smell is telling us that you are human and don't have powers," says Luke. Monica to our disbelief shrugs and answers "I'm part human and can shift to a tiger since I was a kid. Also, my smell is the same to everyone so I can't do anything." It seems her response covered Luke's question. "So, these two days you weren't with Mr. Aaron but instead you were in the woods?" Ian asks her. "Yes, all this time I was in the woods to heal but then I sensed you and saw that the wolf was going to kill you, even eat you alive." she glares at us. "Did you know about Monica being a tiger?" Blake asks me.

"Yes, that's why we said to you that she is alright and you didn't have to worry." "Why didn't you say something? Is it because you don't trust us?" he asks Monica and her eyes widen. "No no.... of course not. I trust you but I don't like to reveal much of myself until I'm comfortable. That's why today I show up and save you but I didn't know you were going to know it was me." she peers left beside her to Parker. "Also, I knew from the first time I saw you that I can trust you." her voice sounds serious. I wrench to Hunter and see him pensive.

He stands "I have seen enough"

Monica smirks. "You haven't seen anything yet, big guy." for a second Hunter's pupils are expanding. He laughs wickedly and says "Eat something and get some sleep because tomorrow I won't take you slow at the gym." And heads to the kitchen with Logan saying to us "I will make chicken sandwiches." and we thank him.

"Monica can I ask you something?" asks Blake beside me and Monica nods at him. "Were you scared and felt guilty when you killed the wolf?" and she smiles sadly.

"Well, you can say I was more scared if anyone from you was hurt and no, I'm not feeling guilty about killing him because it was a monster and he had put you in danger twice and the other students so, I killed him. It was my job." she curls her hands into fists. Parker places his hand on one of them. "Thank you for rescuing us and my brother in the cafeteria. I'm sorry, he can be an annoying bastard.".

 Monica's expression lightens. "I can see that."

"But you were like a badass there, Monica" prays Tristan and I say "You know that she is all the time like this when she fights", 

"and in other things" Tristan adds and Monica slaps the back of his neck.

"Shut up, Big head." and I laugh with Blake and Luke.

 Ian who is sitting left of me speaks "You are something else" and Monica responds "I know. Now let's eat because I haven't eaten since Friday and I should take a bath, I smell like hell.".

"I think you smell pretty well," says Luke, and we stare at him while he blushes. "I -I'm talking about your shampoo and body soap. Jasmine and sandalwood are an attractive smell." "Weirdo," says Ian and he laughs with Tristan, and Monica glares at them.

"Thanks, Luke. Some others don't compliment me about my smell or something else." Tristan with Ian stop laughing.

 "But I-" starts Tristan and Monica cuts him "I'm kidding. Let's eat"

 We sit at the kitchen island while Logan asks "What was the fuss about?".

"Nothing," I say with Monica in unison. After, we ate, talk, and took showers we head to bed. I was half asleep when I heard Blake say to me "Your best friend is incredible" and I smile.

"I know".

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