Legends: North

By Bloodwriter34567

43 0 2

This is the story behind King North and how he grew up in the royal family after ending the life of his mothe... More

The gift
The explanation
The rankings board
North's escape
The kingdom of sky
A new adventure
The arrival of the search team
Meeting a SeaWing
The war
The encounter with BloodWriter
Face the queen
To the courtyard
The dream
Back to Ruby
The letter
The visit to BloodWriter
The prophecy
The eggs
Southeast's corpse
The meeting with the prophecy dragonets
Their names
The end of Snowfall
Killing Snowfall
Farewell, Snowfall
Goodbye rankings
The throne is mine

North's gone!!

2 0 0
By Bloodwriter34567

"He should be around here somewhere" South panicked to himself South was on a mission to find his brother North "what are you looking for??" East asked "North is gone" South cried "I'll help you look" East said "you look in the palace and i will look around the kingdom" South said East nodded South looked everywhere he thought North could be, from the high peaks of the mountains to the depths of the valleys, but North was nowhere to be found "did you find him??" East asked "no he's really gone, like outside the palace" South said "don't panic" East said but South didn't stop panicking he was starting to worry that he might have lost his brother forever "I'm going to continue looking" South said as he flew off As he continued his search, he asked everyone he came across if they had seen North, but no one seemed to have any helpful information "no one knows where he could be" South thought his heart beat so fast that he thought it would jump out of his chest South was determined to find his brother and wouldn't give up until he did "Oh my three moons, y'all! Did you see that snowfall? It was something else! I don't think that North's got anything on us now" Glacier said "We had a whole heap of snow coming down, and I'll tell ya, it's not something we see too often down here" Snowfall said "But boy, oh boy, did it make everything look like a winter wonderland" Glacier said amazed "It was darn near magical, I tell ya" Snowfall said "I wouldn't mind seeing more of it, but maybe just a little bit at a time, if y'all don't mind" Glacier said "I don't think we need to go and steal the thunder just yet" Snowfall said "Snowfall, I'm afraid the worst has happened. North is missing. I searched the entire area, but I wasn't able to find him. He could be in danger, and we need to act fast to locate him. I don't know where else to look. North is a valuable member of our team, and we need him. We can't risk losing him forever. Do you have any suggestions on where we should search next?" South said "South, I must tell you something urgent. I am currently on my way to tell the queen that North is missing. I thought it was important that you know, as well. Please assist in any way you can to help find our missing ally." Snowfall said as she flew off "Your Majesty, Queen Glacier, I urge you to send a search team to find North. We have not heard from him in some time, and there is concern that he may be lost or in danger. It is important that we act quickly to ensure his safety and well-being. I humbly request that you use your resources to send a team out as soon as possible." Snowfall said then bowed Queen Glacier approached Snowfall "Snowfall, I have decided to send a search team to look for the missing prince. We will do everything in our power to find him and return him safely to us." Glacier said Snowfall bowed again and ran to South "South, this is Snowfall. We've decided to send out a search team to find North. We believe they may be in distress and we need to locate them as soon as possible. Stay tuned for updates on the team's progress. Over." Snowfall said "thank you" South said after Snowfall was gone South went to sleep.

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