The Protogen's Pet

By itsyoboijigglyjoshXD

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Life was normal. Key word, WAS. Alien creatures known as "protogen" invaded Earth, killing and capturing huma... More

Chapter 1 - An oRdInArY Day
Chapter 2 - A Different Point of View
Chapter 3 - Adoption
Chapter 4 - Reunion
Chapter 5 - Big Apartment
Chapter 6 - Executing and Planning
Chapter 7 - Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 8 - Issues
Chapter 9 - Losing Something Important
Chapter 10 - Vengeance Motivation
Chapter 11 - Stolen
Chapter 12 - Back to Square 1
Chapter 13 - Going Places
Chapter 14 - Attacks From Opposite Sides
Chapter 15 - Sigh
Chapter 16 - Choice
Status Update
Chapter 17 - Anxieties
Chapter 18 - All for him
Chapter 19 - Outfits and Sewers
Chapter 20 - Thinking Forward
Chapter 21 - I Can't Think Of A Title
Chapter 22 - Searching Answers
Chapter 24 - Struggling
Chapter 25 - Marks
Chapter 26 - Returning
Chapter 27 - Take a Break
Chapter 28 - Free Time
Zircon FTE I
A Transition
Maya FTE I
Another Transition
Jacko FTE I
Chapter 29 - Falling Out
Chapter 30 - Cheering Up

Chapter 23 - True Intentions

884 17 9
By itsyoboijigglyjoshXD

Kayla P.O.V.

Our drone came back to us, going down. Yeah, it can't go up anymore. But the protogen were going somewhere, so...

Tricky: Do we go there, or...?

Bryan: I'm not so sure, it could be a trick...

Tricky: Funny.

Bryan: Funny? What does that -

Kayla: Listen, we have no other leads. I have no idea how to repair a drone, and this is our only lead.

Tricky: So either we stay here or investigate.

Bryan: We're staying.

Kayla: What!? I thought you would've LOVED to go!

Bryan: I'm not letting another one of us get killed.

Tricky: We'll be careful...

Kayla: You wanted to save Matthew! Why stop now!?

Bryan: Because we're not sure if this even relates to Matthew or not. It could be another fucking resistance being raided for all we know...

Kayla: Oh please! It's not like we're at risk every second of every day!

Bryan: Besides, wouldn't Matthew be cooped up in that base!? So what's the point!?

Kayla: Because this new lead could show us something important! A weakness, or anything! Or a clue on where we are and how to get back!

Tricky stood up suddenly.

Tricky: We're going.

Bryan stood up as well.

Bryan: No, we're staying here.

Before any of us could calm down, we started arguing. Why was Bryan like this!? He was all set in escaping from being in one place, but why now? Did something happen...!?

Matthew P.O.V.

Matthew: It's a nice base you got here.

???: It's structured so that we are hidden from the Protogen.

You were being led into a hallway.

???: Matthew, was it? Why did they put that collar on you?

Matthew: Oh, this? I-I can't take it off. Like it's completely stuck onto my neck...

We entered a room. In it, was a singular chair, with some tools on a table. There was a single light from above.

Matthew: Why are we here?

???: I've just gotta pick up a few things.

The man in the military uniform rummaged through a drawer

Matthew: Say...why do you wear military uniform? Are you the military?

The man seemed to stop for a second. He then turned to me.

???: No. We just "borrowed" it for good camouflage. 

Matthew: Where did you get it?

???: You talk too much.

Oof, harsh...

???: In fact, you're so annoying.

Matthew: Wh...Huh?

???: I'm glad we decided to use a brat such as yourself.

Matthew: Wha...!?

The man grabbed your hair, and threw you onto the chair, the restraints kept you bound. You struggled, but it was no use.

Matthew: Wh-What are you doing...!? Let me g-go, now -

???: SHUT THE FUCK UP! Why should I listen to a kid like you!?

Matthew: What's happening...why are -

???: We are one in the same.

He looks at your confused expression.

???: This organization. We all have the same goal. Achieve paradise.


???: We are to be described as merciful, and cunning. We see what the blind eye cannot. We worship the people on top of us. We fulfill their desires.

He gets more annoyed with your expression. How can you not be confused? He's acting like he's had too much to drink...

???: In your people's terms, we're considered as...

Jacko P.O.V.

...a cult. This group of humans was a freaking cult.

Parlin: Checks out. Reports of mass murder...mass suicide...praising a god with sacrifices...recruiting people through pressure, torture -

Jacko: Why would humans do something as sick as this? I mean, this is disgusting...!

I throw away a paper that had a very grotesque image.

We had successfully infiltrated the base, and were now looking at some papers in a random room. We were looking for a map, since this place is like a labyrinth, but no luck there...

The door then opens, and a human with a folder enters.

???: I -

I slash at its head, so hard that it snaps his neck as well. We falls to the ground with a thud.

Jacko: We should split up. That'll cover more ground.

Parlin: Hang on, check this out.

He picks up the holder the human was holding before his demise, and begins reading.

Parlin: Blah blah blah, new sacrifice -

Jacko: New sacrifice?

Parlin: Didn't you tell me your friend lost a human too them? You don't think -

Jacko: Shit. Okay, we gotta find it FAST. Get the pet and murder anyone along the way. 

I dashed out into the hallway. If I don't hurry, then that human will die! No, let me rephrase that...human's dying isn't a tragedy... Got it! If I don't hurry, Zircon's insignificant pet will die! That's better...

Wait why am I thinking about how to phrase things NOW!? I gotta hurry!

I went from room too room, each time there were some screams, that were eventually cut off my me. I held my laser gun in place. Might as well be prepared...

Some of the rooms were freaky, with there being dried blood on the wall, skeletons hanging from the ceiling...humans really are a filthy species.

Come on...I need to find something...anything...

Zircon P.O.V.

I...can't move...everything is...dark...I can't get up...

N-No, m-move forward, Zircon! You have to retrieve M-Matthew...

Why c-can't I wake up!? No! Wh...Why...!? hypnotism. I accelerated it a bit...that makes sense. I hope someone else will get him...he needs his master...

Need...I need...I want...

Maya P.O.V.

I am approaching the place. A hatch seems to have been ripped off its hinges. Might as well jump inside. 

Jeez, everything is dimly lit...aaand there's a fork in the road. I'll just go right.

I hear a lot of voices. I climb the wall with my claws, and latch onto the wall, digging all my claws into the ceiling. That hurts, ow...

I see 6 humans armed walking...I descend down and cut 2 of their throats.

Before any of them can react, I rip one's heart out. I kick one in the stomach, and duck at one of them firing, making them kill their friend by mistake. I pierce my claws through the bottom of their face, creating a bloody mess. 

The one I kicked regained composure, so I slammed him against the wall, and slashed at him a couple of times. He falls to the ground, leaned against the wall.

Pathetic...well, might as well keep going. Ooh, what's in this room - OH SHIT.

THIS IS...CRAP...A ROOM FULL OF...CORPSES...and the smell reeked...

What sort of sick shit have these people been DOING!? I leave and keep going...I can't let Zircon down. That human is something he genuinely likes, and something tells me if that's taken away forever, Zircon won't cool off anytime soon...

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