PLANET 65 (A Star Wars Story)

By cjohnsxx

601 24 11

A team of hero's are assigned on a secret mission to end the Clone Wars for good. But suddenly they end up cr... More

Cast Members
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

30 2 1
By cjohnsxx

( Start Song )

:Draco 1
In The Mid Core Systems

A large cluster of dark clouds invade the skies of Draco 1. The sun was still out shining over the grassy planes and rocky hilltops.

Suddenly the entire sky covers with flak as an entire squad of hyena bombers fly over a massive battlefield. One bomber gets shot down and falls from the sky crashing into the center of the field bellow.

All around the Draco planes Republic and Separatist forces collide in a deadly gorilla fight.

'To the right side of the battle,' the clone army remains trenched on the high ground. Three AT-TE Walkers are positioned on top of the rocky hills, eight AT-RT's charge all across the front lines trying to keep the droids at bay, and over a thousand clone troopers fire from the trenches dug into the rocks. Up in the skies a few Republic V-Wing Starfighters are caught in a dog fight with Separatist Vulture Droids.

They swarmed all over the skies like bees hovering over a black bear taking their honey.

'To the left side of the planes,' the droid army pushes forward on all sides. They continue to gain ground throughout the battlefield as the Republic struggles to hold them back.

Nine AAT Tanks push straight into the wide open grassy planes pushing the Republic lines farther and farther away. To the rear, three Spider Droid Walkers lay heavy fire on the trenches dug into the rocks, and four Hailfire Droid Tanks roll through out the battlefield firing dozens of heat seekers at the Walkers. To the very front of the battle, hundreds and thousands of B1 battle droids and B2 Super battle droids march in picture perfect rows. Every time one droid got shot down, three more took its place.

The battle continued to rage on, neither side was advancing or retreating. Both armies were in a deadlock.

But at this point the Separatist seemed to have the upper hand in this fight. They kept pushing and pushing slaughtering every clone that stood in their way.

On top of one of the rocky hills, an AT-TE turret shatters an HDT. The tanks two large wheels separate flying into the air in opposite directions.

An AAT fires ground missiles at one of the AT-TE's. Both of its front legs were destroyed and the Walker was completely stuck. An HDT fires a barrage of three heat seekers-upon impact the Walker burst into flames sending a group of troopers flying a few feet in the air. The crew of the Walker climbed out as the fire consumed them. They screamed in total agony until a few blaster shots put them out of their misery.

Only two AT-TE's were left in the Republic army. But they were still in the fight and they were not giving up.


Inside the battle a squad of five clone troopers travel inside the trenches. The squad leader was wearing grey and white armor with two blaster pistols at his waist. One of them he held out at the ready.

The squad ran closer and closer to the battle while they kept their heads down. Tank fire exploded all around them where ever they ran to. Then they finally came to a stop at the closest trench near the front. One of the clones peak over to get a good look at the area. After a couple seconds enemy fire ricochets off the ground nearly hitting his face.

He quickly ducks into cover with the rest. The squad leader checked his surroundings before giving his attention to the others. His name was Sergeant Winter, commanding officer of the Frost Bite Legion!

(Sergeant Winters Phase II Armor)

( Frost Bite Legion Clone Troopers)

The four clones behind him were: Haxsaul, Havoc, Bravo and Techno!

Winter was armed with two blaster pistols, 'as was mentioned earlier,' a couple thermal detonators, an army knife, and a scope connected to his helmet.

Winter knew that this whole battle seemed pointless. The enemies numbers were growing and his men were losing ground faster than they could retake it. They had to find a way to push the clankers back, otherwise Draco 1 would fall into the hands of the Sepratist.

"Alright boy's listen up" he pulls out a holo map to reveal the battlefield.

"The Separatist are placing all their forces here in the center of the outskirts of WhiteHaven. So far they've gained a lot of ground and are only a few hundred miles from the capital."

"Don't tell me you're thinking about surrendering to the clankers" one the clones asked with concern!?

"No Haxsaul" Winter replied. "We haven't been beaten, not yet. We can still win this fight!"

"Good! Because if you were thinking about giving up then I would've knocked you out and tied you up until you came to your senses" Havoc teased as he replied.

"Isn't that considered assaulting your commanding officer Havoc" Techno asked?

"Nope, it's called 'showing your brother that he's not thinking straight and that your trying to help him." Techno rolled his eyes inside of his helmet after hearing that horrible response.

Havoc wasn't the brightest trooper on the squad but he was the strongest-even when it came to destroying things. He wasn't given the name Havoc for no reason.

"Alright focus up boys!" Winter made a gesture with his hand to get their attention. "The clankers are tearing us to peace's. We need to keep them at bay so our forces can regroup."

"So what do you propose we do Winter" Techno asked? "It's not like we can take the whole droid army down with one blow!"

"As a matter of fact, that's exactly what we're gonna do."

"Wait WHAT!? Winter, please tell me you're not serious!?"

"Yes I am serious Bravo! Here's what we're gonna do. Since the seppi's have to bring all their forces here that gives us an advantage to take more of them out. 'While our brothers retreat to regroup,' we will provide them cover to keep the clankers off their backs. Since this battle is in favor of the enemy, we have no choice but to fall back to the capital and regroup all our forces. Once all the clones have retreated we will lead the enemy to this narrow canyon just three hundred yards out from our position. We will then set thermal detonators throughout the canyon and wait for the droids to march right into our trap. From there we will set the bombs off and watch the entire canyon crush their metal bodies to scrap!!!"

Havoc, Bravo, Techno and Haxsaul looked at each other. They muttered in total delight to the idea.

"Okay NOW THATS A PLAN" Havoc shouted. Artillery fire impacts the ground a couple feet behind them.

"Glad you like the idea Havoc, because you're gonna be the one setting up the charges while Techno and Bravo provide you cover."

"AGH, why do I have to plant charges? I'm not made to set up bombs I'm made to cause HAVOC!!!!!"

"I think that's why he's having you set the bombs Havoc, because technically you do cause 'havoc' wherever you go" Techno said in a teasing way.

"Hey hey thanks for tha.........wait a minute was that a compliment?"

"Looks like we'll never know!"

"BOYS" Winter shouted. "Stay FOCUSED! The Republic and all the people of Draco 1 are counting on us, so let's not let them down. Techno and Haxsaul you two cover the west side of the field, Havoc and Bravo you boys take the east side. I'll take the center! Make sure to contact me when your area is clear. No Soldier gets left behind, UNDERSTOOD?"

"SIR YES SIR" they shouted in unison!!!


They separate and run towards their asigned ares. Explosions and blaster fire came from all across the battlefield.

Winter took out his blaster pistols and shoots down a few droids marching through the first trench he came across.

Techno and Haxsaul lay down cover fire for the other clones as they spread the orders to retreat. The troops scramble from the trenches and head towards the rocky hills beyond.

Havoc and Bravo started blasting every droid that approached them. From left to right the clankers came and seemed to overwhelm them at every turn. But Havoc relished the thought of ripping a few droids apart. Even when he was outmatched.

Behind him Bravo spotted an AAT Tank shooting down every clone and AT-RT it came across.

He ran towards it holding onto his blaster rifle while contacting Havoc through his coms.

"Havoc?!! I have a plan. You love blowing things up right?"

"You bet your credits I do. Why do you ask brother" Havoc replied.

"There's a Separatist tank picking off our boys we need to take it down. You in?"


Bravo hid behind a destroyed Walker. He peeked around the corner and saw the AAT attacking another AT-TE trying to escape.

"Alright Bravo what are we doing?"

The AAT turns its back to Bravo and Havoc. A droid commander pops the top of the hatch open and scans around the area. Bravo remains hidden behind the destroyed AT-TE.

"Okay Havoc here's what we'll do. I'll distract the AAT crew by laying fire on the tank. Once I have their attention on me you sneak up from behind and hijack it. Then take out as much of the enemies forces as possible!"

"HA HA HA I LIKE HOW YOU THINK BROTHER. Just say the word and I'll get it done!"

"Alright, I'm going in!" Bravo rushes into the scene and lays fire on the AAT. The droid confer turned to him and yelled out to the crew.

"We got a stray behind us. Shift us into attack position and turn the cannon around!"
The whole tank shifts positions and turns the large cannon towards Bravo.

He ducks into cover just in time before the tank fires. The ground explodes behind Bravo as dirt splatters over his armor.

The AAT moves closer to his position. He runs for more cover while firing at the tank again! The cannon fires again, this time it nearly hit Bravo but misses by a few feet. The power of the impact blew him off of his feet.

Havoc must have seen that as his cue to move in, because the next thing that happened was he rushed toward the AAT and dismantled every clanker inside.

Bravo could hear their whiny voices screaming out in fear. To be honest he felt kind of sorry for those droids. But not enough to stop Havoc.

Before the AAT turret could fire again it shifted to its normal position. Just then the hatch popped open and Havoc peaked his head up.

"Good to Go!!!" He shouted. Bravo gave him a thumbs up before returning fire on a few B2's marching toward him.


"MY PLEASURE!!!!!" Havoc shouted through the comlink!

The rogue AAT fired heavily on the other Separatist tanks it came across. They were completely taken by surprise.

Havoc was DEFINITELY ENJOYING THIS I mean he was like a little kid in a candy store. Only this candy can blow something up to smithereens.

He took down two enemy tanks in his way as he drove towards the battlefield. Havoc took a few hits to the side of the tank and one to the front, but he still kept going.

Bravo ran over to one of the trenches to help a fellow trooper who was stuck underneath some debris. He started digging and digging until he finally got his brother out. Then he lifted him up out of the trench and brought him to safety.

A few clone troopers came over to help their injured brother. After that Bravo continued to provide cover for the other clones as the droids moved in closer, in all sides.


In the center of the battle Winter covered a few troopers from getting picked off by vulture droids. Three B1's came at him in full charge from on the ground. He took a sheet of metal to cover himself from enemy blaster fire. Then he threw it at the droid in the middle, shot the one on the left, and tackled the last one 'snapping it's head off as soon as it said,'

"HAULT, drop your weapon and surrendddddddddddddd....................der....der....derrrreeeee." Winter threw the droids head like garbage.

Suddenly he heard a sound coming from right behind him. He turned to see another droid appear before him, but it wasn't a B1 or a B2, it was one of the worst droids that the Separatist ever made.

A Droideka!!!

"Oh KRIFF!!!" Winter cursed to himself. He ran for cover as the droideka or destroyer, 'as some of the clones call them' fired on his position.

Winter hid behind an over turned AT-RT, blaster fire came heavily upon him. The destroyer came closer to him every time it took a shot.

Winter took his blasters and fired back but the shots just deflected off the droids deflector shield. Of course destroyers have their own shields how could he possibly forget that.

There was no way to destroy this thing without him getting hit in the process.

Suddenly the destroyer stopped and rolled behind Winters cover. It reopened it's shields and started firing again. Winter 'quickly thinking ahead' dived out of the way. He ran as fast as he could keeping a good distance from that rolling death ball!

But it was gaining on him no matter how fast he ran. Seeing his opportunity to take it out he took his two blaster pistols and was able to hit it twice. But the destroyer still kept coming.

Winter hid in a trench, blaster fire ripped the ground apart blowing dirt everywhere.

Winter, 'while sitting there helpless,' remembered that the only way to destroy this droid was to roll a thermal detonator slowly through its shields.

But to do that someone would have to distract the destroyer!

"Boys!" Winter spoke through the comlink. "I have a droideka who's got me pinned and I need help."

"I got you covered brother, hold on I'm coming to ya." Winter looked up and saw Haxsaul sneaking up behind the destroyer.

He fires his blaster rifle and manages to get its attention. It turns around and starts firing at Haxsual.

Now was Winters chance to act. He climbed out of the trench, took out the thermal detonator and ran towards the droid.

He then slides on the ground and rolled the grenade towards the droid. It was able to penetrate the droids shields!

The droideka looks down to see it activate-its head pops up with a few grunts when the grenade finally explodes.

Pieces of the droideka fly everywhere on the field in front of Winter.

"Thanks for having my back brother. I thought I was a goner there."

"No problem Winter. You owe me a drink when this is over" Haxsaul replied with a chuckle.

As if right on cue an explosion erupts down in the fields. The black and red cloud emerges into the sky and ash begins to fall everywhere hitting both clones like snow from Hoth.

"WE HAVE TO GO. WE HAVE TO GO NOW WE'RE ALL CLEAR LET'S GO, GO GO GO!" It was Bravo shouting as he ran towards both Winter and Haxsaul.

Behind him Techno falls in line with him trying to keep up. Winter and Haxsaul start running as enemy fire overwhelms their position.


"Yes they all got out" Techno responded.

They all ran as fast as they could keeping themselves as far away from the droids as possible. They kept firing at them but every shot missed them all.

They cleared the field and managed to reach the rocks leading to the canyon. The sounds of enemy tank fire echoed throughout the skies.


Winter and the others ran for a long time until they finally approached their rendezvous destination. They finally stop as they gasp for air. They made it. They got most of their brothers out. Everything seemed to be going pretty well.

While they were relaxing Winter noticed something out of the ordinary. They were missing something, or rather SOME ONE.

"Wait a minute" he said in confusion. "Where's Havoc? What happened to Havoc where the kriff is he-did anyone see him?"

"I did. He was driving an AAT towards the droid lines" Bravo said. "He told me to get the rest of us out while bought us time to escape."


"HE TOLD ME TO LEAVE HIM. After he took over the tank he held off the clankers and then told me to gather you all and run so I......."

"So you just LISTENED to him?!!" Techno asked.

"I'm going back to get him" Winter said. But before he could leave Bravo blocked his way and placed a hand on his chest.

"You can't go back for him THATS SUICIDE, and the clankers have got that place completely overrun!"




( Winters POV )

Those four words completely took my breath away. I didn't believe it at first because I knew Havoc. He was strong, sometimes crazy, but also impossible to kill. There's no way he's............

Bravo took off his helmet, and looked at me with his eyes. When I looked at them closely, I knew deep down that he was telling the truth.

"'s not possible it's......" I was having a hard time coping with the truth. I eventually found a rock to sit down on. I then removed my helmet revealing my white hair.

My heart felt very empty like someone had ripped a hole inside. I felt tears attempting to come out but I refused to let them show. Then when I had the strength, I turned my attention to Bravo again.

"How..........did he die?"

"While he the AAT, he charged into the droid lines firing every gun he had control of. For a moment he had the enemy taken off guard......until"

Bravo stopped for a second to catch his breath. I wasn't impatient because I knew what he was feeling.

"He didn't see it coming but a Hailfire Droid fired three heat seekers. One missed but the other two hit the tank he was in. Making it nothing but scrap. He was still alive.....but he was stuck. Pieces of the tank had impaled him, trapping him inside. I tried to help him..........but the whole area he was in was swarming with the clankers. He told me to run and to get all of us out while we still had time. He covered our escape until he was completely surrounded, once he realized he was about to be overrun........he overloaded the tanks power core causing the entire thing to explode. He managed to take out most of the enemies numbers. Along with himself."

I looked away when I couldn't listen to the details anymore. Apart of me was angry and sad at the same time. If only I had been there to help him then maybe he would still be alive.

In war you may not be able to save everyone, but the only thing you can do is focus on the ones you still can save.

Still it didn't make it easier for me or the others to bear the loss of Havoc.
Haxsaul picked up a rock and threw it at a boulder near by, 'screaming out in rage as he threw it.'

Bravo whipped tears from his eyes and Techno was without words. He didn't say much but judging by his facial expression, I could tell he was hurting.

Then our heads lifted up when we heard explosions off in the distance. The clankers were coming, and we needed to complete our objective.

Havoc would've wanted us to keep going and finish the mission. Continue the fight, until the battle is won.

I stood up to face the rest of my squad, 'saving all my energy to unleash on the enemy.'

"Alright......listen up. We will grieve for our brother later but right now, every second counts for us completing our mission. So let's get it done. For Havoc!"

"FOR HAVOC" they said in unison!

"Techno find the highest peak and keep an eye on the clankers. You let me know THE MINUTE you see them!"

"Copy that!" He ran with his weapon strapped to his back and started climbing on the rocks.

"Haxsaul you and I will set the charges, Bravo you point out the best areas for us to place them. We want to stop the enemy dead in their tracks."

"I'll get a full read out of the area" Bravo responded.

Haxsaul nodded before saying, "let's bury these fraggin droids!"

I put my helmet back on and we spilt up to cover more ground. Haxsaul and I grabbed our packs with the charges while Bravo started scanning the rocks for weak points.

He was able to find quite a few of them actually. I hadn't heard anything new from Techno so the droids must still be far away from our position.

"Okay I've marked the areas and weak points within these rocks. Just place the charges near the orange markings."

Haxsaul and I did what Bravo said and started planting the charges at the weak points to every boulder.

I was still having a hard time excepting the fact that Havoc was gone! It wasn't just ten or fifteen minutes ago that I had spoken to him. I gave him orders and that was it. He had no second thoughts he just did what I told him.

He was a soldier, like me, like all of us. Havoc 'like any soldier' did his duty, followed orders and protected those he was suppose to protect.

Now he was gone. Honestly there were times when he drove me and the other's crazy with his jokes and sarcasm. But now I wanted nothing more then to hear one more joke out of his mouth.

Sadly, it will never happen. But I can't let that distract me from my mission. We're gonna win this battle, and we are gonna end this war. Whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes!


We were just about done planting the last of the charges on the rocks when I suddenly heard Techno call out to us.

"Droids!!! A hundred yards and closing fast. We gotta go now!"

"Alright!" I spoke up. "Let's rap this up we only got one shot at this so let's make it count."

Haxsaul planted the last bomb in between to large boulders. They looked like they were ready to fall at any second.

He finally finished and we grabbed our gear heading towards cover. We needed to get as far away as possible from the explosives, because the last thing that we wanted was to get killed by our own bombs!

I could hear the droids marching echo throughout the canyon. It sounded like they were getting closer. Those clankers might walk slow but they can still manage to catch up.

We were all on the other side of the canyon and we started climbing towards the peak of this large boulder above us.

The climb was difficult but we were able to make it to the top. We then waited for the clankers to approach us.

The sounds got closer and closer and closer. Until finally they peaked their metal heads round the corner.

I waited for the right moment to tell Techno to light up the fireworks.

They marched all together in unison keeping themselves in their picture perfect rows. Then the AAT's appeared behind them. After that we could see the spider droid walkers bringing up the rear.

"Now?" Techno asked.

"No. Not yet, not yet. Let them come all the way in. We want to bury as many of them as possible."

We waited and waited holding our breaths as we continued to watch the droids March closer to our position.

Haxsaul was getting impatient. I could see him shaking a bit to my left. But aside from that we still kept on waiting.

"Winter there almost on top of us, how are we playing this brother?" Bravo asked!

"Almost, let 'em have it!!!!!"

Techno pressed the detonator and immediately the bombs exploded one after the other. The force of the explosives were so great that it seemed like the entire canyon was shaken to its core.

The rocks came crashing down on the clankers like a great reckoning. In a panic the enemy scattered all around the canyon. But they were unable to escape. Every boulder and every rock came crashing down on them.

Then when the rumbling stopped and the whiny droid voices ceased, the dust finally settled. And all that we saw was a pathway complete blocked off by large boulders.

The boys and I shouted to the top of our lungs in celebration. Now that the pathway was blocked off, it would slow down the Separatist from advancing on the capital.

This part of the battle was over, but the real battle for the entire planets survival, was just getting started!

Hey guy's!!!

Hope you enjoyed chapter 4 of 'Planet 65!!!!' This chapter was a little rough for me to write but it turned out really well after I read it.

Make sure to give it a like or leave a comment below once you're done. Anyways have a great day and God Bless!

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