Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

193K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Birthday Part 2

1.1K 42 6
By AnimeEagleScout

Sol system

Ben flew back to earth passing over Jupiter into the asteroid belt.

Ben loved Ultimate Jetray. The Slipspace, 4th dimension whatever the fuck it was felt soo good to just fly around in. Like an open country road with no cars on a shady afternoon.

Ultimate Jetray had the ability to straight up cruise in this environment instead of pushing to maintain it.

Looking around he saw the universe as just gravity. Like a grid pattern where larger objects distorted things.

[this. the entire Universe looks like a grid pattern with distortions when Jetray's in hyper space]

Ben had been doing spins till he suddenly had something touch him.

Looking around he saw something jump into and out of hyperspace.

A sound like a reverse whale. A high pitched sound had stopped him in his tracks.

"Ben Ben there are-" Trixie's voice faded from his mind as he was called to something like a siren.

1 hour later

Gwen was sitting with Charmcaster, Albeta and Grampa trying to contact Ben in the outskirts of town.

"I Can't find him!" Omni said "Trixie's not getting through and his badge isn't answering even going through my teather."

"Maybe he's enjoying his birthday?" Charmcaster said.

"He has alot of roaming charges doesn't he?" Albeta joked "Please explain that expression, Ben's used it before."

"Phones have dead zones where they can't connect to a tower." Gwen said.

"The Plumber badges have a galaxy spanning network." Max said "Ben's badge should work everywhere except another dimension or-"

Suddenly the Evolved Aerophibian has Portaled in atmosphere, upside down and sliding across the rocky terrain.

The group rushed over to see Ben in some kind of trance. His body twitching.

"Trix!" Omni shouted.

"I don't know! We were in Slipspace and suddenly Ben heard singing and...holy shit we were out of it for an hour?!" Trixie shouted through Gwen's Omnitrix.

Suddenly Ultimate Jetray started flopping like a fish as it tried to get off it's back.

Ben turned into Ultimate Chromastone suddenly a mass amount of energy got pulled into him then Ben got his awareness back as the static was absorbed.

"Wha?" Ben looked around "what happened?"

"That's what we'd like to know." Max said.

"I think...there was something in Slipspace." Ben said staggering to his feet "I...I think we should take the Legerdomain Portal instead of flying."

"Are you sure your good?" Max asked.

"Yes. Grampa Max." Ben said "I need you doing your part we discussed."

"Taken care of." Max said "We have till 7 to get back."

Ben nodded and asked Gwen if she wanted to do the honors.

Holding out her hand and performing the motions the Door to Anywhere appeared.

Entering Ledgerdomain they saw Sugalite speaking to the mages.

"Oh you all are back so soon." Sugalite said walking over.

"Headed to Galvan Prime." Ben said "You wanna come with?"

"Yes that would be helpful." Sugalite said.

"Gwen your up." Ben said.

"Galvan Prime." Gwen said.

The door opened to a massive city that seemed...different.

"Something's off." Gwen, Ben and Charmcaster said.

"I sense something..." Sugalite said before his eye widened "Oh damn it...them."

"What? Seems fine to..." Albeta stopped looking around the mass of Galvan's walking around...what was..."

Charmcaster raised her hand and a massive explosion in the center of a crowd had done nothing.

"Illusion!" Charmcaster said as everyone got into a ready stance.

"Halt!" A voice said before it phased through the ground.

"Oh Ben my boy good to see you." Helix said.

[I found what this guy was in the original art]

"Helix?" Ben asked "What's going on?"

"Oh were just keeping the old planet under hologram while we strip it for parts." Helix said "Happy Birthday to both of you."

"Hey Helix." Sugalite sighed.

"You know him?"

"Sugalite?! Good to see you old friend." The Mechamorph reached over.

"Please refrain from touching me." Sugalite said holding up a hand.

"Still don't want me getting that blueprint." Helix said chuckling.

"Still refusing to give it to you. In any dimension." Sugalite said.

"So what brings you to the new Mechamorph Prime?" Helix asks.

"Wrong place." Ben said.

"Sorry that was my bad." Omni said "I think Galvan Prime and I think where I was built."

"Not a problem dear. Would you all like a ride to New Galvan Prime?" Helix asked.

"Sure." Charmcaster, Ben and Gwen said.

"Glad for the opportunity." Albeta said.

"No." Sugalite said.

"Majority vote." Helix said as they all started glowing and teleported.

Galvan Prime 2.0

The group appeared on Galvan-B and Gwen was wide eyed and excited to see an alien world.

"Wow." Gwen said crouching down feeling the ground.

"Yep the entire planet is the same stuff me and Trixie are made of." Omni said.

"It's so weird, you being so unbreakable compared to whatever earth can make yet you just..." Gwen stopped before saying "Came out of the ground."

"Yep the piece of Trogen were hand picked from this same lands." Omni said "Me and Trix's pieces were fabricated from scratch but Upgrade and Trogen, Born and raised on this place."

"Really?" Ben said "I didn't know Upgrade was actually chosen."

"Oh not only that." Helix said "Trogen and Upgrade are the blueprint for every single Nanomachine born.'

"Wait Nanomachine?" Gwen asked "Aren't Mechamorphs...all the Nanomachines?"

Helix and Albeta laughed "No you see every Nanomachine on the planet is a Mechamorph. They just find pairs they prefer to stay with and that pair found more friends and they decided to function as one being, specializing in a task to make an even better being."

"It's like if your organs had to agree to actually join together to become you." Albeta said.

"So how come Mechamorph's can't reabsorb a piece?"

"Because a new one is already being built by the time it gets cut off and the energy that makes up us has already repelled against the starting mass." Helix said "Would you like to meet your original pieces?"

"That be pretty cool." Gwen said.

With a flash there were two more Mechamorph's standing there.

The two suddenly could hear so many voices speaking.

"Woah are we hearing-" Gwen started.

"The voices of the Mechamorphs." Helix said "And 3V3-A and Upgrade are on their way.

A glowing blue mass slicked out the ground.

"Hey." She said looking at Gwen "Nice

The two blue Mechamorphs looking at one another and snapped their fingers "Cute."

"What the fuck?!" Ben exclaimed.

"Hello." The mass that just grew out the ground Towered over Upgrade.

"Uh why is he..." Charmcaster started.

"He's one of the oldest." Helix said "He's also the leader of the Battle Forms."

"Battle forms?" Charmcaster asked.

"Yep, the task force of our most trained soldiers running through the very simulation using the prototype of Albedo's Evolution Simulation." Helix said.

"What?!" Albeta shouted.

"Oh yes we were asked to dispose of it by the council and well it was quite useful preparing for-" Helix started.

The pale Omnitrix weilder hadn't listened as she realized her life's work was disposed of.

"Is... is my.... Albedo's stuff..." Albeta stammered.

"I believe it's still in the Great Thinkers building." Helix says "The Mechamorphs felt a few things seemed important."

"Was there..." Albeta gulped "There was a box."

Helix beeped a few times and said "Yes it's there."

"We'll get it for you." Ben says putting a hand on her.

The shuttle ride was filled with Gwen asking questions and the Mechamorph's happy to speak about their planet and people.

Sugalite was floating seeming to be unwilling to touch anything.

"You good man?" Ultra asked in the weird Crystal Talk that Sugalite understood.

"I do not trust Helix." Sugalite 'said' "He is...a Collector of tech. Eager to learn everything and that includes me."

"Makes sense, your one my best guys. Hell tied with Upgrade your a-"


"Badass." Ultra corrected "It is an honor to have you in the roster and an honor to be the one you trust with a backup of your people."

"My creation was first thought to be the beginning of the end of my people. Believing it was foolish to construct a God and thinking they could control it."

"They didn't have to. They treated you as a man and cared for you." Ultra says "Hero's often get shit from people scared of how much power they hold but when we actually care about the people we save and we don't bullshit...the words of the haters just become that. Words. That fall of you like water off a ducks back."

"I've heard you speak those same words every time the simulation had the chance." Sugalite smiled "I'm glad your heroics is strong enough to survive millions of years of damnation."

"Hey where's the fun in a world of no rules?" Ultra chuckled "Seriously thou how are we talking? Like Trix and Omni can communicate using the Omni-Teather and me and Trix talk using the Nerve in my arm and the Nanites but I kinda want an explanation on this."

"Your gem is Sentient." Sugalite said "Your mana mixed with it has breathed into it. I'm surprised at how close together the merge is. Like, the entire Ultimatrix IS the gemstone."

"Yeah...not sure how exactly I did that." Ben rubbed the back of his neck "If you can speak to gems...can you hear Albeta's?"

"The material that makes up her device blocks my ability to but if it is opened I could speak with it if enough of her mana had seeped into it." Sugalite said.

"I'm starting to think there's more to these Polymorphic Crystal's then we think." Ultra said.

"Yours held a great anger before. I could tell from my brief times but it has calmed." Sugalite said "I believe I would like a conversation with a few Polymorphic Crystals if given the chance. They have peeked my interest."

"You're a little quiet there, Ben." Gwen said.

"Just...having a conversation." Ben said.

Part 2 done

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