A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)

By kayle315

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10 years ago, the psychic, Genkai used her powers to create the only cure for the 'pulse' curse. a terrible... More

Ch 1: The Assessment
Ch 2: Preparations
Ch 3: A Fox in Human Skin
Ch 4: Introductions
Ch 5: The Library
Ch 6: The Rooftop
Ch 7: Conditions
Ch 8: Weekend at Genkai's
Ch 9: The Competition Begins!!
Ch 10: Revelations
Ch: 11 Choices Made
Ch 12: To Trap A Fox
Ch 13: New Beginnings
Ch 14: Adjusting
Ch 15: Girl's Day Out!!!
Ch 16: Valentine's Day
Ch 17: Team Up! The Missions Begin!
Ch: 18 Familiar scents
Ch 19: Ruminations
Ch 20: The Dog
Ch 21: Consequences
Ch 22: Moving forward
Ch 23: Sleepover!!!
Ch 24: Territorial Demon Men!!!
Ch 25: Double Date
Ch 26: Showtime!!
Ch: 27: Sixteen
Ch 28: The Letter
Ch 29: Gates of Betrayal
Ch 30: Gift of the Forest
Ch 31: Kuwabara's Bright Idea!!!
Ch 32: Sheer Dumb Luck
Ch 34: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!
Ch 35: The Trap
Ch 36: Detonation
Ch 37: Aftermath
Ch 38: The Gift
Ch 39: New Mission: Rescue the Ice Maiden Yukina!!!
Ch. 40: The Invitation
Ch 41: The Cabin
Ch. 42: The Glade
Bonus Chapter: Show Me
Ch. 43: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch. 44: Sunday
Ch 45: Foxfire
Ch 46. Preparations
Chapter 47: Departure
Ch. 48: The Uremeshi Team Sets Sail!

Ch 33: Fire and Ice

28 4 0
By kayle315

Yusuke and his friends ran through the passageway at top speed! Yumiko had hopped down from Kurama's shoulder again the moment they were out of that awful cavern, desperate to stretch her legs. She had placed a paw on Kuwabara's chest, using what little spirit energy she had regained to heal some of his more serious injuries, and somehow the boy seemed to have more energy than before!

As they reached the top of the stairway, she growled.

"What? You're kidding me!" Yusuke exclaimed as they took in the room before them. It was a circular chamber, with doors every three feet along the wall.

"Hn, it appears we've found a maze, in  Maze Castle." Hiei snarked.

"Well I guess that makes sense!" Yusuke admitted, and Yumi sat down with an audible huff, just as annoyed as the human boy.

"We must beware. It's something of a legend..." Kurama began, going over what Yoko could remember of the castle with his friends. "In the beginning, before the barrier wall was erected around the city, hundreds of bounty hunters came in search of the beasts. None succeeded, but the beasts never left their tower. Letting anyone who made it into the castle forfeit their lives to this maze." He paused, glancing around the room.

"There are fifteen doors, all but one leading to a dead end. There are no second attempts. Unavoidable traps line the incorrect passageways. So you see, a poor choice seals our fate..." He glanced down as he felt the fox press against his leg, and gave the most comforting smile he could manage in light of the impossible decision before them.

Yusuke nearly took a step back at the weight of that choice, then turned to face Kuwabara.

"Okay, Mr. Sensative. This one's all yours!" He said, and Yumiko couldn't help but nodin agreement. She had watched as they took on Genkai's challenge, and Kuwabara had gotten the highest marks for spirit awareness by far! She still had trouble believing he had made it through the entire dark forest without a scratch!! If anyone could get them out of this mess, it was Kazuma Kuwabara!

Kuwabara made a small noise of concentration as he studied each door, his eyes quickly narrowing on one in particular.

"The second door on the left..."

Yumiko glanced to that door, and cocked her head to the side, trying to sense whatever he had. A certain familiar scent came from behind it, and she hoped it wasn't from a beast...

"You heard the man, let's go!" Yusuke said without hesitation, but Hiei scoffed.

"How do we know he's not making a mistake?"

Kuwabara pushed past the fire demon and made his way over to the door.

"I'm sorry shorty. Maybe it's not your thing, but you're just gonna have to trust me on this one. I know! There's something big behind that door."

Yumiko jumped to her paws as the impatient ginger wasted no more time allowing the others to argue, and pushed the door open. 'I guess we're going that way!!' She thought in irritation, and both demons beside her nodded in response.

That smell grew stronger as the door creaked open, and the snarl was already leaving her lips. She wasn't exactly sure what she expected, some bipedal beast like Byakko perhaps, or a giant rat, or something... Certainly not the tiny mouse that peered back at them through the doorway.

She blinked.
The mouse blinked.
Kazuma blinked.


She watched in stunned silence as the big oaf fell backwards, still shrieking.

'He's dumber than an ogre!!' She thought in irritation, heavily considering biting the idiot boy and giving him something to actually be afraid of, but the thought of human blood on her teeth made her stomach turn. Hiei and Kurama both simply nodded again to her thought, though Kurama did send back, 'That is truly unkind, Yumiko...' He wasn't too upset though, considering the thought came through as a chuckle.

"Gee Kuwabara, and that speech of yours was getting sooo dramatic!" Yusuke laughed, possibly so as not to throttle the oaf.


(In the tower)

"Very surprising!" The master spoke as the remaining beasts watched in the crystal orb. "Somehow, they have chosen the correct door. We can hardly have it said that the Four Saint Beasts, welcome guests so far into their home... I'm sorry, the two Saint Beasts is more accurate now..." He added with a calm, emotionless voice.

"I shall take them, Master." The remaining beast said, bowing low. "You and I both know that Genbu and Byakko had become soft in these years of containment."

He rose, making his way over to the orb. "Their tenderfoot mistakes shall not be repeated."

The master thought for a moment, then nodded. "Very well Seiryu, but bring the kitsune to me. Both kitsune. If they have completed that bond, then we'll need to ensure that boy stays alive until she can serve her purpose."

Seiryu nodded silently, then turned, and made his way down the stairs.


(Back in the human world)

Maru carefully knocked out another of the infected humans, forming a perimeter so Botan could safely make her call. He had been rendered nearly unconscious from the pain only moments before, but as quickly as the bloodstone in his chest had seared his flesh, it had silenced. Yumiko had been hurt, he was sure of that... but whatever caused that pain seemed to have been dealt with.

At any rate, he knew she was still alive. He himself would have perished otherwise. So he focused on the task at hand, grabbing another human that tried to make its way to the shinigami as she spoke with Lord Koenma. There was no more aid to be sent, so for now the task remained up to them.

She ended the communication, and gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Looks like it's still just us!" She tried to sound hopeful, optimistic... but at this rate, even if the others succeeded, it may very well be too late. He returned the gesture with a gentle smile of his own, though it quickly turned to a frown as the device rang again.

"Oh dear..." she murmured, flipping the compact open once more. "Shizuru, is everything all right?"

"We had to abandon the pub. I brought the others to Mako's apartment, if you need to regroup... We're safe here but there's something you should probably know..."

Botan gasped as Shizuru spun the compact around, giving her a full view of the destroyed apartment.

"OH DEAR!!! What on earth happened there???" She asked as Maru moved to view the apartment as well, a snarl deep in his throat. Someone had defiled Yumiko's den... there would be hell to pay...

"There was this weird demon bird thing when we got here!!! I hit it hard, but it got away! Sorry, Maru..." Kenji explained, ducking his head as the demon glared through the communicator.

"Alright, well... do what you can to stay safe. Maru and I will meet up with you when we can, just sit tight for now! I'll let Yusuke and the others know about the apartment!"

With that, she hung up the device, and turned to Maru. She stared at him as he snarled, his skin crackling just like the first night she saw him, those eyes like burning embers, and sighed.

"Come on, you... We've got a city to save..." Her voice was more quiet, more reserved, and the tenor of it snapped him out of his brooding just as quickly as it had before. The gentle smile had nearly returned when he saw her body stiffen.

"Oh no..." she whimpered, and turned to her left. The smell of blood hit his nose, and he turned to see why the shinigami had paled. A young girl lay sprawled on the ground, not even 20 meters from where they stood, an infected human standing over her with a bloodied knife.


His eyes blazed once more, and he raised a hand. This was her city. Yumiko's city... and these monsters were destroying it...

"Lance..." he said quietly, and a single plume of fire shot out, whip thin as it raced for the human, choking the man as it raged inside of him.

"NOOOO!! YOU MUSTN'T KILL-" Botan screamed, terrified for demon and human both, but cut off as Maru snapped the lance, drawing the makai insect out in it's grasp. The human collapsed to the ground, and she raced forward, ready to heal him. As she examined him however, she released a desperate sigh. His throat was hardly singed. He would likely believe he had simply come down with a cough when he woke. Maru strode forward, snapping the insect between his fingers.

"Will you allow this method?" He asked, his voice hoarse as his eyes remained on that girl.

Botan nodded, unable to voice a response as she turned to the body as well.

"I have to..."

"I know." He cut her off, placing a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "Go, I'll behave until you return." He said, before sending out another fire lance, rendering another human unconscious as well.

Botan nodded with a small sniffle, and reached out to the spirit, just now waking from her body. "Come on sweetheart, I'll take you home..."


Yumiko looked up at the massive door with the others, taking note of the intricate carvings at either side. Though it did look quite impressive, Kurama seemed to be the only one with any concern.

"Are we supposed to be scared?" Hiei asked, clearly unimpressed by the decor. On either side of the doorway, sat two dragon sculptures, one with its mouth open wide, and teeth bared.

"Perhaps." Kurama answered, his knowledge as unfaltering as ever. "That is the mark of the blue dragon, and judging from the odor I'd say the beast is inside."

"Yeah, and he doesn't feel very nice!" Kuwabara added.

All five skipped a breath as the doors suddenly lurched open, and Yumiko shivered as a blast of cold air ran through her fur. If Byakko's room had been an oven, this was the freezer!

Yusuke didn't balk at the cold, and strode into the room without a word, leaving the others to follow. Kurama glanced in her direction, but said, nor sent anything, trusting her to stay close. She kept him within tail's length, touching his pants leg with the tip of her tail every now and then, but preferring to walk, rather than spend another moment confined to a shoulder. Even if it was his shoulder.

The room was large, and well ornamented. It was clear this beast had a taste for finery, though it was difficult to see more than a few feet ahead of them as a thick, freezing mist filled most of the space with ease. Yusuke glanced back over his shoulder as the door shut behind them, and Yumi forced her fur to stay flat. 'Well, there's no going back now...' She thought dryly.

"This fog's alive..." Kurama said a bit cautiously, and tugged through the bond. Yumiko responded by sidestepping closer to him, and pressing her flank against his leg.

"Must be a form of spirit energy coming from our beast's body." Hiei added, just before a voice called out from the mists.

They all tensed as a slow, quiet voice called from the fog.

"You have done very well to come this far... but I will no longer allow you to disgrace my master." It said.

"Where's that voice coming from?" Kuwabara asked.

"I don't know!" Yusuke began in frustration. "Come out now, dragon! This whole hide-and-seek thing is getting pretty lame!!"

There was a crackle in the air, then a 'bwip' and Yumiko gasped, going stiff against Kurama's leg as she recognized the sound. She had no time to issue a warning as that fog pulsed inward, then exploded around them! She braced, her fear-scent emanating from her, in anticipation for the pain of that explosion, but found it was only air...

'What?' She thought aloud, as both of her telepathic companions relaxed slightly. An illusion. She blinked, then snarled viciously at the ice demon now in front of them, having run out of patience entirely for his trick!

Standing across the room was a twelve foot tall male, with green-tinted skin and golden eyes, his black hair mostly hidden by a blue cap that matched his uniform. He wore a sash, shaped like a blue dragon that wrapped around his waist, chest, and shoulders, and wore the most grim expression she had ever seen.'I'll bet he's a blast at parties...' She thought dryly, and though he did not respond, she could sense a jolt of displeasure from her bond at the pitiful attempt at a joke.

"As you request." He began, but paused for a moment as Kuwabara shouted.

"A GIANT!!!" He exclaimed, and she nearly snorted! Clearly Kazuma was used to being the tall one.

"You may call me Seiryu. I am here now to end your lives, intruders."He grinned, a chuckle on his lips. "Except for you..." He added, gazing across to lock eyes with Kurama. "I have been instructed to offer, an invitation to you and your... pet. It seems my master would to have a word with you."

Kurama stilled, and summoned her to his shoulder once more with a sharp mental prod. She responded immediately, and leapt up as he spoke.

"I'm afraid we will have to decline..."

"Oh," Seiryu smiled, unreturned by his response. "I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I assure you, there will be no turning down his request."

"Well, he's no dragon, but he is ugly." Yusuke said, trying to psych himself up for the fight.

"It is not wise to say such things to you executioner..." The demon began, but paused, narrowing his eyes. He cocked his head in annoyance, glancing to the door behind them.

"It appears we have another guest.."

Yumiko's ears twitched, the sounds of pained moans and something crawling making them itch. 'Something's coming...' She thought, then tensed as Kuwabara recognized the sound as well.

"Guys... I don't know how to tell you this... uh, but..."

Hiei tensed, turning to the passageway.

"It's coming from behind us!"

They turned, stunned as Byakko shoved open the door, battered and burned.

"You must help me..."

"You're joking..." Yusuke managed, before darting to the side of the room with the others.

'How is that thing still alive??? Maybe the myth about cats having nine lives is true!' Yumiko thought, and Kurama winced. 'Your jokes are getting worse by the minute...' He chided in thought, eyes focused on the beast as it stumbled past.

"Please Seiryu... These cowards, they tricked me in my own lair! They hid their true powers from me until the end! You must help me recover..." Byakko plead, looking rather pitiful as he made his way across the room to his companion.

"I knocked that guy in the lava!!!" Kuwabara spat incredulous.

"What does it take to kill this guy?" Yusuke asked, bracing for a fight.

"WEAKLING!" Even Seiryu's shouts were fairly soft. "How dare you dishonor us further?"

"Please Seiryu!!" Byakko begged again, still approaching the demon.

"You are no longer wanted here. You are disgraced!" The ice demon went on, raising his hands to attack.

"No... Seiryu!" Byakko drew out the name, no longer approaching but still begging as Seiryu's hand glowed blue, the very air around him growing colder.
"I can help you destroy them! It was a small mistake!!!"

Seiryu ignored him, and as soon as his attack was charged, he struck.

A gust of air so cold it froze anything it touched slammed into Byakko, and within heartbeats, it was over.

"What the...?" Yusuke mumbled, watching in disbelief as Byakko's cries of pain and terror cut off abruptly.

For a moment, there was only silence, then...

"He's frozen!" Kuwabara said, in just as much disbelief as he stared at the now ice sculpture that had been his own personal nightmare for hours.

Without warning, Seiryu leapt into the air, and aimed a kick straight for Byakko's chest, shattering the frozen tiger to pieces until only his head remained. Landing, he smiled maliciously to himself, and turned to face them all once more.

"Hmm, you were right about my fog of energy. By lowering it to subzero temperatures, I can wrap my enemy in ice."

Yumiko felt her fur stand on end, and she made herself small, pressing into Kurama's neck. This was one enemy she did not wish to face.

'He's cruel...' She thought, immediately thinking back to the cruel demons who had attacked her village, and more... the dog who attacked her...

'Stay with me, Yumi.' Kurama's kind voice broke her out of those thoughts, and she flexed her paws, willing the tension to settle. In truth, the red-head was struggling to stay calm himself. He would have liked nothing more to make the excuse of a demon pay for his mistreatment of a companion, but glanced to the side as he noticed a spike of fury that quite outweighed his own.

"You heartless bastard! How could you kill off your own friend?" Yusuke shouted, eyes blazing.

"Seiryu... why-? Aaaahhh..."

Yumiko let out a low, pained whine as the tiger gave its last words, ears folded down as she felt his confusion, and betrayal. It wasn't right... Genbu had been following orders, and Byakko had simply been a hunter who wished to hunt... That she could understand, but this thing?? He was a brute.. cold as the ice he manipulated.

"He was a weapon, not a friend, and like a cheap sword, he rusted." The brute began, then paused to spit on the frozen head.

Yumiko snapped momentarily, releasing a snarl with lips drawn and teeth bared, her hackles rising at the outright disrespect. 'I want to hurt him....' She thought through the snarl.

'As do I... but this is not our fight...' Kurama sent his own thought in response, then spoke aloud before she could argue, glaring across the room to where the self-proclaimed "Blue Dragon" smirked.

"This race of beasts has no loyalty. Alliances are formed strictly to gain power." He explained, somehow managing to keep his voice calm as ever.

"I don't care what kind of race they are! It's never right to kill your own teammate. Especially when they come asking you for help!" Kuwabara responded.

"This guy's pushed me too far... He's dead!!!" Yusuke raised his voice, but before he could take a single step, Hiei spoke.

"Save your anger!" He began, red eyes locked on the still frozen head. No... not on the head...

Yumiko cocked her head in curiousity as she let her seafoam eyes cross from the demon, to the teardrop he truly focused on. Byakko's tear.

A pit settled in her stomach, and her tail slid off of Kurama's shoulder as she saw the tear for the first time. 'For a beast like that to cry... It's wrong...' She thought grimly, silently praying to Kami for Byakko to find good hunting, wherever he ended up next.

After a few seconds, Hiei turned to the detective, eyes hard as he went on.
"You can take their leader... I insist this fight be mine!"

He didn't wait for an answer, but turned and padded further into the room. He stopped only a few feet away from what remained of the once proud hunter as Seiryu spoke again.

"Ah, shall you be first, Hiei?"

He didn't answer. Instead he stared the demon down for several breaths, then glanced to Byakko's head. That tear still visible. In one swift motion, he reached for the clasp on his cloak, removing it with one hand, and threw it over the demon's head; the only respect he could give, to the once legendary warrior.

Yumiko relaxed a little, and she could feel Kurama do the same at the small gesture, though the others didn't seem to understand it's weight.

Seiryu however, chuckled.

"Heheheh, What was that? Tell me you're not feeling sympathy for this, amateur. From your actions at the gate of betrayal I was hoping you had more of a warrior spirit."

With every word he spoke, the silent snarl on the fire-demon's face grew, and Yumi's excitement with it. She didn't know much about the loud, foul-mouthed little demon, but what she did know is that at least twice now he had gone toe-to-toe with Maru. That was more than enough to have her anticipating this fight. She leaned forward slightly, even as Kurama spoke.

"He's a puzzle, isn't he?" He asked, and the humans both turned to face him. Though his expression remained the same, Yumiko could sense his own curiosity bubbling up as he analyzed the demon.

"In times times before, I've seen Hiei act with similar cruelty. But something about Byakko's execution has caused great anger in him. Hiei seems to live by his own code with very complex rules, but one thing is for certain. Never before have I seen Hiei begin a fight using such an extraordinary amount of his spirit energy."

"Good... As long as he kicks some ass..." Yusuke said.

Yumiko thought over the words, as well as the respect and awe she was gathering through their bond, and had to swallow a snort! Kurama tensed, even before she sent the thought!
'Heheh you sound like you have a crush!!!' She sent with gleeful mischief, and he growled so quietly she was sure no one else would hear. 'What's wrong fox, do you feel threatened?' He sent back, and she bristled. 'Threatened... of him??? Yeah right! He's far to ugly for you! Besides, I bet he doesn't even know how to play rabbit!!'

'If you two don't shut your thoughts the hell up I swear to Kami above I will skin you both!!!'

Both fox and boy flinched visibly as the snarl of a thought pierced their minds, and Kurama fought to keep his face from flushing. Yumiko was glad she was still in fox form, and she huffed. 'Damned telepaths...'

Hiei swallowed his snarl as he summoned his demon energy. He stared down the giant in his path, and waited for the moment to strike, poised to draw his sword in less that a heartbeat if need be.

"I assure you Hiei, it is not too late to join our ranks." The giant said, seemingly oblivious to the rage that rippled from his adversary. "Prostrate yourself before my master, and he shall give you power and fame beyond what you have ever tasted."

"Is that all you have to say?" Hiei answered, annoyance edging his voice as he smirked at the demon. "They're last words, you know."

"Fine! So that is your choice? Then you shall meet your death with the other weaklings!!" Seiryu raised his voice to a bellow, and summoned his own energy as well.

A blast of freezing cold wind barreled for Hiei. He made no move to dodge, instead drawing his sword to cleave the wind into with his own energy, sending it careening to either side. Yumiko ducked down, digging her claws into Kurama's shoulder to stay still against the wind, but it went harmlessly to either side of them. A quick glance back to the fire demon explained why.

He had deliberately placed himself between them at an angle where his energy could shield them all from the attack! 'He, protected us?' She asked in thought, somewhat stunned as the blast tore twin holes into the wall behind them. 'It would seem so...' Kurama answered, his eyes never leaving the battle.

"Hey!! Be careful!!" Kuwabara stuttered as he glanced back to the hole. Which was only a few feet to his right.

Seiryu growled, clenching his fist.

"TRY BLOCKING THIS!" He called, before gathering his energy, and launching that ice dragon attack again!

Hiei seemed wholly unbothered by the attack, and jumped out of the way, flipping over the giant's head to land behind him with ease.

Seiryu chuckled, as if this were all just a game. "I'm sorry. I had forgotten of your impressive speed... Now let's try again!!" He called out, before launching a volley of ice attacks at the demon.

Hiei dodged out of the way with ease again and again. Yumiko's head snapped this way and that, as she tried to keep up with the movements. 'He's faster than Maru... No wonder he was so upset!' She thought, recalling the look on her friend's face during their first mission. This boy was formidable to be sure. Her pelt tingled as he dodged, and she couldn't help but wonder if she would be skilled enough to land even a single blow against that speed. She was brought out of her musings as her companions spoke.

"He's gonna turn the whole room into a hockey rink!" Yusuke quipped, and a shuddering voice sounded from behind her. Kurama turned slightly so they could both gaze at the now shivering ginger boy.

"Not just the room!!!" He wailed, and Yumiko nearly choked at the sight. Half of his hair was frozen solid, and there was a line of iced snot coming from his nose. "Man, I wish I had my jacket back!!"

She considered trying to use her own flame to warm him, but that part of her abilities was still quite volatile, and she had only just managed to control it enough for her explosive petals. She feared she might accidentally set him on fire in the attempt.

Suddenly, Kurama went stiff, and she snapped her gaze back to the fight as he gasped.

'Oh no...'

The last of Seiryu's attacks had struck home, freezing the fire demon's leg to the thigh. He landed awkwardly, careful not to shatter the now frozen member, and bared his teeth.

Yumiko was completely still as she stared at his leg. 'But... he's a... he's an Imiko... isn't he?' She thought, though if Kurama heard it he didn't not respond.

"Hey, he's ok!" Yusuke said relieved.

"Yeah, don't scare us like that!!" Kuwabara added, but Kurama's scowl grew.

"No, his leg! He won't be able to run away anymore.." He explained.

Hiei glared at the ice demon from where he knelt, pure rage burning in his crimson eyes. For all the world, he appeared as a cornered animal, but he did not cower. No, the boy was preparing to fight in earnest, and Yumiko felt her breath hitch at the fire burning within him, her pelt spiking in anticipation.

"Hm, you see? No one ever escaped." Seiryu spoke from where he still stood, voice soft, almost... comforting, even. "Only beg for mercy. With your leg frozen, you can't possibly move. I'd suggest you start groveling." He finished before falling into a battle stance, and gathering his energy for one final attack.

"What can he do??" Yusuke begged, searching for any way to help in time, but there was nothing to be done!

He launched the ice dragon directly for Hiei. The fire demon growled, sword still in hand, and stabbed its blade into the ground ahead of him. In one swift motion, he lunged forward, launching himself directly for Seiryu, and his attack. On approach, he shifted the blade, two-handing the weapon as he drew near, and then...

"NOW YOU END!!" Seiryu bellowed, and struck out!

Yumiko gasped, watching as Hiei moved in less than a blink. She counted 3, 6, 10 flashes, and then lost track. When it was over, taking no more than a blink's time, Hiei landed between them and the beast. Both legs, and one arm now frozen as well. He landed carefully, doing his best not to disturb the limbs.

"HIEI!!" Yusuke shouted, ready to jump in if need be, but Yumiko just stared at Seiryu. She had seen Hiei attack... had the demon somehow evaded?

"Ha! You have escaped, but you are wounded!" He began, but was cut off as Hiei laughed. "Why are you laughing???" He asked in confusion as Hiei rose to his feet.

"So what if your ice trick can kill your wounded friend?" He asked, a look of pure triumph on his face as he lifted the frozen arm. "It won't kill me!"

He flexed, just a simple twitch of his muscles, and the ice shattered, revealing undamaged limbs beneath.

Yumiko released the breath she had been holding with a grin! That's what she had been waiting for! She gave a bark of triumph herself as Seiryu began to lose his composure. Kurama smiled as well. It was hard not to as a distracted fox whacked his face with a very excited tail wag. He did his best to keep the fur out of his eyes as Seiryu tried to speak.

"That's... impossible!!!" Every word was becoming a struggle, and the reason was soon made clear. "I shall give... O-ONE, FINAL BLOW!! Huh???"

He paused, as blood began to leak from under his cap, then several wounds at once. Yumiko leaned forward, eyes wide as she watched parts of the demon begin to slide of their own accord, gravity finally taking its toll on the wounds from Hiei's sword.

"I don't think so." Hiei said calmly, waiting as the demon finally fell apart.

"When did he attack???" Kuwabara asked in bewilderment, while Yusuke rushed forward laughing.

Kurama gave him a gentle sympathetic smile.

"Don't feel bad bad Kuwabara, I couldn't see it either after the initial hit."

With that, he sidestepped the boy, careful of the fox on his shoulder, now purring softly in relief, and ran to Hiei's side as well.

"Shorty's a lot cooler than I though!!!" He cheered loudly, and Yumiko snorted so hard at the idiot's glee she nearly lost her balance!

The ice around the room began to melt without the demon's energy to sustain it. Hiei flicked the remaining blood from his sword, and sheathed it as the others approached him.

"You made French fries outta that guy!" Yusuke grinned.

"Hiei, how many times did you cut him?" Kurama asked with a smile of his own.

"Only sixteen." He answered, as though he had meant to do more, and Yumiko gulped. 'I lost count at ten...' She thought sadly, her ears drooping.

'I'm surprised you could see that many.' Hiei's voice in her mind caught her off guard, and she blinked to find him watching her with interest. 'It would be interesting to see how well you could fight when unleashed.. should your master ever allow a spar...'

She swallowed again at the demon's challenge, and felt Kurama stiffen, knowing he had picked up on the thought as well. She doubted he would allow it, but was saved from his response as Yusuke grumbled next to them.

"Sixteen? Damn it! And here I could only keep track of seven or eight!"

"That's nothing meager.." Kurama said, voice still slightly tense. "After the first hit I could only see flashes of light."

"I couldn't even see the flashes!" Kuwabara complained, and Yumiko giggled. It was quite amusing to her to watch the boys fuss over who saw more of the attack.

"This isn't good! If you use those moves the next time we fight I'm gonna be screwed!!" Yusuke said nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Maybe." Hiei answered in a tone he had yet to use before, and Yumiko's ear twitched as he turned and walked away. 'Well that was odd..'

"Uh, Hiei?" Yusuke asked after him, watching as he walked away, and Kuwabara balked.

"I thought for sure he was gonna say, 'well of course, you fool!'"

Yumiko was inclined to agree, when Kurama spoke.

"Hiei is going through a tricky change." He began in an attempt to explain. "It appears he is beginning to like you!"

Yumiko could see the detective pondering those words as they all watched. Hiei had returned to his cloak, and lifted it with reverence from where it had covered the fallen hunter.

'You deserved better...'

She blinked, feeling a tug at her chest. For whatever reason, she had a feeling she was not meant to hear that thought. She watched as what remained of Byakko disappeared, becoming nothing more than the fleeting remnants of demon energy.

After a few moments, Yusuke nodded to the others.

"Let's go."

[A/N: Somewhat emotional chapter. I always loved this scene, as it's the first time we really get a glimpse at the way Hiei thinks. From the start, he had great respect for what Byakko could do, and even seems a bit starstruck in the show to see a demon he's actually heard rumors of, use such a skill in the flesh. To see the proud beast die in such a manor,, hurt something deep within, and I'd like to think Hiei felt a connection to the abandoned beast in that moment.

So a small heads up before the next chapter.

Battle at the High Rise is extremely dear to me. I've worked hard on this chapter, and I'm so unbelievably happy with how it turned out! While it is not part of the main story we all know, it is essential to this story, so please give it a read! I spent weeks working out the details and editing the scenes in it to perfection. I will warn you now, things are about to get messy back on earth.

A quick thank you to everyone who has read up to this point! I love the fact that some of you have stuck with the series from early in! If you've got any advice, or something you'd like to see, let me know! Thank you for the favorites!!

Next chapter: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!


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