The Essence of Balencia

By the_ink_of_balencia

1.4K 219 527

When my skin is not my own and the heart is tainted, there is still one thing that will always belong to me... More

I wish to smell heaven
He Who Reeks
The Water Surveillant
The Warriors in Dresses
The Blood for His Gain
I Heard The Weeping Willow
She Who Smiles
The Enternal Evanescent
The Fire that Sparked It All
The Psithurism
I Desire The Infiräd
She Who Destroyed
The Distribution
The Masked Ones
The Blighted Bay
I Ate The Lemon
He Burned Coal
The Lightening Illuminances
The Era of Zulumat
The Smokeless Fire
I Acended From The Dirt
She Stained The Ink
The Creator of All Things
The Birth of Balencia
The Mirage in The Desert
I Saw The Rafflesia
He Feasts blackened
The Dine and Dash
The Lips that Sealed Hers
I Held a Staff Similar
She Was The Flame Blade
The Clysmic Ocean
The Pandemonium
The Start to Ruler
I Voyage With or Without You
She Was Tamed by Illuminances
The Calling Eminence
The Obsidian Ignite
The Viridian Cure
I Ended The Alsaru
She Awakened
The Mountain Didn't Crumble
The Day of Reckoning
The Sea and In-between
I Am The Blacksmith Daughter
He is The Elevated Summit
The Comforting Musk
The Drink of Death
The Kingdom of Balencia
I Am The Queen
He Honoured The Flames
The Sisters of Yazzir
The Devil Queen and Khushboo
I Turned Destruction Into a Speck of Heaven
The Land of Daweyt (healed)

The Veiled Samurai

16 3 1
By the_ink_of_balencia

Light white smoke drifting to the ceiling in a haze as Balencia rushed down the hallway with her long violet dress swaying from side to side all to catch a glimpse of what had happened.

The billowing plumes darkened to sooty black as plastic, oils, varnish and paint was consumed by the beastly fire. The flames licked the walls and swept across the ceiling. The floor started groaning from the heaviness of the flames. Acrid ash coated the femme fatale's tongue as soliders of the castle tried desperately to open any doors or windows they could find.

Balencia arrived to the source of it all, the king's room. "Someone set fire to his room?" she muttered trying to make sense of it all. Laham stood in the corner victimised as he shouted out for his jewel "oh my daughter! Come I'm hurt!".

From the shadows behind the raging flames a figure appeared and Balencia knew this was the one who had caused this fire. Ignoring Laham's request the warrior jolted towards the figure only inches away from its grasp watching it slip away. The figure looked like that of a man, broad and build like a volcano yet so agile and smooth as he ran faster than a bullet towards an open window. The figure stopped for half a second almost turning his head to see the golden vixen yet something entitled him to turn away and with a flash he was gone.

"Who- who was that? He seemed familiar..." Balencia muttered to herself as her thoughts were interrupted by Laham's moaning for attention. Someone wanted to hurt or at least scare the king and succeeded. Yet, if he could succeed in that why not kill the king himself too? The figure almost seemed to be waiting for Balencia to show up before he disappeared.

"But why?" Balencia pondered unbothered by the thick smoke infiltrating her lungs.

"Hmmmm" Balencia questioned whilst roaming back into her own room.

"Perhaps it was a civilian Omid?" Mareeb suggested. Balencia shook her head.

"No Mareeb... He wasn't from here yet I feel as if I've seen him"

"Why would someone want to scare the king but not kill him? Do they know your plan?" Mareeb questioned. Balencia sat down on the bed not able to make out any logic from the situation.

"I don't know Mareeb..." In that moment, Malaa stormed in but not in the essence she usually had. She seemed confused and worried, her eyes fixated on the warrior like she was the only one who could help her.

"Malaa what's wrong? Your face?" Balencia asked worried as she rushed to The Khanhawar woman's aid.

"Ye don't know what to do! One of our warriors... She... Something is wrong... I need your help!" Balencia nodded without question as she followed Malaa to one of the huts in the village.

Upon entering she was shocked by the sight of one of the Khanhawar warriors covered in blood down her legs as she groaned and moaned in agony.

Balencia rushed to the woman and laid her head in her lap comforting her. "This is Imani! She's been like this for an hour now!" Malaa hymed as she sat down worried. Balencia traced Imani's blood until she laid her hand on her stomach.

"Oh my... She's... She's giving birth" Balencia said as Malaa's eyes fell with terror and denial.

"IMANI! How could you do such a thing? You are unmarried and chaste!" Malaa exclaimed. Imani shook her head with embarrassment and shame.

"It... It was one of Saqaduu's soliders... He wo-wouldn't stop" and not more was needed to be said for everyone in the room to know exactly what had happened.

"But Omid, they are warriors!" Mareeb said in confusion having watched the fierce warriors fight endlessly.

"Oh Mareeb yes, but they are still women"  Balencia explained as she turned Imani on to her back with stacks of pillows under her lower back. She had seen her mother help many women in the brothel but didn't have much faith that she would be able to do the same. Yet, she wasn't one to be passive, not any more.

"Malaa! Get me a wet cloth and keep cooling her face down for me. Mareeb! Get towels and sheets and lay them out! Imani! I need you to be strong and help me, okay? I need you to take deep breaths and do as I say, okay?" Balencia instructed. Imani nodded still engolfed in fear for what was about to happen.

Balencia lifted up Imani's dress to only be met by more blood. She took a wet towel handed to her by Mareeb and began wiping until she could see a child's head. "Okay Imani, deep breath in, and when I count to three push all you can!"

"1...2...3!" Balencia bellowed accompanied by Imani's groaning. The child's head came out a bit more. Okay I got this! Oh my lord of all the worlds, help me bring this child to this world in safety, the nervous vixen prayed in her mind as she wrapped her fingers around the baby's head.

"Okay Imami again! 1...2...3!" And with another push the child came out to its shoulders yet Balencia didn't say a word for she could see the baby was blue and not responding. It needs to be quick, she panicked.

"Okay Imani! I need you to give your all! 1...2...3!" And with one more push the baby slid out of Imani and into the arms of Balencia. She quickly turned her back towards the birthing mother as she laid the baby on the towels massaging her chest waiting for a sign of life.

"What's wrong?" The frightened mother cried as she was embraced by Malaa. Mareeb came around to Balencia and whispered.

"It has to live Omid!" And with that sentence Balencia shot her gold illuminance through her veins and let it travel like water up the sand into the baby's veins. It seemed like time stood still as everyone waited in silence, and then the sweet cries of life filled the air.

"Hahaha! Ha! It's a girl!" Balencia exclaimed with a smile and she wrapped the tiny beacon of light in sheets as she turned to Imani to lay her on her chest. Imani started weeping with joy as the exhausted mother wrapped her arms around the little human.

"Omid means hope. You did it Omid!" Mareeb said with excitement.

"Then I should name her Omid in honour of the one who will save us" Imani said. Words as powerful as Imani's deserved to be framed as Balencia smiled and burned for her reign more than ever.

The mother and child had been put to sleep as the warrior, Mareeb and Malaa stood around her as protective shields.

"This solider... I need to teach him a lesson. But how do I get to Saqatuu Malaa?" Balencia whispered

"(Sigh) you'll have to enter with Laham. Only royalty enters ye" Malaa explained nervous and nostalgic as she thought back to what once was her home.

"I need to speed things up... I cannot be passive. I need to act!" Balencia demanded. The two stared up at the illuminating warrior excited yet fearful of what her next step would be.

Balencia stormed back into the castle as Mareeb followed behind. She walked straight to Laham as the castle clings and clangs rang from her light. Her mind tamed her rage as she wanted to rip Laham's heart out but knew it had to wait.

Laham sat engaged in one of the weekly meetings with his most trusted marshals. Yet, Balencia didn't bat an eye. They all stared at her in shock for no women had ever dared to enter the den.

"Laham!" Balencia roared with great power and supremacy. The king nodded as the Marshal sat in shock. Nobody had ever referred to the king by his name, how dare she? Balencia stood strong and firm her dimmed light illuminating her like a star.

"Make me your heir" the golden warrior commanded.

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