Spiderverse Scenarios

By rabbitrabbiezz

62.8K 1.2K 344

writing before i lose interest in the fandom 😭 my goal is to write at least 10 chapters LOL anyway ive seen... More

When You First Meet
A Second Meeting
Their Thoughts On You
Favorite Things You Do Together
Favorite Disney Movie
Contact Names
An Outing (1/2)
An Outing (2/2)
The Last Cookie
Losing a Bet
Ship Questions - P1
Spider-Noir Enters The Fray
Love Languages
Deez Nuts
Plants n Stuff
Songs That Make You Think of Each Other
Ship Questions P2
Olive Theory
Physical Touch
Acts of Service
Pokemon AU

Officially Friends

3.1K 73 30
By rabbitrabbiezz

oooohhh i dont like how many people are actually reading this... 💀 i think it's too late to turn back now tho LOOOL--
Slight spoilers for Gwen's part! this chapter is unnecessarily long and basically just establishes that you n your spider have a friendship

   Gwen Stacy
Since you saw Gwen more often, you invited her to your house for lunch. She declined at first, still afraid of making another connection after what happened to Peter. After a bit of thinking though, and some persistence on your end, she gave in. She wasn't ready to show you her identity yet so she only lifted her mask up enough to eat and drink.
"I'm glad you finally decided to accept my offer, Spidergirl!" You said, taking a sip of your drink.
     "Well, I'm glad you decided to invite me. I... really needed this," she replied with a smile.
"You're welcome! I can only imagine how difficult it is to be Spiderwoman," you said in a sympathetic tone, reaching over to gently place a hand over hers.
The gesture surprised her, and she almost jumped back. Instead though, she used her other hand to pat yours before pulling them both away again.
"Oh shoot, what time is it? I gotta get home soon," she said, beginning to stand and lowering her mask back down.
"It's fine if you need to leave! I'm grateful for getting the chance to spend some time with you," you said, getting up with her.
She nodded her head and smiled through her mask, making her way to the nearest window.
"Thank you again for inviting me, I really enjoyed spending time with you," she said, leaning against the window frame.
You walked over, standing a few feet away from her and smiling. "Maybe the next time you're not busy you could stop by again..?"
"...I'll think about it," Gwen said, a hint of playfulness in her tone. With that, she hopped out the window and climbed up towards the roof. She definitely intended to hang out with you again, and only said she'd think about it to tease you. For the first time in a while, you were the first person she felt she could call a friend.

Hobie Brown
You and Hobie never really established that you were friends, but you knew that your relationship was based on friendship. You both did and said things with each other that you would only say and do with friends. Still though, you couldn't help but wonder where the two of you stood with each other; he was a pretty well known artist, so you suspected he had many friends. You were just hoping you were one of them, but in the small case that you weren't...
"Hey Hobie?" you asked one day as you both sat on your couch, listening to some punk rock music.
"Hm?" he hummed.
"What are we?" you asked directly. He seemed caught off guard by the question, turning to you wide eyed.
"Woah woah woah, what? We're just friends aren't we?" He asked, both perplexed and surprised. You laughed at his reaction, raising one hand to lightly punch his arm.
"Don't worry, Hobie, it was just a question!" You replied, still laughing. "I kinda had a feeling we were friends but I just wanted to be sure."
He sighed in relief, his body relaxing as he did. "What made you think we weren't friends? We hang out a lot, yeah?"
"Well yeah," you began. "But I figured you had a ton of friends already; friends that you'd wanna hang out with more than a stranger you met three weeks ago."
Now it was his turn to laugh, making you give a confused, lopsided smile. "What the hell made you think I had loads of friends?" He said. "Just because I talk to lots of people doesn't mean I actually like them; hell, I don't even remember half the people I meet."
"Oh!" you exclaimed, a bit embarrassed at your assumption. "Well then... what made you decide to be friends with me?"
"I dunno," he replied simply, shrugging his shoulders. "I jus' think you're cool that's all."
You smiled widely at the compliment; he rarely ever complimented anyone so this felt like an honor to you. He took notice as he glanced over at you.
"Don't think I won't hesitate to drop you," he said, obviously joking and trying to check you ego. You laughed again, getting up from your seat.
"Hah! I know you won't leave me, I'm probably the bestest friend you've ever had!"
"I mean... there's Pav."

Miguel O'Hara
Since Miguel became a regular at your coffee shop and usually ordered the same thing, you started to get to know him better. The next time he swung around, he came with two other people; one woman with dark skin and a large afro, and another man with blonde hair and much lighter skin.
     "So this is that place you keep coming to, huh?" the woman asked, observing the surrounding cafe.
     "Yes," Miguel replied simply, making his way to the counter.
     "I don't know if I like this place, it's too zen for my dark taste," the blonde said, covering half of his face with one hand. The other two rolled their eyes and attempted to distance themselves from him out of embarrassment.
     "Hello again, Miguel," you greeted, a small, tired smile on your face. Ever since your initial closing shift you had been moved to the night shift for an indefinite amount of time because you boss and fellow employees thought you held down the fort pretty well... yippee for you!
"You familiar with Miguel?" the woman asked, crossing her arms over her chest and smirking.
"'Course, with as often as he comes how could I not?" you replied.
"Ohh I see..." the woman said, eyeing Miguel with the same smirk plastered on her face. "Didn't know you actually bothered making friends."
"They're not my friend," Miguel said, slightly annoyed and flustered. "I just like coffee here."
The woman hummed in response, not entirely buying his excuse.
"Kind of a shame actually," you mumbled tiredly to yourself, uncaring as to whether the three heard you or not. "Can I take your order?"
"I'll get what I always do," Miguel said, already taking his card out. "What do you two want?"
"I can't drink coffee," the woman replied, patting her stomach softly. You glanced down, not realizing her round belly; you averted your eyes quickly to avoid being rude. "I'll have a croissant though."
"Black coffee, it's the only kind I can stomach," the blondie said, ruffling his hair with his hand. Once again, his two partners rolled their eyes and sighed.
"Alright, got it," you said. Before Miguel could hand you his card, you stopped him by pushing his hand away. "On the house this time."
"No no it's alright, I don't mind paying," he said, trying to push his card back to you.
"It's fine, Miguel, really," you said, smiling up at him. "Introduce me to your friends and we'll call it even."
"They're not my friends-"
"We're not?" the woman and blonde said simultaneously, causing Miguel to sigh again and put a hand on his face.
"...This is Jessica, and this is Ben," he gestured towards his companions respectively. The two waved at you politely.
"And you are?" Jessica asked you.
"Y/n. It's on my name tag," you replied, walking away to start their order. She oh'ed and chuckled lightly. After a few seconds, you opened your mouth to speak again, but Miguel beat you to it.
"You don't seem awake enough to work the night shift," he said.
"Ohh really? What gave you that impression?" you asked sarcastically. He chuckled.
"No need to take that tone with me, Y/n," he joked, smiling softly before hiding quickly.
"Well how about you, huh?" you said. "You come here almost every night. What do you actually do all night anyway?"
He didn't say anything for a few seconds, and the air in the building felt like it was becoming more tense; probably something you shouldn't have asked but oh well.
"Stuff," he said as you walked back to the group with their order. This time it was you who rolled your eyes.
"Whatever, here's your order," you pushed the items towards the three, yawning a bit as you did.
"Where's your tip jar?" Miguel asked, looking around the cash register.
"I had a feeling you'd try to tip me after I refused to let you pay, so I hid it away," you said somewhat proudly, tucking your hands behind you back as you smirked at him.
"Hmph, funny," he said. "How do you expect to make a living if you don't let your customers pay?"
"I can make an exception for my friends; and my friend's friends," you said, smiling more genuinely. Seeing you smile and hearing your words made Miguel smile a bit too. Jessica and Ben took notice this time, and looked at each other knowingly. You bid him and his colleagues farewell as they left, Jess and Ben poking fun at Miguel the entire rest of the night.

   Miles Morales
You and Miles were just chilling at his house, listening to music and helping each other out with your homework. You had both grown quite comfortable with each other, and did a lot of the things friends would do, but you never actually established that you were friends. Neither of you minded though, as you just assumed you were friends. You were helping Miles with a problem on one of his worksheets when you heard a knock from the door. After a second, the door opened and Miles' mom, Rio, stood by the doorway holding a laundry basket.
     "Miles, your laundry is done- oh!" she said, gasping a bit after noticing you there. "Who's your friend?"
     Miles got up to take the basket from her, setting it down near his bed. "Thanks mom. Uh, this is my... friend, Y/n," he said, gesturing towards you; you waved at his mom, and she waved back, smiling.
     "Please keep the door open, mijo," she said to Miles quietly. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and embarrassment.
     "Mamá, they're just my friend!" he whispered to her, to which she giggled.
     "I know, I know, just... please?" she replied somewhat sternly. He nodded his head and his mom kissed his cheek before leaving, causing him to hide his face in embarrassment.
     "Your mom seems nice," you laughed.
     Miles turned to you with a flushed grin, laughing awkwardly. He sat down next to you on the floor, shifting the conversation back to his homework. Internally, you were celebrating the fact that he called you his friend; Miles, too, was content that you didn't say anything opposing his statement, and guessed you enjoyed being his friend as much as he enjoyed being yours.

Pavitr Prabhakar
     You only had a couple more days left of your trip before you had to leave again, and both you and Pavitr were bummed out. He invited you out to eat at a restaurant one last time before your eventual departure.
     "I can't believe you're already about to leave," Pav said, resting his head on one hand and giving you sad, puppy eyes.
"Aww I know, I wish I could stay longer!" You said. "I really love it here, and I'm glad I got to meet you because you made me feel more welcomed! I do hope we can stay in touch."
     Pavitr sat upright quickly and beamed. "Of course we can stay in touch! I wanted to ask but I wasn't sure you'd be okay with it. I'm so so SO glad I was able to make your trip to India more enjoyable!"
     Pav took your hands in his as you both smiled at each other. You talked for a few more hours before deciding to part ways again, exchanging numbers before you did.

   The Spot
     "So... that's it? It was in your closet... the whole time?" Spot said, arms drooping beside his frame in disappointment.
     "Yep," you replied, arms crossed over your chest. "The whole time."
     After almost begging you to show him where you kept the goods, you finally caved in just because of how ridiculous the entire situation had become. You led The Spot to your room and opened up your closet, yanking a loosely thrown towel off of a small, silver safe.
"Can you show me what's in it?" Spot asked, crouching down on the floor to observe the safe.
You simply shrugged your arms and bent down beside him. "Sure I guess. You've come this far, it kinda be a waste to say no."
"That's what I was thinking!" he replied excitedly.
You turned the knob on the safe to the combination you had chosen, not really caring whether the overly polite intruder saw or not. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him shifting in anticipation. You smirked before pulling back to allow him to open the safe himself. He looked at you first, then the safe, then slowly, he opened the safe to reveal...
"...what the heck?" he questioned, extremely confused by what was hidden in your tiny locker. He carefully grabbed the object and gently placed it in his palm, turning to face you. You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. In his hands, Spot held a small, old, slightly worn dog plushie. It was white with black markings, and a red heart tag clipped on its ear. He opened the tag carefully and read:
"Spot?" he turned the dog over, trying to see if maybe the dog had a zipper or something unique about it, but no; it was just a dog. "Is this a joke?"
You laughed again, carefully taking the dog from his hands. "No, it's not a joke. This used to belong to my great-grandma, and it's been passed down for generations. It's a very old Beanie Baby! Haven't you ever seen one?"
The Spot eyed you and the toy for a bit before responding. "No actually; I used to play with super hero figures," he said somewhat proudly. "I think it's cute though... and we share the same name!"
"Spot?" you asked, looking up at him. He nodded in response.
"It's actually The Spot, but you can just call me Spot if you want," he said, holding his hand out. You shook it, and accidentally fell through a black void, landing rather roughly on your bed. "Oops, sorry!"
     You looked up at him with a scowl at first, but then sighed and sat up on your bed. The Spot gently placed Spot back in the safe and closed it up before walking over and sitting beside you.
     "So... what's your name?"
     "Y/n," you said, kicking your feet out of boredom.
     "Y/n," he echoed. "Ya know what, Y/n, you're alright in my book. When I destroy the world, I'll make sure to spare you."
     You giggled at his statement, believing he was joking. By what you gathered from him, he didn't seem like that much of a threat.
     "I'm serious!" he said, chuckling with you. "You're the only person who hasn't made fun of my appearance. I could see us being... friends. Would you be okay with that..?" Spot asked carefully, afraid of your response.
     "Well, considering you broke into my house, made a mess, half threatened me, and pretty much stalked me until I gave in to your demands... yeah, I guess we can be friends."

ooough i just realized most of the characters don't even know your name LMAOOO oops 💀 also sorry pav/miles lovers, i hit writers block with those stories 😭

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