Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island

By zero252

494K 14.3K 9.3K

The Doctor of Rhodes Island is a good man, but even good men can be broken. He tried to endure the loneliness... More

He's Had Enough
What Have We Done
Welcome Home
For the Greater Good
Silver Bell Tolls
SuperNova Prevention
Know Your 'Enemy'
Have we Angered A God
Living Saint
Farsight Enclave
Trial By Fire
Making An Entrance
Terra's Reaction
Farsight Will Rise
Hello Ch'en
Strategic Value Absolute
Maiden Heart
Flawless Victory!
Can We Survive What's Comming
Enemy Of My Enemy
We Will Fight In The Streets.
Ride Of The Valkyries
Battle Won
The Next Arc
Emotionally Compromised
Prelude To Diplomacy
Underhanded Diplomacy
Angry Lung Noises
Farseer Agenta
The Darker Side Of Reunion
Sleep Easy At Last
Preserve Us
Purge Them!
Stand With Me
White Wolf
Lord of Fiends
I Hate/Like you!
Back In Your Arms
A Good Morning
Broken Too
Lupo's Mischief
Don't Panic
A Life Forever Changed
Running Away
The Law
Amnesia vs Love
Caught Pt1
Caught And Shattered
Calm Before The Storm
First Moves
Enclave vs Rhodes Island
Lost & Gained
Already Broken
A Spark Of Hope
A Lupo's Secret Exposed?
Familiar Stranger
Anomaly Containment Corporation
Angel Of Death
The Begining of a Downfall
The Call
Manipulate Fate!
Artillery spam
Harem Assemble
Over The Top
Lascannon or Bolter
Return of the King
Questions and Answers
Our Duty Ends with Death
Safe and Sound
Guerilla Tactics
Kal'tsit and W Confrontation
Kalina's path
Small Talk
Heroic Ursus Girls
Your Eyes
Father & Daughter
Mostima's Choice

I'm Done Playing

3.4K 124 95
By zero252


Currently dealing with work, this story, Azur story, Lemon chapters and an Original story in the works, so everything is very slow! 

I was hoping you wouldn't take my slowness as a sign of a lack of interest cause I'm fully interested!

Let us get back to it.


Before Agenta gave the signal.

"Lady Agenta! Rhodes Island has formed into teams and is now scouring the city for Kal'tsit." The Vulpo officer reports while on the radio to High Haven.

"Very well, prepare to engage. I have informed our capture team to wait for my signal. Do we have the location of Amiya?" 

"We do, Ma'am" 

"Capture her, Unharmed," Agenta orders without hesitation.

No Kal'tsit and no Amiya will make Rhodes Island vulnerable. All she will have to contend with then will be Warfarin, Closure and a few other Rhodes Island leaders and department heads.

"Ma'am," The Vulpo salutes and walks off to his soldiers. 

Agenta was wearing her Farseer armour and standing in a makeshift tent serving as a command centre, rolling her singing spear in her hands impatiently. Her soldiers stood around the area quietly and watched their Farseer from a distance, awaiting her next move. 

The Farseer stood there for a few minutes, her eyes closed and breathing steady. Still, to the surprise of everyone present, from guards and employees even her soldiers, Agenta stormed out of the tent and gestured to her soldiers to follow.

"My Lady!?" One of the trailing Banshees called out but was ignored as they all followed her quietly.


Present - After Agenta gave the signal.

By the time the Lupo designated Pathfinder 14 entered the shadow of the towering metal structure before him, the Banshees had already begun climbing up the Landship metal exterior with well-placed ropes at different points and in groups of five.

The low rumble of footsteps could be heard approaching behind him quickly, and the silhouettes of 200 Enclave soldiers of Farsight's division could be seen creeping ever closer, their helmets with red eyes making a chilling sight in the advancing night.

"What are you all waiting for? Climb!" Pathfinder 14 whispered into the darkness and pointed at the rope-climbing Banshees.

Without hesitation, the 200 silhouettes moved closer until they were in view and started climbing the available ropes silently; only the occasional grunt and clanking of armour could be heard.

"Isn't there a front door?" One disgruntled Enclave soldier with black Cautus ears and an infantry pulse cannon grunted as he forced himself up the rope next to Pathfinder 14.

"Because that wouldn't be obvious, would it? So Shut it!" Pathfinder 14 scowled up at the whining Cautus.

 The whining Cautus could only Whimper in exertion as he seemed to be the only one climbing a rope with a heavy weapon. 

No one would understand his struggles and sacrifice.

The Banshees had already reached the top and waited by the ledge but didn't climb over the paint-chipped railing.  

40 Banshees are still hanging off the edge of the Landship, awaiting the go-ahead.

The Exarch Banshee leading the 39 other Banshees, looked over the ledge and grew worried. 

"Come on... Come on!" The Exarch Banshee, with a scorpion tail, whispered harshly. Their arms were getting tired and shaking from hanging around waiting.

Sweet relief entered their earpieces with an unknown male's voice from High Haven.

"Exarch! Security cameras in your vicinity are disabled. You may proceed into the garage."

"Thanks!" Exarch replied before climbing up and over the railing and rushing across the large road ramp Rhodes Island uses as the main entry point to their large garage.

The other Banshees quickly followed their leader, jumped the railing, and gracefully rushed across the road toward the garage. 

Soldiers of Farsight's division struggled with the climb and only seemed to be halfway up. 

Banshees entered the garage swiftly and darted around all the parked cars and trucks, both in repair and those ready to go, making their way for the entrance to Rhodes Island proper.

The Exarch looked around and saw a Rhodes operative stand up from behind a parked car and rub the sweat from his forehead, clearly working on the car in front of him.

Caught in the corner of the operator's eye, the operator turns and see's a bunch of Banshees run between the vehicles towards the main doors to Rhodes Island from the garage and turns in shock to see the Exarch next to him.

"H-Hey! Who are-" The Exarch looks at the operator as one of her sisters appears behind the operator and punches him hard in the back of the head, knocking him out. 

With a nod of thanks, the Exarch follows the rest of her sisters. A few unconscious employees and operators were dragged out of sight, only for Banshees to appear in their place.

Exarch looks around the now quiet garage with a hidden smile. 

"We are Howling Banshees. Why must we always be so silent?" One Banshee with a Sarkaz forked tail says quietly. 

Exarch's smile breaks, and she looks at the other Banshees that have gathered and are waiting to continue.

"The fiercest predators are silent until they are about to strike and assured their prey can not escape," Exarch says as they all look at her, expressions hidden behind their masks.

"As you say, Exarch," The Sarkaz Banshee whispers in a pouty voice.

The Exarch shakes her head and counts down from 10 with her fingers, and the other Banshees grip their sword tight.

"You know what you must do, Phase two, Go!" Exarch whispers harshly as the other Banshees push through the doors and into the halls of Rhodes Island.

The Exarch was the last to enter the hall but looked back briefly and saw the Enclave soldiers slowly flooding into the garage.

Further into Rhodes Island, the Banshees were making quick progress, operators and employees being dispatched quickly and quietly, but no operator of significance had yet to be encountered. 

Intel suggests that Dr Silence was still onboard and most likely in charge. The other concern was the one called Nian. The lazy unknown was considered a significant threat and should be avoided, but unlikely to avoid her here.

Somewhere on Rhodes Island, Sussurro was still thinking about the events involving Texas and Kal'tsit, and now both had vanished and had yet to be found. In her eyes, Exusiai was acting strange, furious at everyone, but it almost seemed played up. 

Almost as if Exusiai knew something they didn't.

Sussuro was ripped from her thoughts by soft but fast footsteps approaching her. Her large Vulpo ears twitched at the sound, and she turned to see five white armoured women with red manes charging at her. 

Sussurro's eyes widened in fear as the leading Banshee pounced at her. Sussurro, on instinct, ducked, and thanks to her small size, the Banshee flew over her head but was soon tackled to the ground by the two more.

The petite Vulpo was quickly overpowered as an armoured hand covered her mouth, stopping her from breathing. Sussurro started panicking as she thrashed around desperately; her vision darkened. 

Sussurro stopped struggling and went limp. 

The Banshee removed her hand and checked her pulse before nodding. "Alive" 

"Put her in there," Another Banshee whispered, pointing at the now cleared room beside them.

Without question, the limp Vulpo Medic was carried gently into the room and was locked in before the Banshees carried on. 

The Exarch walked alone down random corridors and felt uneasy. Something was wrong with this, nothing was wrong, and that was the problem.

Where is the defence?

The alarm?

Where is Nian...

Exarch looked down every corridor she passed. Her terrible feeling worsens as her Scorpian tail flexes on instinct. Subtle signs her Banshees have passed by here and are visible to those that look closely. Knocked over objects, tiny specs of blood from heavy punches, and the occasional hat or shoe left behind. 

At that moment, her earpiece came to life.

"Exarch! It's Pathfinder 14. We have secured the medical wing, science wing, dorms and warehouses. We are making our way to the bridge. High Haven has access to their system, preventing the alarms from blaring."

"Any resistance?"

"Minor resistance for the most part, mostly from the dorms but no casualties on either side. More resistance now as we make our way to the bridge. They don't want us to get there." Pathfinder half shouts as Exarach can hear the pulse fire in the background.

Exarch comes to two large doors and a sign that reads Cafeteria, with caution. She enters the large food hall and notices the chaotic state, long tables and chairs thrown all over the place, dents and holes in the floor and walls, and damaged lights flickering on and off. 

No sign of her Banshees or Enclave soldiers but plenty of unconscious Rhodes Island operators.

Exarch sighs and responds to Pathfinder 14 again as she steps through the newly created battlefield.

"Any sign of Nian?" 

"Behind you, Sunshine," A searing hot breath whispers against her ear, the heat quickly penetrating her armour, making the Exarch stiffen in surprise and horror.

Exarch had no time to process anything before she was sent flying, crashing through the twisted wrecks of cafeteria tables and hard against a wall with a sickening thud, crushing her scorpion tail in the process.

"Aw, man! I expected something more, but it looks like another pushover. That's Disappointing," The bored voice echoed in the ruined Cafeteria.

The Exarch banshee looked up from her pained seated position at the figure, her vision swaying as she tried to adjust to the blow she had just received. She reached out for her sword lying close by but couldn't pinpoint it due to her vision creating doubles and moving in different directions.

"Need some help over there, dude?" The bored voice sounded again, angering the Banshee. 

As her blurry vision started to clear. She got a good look at her attacker, knowing who it was already but wanted a face to the voice, a face to the one that attacked her.

There Nian stood in all her glory, leaning against a massive sword with an unimpressed smile.

Exarch grunted as she slowly forced herself to stand, pulling her mask off in the process as blood leaked out of her mouth and nose. Her Banshee mask fell to the floor with a thud, and she slowly picked up her much smaller sword with a pained expression. 

Her scorpion tail now hung limply behind her. Only little twitches could be seen from the damaged appendage.

Nian stood there with a raised eyebrow and observed the heavily injured Banshee but smiled when the Banshee struggled to pick up her sword and extend it towards her in defence, unable to keep it steady.

"Yo, Don't worry. I'm not gonna play with my food...I'll end it quick" Nian's massive sword came into position, and she swung it around herself. The blade itself glowed hot, and fire swirled around it.

The Exarch stared at Nian in pained delirium as blood leaked from her mouth. Her opponent started swinging her massive sword, and she could feel its heat radiating from her position.

Nian started walking toward her with absolute confidence. Apparently, there was no rush to end her.

'So this is how it ends...' Exarch thought as she swayed in place. 


 "Big Sis!?" Farsight shot up from the bed.

Texas, who was relaxing next to Farsight on the bed while eating her pocky and reading articles about parenting on her phone, jumped at Farsight's outburst. Texas watched Farsight in confusion as he went from shock to anger and then severely pale.

"Y/n?" Texas asked in worry.

"Enclave and Rhodes Island are about to fight!" Farsight told Texas as he jumped from the bed and started dressing.

Texas's eyes widened a fraction, and she rushed from the bed to get dressed, trusting her mate to explain how he would know that. Texas grabbed her phone and tried to call Exusiai as she left her Sankta friend with Rhodes Island when she ran to find Farsight but couldn't get through.

"I can't get through to anyone, either" Farsight frowned as he tried to call anyone he could after getting dressed. Maybe Mal will pick up, dialling her number promptly.

"Farsight!? Where the hell have you been!" A familiar voice picked up. 

"Mal! It's so good to hear your voice" Farsight breathed a sigh of relief. 

Texas looked at Farsight in confusion before her eyes narrowed dangerously, and silently repeated Mal's name to herself.

The pregnant Lupo is not amused.

"Everyone is looking for you! Did you know what has happened in your absence" Mal berated him.

"Rhodes and Enclave about to fight?" Farsight frowned. Why are they suddenly now fighting? Big Sis wasn't clear; she just seemed entertained.

"Is that all you know?" Mal pressed.

"Mal?" Farsight put the phone on speaker.

"We all received the picture, Farsight..." Mal confessed. 

"...Everyone?" Farsight asked as both Texas and he went pale.

"Everyone! And now everyone is gunning for Texas to get to you. Kal'tsit has seen the picture and is now somewhere in Lungmen looking for you. Also, a bounty has been placed on Texas..." Mal informed the duo.

Kal'tsit... Sh*t. That's not good; He needs to find Kal'tsit before she does something stupid.


"Bounty? On Texas?" Farsight asked calmly.

"Yes..." Mal's voice sounded small.

"How much?"

"50 million LMD for Texas, dead or alive. High Haven has electrical signatures linking the bounty to the Siracusa Mafia, Ursus, Rhine Labs, Laterano Government and more."

Texas's expression goes cold, and she instinctively touches her stomach.


"Farsight? You there?" Mal asks in worry.

Farsight looks at Texas blankly and watches as she touches her stomach. Texas looks back at him as they silently communicate.

"Mal... Keep your phone close. I'll call soon." 

"Farsight wai-" Farsight hangs up. 

The duo continue to stare at each other. 

"What are you going to do?" Texas asks quietly as she stands before him, putting her hand on his cheek for comfort.

"Deal with Rhodes Island" Farsight pulls her into a hug. 

"Then?" Texas knew the answer.

"No more playing," Farsight whispers into her twitching wolf ear.

"I'm going scorched earth!"

Texas pulls away and looks up at him searchingly.

"Do it"



Sorry for the delay.

We are getting there slowly; no rush.

Fight scenes are not my strength. As I've mentioned before, I think, so bear with me.

Exarch is the leader of the Banshees here, and for some reason, Pathfinder is the leader of the 200 Farsight soldiers, no clue why. 

Poor Exarch. I did say Nian could probably defeat Farsight in a fight, especially if her sisters were there, but maybe he could win; but Exarch? I think she's in trouble.

A little bit of Nian in my life - Mambo No. 5 - Finish it for me, will you?

Of course, Big Sis will be the one to push Farsight in the right direction. 

What did she say to him? Probably get up and stop being lazy!

But now Farsight and Texas are angry. 

I'll rain down an ungodly f*cking firestorm upon you! I'm talking scorched earth, motherf*cker!

I own no Art or Gif's

Thanks for the support and Votes!


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