Crashing into Another World

By RockCandies

143K 5.7K 939

On a routine flight headed up north to restock a lumber camp, Iris gets caught in a dry microburst* while fly... More

Character intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

1.9K 103 8
By RockCandies

Once again, Iris found herself jogging along behind Tawn, who was in wolf form. The large tawny wolf had his nose pressed to the forest floor and his tail lifted up as he seemingly followed an invisible path away from the beach.

Per usual, Iris had to pay close attention not to trip on branches or loose stones as sand turned to dirt. At least the air was warmer compared to where they had initially left from. She was grateful that her lungs weren't burning from the chill.

Up ahead, Tawn stopped dead in his tracks.

A bundle of nerves and excitement zinged through Iris as she slowed until she reached Tawn. She looked back to see Ink smoothly glide till he, too, came to a stop near Tawn. The large snakeman looked magnificent with the morning sun reflecting off the azure scales of his tail, reflecting teal flashes of light.

Iris watched as the males seemed to have yet another conversation with their eyes. She marveled at how in tune they were with each other.

Tawn began stalking off and Iris made to follow him. A large hand on her shoulder halted her.

She looked back to see Ink shaking his head while holding up a finger to his lips. He leaned down and whispered into her ear, "He's gone to scout for the giga he smells nearby. We wait here."

With that he straightened and began to alertly scan their environment. Iris noted that Ink always kept a hand on one of his daggers. Best to be prepared, she removed her bow and notched an arrow at the ready. Copying Ink, she began to scan their surroundings.

Soon, Tawn returned and with a flick of his ear, signaled for them to follow. Iris quickly followed the wolf. She casted a nervous glance back at Ink who once again brought up the rear.

Tawn moved slowly and Iris took it as her cue to keep the noise from her footing as subtly as possible.

They arrived at a small clearing when Tawn stopped and looked back at her before he veered off to round the clearing.

Ink again placed his hand on her shoulder, but he did not say anything. He silently gestured for her to remain where she stood before rounding the clearing in the opposite direction Tawn had.

Iris wondered why both males made such a big deal about remaining quiet and moving slowly. She noticed nothing special about the clearing.

With a howl, Tawn jumped onto a shrub in the clearing. Iris watched as he sunk is claws into the wood and bright red blood welled from its surface.

A leafy branch lifted and made to whip the large wolf, but Tawn jumped back just in time to dodge the blow.

Iris was shocked to watch the shrub come to life as it roared its displeasure. A swift blue blur rushed the shrub from the other side. Silver danced in the sun light as Ink sunk a dagger into the flank of the creature before darting back to avoid a swipe from deadly sharp claws.

Another roar followed as the creature, that Iris now saw to be at least ten feet tall, focused another deadly swipe of its claws that Ink nimbly avoided.

Its spiked tail whipped behind it with each swipe of its clawed appendages, blocking Tawn's attacks from the rear.

Regaining her wits, Iris notched her arrow, took aim at the creature's neck and released the string just as it lunged out with another attack aimed at Ink.

Her arrow flew true, hitting the giga at the base of its thick neck.

Using the distraction, Tawn lunged for the creature's hind legs. He sank his fangs in deep, tearing away at its flesh. Thick red blood poured from the wound.

The creature staggered. Iris notched and released a second arrow, this time landing square in the creature's eye.

With one final screech, the giga toppled to the floor with a crash. Iris watched as its chest shuddered and twitched before it stilled.

Tawn released a howl of victory that tapered as he shifted to man. Wolf fur being replaced with masculine musculature, curled chest hair and a very erect cock. Clearly, he got a certain high from the battle.

Ink watched Tawn with a hooded gaze, chest heaving. His own twin cocks fully extruded from their sheath in his tail.

Iris swallowed at the testosterone filled exchange between both beastmen. At that moment, they were more basal instinct than man.

She made to step back to give them a moment to themselves but paused when both sets of eyes veered her way.

She was tempted to both run and fight, but in that moment knew that that was all they needed to lose themselves in some bestial rut. Instead, Iris stood her ground taking turns staring each male dead in the eyes.

With a deep breath, she put one foot in front of the other, approaching the dead giga. When Tawn made to approach her, she did her best growl low in her throat. He stopped, gaze shifting to Ink and back to her.

When she was well into the clearing she pointed into the forest and said, "If you both need a moment to compose yourselves, I would encourage that you take it."

Ink nodded and glided towards Tawn who eagerly joined him as they ventured back a short distance into the forest. Iris wasn't worried that they'd gone far as she they hadn't even reached the tree line before they collided into a mad fray of growls and hisses closely followed by the slapping of flesh.

With the males occupied, Iris turned her attention towards the still creature before her. She could not get over how large it was even knowing that it was supposedly a young one.

It had walked on its hind legs with feet each having four forward facing toes and one rear facing, all tipped with a large talon ending in a sharp point. Its hand like appendages had five deadly clawed digits, four fingers and a thumb. She found them eerily reminiscent of her own, minus the claws.

She observed the long whip like tail, covered in green and brown leaf shaped feathers with spikes intermittently sticking out. All the key features the males had mentioned earlier that morning.

Along its back, it had more feathers and larger spikes with its sides and underbelly platted in thick brown scales, reminiscent of bark. No wonder she had initially thought it was a tree shrub. She could only imagine how a large, adult giga could resemble a large tree when completely still.

Walking around to the creature's face, her eyes riveted onto the serrated teeth. Its face was harsh mix of brown scales around its eyes and mouth, with fine green feather coming down over its forehead and brow bone.

Overall, it was an interesting mix of reptile and bird that reminded her a little of a T-rex.

Dragging its carcass back to camp was going to be a challenge...


Thank you for reading <3 

Next chapter coming soon

Uploaded June 20, 2023

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