Head in the clouds

By EmelySwift

3.2K 172 90

Morgan Branning is taking the world by storm. 2 years into her public career and she's hitting targets peopl... More

Character Aesthetics
One - Morgan
Two - Theo
Three - Morgan
Four - Theo
Five- Morgan
Six - Theo
Seven- Morgan
Eight - Theo
Nine - Morgan
Ten- Theo
Eleven - Morgan
Twelve- Theo
Thirteen- Morgan
Fourteen- Theo
Fifteen- Morgan
Sixteen - Theo
Seventeen - Morgan
Eighteen - Theo
Nineteen- Morgan
Twenty One- Morgan
Twenty Two - Theo
Twenty Three- Morgan
Twenty Four - Theo
Twenty Five- Morgan
Twenty Six - Theo
Twenty Seven- Morgan
Twenty Eight - Theo
Twenty Nine - Morgan
Thirty - Theo
Thirty One - Morgan
Thirty Two - Theo
Thirty Three- Morgan
Thirty Four - Theo
Thirty Five - Morgan
Thirty Six - Theo
Thirty Seven - Morgan
Thirty Eight- Theo
Thirty Nine - Morgan
Forty - Theo
Forty One - Morgan
Forty Two- Theo
Forty Three- Morgan

Twenty - Theo

64 5 4
By EmelySwift

In one sudden shock of a second, I realised I never once asked Morgan where she lived. She always referred to either home, Leeds or London. I guess I thought 'home' was somewhere between them both. I didn't remember reading where Noah played, or which beach they tended to hang around on, but I did realize right now why the photos always seemed to be in familiar locations. I really am completely oblivious. Because of course she was in Bournemouth this whole time. Of course, she was in the same fucking city. Of course, I could have been spending the past 4 weeks in her little studio instead of facetiming her and building that song over continuous back and forth files. And of course, I was finding this out the night before I left for 9 months.

Her eyes locked on mine as Jasper started whittering at the side of me. Words coming out that I could hear but I had no fucking clue what he was talking about. All I could see was Morgan stood in this side street, looking hot as ever with some guy I've never seen before. Not Noah. Noah was holding Ava. Her mouth moved and Noah seemed to roll his eyes before letting Ava go, the clicking of heels breaking me out of my spell just in time for the thud of Ava into Jasper's chest beside me.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I could ask you the same thing beautiful." I locked my phone slipping it into my pocket as the oversized group started to make their way down to us, Morgan at the front, this guy barely leaving her side as she nestled in between Noah and him.

"Morgan's birthday night out." Morgan's birthday? Shit.

"Theo." Morgan's steps sped up slightly on the stones, unexpectedly wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a tight hug. I didn't hesitate in my response, no matter how much I was thinking about every move. My arms around her waist, I pulled her tight, lifting her feet off the ground until she giggled. The smell she'd left lingering in the rental car back in LA was dripping from her again here. A scent I'd been thinking about and craving for 4 weeks since I last had the pleasure of being in this woman's presence. Floral and sweet, a little dark. Morgan in a bottle. "What are you doing here?"

"Local night out."

"Local?" I put her back down and she took a small step back. I nodded and she laughed. "You're joking."

"I'm not."

"You have to be kidding me. You guys spent 3 days with each other and not once did it come up where either of you lived?"

"Apparently not." She chuckled. "Noah, Theo and Ja- That's Jasper with his tongue down Ava's throat." I turned my head and rolled my eyes, shoving him until he pulled back from the disgusting PDA. "And these are the guys. I'm not going to give you everyone's names Theo. Most of them are unimportant." The group all groaned at her, insulted and Morgan laughed.

"I'm important." Him. The one I wanted rid of the most.

"Course you are Jordan. Theo, this is Jordan, Vice-captain of the team, know it all snob."

"I'm not taking the insult Branners. Nice to meet you." He extended a hand. "I've heard a lot about you." I raised an eyebrow at Morgan who's cheeks tinted pink before looking up at Noah on the other side of her. I shook Jordan's hand, making sure to squeeze a little tighter than I normally would, just until he winced a little.

"Are you out out?" Morgan, pushed on my bicep slightly. "Come with us?"

"Where are you going?"

"Wherever the night takes us." God I'd missed that smile. I was going to come. I have a feeling Jasper wasn't going to let Ava go now he knew she was here which I was grateful for. At least he wouldn't be alone whilst I'm gone. "Please? Pretty please with a little tiny cheesecake on top?"

"I mean, if it's for the cheesecake." I shrugged and somehow that smile got bigger and I knew, right then, this girl could look at me like that and get anything she wanted and I was completely fucked. Morgan Branning hadn't left my head for a second since I was looking at videos of her on tour coming up to 3 months ago now. She was stealing every second of every day. Every breath, every thought, every action. It was her. Like some kind of witch craft spell. But I really didn't care. She could keep handing me her little love potions and I'd drink them up like water if I had to.

"Okay, let's get moving before Ava is swallowed whole by her new boyfriend." I snickered. There isn't a title Jasper hated worse than that one. He didn't respond though and I watched closely as Ava wrapped her fingers into his, tugging him forward with the group. Morgan nudged my arm, causing me to look down at her quickly.


"Hey trouble." I threw my arm over her shoulder with a grin. "I heard we're celebrating a birthday that I wasn't aware of." Her hand slapped into her forehead as we started walking, quiet laugh coming out of her mouth.

"I'm in London for it later this week so they wanted to take me out before I leave tomorrow. My actual birthday is Wednesday."

"Ooft. Midweek. They're the worst. How old are you this time? 10? "

"23." She smirked, pushing against me with a little laugh. "I'm gonna be alone too so I'm just going to order food and work."

"Work? Loser."

"That's why I'm in London dipshit. I'm not going all the way there to fuck about. I've got an album to work on."

"How's it coming?"

"Good. I think we knuckled down on a name after I finished the first song too. Always makes it seem a bit more focused then doesn't it?"

"What's it called?"


"Oh, come on, you can't tempt me like that and then just hide it away."

"Can and am doing."

"That's so mean." She nodded dramatically. "I'll buy your drinks if you tell me."

"I don't need you to buy my drinks. Do you know how these boys fight to buy me drinks? I don't think I've bought my drinks on a night out with them since, well, ever."

"You kind of have the effect on people."

"I don't mean to. It just happens. I'm not entirely sure how either. Watch. I bet Jordan hands me a drink as soon as we get in there and I can guarantee the other guys complain about it."

"Not if I beat him to it."

"You are not fighting the guys on-"

"I am."

"No, you're not."

"Come on." I pulled her forward a little faster, wanting to get into the club before the team had the chance to buy her a drink.

"Theo." She giggled again and I swear if I wasn't so focused on getting her the drink before someone else had the chance to, I'd have fallen to the floor. 

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