Life as a girl Greaser

By curiouslittledevil

70.7K 1.5K 122

Young Adele Curtis is happy with her life as a greaser. She has an awesome boyfriend and loves her brothers... More

Chp. 1
Chp. 3
Chp. 7
A/N part two
Chp. 13
Cover Contest
Contest winner
Chp. 14
Important!!!!!!!! Must read!!!!!
New story
Another New Story
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2.8K 85 3
By curiouslittledevil

When we get to the movies, we decide to sit in the rows. "Darry?!" I say sitting behind him, he had his arms around a girl I had never seen before. She was a Soc. "Adele, this is my girlfriend, Cherry," he explains. "So two brothers in one week, at least Annabelle isn't a Soc," I sneered and got up, receiving a few fingers as I walked out the row. Two-bit trailed behind me until we got to the lot. "I'm running away," I state blandly. Two-bit cocks an eyebrow up at me. "I can't take much more of my brothers leaving, at least Aspyn is with Dally, he's part of the gang but the others aren't. I won't leave town, I'll stay here until they get close and then I'll go to another part of town."
"Your not leaving me," Two-bit says grabbing my hand. " I won't leave town, I promise I'll come back soon," he nods in understanding, kisses me one last time, and leaves the lot. An hour after I fall asleep, I feel a pair of hand slide under me, lifting me up and cradling me, carrying me towards the house, but I'm to tired to fight back. "What the hell were you thinkin Adele!" Darry yells, as I'm carried through the door. "Hmm?" I mumble tiredly, then fall back asleep. "Adele!" Darry yells, waking me back up again. "What?" I say.
"Why would you run away?"
"Soda's leaving, and your dating a Soc. Why wouldn't I leave!" Two-bit puts me down.
"Because it's dangerous, and we are your family."
"That's not a good enough reason!"
"C'mon Adele, go easy," Johnny cuts in.
"Don't act like you've never run off before Johnny!"
Darry slaps me across the face and knocks me over.
"Don't you talk to him like that!" He yells. He takes an angry step towards me as I scramble backwards, still on the ground. Two-bit, Dally, Pony, and Soda all have to hold him back. I run to my room and slam the door, locking it behind me. "Hey let us in!" A couple of boys yell from behind the door. "No!" I shout back. "Someone go get something to pick it with," Soda ordered. I push my chair under my door handle as the lock clicks. The knob turns but the door can't open. I threw an empty glass cup at the door. "Let us in," they yell and bang on the door. "Go away!" I scream. They finally do, and I put my chair back under my vanity. After picking up all the glass shards and throwing them away, I crawl into a pair of p.j.s and walk into the living room. Flopping down on the couch I pull a blanket on and sleep. The dream comes back again, causing a repeat off screams, sweat, and nosebleeds.

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