The Mark Of Athena

By Colorfulcolors3

5K 63 19


Annabth I
Percy II
Jason IV
Annabeth VI
Percy VII
Author's Note

Hazel V

628 9 0
By Colorfulcolors3

 Disclaimer: Do you really think i'm Rick Riordan? No i'm not! It's all to depressing.

 Disclaimer: *cries in corner* I DON'T OWN PJO OR HOO! HAPPY!? *cries more*

                                                                   Hazel Levesque

Hazel was freaking out.

Leo looked so much like sammy it scared her. And he acted so much like sammy to. She didn't know what to think. When ever she saw Leo her heart would skip a beat, but she always had to remind herself that she was with Frank. He trusted his life with her. literally. The fire wood felt heavy in her pocket as she was sitting next to Frank in the Senate meeting. Leo seemed like he was holding something back. He kept making quick glances at her and acted wierd around her. well, more wierd than usual that is. She slipped her hand into Franks. He looked at her and smiled. Hazel smiled back, then focused back onto the conversation. 

Jason seemed tense. Hazel had known Jason for about a year now, and they had become really good friends. Good enough that she knew that something was wrong. He was looking at Percy trying to hide his impressed face but was failing. his face suddenly twisted in hatred toward Percy. She wondered what was wrong. She decided to ask him later.

Reyna stood up. "Can you recite the great prophecy, please?" She ordered.

Annabeth stood and said;

seven halfbloods shall answer the call 

to storm or fire the world must fall

an oath to keep with a final breath

foes bear arm to the doors of death

"Thank you," continued Reyna. "All in favor of helping the greeks on the quest to defeat Geae raise your hand."

Percy raised his hand imediatly. Hazel and Frank raised there hands along with the fith and forth cohorts. Reyna raised her had calmly. the second and third followed her gesture. About half the first cohort raised their hand when Octavain screamed, "Can't you see!? The greeks are tricking us!! we shouldn't help them! they will certainly lead us to our doom! leave them to burn with the other graecus!" 

Suddenly Piper piped up (Yes, i do love my puns.) "We won't lead you to your doom. we just need help to full fill the prophecy like Hera or Juno said to. We can help you guys win this war. Just like the gods intended to." Her voice was so soothing and promising, that Hazel had the urge to walk right up to piper and do whatever she said. She mentally shook her head. The first cohort slowly raised their hand in daze. Even Octavian did, when he relized what was happening, and quickly put his hand down.

"You will all regret this. You will all see." he said.

"It is agreed," Reyna announced "We will help the greeks with their prophecy. Who will these seven demigods of the prophecy be?"

Jason stood and said, "The prophecy of the seven should be all the people who went on quests when Percy and I switched. So It's Leo Valdez," Leo stood up and yelled "Sup romans?!" and sat back down. That boy needs to calm down. Jason cleared his throat akwardly. "And Piper Mclean." Piper stood and waved, then sat back down. "And I, Jason Grace." He finished. 

"And the others?" Reyna asked gesturing toward Percy. 

"Percy stood. "Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, and I, Percy Jackson should also go on the quest."

He  paused and looked at Hazel. They had a silent converstion, that went like this;

Percy: should we tell them about Ella?

Hazel: No! Octavian will be horrible to her! It will be Phineas all over again!

Frank: Whatcha guys talking about?

Percy: Ella. Octavian. Phineas.

Frank: Don't tell guys. We'll tell later. when octavian isn't in the room.

Percy: ok fine.

"Annabeth Chase will also go on the quest of the seven." Percy declared.

"How would you know that?"Octavian asked, "For all we know the seventh could be anyone of us!"

Percy took a deep breathe. "Wisdoms daughter walks alone, the mark of athena burns through Rome." Annabeth tensed at these words. "we heard the prophecy on our quest. It has to be her."

It wasn't completely true but technically, it was.

Before Octavian could say anything else Reyna stood and said "It is official. The seven going on the quest will be Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Piper Mclean, Leo Valdez, And Jason Grace. You will all leave tommarow morning. Meeting dismissed."

Everyone started to leave, exept for the seven and Thalia.

Leo was bouncing up and down like a he had eighteen cups of coffee. Gods he was so much like Sammy.

"Well," Talia sighed. "Duty calls! It was nice seeing you again Percy, but Artimis needs me." Thalia hugged Percy, which Hazel thought was a surprise because from what percy's told her, shes a hunter of Artimis. Jason looked kind of ticked about it, but only Hazel noticed.

"Bye Thals!" Percy said. Maybe a little to cheerfully.

"Don't be so happy, Kelp head. And try not to blow anything up while i'm gone." Thalia turned to Jason. "Stay out of trouble, little bro. Good luck guys." Then she turned, walked away and crossed the Little Tiber out of sight.

"Come on guys i'll give you a tour of the Argo ll!!" Leo said.

"Sure," Percy said "why not?"

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