A friend's Revenge

By fabianpadmore

129 22 2

Atlas Cain's best friend Alex Goodman is beaten to death by Rebecca Turner,Atlas seeks to find revenge for he... More

chapter 1 - A reason for revenge
chapter 2 -A Heart to talk to
chapter 3- rage
chapter 4 - butterflies 🦋
Author's note
chapter 5- care and comfort
chapter 6- our love on walls
chapter 7-let me fight for you
chapter 8-I got you
Chapter 10-Our Final Revenge
Chapter 11- Be Brave
Chapter 12-I will love you either way
chapter 13- A suprise visit
chapter 14 - First for everything
chapter 15- A Meltdown
Chapter 16- Shopping

Chapter 9- Healing Together

4 2 0
By fabianpadmore

Two Days later

Silas' pov

Atlas and I were at the hideout with the guys Kade had brought Kai and Peirce was with us too.

We weren't doing much,just sitting around talking eating snacks and drinking beer.

Atlas was fairly buzzed but she was smiling and happy nonetheless.

I was going to give her a night all to herself tonight.

I had bought her favorite foods, I got her flowers and I was going to draw her a nice warm bubble bath once we got home.

Atlas had atleast 4 beers down and she was getting tipsy,she went for a 5th but I stopped her and she just sat in my lap and cuddled into me.

Around 5pm the sun was setting so I took Atlas home and put her on her bed while I got everything set up.

I filled the tub with warm water and soap,lit a few candles and sprinkled a couple rose petals.

I put a few snacks on the bathroom counter and went to go get Atlas.

She had already woken up,she was just on her phone scrolling when she saw me she put down her phone and hugged me.

"You're clingy today aren't you?" I asked chuckling a bit

I lifted Atlas and walked to the bathroom and placed her on the counter.

"Baby,you did all this for me?" she questioned in awe at the sight.

"Yes,you deserve this,we'll heal together." I say giving her a kiss on the bridge of her nose.

She giggled as I pecked her face with kisses.

I lifted her off the counter and gave her a kiss on the lips.

She got undressed and stepped into the tub and sat in the warm water.

I soon joined her and I sat behind her and scrubbed her gently, she smiled and played in the bubbles while I washed her hair.

I gently rubbed her scalp and she melted into my touch.

we sat in the bath until the water got cold and we were forced to get out.

I gave her one of my T-shirts and shorts to change into and she happily took them.

It was getting warmer outside,summer was around the corner,I wonder where Atlas is going for the summer.

we got finished changing and she grabbed all of her snacks off the counter and sat on the couch I sat next to her and pulled up her favorite show,Criminal Minds.

We watched a few episodes before she fell asleep on my chest.

I picked her up and put her in bed before cleaning up her dorm a bit.

she woke up around 3am and went into the Bathroom.

she came back 3 minutes later and layed on my chest again falling asleep.

She's so cute when she's sleepy.

The next day

Atlas Pov

I woke up in bed alone,I looked around and couldn't find Silas,I heard the shower running,I guess he was in the shower.

I layed there tiredly,my head hurt badly,and my nose was stuffy.

I groaned in discomfort and covered my head with my pillow.

I heard the shower stop and the bathroom door creek open. I soon felt the bed dip slightly.

"Baby is that you?" I groaned

"Yes love,what's wrong?" he asks,rubbing my back.

"My head hurts and my nose is stuffy." I reply coming up from under my pillow.

The tall boy put his hand on my forehead and hummed softly.

"You're burning up,princess." he stated moving his hand from my head.

"Ugh,I hate being sick." I groan

"I'll tell the teachers that your sick." My boyfriend sighed getting up from the bed.

I tug at his shirt,"Don't leave,Please...I need you." I said sniffling.

"Atlas come on baby,I'll be gone for 5 minutes Alright?"He said softly.

I let go of his shirt and he kissed my forehead before going through the door.

I felt icky and gross,I got out of bed slowly and walked towards the bathroom and washed my face.

I walked back to bed sluggishly.

Silas came back a few minutes later and got a few orange  slices and a bowl of fruit and a few slices of toast.

"Thank you baby." I said triedly.

"No problem,love you eat up." he smiled.

I ate all the food and layed in bed tired and sick.

I was sneezing and coughing the whole day,Silas brought me medicine and tissues.

I was Nauseaous the whole day and I threw up a few times.

Silas rubbed my back while I gagged over the toilet.

"That's it baby,just let it out." Silas comforted as I threw up in the toilet.

I cried after,I didn't like throwing up it always felt like I was going to die when I did.

Silas rocked me until I fell asleep.

This cold lasted a good couple of days,by Monday I was feeling better.

Silas brought my homework back for me when he came back from class.

I was able to get it done on the weekend and I was back on track.

Silas wanted help with his history but didn't want to bother me because I was sick but I helped him anyways.

we were at the mall with the others and kai tagged along and he wouldn't leave my side.

"What's up with you today,hmm?" I question the little boy holding on my pants leg.

"Kade yelled at me earlier." kai said softly.

"Why?" I questioned ruffling his hair.

"To get out of his room because he and uncle Ash were wrestling." he said holding me tightly.

"Wow,that's news." I chuckled

I bent down and whispered into Kai's ear,"Go tell uncle Silas what you told me." he nodded and ran off to Silas and Silas picked him up and kai whispered into his ear.

The look on silas' face was priceless, he walked over to Kade trying to hold back laughter.

Kade's eyes went wide as he understood the situation.

We all started laughing at the fact that they thought we didn't know.

"Kade,quick question...are you a bottom?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"Yes." Kade muttered his face red from embarrassment.

Ashton was as cool as a cucumber,and the two boys soon started laughing with us.

We eventually stopped laughing,and went on with our day.

My mom says that she's gonna be home this summer and so is Felix,I'll be going back home to Chicago.I wonder what Silas is doing for summer.

Silas Pov

My parents are going to be in Canada for the summer and asked me if I wanted to tag along but I declined.

I was planning on staying in the dorms the whole summer, It's not that I didn't want to go,it's just that,I felt like I needed to be by myself for a bit.

Atlas and I were back at her  dorm and she was packing a duffle bag,the stuff she was packing was odd.

I watched as she packed a bat,a taser,pepper spray and a huge hunting knife.

"Darling why are you packing a hunting knife and other weapons." I question the girl on the floor.

"I'm going back home to Chicago for the summer so I'm gonna go beat up Rebecca before I go next week." Atlas said with a smile.

"Atlas,don't do anything stupid." I said sternly

she rolled her eyes at me,"I won't,do you want to help?" she asks with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Yes,I'll help you but you got to keep her alive at least,I have a plan for her." I say walking over to the girl and ruffling her hair.

"Why do you want her dead,what did she do to you?" she asks walking over to me.

"Well,she used to go to my old high-school along with my younger sister Leila,she would bully Leila everyday and we never knew,until I heard her crying in her room one night,I asked her what was wrong and she caved,she told me everything,how Rebecca would pull her hair in class,trip her up,call her slurs and beat her up.One night me and my parents were out of the house I came home from a party to rind her on the bathroom floor with an empty pill bottle on the floor;I rushed her to the hospital and she was in a coma for a week before she died...I went mute for about a year and always got into fights and my grades started slipping so my parents sent me here,but Rebecca's parents sent her here to get away from the drama." I reply,my voice starting to shake and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Babe,I'm so sorry that happened to you." Atlas said hugging me.

I broke down crying and held onto Atlas tightly as I cried.

she comforted me until I calmed down.

"Now I have more reason to beat the shit out of that bitch." Atlas said getting up and grabbing a big garbage bag and some gloves.

"Atlas,Don't kill her,we'll leave her for dead."I said getting up angrily.

we slipped on some dark clothes and covered our faces with black bandanas and we went to her dorm In the dead of night.

It was about 12am and she was sleeping,we snuck through her window and tied her up and knocked her out with chloroform before driving to the woods.

This was  going to be our final Revenge.

The final Revenge arc has started,We'll see if Rebecca lives or not.

1638 words

Thx for reading ♡

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