Eyes Like Sky ⚣ ✓

By wambuimuiruriii

131K 9K 1.1K

This story is part of the Wattpad Creators Program! •• One sudden horrific moment shifts the entire trajecto... More



1.8K 142 11
By wambuimuiruriii


I was startled out of deep concentration by a knock on my room's door.

There was only about thirty minutes left before everyone would be seated, and the show would begin... What the hell could Hendrix possibly want now?

"Come in!" I called out to whoever was waiting outside my private room. It had to be Hendrix. I had already spoken with my dad a few minutes ago, before he took his seat in the main hall, and that was the only other person who knew where the musicians chambers were. The only other person who even dared to stop by and bug me right before this very important performance. Looking through the mirror I was sitting in front of, opposite to the door, I watched as the knob turned and a head poked through.

"The special guests Hendrix requested be brought to your room first before seated, have arrived." A man who I absolutely did not recognize, spoke. He was wearing the familiar blue attire of staff, so I assumed he must've been working this event.

That didn't stop me from giving him one solid look of bewilderment when those words left his lips. I pushed myself away from the desk and mirror to stand and face him. Not even a second later, two familiar looking guests shuffled passed the staff members head into the cozy fitting room.

First I noticed Nyra, she was wearing a gorgeous long forest green silk dress that hugged the floor and complimented her skin tone so perfectly, I did multiple takes to make sure I wasn't imagining the deep rich color she decided on tonight. Green fit her so well.

Once I saw Atlas file in slowly behind her, I almost slapped myself into the fucking ether like Team Rocket, just to make for damn sure I wasn't imagining him.


Words escaped my grasp as soon as they found me- I didn't know where to start. My eyes began to analyze Atlas from head to toe, not caring how intensely I was looking anymore, cause fuck it I was going to burn this memory into my temporal lobe if I had to. From his beautifully styled golden hair cascading down his shoulders, to the black suede shoes that completed the charcoal colored suit, and white undershirt... I'd never seen someone so absolutely stunning before. With those pale blue eyes...

I'd never wanted someone so desperately before.

My eyes trailed over each detail of him again, adoring how somewhat true to nature his look was tonight. The golden yellow hair and tie matched, yet that vest... the black mixed with matte black detailed designs. How subtle, yet elegant.

I was so distracted by Atlas, I barely noticed what Nyra said... but she must've said something because one minute there were three of us, then the next there were only two:

Atlas and I.

And as soon as my starstruck brain finally registered that, I wasted no additional time closing the distance, this time by looping my fingers into Atlas's belt loop below his vest, and pulling him forward. I hadn't even noticed the belt was brown till now, matching Atlas's deep roots. God, he looked incredible.

I remembered the last time I pinned Atlas up again a door that Nyra was on the other side of, and thought this was probably the safer alternative for everyone. Atlas melted against my touch as my lips found his and I kissed him, missing every single part of him and wondering when it was that we last touched. Work had consumed both of lives leading up to tonight, but I was determined to make up for all the lost time.

Maybe that was what contributed to me getting a little carried away with the once innocent kiss, made my teeth pull his bottom lip between them for a nip that would make them swell against mine, made my hands travel from the nape of his neck up into his soft hair...

Because before I knew it, Atlas was pushing me away.

His face flushed red, lips swollen from my growing roughness, but both hands were out stopping me from going any further.

"I-If you ruin the hair, Nyra will set this place on fire." His face was tilted down some in an attempt to hide his face, but I could already visibly see how much he enjoyed my touch from the bulge in his dress pants.

It took me a minute but once the blood finally started rushing from one head to the other, I finally registered what Atlas was saying. I hadn't even noticed that three more seconds and I could've been yanking those clothes clean off him.

"You're right." I nodded, my voice still rough and coated in need, though I managed to maintain the healthy distance between us. I hadn't even taken into consideration my own appearance and I was the one getting on stage in a minute here. "I just- I wasn't expecting to see you before going out there. It's a nice surprise."

Atlas still had a goofy smile plastered across his sun-kissed face, but his eyebrows furrowed slightly in bewilderment. "I thought you were the one who requested- well, I mean, I guess the guy said-"

Not a single sentence was completed on his part, but I understood what he was getting at. "I think Hendrix requested this without me knowing. Hell, I didn't even know we could have guests back here so she must've pulled some strings." That made Atlas's smile widen, which in return made mine.

"Well I'm glad she did," he replied. "I'm sure you don't have much time before you go on. How are you feeling?"

My smile faltered slightly, whilst I contemplated how honest I wanted to be. "Nervous. Really nervous, but it'll be okay." At this point I was still trying to convince myself of this, let alone Atlas.

His smile faltered as well, as he took a step towards me. "You're going to be amazing. Whatever you do up there can't negate from how bloody amazing you are and will be, just by getting up on that stage."

I took a step towards him now. Just a small one, I told myself, it's still a safe distance.

"And I can't wait to hear you play. We can maybe celebrate afterwards... if you're not too busy... A- um... a more private celebration?" Atlas's head was still turned slightly, thinking these words painfully through before he said them.

"A private celebration?" I asked, not even choosing to hide the raspiness, or caring about this distance as I took another small step forward. It was like Atlas could sense it, because he then switched directions and took one small step back.

"Well, uhm-" his face was turning red again. "Nyra kind of has a thing tonight, so it'll be just me and Dash at the house. A-All night." Atlas refused to turn his head in my general direction, especially when the tips of his ears grew red as well. "And I um- well, see, I thought you'd maybe- maybe you'd want to um, like spend the night? Uh- deargodstrikemedead- like, with me."

It was so painful, yet so incredibly attractive to watch this man struggle through this.

"Spend the night with you?" I asked, playing coy. I wanted this man to use his words.

"Y-Yes like I- um, well I did some research- I mean, oh my god forget I said that. I- well I um... I think I'm ready to like, to maybe go a bit further- I mean-" he stopped himself this time, clearly hearing himself/this train wreck of a conversation that I was absolutely loving every minute of. I couldn't tell exactly where he was going with this, but I was loving the direction we were going in.

Atlas took a deep inhale, letting his eyes flutter closed a moment before his head finally turned back in my direction. "I... want you Errol. Tonight. I- I want all of you."

I was silent a moment, my smile slowly fading as I processed exactly what he was saying. Something in me switched, and I didn't notice how long I let the silence between us drag out for.

"Errol?" Atlas asked nervously, right as I took a step towards him. He must've heard it, and took yet another one back, but there wasn't much more space between him and the door. I looked passed him to the door, before taking one more step. This put us so close, it was nothing to reach out and touch him. So I reached out, but this time my hand extended past him to the door directly behind him, and wrapped my fingers around the knob. I then dipped my head low to Atlas's ear.

First my tongue slid up his lobe, tracing the intricate carvings, feeling him shudder mere inches away from me, yet my tongue was the only thing touching him. For now.

"Tell Nyra," I whispered so hoarsely I wasn't even sure whose voice box this was anymore, "that I'm sorry."

Those were the last words, coherent anyways, that I said before my fingers found that door's lock and flipped it.


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