Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner...

By anve71405002

5K 76 158

A girl arrives in the Glade. The only thing she remembers is her name. She's in bad condition and needs time... More

1// Waking up
2// Eating
4// Drinking
5// Announcing
6// Dreaming
7// Falling
8// Talking
9// Meeting
10// Researching
11// Threatening
12// Suspecting
13// Discussing
14// Thinking
16// Admitting
18// Running
19// Finding
20// Forgetting
21// Feeling
22// Hiding
23// Fighting
24// Gathering
25// Dating
26// Explaining
27// Sleeping
28// Loving

3// Building

257 3 16
By anve71405002






~~Newt's pov~~

The hug didn't last long, luckely. I think it would have lasted longer if I didn't hear Alby screaming my name. I let Y/n go and run to where I heard the voice come from. Y/n runs after me.

We bump into Alby. "Newt, we have a bit of a situation. It's Minho."

"Minho, is he alright?" Y/n asks. She wipes the last tears away.

"Uhm, he's with the med-jacks now, so we will see. But what happened here? Why is Y/n crying?" Alby points at her but is looking at me.

"Doesn't matter. Ask her. I'm going to Minho." I don't look back at her as I say it. I just run away and go to the med-hut, to my best friend.

When I arrive, I see Jeff wrapping a bandage around Minho's ankle.

"Minho, what happened? Did you fall? Did a griever attack you?" I sit on the chair next to his bed.

"Don't worry, Newt. I just twisted my ankle. It hurts, but I'm gonna be alright." Minho takes my hand and looks in my eyes. "No need to worry, Mom."

Before I can say something, Y/n storms in. "Minho, are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Minho takes a deep breath and let go my hand. "Yes, I'm alright." He says. She looks really worried about him. I'm just gonna leave, I think.

"Well, it looks like you have company now, I have to find Alby," I say.

once I am outside, I see Alby immediately. "Hi, what are we going to do with Minho? He can't run now, at least for a few days."

"You're right," Alby says. "Can you go find Gally for me, please? We're having a little meeting."

I do as he says and go to the builders to find Gally. I tell him to meet Alby and I for a Gathering.

Normally, at a gathering, all the Keepers, Alby and I get together for a meeting. But this time, it was just the three of us, and Minho. Minho told Alby he wants to do something while he can't run.

After some talking, we decide that Minho has to build for some days. He can help Gally, as Keeper of the builders.

Well, actually Alby decided it. He says I'm second in command, but it doesn't always feel like that.

But you know, whatever.

I keep quiet until I have an idea.

"Hey, Y/n still has to try jobs, right? Why don't we let her build, too? She's most comfortable with Minho, I think she'll like that."
And that way, Gally can keep an eye on her. And I can keep her at a distance.

••The next day••

~~Y/n's pov~~

It's now my third day at the Glade. And I'm really not used to it. Although, I start to make some friends.

Like yesterday evening, I had a nice talk with Frypan. And Minho and I get along pretty good, I think. And for every meal I eat with Newt. But he's not really a talker.

Clint and Jeff told me yesterday that I was ready to start looking for my job around here. The leaders and Keepers decided I could help build today with Minho and Gally.

I slept at the hut of the med-jacks again, but they said I would get my own room. So that's what we are going to build.

I have no idea if I'm gonna be good with those tools, but we'll see.

Gally explains to us what the plan is.
In the homestead, there's a big open room where all the boys sleep. And in one corner of that we will build a little room for me. So I will always be close to the boys, but I get more privacy.

"Okay, sounds good," Minho says with a smile. And Gally leaves us alone for now. We already got some tools and go for some wood and string. We don't have much here at the Glabe, but we make the best out of it.

Working with Minho is actually fun. We work together pretty well. Although, I'm not the most handy person.

After a few hours, we almost got the base. Minho is sitting on one of the beams from above. He ties the last string together and cuts it off with a big knife before jumping off.

"The base is done," I say while looking at it. "We make a good team."

"Yeah, we do," he says with a big smile, and he gives me a hug. Just a short, friendly hug.

Everything was going fine. I don't know if Gally would think so if he was here. Let's just say I'm not very good with these tools, and I'm a pro at letting things fall.

I don't know how it happened. But at some point, I fell, and something else fell on our base. Minho had left the knife on it, and it fell down. Before I knew it, there was a deep cut in my arm.

~~End of Y/n's pov~~

Drops of blood fall on the grond. Y/n and Minho both look shocked and don't know how to react. Y/n holds her hand on the wound, and some tears roll over her cheeks. "Shit."

"Don't worry, it's just a cut. We'll go to the med-jacks. Jeff and Clint will look at it and give you a bandage or something."

They run to the med-hut where Clint immediately helps her. It's a deep cut, but it should heal quickly with a bandage around it.

Y/n feels so stupid. She's been here 3 days, and she has been in the med-hut more than anywhere else.

She's sitting on her bed, and only Minho is still with her.

"How do you feel Y/n?" he asks her.

Y/n takes a deep breath. "I don't know. Useless? I don't know what I have to do around here."

"Hey, hey," Minho says while he gives her a hug. "Don't say that. It was an accident. It's not completely your fault."

"Maybe not, but still. I'm not good enough to be a builder. Gally and Alby probably think the same."

"You don't know that. But now that you talk about it. I have to go. There's a gathering to decide what we're going to do with you."

The time goes by slowly for Y/n. She's waiting alone, and her arm is really hurting.

She's sitting outside in the grass, leaning against the med-hut. Everyone is just doing their jobs. No one even looks at her.

She's staring at the big walls. She's deep gone in her thoughts.

She's trying to remember. Because she can feel there's more that she knows. But she can't say what. There is more outside the walls, outside the Maze.

But what is it?


She wakes up from her stare and sees the brown eyes of Newt looking at her.

"Is the gathering done?" she asks.

"Yeah, well sort of. Listen, " Newt says, and he goes to set next to Y/n on the grass.

"We don't really know what to do with you right now. I'm sure you'll find your place just like everyone else. But.."

"But what?" Y/n asks, worried.

"But, in the three days you've been here, you.. You're just not like the others when they got here. You were weak, you're passing out, Minho said you're not very handy, you were not eating, you're having these nightmares. You working at any place isn't a good idea. You need to get stronger first. Physically and mentally."

Did he say nightmares? Y/n can't look at him while he's talking. And she doesn't want him to look at her either. She's ashamed of herself.

"Y/n, we're not trying to be mean. Or trying to scare you or something. We just think this is the best for you. And with you being the only girl, you can use some free time to get to know some more Gladers."

Newt has the feeling he's talking to a wall. He wants to go, he didn't want to do this. But Alby told him to, so he can't just go away now.

"Y/n, look at me," Newt says, trying to still sound friendly. "Please?"

She's turns her head and expects him to look serious, maybe mad. But he doesn't. He looks worried. "Is that alright for you?" he asks her.

"Yes, yes, of course."

"What's wrong then?"

"I don't know. It's just hard, being here. The feeling of being trapped here and not knowing what I can do. I want to be helpful like you guys. Leading the group, running the Maze to find a way out, building stuff to live in, making sure there's food, or making food. And I'm not doing anything."

"No, don't say that. You just need to find your place. And I'm sure you will."

"If you say so."

The two still sit next to each other and just look at the sky for a few minutes without saying anything.

Until Y/n feels a drop of blood roll over her arm. "Suck, my bandage isn't good enough. It's leaking."

"Don't worry," Newt stands up and helps her to get up, too. "Let's just go inside, I'll fix it. There is no need to call Jeff or Clint."

They get inside, and Newt gently takes her bandage off. There's still blood coming from the cut, so he tries to clean it up a bit.

After putting a more professional bandage around her arm, he also ties another piece of fabric around it.

"Here, so it's extra protected." he says.

Y/n looks at his hands as he carefully makes sure the bandage isn't too tight. And that's when she realizes the fabric on her arm is now the same as the one Newt has around his wrist.

"Hey," Y/n says enthusiastically. "We are matching!" And she holds her arm next to his wrist to show him.

But Newt doesn't think it is funny and pulls his arm away. "Yeah, I'm going now."

Before Y/n released what happened, he's gone.







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