Neo Indri Na .ยซ( Book 3 )ยป.

By mariakeerthi

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People say where there is love there is a way but do that context really exist? I think only life can answer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

186 19 4
By mariakeerthi

     “Jeon’s family doctor is the Dean of this hospital.  I have notified him.  Tell your name to the receptionist they will lead you to Jungkook.”  Aerial briefed as she phoned a person.  “You get inside.  I will let Chris know, he must be waiting for me at restaurant.”  Without further delay Reya got inside the hospital.  Details concerning the room and floor being received, she hurried. 


    Everyone being landed on their floors, she was left alone in the lift to the ICU.  The elevator dinged demanding her to step out of it.  Right away Reya's eyes looked for that one being, Jungkook and he was the lone one seated for the full-length corridor;  his hands gripping his head.  With a deep drag of breath, she walked.  The more silent steps she took to reach him, her mind braced itself to face Jungkook, a vulnerable human when it comes to his mom. 

     She stilled few feet away from him, something strange stopped her from moving further, close to him.  At last leaving a gap between them she took a seat beside him.

     A sick feel settled down at her abdomen, memories flooded in her head reminding the most dreadful hospital encounter of her life, near mortuary to get her dead uncle.  Her heart beat raised uncontrollable, tears gathered in her alarmed eyes; her hold on her dress turned tight.

     “I thought you would not come.”    Jungkook’s sudden voice saved Reya from drowning into the sea of sorrow.  She was pulled out to the present from her past.  Wiping her eyes she observed Jungkook who sat in the same position.

     “Did doctor say something?”  She asked instead, he shook his head like a robot.  And the door to the ICU opened, exited a doctor.  Jungkook stood up immediately, as well Reya.

      “Your mom is out of danger, Mr. Jeon.”  That single line was all Jungkook needed, his body got loosened as if a weight was lifted off.  “But, things are not normal.  It’s a massive heart attack, that means her heart cannot accept any shocking information.  She should be emotionally strong to avoid further attacks.  Don’t make her sad or grieve about something.”  That description of his mother’s condition forced him to imagine the worse.  Though he stood like a mountain in front the doctor Reya’s eyes took a note of how his hands were shivering.  Reya stood close to him, held his hand tight, rubbing it.  “And you Miss?”  The doctor inquired noticing a foreigner’s presence.

     “I am his wife.”  Reya said, her eyes never leaving Jungkook’s face.  Momentarily the doctor turned a reporter and wanted to pose multiple queries on the idol’s secret marriage, but his professional ethics obliged him to conceal it. He elucidated her how the patient should be ministered.  The slip with the list of medicines were handed to them.

      Few minutes later the couple was left alone, Jungkook took seat with a thud.  Reya heard him murmur incoherent words, with mindfulness she heard him repeat, “Everything is because of me.  I should have been careful.  If I was careful my mom would be fine and happy.  Nooooo!!!”. As he snarled, his fingers clutched his long hair and pulled it hard in frustration.  Reya knelt in front of him.

     “Jungkook, relax.”  She with her uttermost strength clasped his hands, next second it was withdrawn from her hold.

     “No.  Leave me.  I should be the one who should get hurt, not my mother.  You don’t come in my ways.  LEAVE.” He growled as he lost his mind all the way.  She carried his face and looked at his closed eyes.  She wiped his tears, as they continued to flow freely.

     “But this doesn’t change anything, Jungkook.  You, cannot turn back time to not let anything happen.”  Her words were coaxed with tenderness.   Her fingers caressed his knuckles, lessening its ferocity on his hair.  “But you can take a very good care of her.  Keep her hail and strong.  For that, you should be fine.  Please control yourself for your mother’s sake.”  She soothed his nerves and meekly detached his hand from his hair, at that moment he resembled her 7 months old daughter.  “Please relax.  Eomma is safe.  Nothing will happen to her.”  She sat beside him.  “Have some water.” She offered him some water, he shook his head.  In no time she felt a heaviness on her shoulder.  His head on her shoulder, his hand holding her arms; Reya allowed him.  Sensing calmness offered by her warmth his eyes fluttered closed, his frigid hands encircled her waist and buried his wet face in her crook. 

      “Mom would be fine, right?”  He mumbled against her skin and shifted closer to her body.  She nodded her head fast.

     “Of course, she will.  We will take care of her.  Hmm?”  She wiped his tears. He nodded like a toddler.

     “Thank you for coming, Ray.”   He pulled her closer to him, she hugged him.  “Is Pallavi with Jin Hyung?”  He asked and Reya hummed. 

     Reya saw Aerial coming towards them.  Aerial knelt in front of Jungkook and hugged him.


     “Reya, I will drop you at home.  You have to feed Pallavi.”  Aerial told Reya, Jungkook listened them as he gave the medicine bag to nurse.

     “Yeah, Aerial is correct.  If you want to come, I will come and pick you tomorrow morning.  Or you can come with hyungs.”  Jungkook spoke.  Reya without uttering a word stared at Jungkook and his melancholic eyes.  When her motherhood said a thing her heart whispered an another. 

     Speaking of the former Jungkook she had no problem to depart, but the one in front of her was the vulnerable one who is emotionally unstable.

     “Aerial, can you do me a favor?”  Reya whispered.  Aerial hummed, and they both excused themselves from there.

     Few minutes let passed Reya’s footsteps gained Jungkook’s attention, his brows were pulled together “You didn’t leave?  Where is Aerial?” 

     “Aerial went home and will take care of baby for tonightI have given her my pumped milk, sufficient in my absence.”  She soliloquized as she took her seat yet he heard, due to her extreme proximity with him.  Her eyes never leaving her phone screen as she messaged Aerial, ‘Without fail wear her Pampers at night, if you don’t want my ammu’s urine dharisanam.  The pampers are in the drawer.’

     Smiling she locked her phone and turned towards Jungkook and was taken back with his fathomless stare on her, his orbs were no less than the black holes, grasping her everything into it; a scintilla of love radiated between them.  She coercively averted herself from him, exhaled her withheld breath.

     “Your book is really nice.”  

     It took her few seconds to apprehend what Jungkook just said.  Once she did her head whipped towards him in shock.  “It was RM who bought your book at first and founded, Mirthika Joshi is you.”

     “Oh!!!”  That’s all her stupefied self could come up with.  Her eyes still remained widened with continued blinking and mouth agape, that he had hard time holding his laugh, she resembled a lost puppy. “Jesus!” Jungkook jerked back when she exclaimed. "That’s how you guys found my address!!!”  Her high pitch voice coerced him to double check his eardrums.  A soft giggle bloomed around his lip and he nodded.  With a long hum she sat upright, her arms folded. “Well.  Hmm have you read it? Completely?”  she asked scratching her nose.  From her peripheral view, she could say he was in deep thinking.

     “Till now, I think 5 times.  Not only me, all the hyungs, the crew of BTS, even Pdnim and his fam_ the dead silence around h,im made him stop at the mid.  A spontaneous gust of wind summoned Jungkook to stand near the window.  He felt his weariness being washed away with the whirling nature.

     “That bulk order of 500 books? Was it you?” Reya asked in a gentle tone and stopped next to him. As she guessed he nodded in affirmation. 

     “I planned to surprise you.”  He focused on the trees and their breeze.  Then why didn’t you?  Instead, Why did you talk shit about me?  From where did you get the idea of divorce?  In addition many questions circled her headspace, yet concerning the place and time she stored those questions for later.  She exhaled loud and faced him.

    “Jungkook, we need to talk.”  He faced her ready to hear what she was about to say.  “About divorce.”  His eyes darted outside as he nodded.  “Pallavi, she should not be punished with our decision.  She needs us by her side when she grows up.”  He was silently giving ears to what she was saying.  Taking grant of his silence she continued, “And our parents.  Your mom’s condition will get worsen.  My parents will be broken too.”  And there was silence from the two.  “I don’t want to divorce you, Jungkook.” 

     “Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, you can meet the patient.”  The nurse’s voice distracted them.  It was Jungkook who entered first, followed with Reya.  

     Jungkook’s feet froze near the door, pain in his eyes witnessing his mom’s terrible condition.  “Go.”  Reya gave a push to him and he went close to his mom.  Slowly his mom opened her eyes.

     “Mom, I thought I lost you.”  Jungkook said holding his mom’s hand, sat on the stool, his tears threatening to fall down. 

     Slowly his mom withdrew her hand from his hold, even with her weak self his mom glared at him before averting her glance from Jungkook to Reya who was standing beside him, she gestured Reya closer.

     Concealing his anguish Jungkook left the chair, granting his place for Reya.  “Eomma!!!  How do you feel now?” Reya asked holding her hand. His mom nodded her head.  "Ma, Nothing is going to happen as you worry.  I promise you.”  Reya assured, holding her hand in a tight grip.  Hot tears released from his mom’s eyes which she wiped with care.

     “I know about my son, he sometimes turn crazy.  But he never betrays anyone, concerning you he can never think of it.  Don’t make decisions in haste, think about your kid.”  With extreme difficulty his mom spoke.  Reya heard her with obedience.

     “Please don’t stress yourself, mom.  Take some rest.”  Her oxygen mask was worn by Reya.  Once patient eyelids shut, Reya’s eyes fell on Jungkook standing near the door, looking devastated.  “Come, let’s go.”  She signaled him and grabbed his hand and they both exited.

     Outside the ICU she tried calling Aerial, “Aerial has been calling me.  I will inform her about mom’s condition.” She moved away from him.  But he didn't let go of her hand.

     “Let’s not get divorce.”  He breathed out. 

      “What?!” Reya cut the call and looked at him. 

      “Let’s not get divorce.”  He repeated, locking eyes with her.  However Reya tried she couldn’t conceal her happy eyes.  “Once mom gets discharged we will talk and sort out everything?”  He asked as he tucked her dishelmed curls behind her ears.  And she nodded.  “It’s better if you go and have some rest.  Tomorrow morning you can come.”  He said.

     “Will you be fine by yourself?” As her tender voice traced his ears she noticed how he stared at their holding hands longer than he should.

     “I am so used to that.”  He smiled which failed to touch his eyes, a very thing that urged her to cage him in her protective walls, but with an emotional barrier that they successfully built she stood rooted to her floor eyes dwelling into his soul. “Come, I will drop you.”  His tightened grip on her hand though her hand was hurting by then, she followed his footsteps.  "I will inform our family doctor, he will take care of mom in my absence.”  He was busy dialing the said doctor, of which his mind didn't register how her fingers intertwined and filled his finger gaps.

     Of all the period, night is an infant who hide and seeks the silence.  A night of winter embraces each speck of silence from the World.  When silence is the language the couple spoke, the entire car ride was nothing but silent.

     The car halted breaking the thick layers of tranquility.  She took few seconds to lace her words, “Thank you.” She unbuckled her seat belt.  The door was closed and she faced the apartment when his euphonic voice reached her.

     “You are not just my daughter’s mother.”  Her face flexed when her lips created its euphoric curve.  

     “We are not just the mom and dad of the same baby.”  She was clueless, of why she blushed at that moment.  As of defeating 1000 enemies she fought with her feelings, and turned towards him.  “Good night, Jungkook.”  The way he sucked and held his last breath, and bitting off his smile;  she knew he was blushing. 

     Her giggling filled the iced ambiance that night after a long gap.  Of course everything wasn’t perfect between them, but the imperfection in their relationship was correctable;  Reya realized.


     “Only one spoon, the last one.  For me?”  Her mother-in-law finished one spoon.

 “You know ma, the  last spoon is the healthiest spoon.  Come on open your mouth, aaaaa… . ”  Reya's mouth was wide open until her mother-in-law's flare subside and her mouth eventually opened as wide as Reya wanted.  Reya wiped her lips and offered her water.

     “Why don’t you even tell me bedtime stories?  Do I look like your daughter?”  His mom took a hold of Reya's ears.  Reya's laughter was too contagious to infect her second mom. “How is my soneyo?” 

     “Your question is wrong, ma.  You should ask how is Aerial who takes care of your beloved soneyo.”  With that say Reya unlocked her phone to show the funny pics sent by Aerial.

   “She is 7 months old, isn’t she?”  Reya gleamed as a response and slowly raised from her chair with the dirty bowls. 

     Not giving her chance Jungkook appeared for her service and got the empty food bowl from Reya, gently pressing her shoulder, Reya passed him a smile.  His mom’s eyes followed him until he reached wash basin, at the end of the room.  “As you all think I wasn’t here to see him thinking that he misses me, I knew my son and his indirect talks.” It was too unexpected for Reya that she was unknown of how to react. “I sensed something was wrong between you two.  But divorce documents on his table was the last thing I expected”  His mom exhaled, rubbing her chest.

     “Ma, we are not divorcing.”  His mom's smile was ready to get drenched in tears.   “Everything will be fine.”  Reya repeated, for her own senses her words echoed.

     Reya indeed read a bedtime story for the patient, hearing which Jungkook's mom was feeling better.   Jungkook was arranging the bowl inside the bag.  And then there was a knock on the door. 

     He checked the time before reaching the door, it was Rani and Joseph.  “My dear Jungkook.”  Rani pulled him to her warmth.  “How are you?”  She caressed his cheeks and he smiled in response,  but shock didn't leave his body.  As she left to see his mom, Joseph followed her and did the same with Jungkook.  Jungkook’s pupil darted between Reya and her parents.  She gestured him to wait and mouthed, ‘Will tell you later.’

     Time lapsed, “Where is Jungkook’s dad and brother?”  Rani asked the inevitable.

     “I didn’t inform them.  They are busy with an important meeting.  I don’t want to disturb them and spoil their meeting.”  She smiled.  “Firstly I have my lovely son and daughter-in-law to take care of me.  What else I want?”  Rani nodded with happiness flooding her heart.

     “Ma, how did you find the hospital?  With whom you have come here? Did Aerial pick you?”  Reya blurted out as the same question was bugging her mind.

     Rani let out a long sigh, “You didn’t pick my calls so I asked Aerial.  But she didn’t pick us from airport as she was taking care of your baby.  It wa_

     “Me.”  A too familiar yet an unrecognizable voice was received by Reya’s sensory organ and her orbs registered a figure enter the room. 

     “Aaron.” She spelled and like a magical spell her eyes automated to Jungkook and noticed his tensed face.  The next moment she saw how he controlled his in building outrage.  

     “Hi Aaron.  How are you?”  Reya asked displaying her extreme politeness.

     “I am fine.  How are you and where is my darling Pallavi?” He asked,  adding some stress to Pallavi.

     “I am fine and she is at home.”  Reya's forced out a smile and did a basic introduction of Aaron to her mother-in-law.

     From her side eye Reya saw Jungkook leaving the comfort of the wall.  “I have a work.”  Jungkook announced gaining everyone's attention. "Will come in the evening.”  Jungkook said looking at his mom and quickly got himself out of the room.  His mom’s face fell which Reya didn't miss.

     “Jungkook stop. ”  She stopped him outside the room, his hands had to be held by her when he didn’t respond to her words, with a feral irritation he dared her. “Where are you even going?  I know you don't have any work.”  She snapped.

    “I am not needed here.  So”  He said once and got rid of her hold but she didn’t let him step further, blocking his way.

     “Of course you are needed, Jungkook.  Your mom needs you.  Why don't you understand that at the absence of your brother and father at least you should be with her.” He stood stubborn as mule.  “It's because of Aaron.”  She stated and he huffed in despair. ”I knew it.” She mumbled. “Look he is not bad as you think he is really_ Her talk came to an halt as he begged with his prayer hands.

     "Enough is enough.  I am already hurt, stop worsening it.”  His pleads sounded craze and too inappropriate for her.  “Once he will leave give me a call.”  He said.  She was thinking of a better way to make him stay.  When the door to ICU opened, exited out Aaron.

     “I have an urgent work, Rey.  I am leaving.”  Aaron smiled at Reya.  Reya nodded with an apologetic smile, sending secret gratitude to him.  Aaron nodded and turned towards Jungkook, “Bye, Jungkook.” He said.  Jungkook tsked and made faces. 

     Aaron braced his temper, eyed Reya before moving with firm steps  Reya left Jungkook’s hand and strode after Aaron to apologize in the place of Jungkook.

     When she returned back Jungkook for sure saw her in fire.  “He was just being polite.  And you!  You are a barbarian, Jungkook”  Reya gritted her teeth.

     “Ama di.  He is a gentleman and I am an uncivilized.  So what?  Want to marry him?”  His huge frame towered over her.  Reya’s face twitched at his rude remark.  A silence that should belonged to a hospital was broken, with a harsh slap on Jungkook.

      “You are horrible.”  She spat at his face.  “And for your question, no I don’t want an another marriage.  One hell is enough.”  She turned on her heel and slammed the door on his face.


     It was Aerial who dropped Reya and her parents at her apartment that night.  Reya felt it was good to be at home for her baby, also for her. Jungkook stayed with his mom. Tae and Jimin accompanied him. Through Aerial the dinner was sent to hospital. 

      At midnight Reya’s phone vibrated, it was Jungkook.  She rejected it for her phone to again get its life

     “Did I disturb you?”  he asked in low-key.

     “Yes.  I am hanging up.”  Reya barked and was about to cut when she heard his silent apology.

     “My mind is all over the place that I can't think straight.  Please forgive me.”  He requested her.  saying  nothing Reya cut the call, resumed feeding her baby.  Again her phone rung, she picked it.  "I want to talk with Pallavi.  Please put the call on loud speaker.”  He said.  Reya found it weird.

    “It is almost 11.00 pm, how are you so sure that Pallavi is awake?”  There was no reply from his side. “Are you there? Hello”

     “I guessed it.  You must be feeding before putting her to sleep.  She usually sleeps after 11p.m.  So yeah.”  He breathed out.  Still in the maze she hummed and oned her phone’s loudspeaker once her mini angel’s tummy is full. 

     “Talk.”  He stick to her order and commenced his heart-heart with his midget, a quick grin appeared on Pallavi’s face hearing her dad.  “She is cracking hearing you.”  Reya admired them.  After like 10 minutes Pallavi slept.  “She is asleep.”  Reya whispered, mounded a cozy bed in the crib for her princess and moved near window, chill breeze welcomed Reya.

    "Did uncle and aunty asked anything?”  Jungkook inquired.

    “Yeah, they did.  I said for your convenience we shifted here.  They believed.  And they didn’t ask much.”  There was silence from the other line.

    “Sorry." Silence.

    “Sorry.”  Again silence.

    “Hey, are you there?”   She hummed.  “I didn’t mean what I told.  I was so mad at him, that it just.  I am sorry.”  He was waiting for her reply.    

     “I am sorry too.  I shouldn’t have slapped you.”      

     “Yeah, that’s fine.”      

     “But Aaron is not what you thin_

     “Reya.  Please don’t talk about him, not now.  We decided to talk once everything settled down.”      


     None spoke after that.  The crashing breeze engulfing her body made her reminisce their olden days when they used to be lovers.  Slowly she opened her arms wide and felt the whooshing wind, his indirect hug.

     "Jungkook!!!  What are you doing with your wide hands? ”  Reya heard someone scream at Jungkook.  Soon her brain caught the voice, it's Jimin. “We are in fifth fucking floor, JK.  I don't want you to get admit with your mother.”  Reya couldn't control her laughter. “ Continue your Titanic at home with Reya, now come.”

     “Hyung leave my ear aaahhhh it is painful.”  Jungkook shouted in pain.  Laughing hard Reya cut the call.

      Reya retired for the night with smile. 

     Suddenly she woke up, ”Was Jungkook also standing there with wide arms?”  She soliloquized and fell back on her bed with a maniac grin. 


    It had been a week since they discharged his mom, everyone staying over Reya’s apartment.  As plans were made the couple didn't get isolation to have one-on-one. Interruption became a constant thing between them at any cost either as his schedule or their family. 

    One thing they failed to perceive, as Rani was noticing the gap between them.  Once Rani confirmed it she didn’t waste her time.

     “Something is not right between you two.”  Rani voiced out.  A pitch of awkwardness was added to the cuisine with her one question.  Reya ceased her cooking and offered a fake giggle.

     “What are you talking about, ma?  Everything is fine.  He is just busy.  You know it.”  She lied deliberately without looking at her mom.

    “I know my daughter and Jungkook too.  I could see how you are not happy, your longing eyes for him, it's intolerable for me.”  Reya didn’t protest, after all we cannot hide feelings with our mom, right?  “I have been seeing how you guys were, always bickering, laughing and being in love, which are absent now.  I thought you would be fine within 2 to 3 days but I think it’s something serious.”  Reya couldn’t hide her tears anymore, she hugged her mom and bawled her eyes out.  Starting from her departure, Lisa, the rumor, his sudden change of behavior Reya spilled out everything yet with a limitations.

     “Look, I am not going to scold you or anything for the things that have happened.  Such doubts and confusions are normal between couples, fights are never a question.  That doesn’t mean you can divorce.  As you decided you both talk.  Tomorrow me, your father, Jungkook’s mom we will go to park or somewhere with Aerial.  Utilize this time and talk with him.”  Reya nodded her head, her soul felt at ease sharing things with her mom.


     BTS had a party to attend, being invited by an idol from EXO.  With a simple sick excuse Jungkook stayed behind.  As planned everyone was getting ready to go to a fair and was already in the car, waiting for Aerial who was lecturing Reya. 

     “Reya.  First of all, reveal him about Aaron and him helping you since you left.  That is the only thing you have been hiding from Jungkook.”  Reya nodded drinking few glasses of water easing her nerve.  “Main point, tell him about your secret meetings with Aaron.  Just spill everything.  And ask him to spill everything.”  As Aerial was advising, Reya mentally noted the things to be done.

     Suddenly the main door opened, “REYA.”  Came Jungkook’s hurried voice, both the women rushed outside, to see Jungkook catching Song who was on the edge of the bed, almost fell down.  Reya’s heart stopped its beat as she ran towards her baby.  She checked her for any wounds thankfully nothing happened.  She lulled her baby back to sleep and put her in crib.  “Calm down.  She is fine.  But why didn’t you put her in crib earlier?”  he asked in calm tone, rubbing her shoulder.

     “I forgot.  Thank God you came at a correct time.”  Reya was surprised with his accuracy of appearance.

     “Thank God, I saw my phone.  Otherwise I wouldn’t know that she was on the edge.”  He murmured and walked towards kitchen.  “I want some water.”  Reya gave a deep thought to his response.

     “Jungkook wait!  Did you just say, that you saw her falling in your phone?  Or did I hear it wrong?”  She asked observing his face, there she saw him clutch his eyes and curse himself.  “Show me your phone.”  She asked, her voice plain yet it shook Jungkook as he hid his phone.  She strode towards him and snatched his phone from his hand.  She scrutinized his deadpanned face before gazing at his phone.  Her eyes widen with what she saw, her breathing turned abnormal.  “Aerial!  You go, everyone is waiting for you.”  She though sounded calm, Aerial sensed the storm in it.

     “But Rey_ “I said go, Aerial.  We need to talk.  And I am fine.”  Aerial with half heart went outside shutting the door behind.

     Once the door’s locked Reya turned him towards her and clutched his shirt.  “You spied on my bedroom with an hidden camera?”  Tears of pain welled in her eyes.

Armmmyyyyy.....  Saranghae....  Read and share your thoughts.  💚💜

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