Classroom of the Elite Reacti...

By kiyopooooonn

55.6K 1.7K 859

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the ship disappears. Gone. Except for the students of Metropolitan Advanc... More

Prologue 2
Chapter 1: The Structure of Japanese Society
Chapter 2: Welcome to the School Life of Your Dreams
Chapter 2.1: The S-system and Introduction
Oneshot: Satou x Ayanokouji
Chapter 2.3: Freedom Monologue
Oneshot: Ayanokouji x Horikita

Chapter 2.2: Convenience store

4.7K 200 107
By kiyopooooonn

After the video of my lackluster introduction had ended, everyone went about their own business, awaiting the appearance of the next video on the screen. Some dozed off; resting their heads on their arm on their lap, others buried their noses in their smartphones, some engaged in conversations with friends, while some simply sat in contemplation, trying to make sense of it all. In the midst of this bustling atmosphere, I noticed someone making their way towards me. It was Yousuke Hirata, a fellow classmate of mine with an average of height, brown eyes and blond hair. As he approached, I could see a hint of concern in his expression.

"Ayanokouji-kun, can I speak with you for a moment?" he asked in a calm voice.

I nodded and followed Hirata as we made our way to the corner of the theater. There, we discovered a vending machine with a wide assortment of beverage cans.
Despite the lack of any explicit rule requiring everyone to stay in the gymnasium, I noticed that none of the students ventured outside or wandered around while the authorized personnel were absent. This contradicted my expectations, as I had read that humans often seek ways to alleviate their boredom and are naturally inclined to move around rather than remain stationary. However, given the unusual circumstances, it seemed like an exception to the norm. Still, my curiosity was piqued by this observation.

"Ayanokouji-kun, what would you like to drink?" Hirata asked with a smile, clearly intending for both of us to enjoy a beverage before delving into the matter weighing on his mind. I replied that I wanted a black coffee, wanting to experience its taste firsthand. Although I enjoyed drinking tea and had even learned some tea ceremony skills during my time at "that place,"
The instructors meticulously inspected everything served to us, so I was unable to explore the taste of coffee until now.

As expected, the coffee turned out to be bitter, presumably because I had chosen a black variety. Similar to tea and milk, coffee had different flavors that contributed to its distinct taste. I made a mental note to try different types of coffee in the future to further evaluate my decision.

As Hirata held a can of green tea in his left hand, he began addressing the topic that had been weighing on his mind all this time.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I understand that you must feel overwhelmed by this situation, as you are at the center of it all. Not only can we see your past, including the very first moment you entered the school, but for some reason, we can also hear your thoughts. I realize this invasion of privacy must be distressing, so I wanted to apologize for that," he spoke earnestly, expressing his intention to apologize before delving into the real issue at hand.

However, I immediately refused his apology and expressed my gratitude for his concern. I reassured him that he, nor anyone else in the student body, was responsible for this absurd situation. I understood that the circumstances were beyond anyone's control, and assigning blame would not solve the mystery or alleviate the current predicament.

"I see," he responded with a wry smile, taking a slow breath before continuing. "Ayanokouji-kun, you are hiding your abilities, aren't you?"

His straightforward question revealed that Hirata, being perceptive and intelligent, had sensed that something was amiss. My thoughts and actions displayed on the screen would not have garnered such attention if I were just an ordinary person without any exceptional capabilities. The look in his eyes confirmed that he already held the belief that I possessed hidden talents, but he sought confirmation directly from me.

Realizing that there was no reason for me to lie, I confessed to him. "Yes, I have been holding back all along."

Lying would only lead to complications in the future, especially considering that the videos displayed scenes from my past actions and contributions in class. The best course of action was to be honest with Hirata. Additionally, I had another motive for telling the truth. Observing Hirata in class, I recognized his warm nature when he covered for me during the incident in the island exam. Despite finding Karuizawa's missing panties in my pocket, Hirata chose to believe in my innocence based on his own biases and assumptions, without concrete evidence. His personality and influence could prove invaluable in shielding me from potential attacks by other students. With that in mind, I had already set the wheels in motion to make Hirata my pawn.

Hirata didn't display any signs of anger or frustration in response to my reply. Instead, he wore an expression of understanding.

"Although I don't know the exact reasons behind your decision to hold back, I believe that you did it for your own personal interests Ayanokouji-kun, and I have no complaints about that," he stated.

Hirata seemed to acknowledge that my actions were driven by my own motivations, and he didn't harbor any resentment or objections towards me for it. His understanding demeanor made it clear that he respected my choices.
He must have also realized that it was actually me who had played a crucial role in their victory during the island exam, not Horikita. However, he chose not to mention it at that moment.

After our conversation, we returned to our seats just in time to see the next video about to start.

"Where did you go?" Horikita inquired.

"Just taking a breather for some fresh air," I replied, keeping my response vague.

The video started.

Even though people said this place was tough, the entrance ceremony was the same as any other school's. Some important people offered words of thanks, and the ceremony concluded without incident. Then, it was noon. After we received some general information about the campus, the crowd dispersed.

Glancing around the theater, I noticed that everyone seemed preoccupied with their own activities, showing little interest in the video. It appeared that their initial curiosity had faded once they realized that the videos will only merely document the lives of some random students from Class D, whom they perceived as inferior or defective. They had lost interest once the initial curiosity had faded, and they had returned to their previous behaviors, seemingly bored by the content being shown. Except for some students that is.

70-80 percent of the students headed toward the dormitories. The remaining students quickly formed into groups. Some made their way to cafés, while the louder ones went out for karaoke. The hustle and bustle quickly died down.

One of the top students from Class A voiced his thoughts, "You know, even if this guy is a defect, he's not actually bad than we originally presumed

Katsuragi, another faction leader from Class A, concurred, "Indeed. His level of awareness and observational skills when it comes to his surroundings and other people is quite impressive."

Ayanokouji deflected the praise, monotonously stating, "I am merely observant when it comes to this kind of thing that's all"

Although Katsuragi and Kanzaki remained somewhat skeptical, they shifted their focus back to the screen, continuing to watch the scene.

On a whim, I decided to swing by the convenience store on my way back to the dormitory. Of course, I went alone. I didn't have a chaperone, or acquaintance, or anyone like that.

Miyamoto interjected, unable to resist making a remark, "Well, that's because you've failed to make friends due to your inability to interact."

I brushed off Miyamoto's comment, understanding that while I may not have any "friends", I much preferred being on my own rather than associating with individuals like him, Yamauchi and Ike.

"My, what an unpleasant coincidence."

Entering the convenience store, I ran into Horikita once again

Hashimoto, witnessing the encounter, couldn't help but laugh. "Seems like fate really wants you two to become friends," he remarked with a chuckle.

"Wouldn't that be creepy?" Satou asked as she glance at both Horikita and me. "I mean, after several coincidences, if it were me, I would definitely think Ayanokouji is stalking me."

"Not really," Horikita replied. "It's not as if it's a rare coincidence. We simply happened to run into each other because we both decided to buy things at the nearest convenience store after the entrance ceremony."

"And even if he did, it wouldn't be surprising if you saw him next time, poked with lots of compass needles on his body," she added as she looked at me.

"Come on, there's no need to be so hostile. Anyway, did you need to buy something?" I asked

"Yes, just a few things. I came to get some necessities."

Hondou snorted. "What else would she be doing in a convenience store other than buying something? I mean, she's carrying a cart with products inside. Anyone could guess that."

"I was just trying to strike up a conversation with her, that's all," I responded, prompting Hondou to sit back down on his seat.

There was no shortage of things you needed when starting life in a dorm, especially if you were a girl.

The other girls nodded in agreement, understanding the sentiment.

Kobashi chimed in, her voice slightly timid at first. "Um, yeah, there are so many things we need to buy during the first week of admissions. Stuff like shampoo, skincare and beauty products, fashionable clothes, room decorations, and even underwear and such..." Her voice trailed off as she blushed, realizing that she had caught everyone's attention with her enthusiastic outburst.

Amikura couldn't resist the adorable sight of Yume blushing and looking embarrassed. Overwhelmed by Yume's cuteness, she exclaimed, "Uwahh, Yume! You're so cuteee~" Amikura couldn't help herself and gave Yume a big hug.

Horikita took various necessities like shampoo off the shelves and promptly threw them into the basket she was carrying. I'd thought she would choose higher quality items, but she only took the cheapest options.

Nene chimed in, offering a possible explanation.
"Maybe she just doesn't want to spend too much money in buying those things when she can simply buy some cheap products. It's typical of Horikita-san. She has her own unique way of doing things."

It seemed that the class had already taken note of Horikita's distinctiveness, viewing her as an extraordinary individual. However, upon noticing my thoughts on the screen, Horikita snapped back at me, saying, "You should honestly mind your own business."

'I wouldn't be helping the class if I were to do that' Thought Ayanokouji

"I thought girls usually made a fuss over what kind of shampoo they bought."

"That depends on the person though "
Remarked Kamuro as she sipped a barley tea on her mouth.
'Bitter. Not as great as beer but I think I can live with this one for now' she thought.

"Well, that depends on the person, doesn't it? I'm the sort who doesn't know when you might need money," she replied.

She shot me an icy glare that seemed to say, Could you please not inspect other people's purchases without their permission?

Manabe responded, "It's understandable for anyone to be annoyed by that. You shouldn't just peek at other people's purchases, even if you're acquainted with them. It's an invasion of their privacy," she said, shifting her attention back to her phone.

Ayanokouji felt the urge to retort, "But what about my privacy?" It seemed rather ironic for him to receive advice about not invading others' privacy when, in reality, every first-year student's body, along with a couple of seniors, was observing his thoughts and interactions without him having any control over it.

"At any rate, I was terribly surprised that you stayed for introductions," she said. "You didn't look like the type to hang out with a circle of classmates."

"It's not fair to judge someone solely based on their appearance," Hasabe responded, her tone firm.

"I'm simply stating my observations about his personality and behavior based on our interactions," Horikita responded, providing a logical explanation.

"I decided to participate precisely because I don't like trouble. Why didn't you introduce yourself to them, Horikita? You could have gotten to know several other students, and it would have been a chance to make friends."

"Fufu, no one would want to be friends with someone who has such a high opinion of themselves and frequently looks down on others," Sakayanagi, the Class 1-A leader, taunted with a smug expression.

Horikita clicked her tongue and glared at Sakayanagi, who had spoken those words.

"What? do you think I'm wrong?" Sakayanagi questioned.

"I could say the same about you," Horikita replied, disregarding Sakayanagi's previous remarks, perhaps acknowledging deep down that Sakayanagi had a valid point.

"Unfortunately, unlike you, I can back up my claims with the abilities at my disposal," Sakayanagi proudly declared.

Ryueen and Ayanokouji simply observed the unfolding spectacle, with Ryueen showing intrigue and Ayanokouji appearing rather bored.

Quite a few of the students had exchanged cell numbers, too. If Horikita had participated, she would probably have become quite popular. What a waste.

"With her personality?
I doubt she will"
Someone shaked their head while expressing their opinions

"There are several reasons why I objected, but I suppose it might be better if I simply explain, hmm? My introduction might have sown discord, depending on how things went. Thus, doing nothing avoided creating more problems. Am I wrong?"

Shibata reasoned, "She could simply choose to lie or refrain from saying anything harsh during her introduction."

Kanzaki responded as he shaked his head on such thoughts, "Well, considering what we've observed about Horikita from the video, I highly doubt she would do that. She's the kind of person who's straightforward and unwavering in her beliefs. Even if she were to pretend, it would only lead to more issues in the future."
As he spoke, the members of Class B nodded in agreement.

"But, statistically speaking, there was a high probability that you could have hit it off with everyone after introducing yourself," I said.

Clank! Clank!

"That's a rather weak argument, Ayanokouji-kun, considering you haven't made a single friend. I had high hopes for you to make a logical one," a voice echoed, drawing my attention. It was Arisu Sakayanagi, the other class A faction leader, accompanied by Hashimoto and Kamuro. She emphasized her point by tapping her cane, causing the attention of everyone in the theater to focus on her.

I looked at her for a few seconds before replying "I was simply attempting to persuade her to develop closer relationships with the others."

After hearing my response, Sakayanagi looked at me with a smug expression before shifting her attention back to the projector in front. It left me wondering why she had such high expectations of me, especially considering that I hadn't yet showcased my capabilities on the screen. I was certain that this was the first time we had directly encountered each other during this entire ordeal.

"How did you arrive at that conclusion? Actually, if I argue this with you now, we'll just end up in an endless debate. Let's say that the probability of making friends was high, like you said. So, how many people did you get to know?"

Hashimoto let out a whistle and remarked, "Oh, she totally destroyed him."

Amikura replied, "Just because Ayanokouji-kun failed to make friends doesn't mean you'll face the same outcome. You should give it a try yourself."

Horikita responded with disinterest, saying, "I'm not interested."


She gazed at me.

That was a rather splendid argument. The fact that I hadn't yet exchanged contact information with anyone worked in Horikita's favor. It proved there was no guarantee that introductions led to friendship. I instinctively averted my eyes.

Ichinose responded by offering a different perspective. "While it's true that introductions don't guarantee friendship, it still serve as a crucial starting point for people to get to know each other."
She continued "It's through these initial interactions that we can discover common interests, share experiences, and build connections with others. Although it may not always lead to lasting friendships, it remains an important step in fostering relationships," Ichinose explained. Her words resonated with Kobayashi, Amikura, Yousuke and Kushida (?) who all expressed their agreement with her viewpoint.

Ryueen and Nagumo both said in unison, "How boring" and "How naive."

Nagumo voiced his dissatisfaction with the enthusiasm displayed by Ichinose and others in a school where competition thrived and students used any means necessary to gain an advantage. He viewed the school as a training ground for students to develop and grow before confronting the harsh realities of society. Over his two years as a student, Nagumo had encountered numerous individuals who shared similar viewpoints to Ichinose, expressing discontent with how Nagumo led his classes. Consequently, all of them had been expelled under his authority.

Nagumo held no remorse for his actions, as he believes that his action is justified in a school that embraced the survival of the fittest. He couldn't help but feel intrigued by how long it would take for these new first-year students to abandon their beliefs without his intervention.

"In other words, you have no evidence to support your claim that self-introductions lead to making friends, do you?" she asked. "Besides, I never intended to make friends in the first place. If I have no need to introduce myself, then I also have no reason to listen to anyone else's introductions. Have I convinced you?"

Manabu couldn't help but release a heavy sigh as he observed his sister's reasoning. He was aware that her admiration for him had influenced her attitude and caused her to adopt a similar approach.

That reminded me of the disastrous first time I'd tried to introduce myself to Horikita. Come to think of it, it might have been a miracle that I'd managed to get her name.

"Well, it's true," said Onodera. "It was only when Kushida mentioned her name to us that we actually knew it."

"Apparently, your introduction to Horikita was much smoother than the one you made in front of the class, Ayanokouji-kun," giggled Satou, recalling the awkward introduction I had made.

"Well, haha, true," laughed Matsushita.
Matsushita only took Satou's comment as a joke, but then she noticed something important that many hadn't realized. 'If he's capable of making a decent introduction to Horikita, then why did he stumble during the class introduction?'
She started contemplating Ayanokouji's actions.
'Did he purposely do that... for what purpose?' Matsushita's thoughts trailed off as she followed the line of her thinking.

In truth, Ayanokouji had purposely made his class introduction awkward to avoid drawing attention to himself, allowing him to operate more effectively from the shadows. He understood that the more popular he became, the harder it would be for him to remain unnoticed. But there's no way for Matsushita to realize that as she still didn't think that he's the one who's the mastermind after all.

When I asked her if I shouldn't have introduced myself to her, she shook her head. People tended to have hidden depths, no doubt about it. Horikita might have been a more solitary, more aloof person than I'd imagined.

Curious about her change of heart, Inogashira asked Horikita why she had decided to give me her name when she hadn't done so for others. Horikita let out a sigh before responding.

"I only did it because I felt it was necessary," Horikita explained. "Based on my initial observations of him, my impression was that he was an annoying person who disliked trouble but would constantly pester me just to know my name. It would have been truly bothersome if we had to go through the same routine for the rest of the year."

"You know," I said, meeting her gaze, "if you had simply told me that you were uncomfortable sharing your name, I would have stopped asking."

Horikita simply shrugged in response and replied, "Perhaps."

We roamed around the convenience store without looking at each other. Even though she was somewhat uptight, being with her didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Is this where the start of their love begins to bloom?"

As someone jokingly asked if this was where the beginning of our love story was blooming, I couldn't help but be curious about Horikita's reaction. I stole a glance at her, trying to gauge her response.

True to her nature, Horikita maintained her stern expression and simply replied, "That's not possible."

"Whoa! There's even an amazing selection of noodle cups here! This school is super convenient!"

Two rather noisy male students stood before the instant foods. They tossed a veritable mountain of noodle cups into their basket and made their way to the cash register.

"Thats a lot of noodle cups," Ike exclaimed, amazed by the sheer quantity of cup noodles the two male students had purchased at the convenience store.

Yamauchi, appearing low in energy, sluggishly nodded his head in agreement.

Besides noodles, they'd stocked up on snacks and juice.

Noticing their excessive purchases of not just noodles but also snacks and juice, Shinohara commented on their behavior, "Honestly, I don't know how you guys enjoy this kind of thing. It's just noodles."
She ended while looking at the idiotic trio.

Hey, it'd be nearly impossible to go through all your points; better to spend them.

Ryueen chuckled, a touch of irony lacing his voice. "Kuku, you mean : 'it would be entirely possible to spend all your points; better to save them'?"

Ayanokouji replied, "I was just merely contemplating the thoughts that might be running through the minds of those two students when they decided to buy all those items."

Ryueen glanced at Ayanokouji for a moment, then, seemingly uninterested, refocused his attention on the screen showing.

"Noodle cups. They have so many kinds."

These were definitely one reason I'd come to the convenience store.

Shinohara cast a brief sidelong glance at me, then shifted her attention back to the screen. I caught her eyes, and in that moment, it felt like she was silently conveying the message,"so you're one of those idiot-minded individuals too"

"So, do boys really like this kind of stuff? I can't imagine that it's healthy," Horikita said.

Shibata promptly expressed his opinion, asserting, "Of course, all boys like that kind of stuff. Who wouldn't?"

Kanzaki chimed in with a different perspective, "I disagree." he stated "Consuming such items is unhealthy, and it doesn't provide any health benefits to the individual consuming it."
He articulated a logical argument for avoiding such food.

Amikura chimed in, playfully teasing Kanzaki with a sly grin. "Oh? Is Kanzaki-kun suggesting, 'I'm a unique individual who doesn't indulge in noodle cups like everyone else, please pick me, pick me?'" Her comment carried a hint of jest.

"That's preposterous," Kanzaki replied with a hint of annoyance but his voice remained calm and low. "I'm simply stating the facts that's all"

Amikura, slightly disappointed by Kanzaki's response, clicked her tongue in annoyance as she was anticipating a different reaction from him.

"I like them just fine, I guess."

"You don't sound very certain," someone remarked, but I chose to ignore their comment. I wasn't obliged to respond to everyone's thoughts or inquiries, after all.

I picked up a noodle cup and examined the price tag. It said 156 yen, but I couldn't tell whether that was expensive or cheap. Even though the school referred to its credit system as points, the prices were all listed in yen.

With that single thought, I captured the attention of everyone present, even those who were engrossed in their phones. Their curious gazes seemed to inquire why I was questioning the price of a noodle cup.

Ike, seemingly oblivious to the atmosphere, proudly spoke up, "Well, I don't know why you're asking if 156 yen for a cup of noodles is cheap or not. But I would say that for a noodle cup, the price would be considered cheap. It's a convenient and affordable food that can be found anywhere after all, which is why most salarymen often purchase these items."

"You seem to know a lot, Ike-kun," Hirata complimented.

"Of course. I eat noodle cups for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on a daily basis," Ike proudly declared.

Shinohara rolled her eyes at his response, clearly unimpressed.

"Hey, what do you think? Is this price high or low?"

"Hmm. I'm not sure. Why, is there something curious about it?"

"No, I was just wondering."

Ishizaki, one of Ryueen's lackeys, interjected with a question, "You literally have a hundred thousand points, why should you even care if a cup of noodles is cheap or not?"

"Unlike you, Ayanokouji here has something called 'money awareness.' He's simply being mindful of what he chooses to purchase and how much it costs," Ibuki countered, annoyed.

Noticing Ibuki's continuosly annoyed demeanor, I couldn't help but observe that she seemed easily irritated, even with someone from her own class.

The store's prices seemed reasonable. One point appeared to really equal one yen. Given that the average freshman's allowance was around 5,000 yen, the amount of money we'd received seemed impossibly large.

Yukimura pointed his pen at the screen and remarked, "Ayanokouji is right. One hundred thousand points is definitely a substantial sum for a high school student, especially considering what our teacher mentioned about receiving it every month. It was already suspicious from the beginning."
While holding a literature book in his other hand. Yukimura seemed determined to continue studying despite the abnormality of the situation. He believed that time is valuable, therefore it shouldn't be wasted.

Hasabe immediately jumped in upon hearing Yukimura's statement. "Hmm... so you've had suspicions already since from the beginning, Yukimura-kun?" She questioned.

Yukimura returned to his work, continuing to underline texts in his textbook. "I did have my suspicions," he admitted, "but I quickly dismissed them. Even if I voiced my doubts, I doubted anyone would believe me. I don't have any evidence to support my claims," he shook his head in frustration.

Glancing at us, he continued, "The situation would be different if I had some influence like Hirata or Kushida. But as you can see, I'm just a guy who excels in studying."

Hirata interjected, "I can't guarantee that I would believe your assumptions about the S-system if you had told me, but I would have at least offered my help."

Yukimura shook his head and replied, "It's no use discussing what could have been now. And even if I got the chance, I wouldn't share what I've learned. I believe it's not my place to interfere in other people's businesses after all."

No one could blame Yukimura for his decision. After all, why would they blame someone for not sharing information when they themselves were living luxuriously after receiving the points? They themselves didn't bother to think about the system more deeply so it would be pretty illogical for them to shifted the blame onto those who logically chose not to share it. It's clear that their own mistakes carry more weight than Yukimura's choice to keep the information to himself. It's reasonable to expect that everyone has the capacity to reflect on their own actions before pointing fingers at others.

That's it of course if one have the capacity to use their own brain.

"Ha! This guy simply chooses not to share his suspicions about the S-system with us, when he could do" he proudly declared, unaware that he was digging his own grave. "If he had, we wouldn't have fallen to zero points in the first place. And here you guys are, treating me as if I'm worse, when there are others who are even worse than me."

"Dude, shut it!" Ike interjected, clearly tired and furious at his friend's behavior

Everyone looked at him as though he were the lowest being to have ever existed. Not only was he a perverted individual, but he also placed blame on others. In other words, he was a complete defect among the defects. They ignored his comment and continued to focus on what was being shown on the screen.

Horikita, noting my odd behavior, gave me a quizzical look. I grabbed a noodle cup to avoid suspicion.

"Why would it be bad?" Shiranami asked, genuinely curious. "Wouldn't it actually be beneficial if both of you had suspicions about the S-system from the beginning?"

Horikita sighed and answered on my behalf, "Well, for those who can read his thoughts and actions effortlessly, it would indeed make sense. However, let's remember that I'm not a psychic and I can't discern what would be on his mind. Even if I were to analyze him, I would only connect it to his questions about the affordability of cup noodles, which is far from his suspicions about the system."

"That makes sense" Miyamoto replied.

"Wow, this is enormous. It's a G Cup, huh?"

As my thoughts raced recalling what would happen next. I desperately tried to come up with a plan to save myself from the impending situation. One idea immediately surfaced in my mind: I needed to run and distance myself from Horikita. It seemed futile to try and explain myself to her.

"Why do you look like you're running, Ayanokouji-kun?" the devil inquired, gripping my arm tightly as I tried to stand up from the seat I was sitting. I looked into her face, only to find a quizzical expression staring back at me. With no time left and feeling trapped, I resigned myself to whatever punishment the devil had in store for me.

Apparently, that stood for "Giga Cup." Just looking at it made me feel full. On an unrelated note, Horikita's breasts were neither small nor huge. They exquisitely straddled the line between the two. The perfect size.

The gymnasium fell into silence as everyone's breath seemed to amplify. My ill-timed remark about Horikita's breasts lingered in the air, causing an awkward tension. Unexpectedly, both Koenji and Horikita's elder sister, Manabu, smiled at me, as if amused by my thoughts.

"W-well, Ayanokouji-kun is still a boy, after all. It wouldn't be surprising if he occasionally has such thoughts," Ichinose reasoned, her face turning red. She seemed uncomfortable discussing such matters but was trying to divert the situation and save me from the impending consequences.

Hashimoto let out a whistle. "Well, it would be more concerning if he didn't have thoughts like that," he remarked. Was he insinuating that I might be gay or lacking in sexual interest?

Despite their attempts to brush off my comment, the girl sitting beside me emitted an eerie and dangerous aura.
I instinctively turned to look at her and noticed that she was tightly covering her breast using her other hand. Her gripped on my hand becomes tight until her fingernails digged in my skin. Using her own nails as an alternative compass, she had decided to stab me.

"Itai..." I wince in pain.

As I recovered from the pain Horikita's unexpected attack inflicted on me, I could see the others looked at me with a mixture of pity and reproach. Their expressions seemed to say, "Hey, it's your own fault, so you should be prepared to take responsibility for your words".

Sudou's face appeared saddened when he saw me in close proximity with Horikita.
What's with that expression?
Was he perhaps envious of our closeness?
I'll be happy to trade position you know?

"Ayanokouji-kun. Were you thinking about something stupid just now?" she asked.

"Er. No?"

"I felt like you were acting strangely."

"Scary. How do women think of things like this?" Ike shivered, clearly disturbed by the idea that a girl might have known about his lewd thoughts all along.

"It's called women's intuition," responded Shinohara with a knowing smile.

Ike looked at her intently then blushed,
It seemed that he had been harboring such indecent thoughts, Shinohara as if sensing something too, blushed and immediately smacked him with the water bottle she's holding and shouted "pervert!"

She could sense my inappropriate thoughts just by looking at me. She was a sharp one.

As Ayanokouji observed Horikita's sharp intuition, he found himself contemplating about its concept. He acknowledged that while he had only read about it in books before, his experiences in this school had shown him the remarkable abilities of women to perceive subtle cues and navigate complex social dynamics.

He speculated that women's intuition seemed to stem from a deep understanding of human emotions and the underlying currents that flowed beneath their interactions. It appeared that they possessed a remarkable sensitivity to nonverbal signals, interpreting body language and subtle shifts in tone with almost instinctive precision. Their ability to read between the lines and grasp unspoken messages seemed innate, allowing them to anticipate and adapt to situations with a keen awareness of the unspoken motivations and intentions of those around them.

While he didn't possess the same intuitive abilities, Ayanokouji couldn't help but acknowledge the value and significance of intuition in interpersonal dynamics. He saw it as a poweful tool for making an effective decision-making and found value in observing and learning from the intuitive abilities of women.

"I was just wondering whether or not I should buy this. What do you think?"

"Oh. Well, I suppose that's fine. Anyway, do you really think you should buy that? This school offers far healthier food options. Don't you think it's better to avoid eating junk?"

Her comment seemed to have struck a nerve, not just with Ike but with several other individuals as well. Ike mustered his courage and protested, "A-apologize to the several million Japanese people who consume cup noodles as a quick meal option!"

Horikita's response was firm and unwavering. "No," she said sternly. "Regardless of the reasons you may have, junk food is still junk food."

Ryueen, always eager to provoke a reaction, scoffed and interjected, "If we apply that same logic, a class of defects will still remain a defect regardless of their achievements." He said silencing Horikita.

Like Horikita said, I had no reason to eat junk. However, since I had an irresistible urge, I took one package of regular-sized instant noodles with "FOO Yakisoba" written on it and tossed it into my cart. Her attention wandering, Horikita moved away from the food and began hunting for daily essentials. I planned to use witty jokes to score more points with her next.

The girl briefly glanced at me before redirecting her attention back to the screen. She must've thought that this is where I've decided to used some jokes which is something unordinary from me.

"If you're looking for something a cut above the rest, how about this razor with five blades? I bet it'd do the job."

"Why in the world would I want to shave with that?"

The crowd inside the theater erupted into laughter, caught off guard by my unexpected joke. Horikita's expression of utter disbelief only added to the mirth and amusement that filled the room.

I grinned smugly and pretended to shave an imaginary beard, but she didn't laugh. Far from it. Instead, she looked at me like I was dirt.

Akito, seeing the situation, let out a smirk and chuckled, gently patting my back. "Of course she wouldn't laugh. No sane person would say something like that to someone they just met," he remarked, his tone laced with amusement and a hint of teasing.

Look at me," she said. "I don't have anything to shave. Not on my chin, not under my armpits, and not down there."

I mumbled hesitantly, my spirit crushed. It looked like my jokes failed colossally with women.

"Your jokes aren't even funny" remarked Ibuki

"I have to say, I'm a little envious of your ability to babble inanely to someone you've only just met."

"Yeah," Mori giggled "We didn't know Ayanokouji had this kind of personality. We always thought he was just a guy who didn't like to talk."

"Well, I feel like you've been saying stupid crap, too, and you only just met me."

"Is that so? I've merely stated facts. Unlike you." She calmly tossed my words back at me, shutting me up. To be fair, I had said some random nonsense. The smooth, eloquent Horikita, on the other hand, was always well-spoken, no matter how you sliced it.

Horikita: "So you are aware that what you were saying was nonsense."

I lowered my voice so that only Horikita could hear.

"Of course, I wouldn't typically engage in such behavior. I was merely attempting to improve our relationship, that's all."

Horikita chose the cheapest face wash. I would have thought girls cared more about that kind of thing, too.

The girls cast envious glances at Horikita, despite her stern personality. It was undeniable that she was one of the most beautiful girls in school. Their eyes seemed to question how she could maintain such a stunning face and figure while using inexpensive products.

"Don't you think that this one is better?" I took an expensive cream off the shelf and showed it to her.

"Unnecessary." She refused it.

"Well, but-"

"I already said it was unnecessary, didn't I?" she snapped.


Satou chimed in, coming to my defense. "He's just being considerate, you know? If you don't like it, then you should say so with consideration."

"Being a considerate person should have limits," the devil replied, her tone unwavering. "He should know when to be considerate without overstepping someone else's boundaries."

I gently returned the face wash as she glared at me. I thought I could carry on a conversation without making her angry, but I'd failed.

"Poor Ayanon" Haruka teased me

"You don't seem adept at socializing. You're terrible at conversation."

Shibata chimed in, further emphasizing the point. "That's because you simply shut down everything he comes up with. It's hard to have a conversation when you dismiss every idea or input y'know?"

"Well, if it's coming from you, then it's definitely true," I grumbled.

"That's right. I consider myself, at the very least, to have a good eye for people. Normally, I wouldn't want to hear you talk anymore, but I will put in a painful level of effort to listen to you."

"Just say that you want to have a conversation with someone sometimes because you were always lonely," Ibuki stated, her words carrying a hint of provocation.

As Horikita and Ibuki locked eyes, a tense atmosphere filled the air. Despite their seats being far apart, it was clear that there was lingering animosity between them. I was aware of their previous clash during the uninhabited island exam, but it seemed that there was more beneath to the surface, deeper grudges held by both of them.

Ibuki smirked, seemingly remembering something that gave her satisfaction. Horikita, on the other hand, displayed frustration, likely recalling the events that transpired during their encounter on the island. She believed that if it weren't for her cold, she wouldn't have been defeated by Ibuki in the first place.

I'd said that I wanted to be her friend, but, apparently, she didn't feel the same. With that, our conversation abruptly stopped.

Amikura, witnessing the failed attempt, tried to console me, saying, "There are plenty of other people you can befriend. Horikita-san is just an exception."

Shibata, feeling like he had solved a challenging math problem, leaned in with a childlike expression and offered, "Don't worry, Ayanokouji-kun! You can be my friend if you don't mind."

Amikura promptly pushed Shibata's face away and added with a hint of irony, "You're too talkative. Even Ayanokouji would consider jumping off a building if he spent an hour or two with you."

Two new girls entered the convenience store. It was a little strange, but I became aware of something crucial: Horikita really was cute.

Random students from Class A: "That was random"

Random students from Class C: "I agree"

Despite my previous comment about her physical appearance, she seemed unfazed by it. It dawned on me that receiving compliments about her looks must be something she was accustomed to, considering she was undeniably beautiful.

"Hey. What's up with this?"

While looking around the store, desperate for a new topic, I'd found something strange. Some toiletries and food had been tucked away in the corner of the convenience store. At first glance, they appeared to be the same as the other items, but there was one big difference.


"Oh, those things? I remember getting one of those when we had no points left. They really come in handy when we're running low. I'm grateful that they provide free stuff like that. Without it, my school life would be even more difficult."

Horikita, taking on a more leadership-oriented role, responded with a lesson for Ike. "That's precisely why you should be more motivated to contribute to the class. By actively participating and contributing, we can accumulate more points instead of relying solely on free items."

Her words carried a sense of understanding and a growing grasp of leadership, indicating that she was beginning to comprehend the responsibilities that come with leading the class. Good.

Horikita apparently also thought it strange, so she picked up one of the items. Daily necessities like toothbrushes and bandages had been stuffed into a clearance bin and labeled "Free." The bin was also marked with the proviso "three items per month." These were obviously different from the store's other goods.

'Now that I think about it, the school has been dropping hints all this time. I can't believe I overlooked them' Matsushita reminisce

"They must be emergency relief supplies for students who use up their points. This school is so incredibly lenient," I said.

I had to wonder how far their leniency extended, though.

A frown appeared on the face of one of the students in class D.
"they're only doing that because they have a hidden agenda"

A sudden, loud voice drowned out the store's peaceful background music.

"Come on, hurry up. You have a line of people waiting on you!"

The sudden noise captured the attention of multiple individuals, causing them to startle.

A conflict unfolded on the screen between two students in the convenience store.

"Oh, yeah? Well, if they have any complaints, they can take it up with me!"

Ryueen snorted.

"Typical Sudou," remarked one of his classmates who held a negative opinion of him.

Apparently, trouble was brewing by the register. A dispute had broken out between two young men who were glaring at each other. I recognized the one with the thoroughly ill-tempered look on his face. It was the student from my class, the guy with the red hair. He had his hands full of noodle cups.

Everyone in the gym was already familiar on the faces of one of the students the screen. Sudou had gained quite a reputation as a troublemaker since the beginning of the semester after all.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"Huh? Who are you?"

I had meant to appear amicable, but the guy with red hair scowled at me.
Apparently, he was under the mistaken impression that I was an enemy.

Himeno nodded and muttered to herself, "Not surprising. In such a situation like this, it's uncommon for someone to approach another person easily, especially a stranger, unless they have an ulterior motive or they're associated with the opposing group."

"My name's Ayanokouji. I'm from your class. I just asked because it sounded like there was trouble."

At my explanation, the red-haired guy looked somewhat mollified and lowered his voice a little. "Oh. Yeah, I remember you. I forgot my student ID card. Forgot that it pretty much acts as our money from now on, too."

I looked at his empty hands. He'd put the noodle cups away. He started to leave, probably heading back to the dorms, where he'd likely forgotten his card.
To be honest, the fact that the student ID was necessary for payment hadn't yet sunk in for me, either.

"Pfft," someone from class A couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm sorry, it's just funny that he didn't even bother to check if he had his card before buying anything else. I mean, did you seriously go into the convenience store without considering how you were going to pay?"

Ike stepped up to defend his best friend, asserting, "Well, it's not Ken's fault! I'm sure that at least half of you feel the same way. The sudden change from using currency to points for payment can be confusing. I mean, you can't expect people to adapt to a completely new environment all at once!"

He protested, clearly annoyed by the situation. Sudou, taken aback by Ike's unexpected argument, looked at him with gratitude. The two other guys from class C, who had also found themselves in the same predicament as Sudou, glanced at Ike.

Ike provided a well-reasoned and articulate argument.
Ayanokouji closed his eyes and thought to himself
'It's important to remember that human beings have different levels of familiarity with change. Some people might find it easier to adapt, while others may need more time. Every individual has their own strengths and weaknesses after all. It wouldn't be fair to expect everyone to adapt instantly to something as significant as this one.'

The guy from class A glanced to his side, seemingly hoping for someone to come to his defense or align with his perspective. However, as he scanned the room, he became visibly embarrassed and swiftly took a seat. He had realized that the majority of the group silently agreed with what Ike said.

"I can pay for you. I mean, it'd be annoying if you had to head all the way back to the dorms. I don't mind."

"That's true. You're right, it'd be absolutely annoying. Thanks."

Ichinose looked at the encounter of me and sudou on the screen, she was grateful for my act of help, perhaps this would mark the beginning of a friendship between Sudou and Ayanokouji. She thought.

"My name's Sudou," he said. "Thanks for helping me out. I owe you."

"Nice to meet you, Sudou."

Hashimoto couldn't resist making a comment. "Well, there you have it-your first very own friend, he's a very troublesome jerk though"
He laughed.

Sudou handed me his noodle cup, and I walked over to the hot water dispenser.

After watching our short exchange, Horikita sighed, aghast.
"You're acting like a pushover right from the start. Do you intend to become his servant? Or are you doing this to make friends?" she asked

Satou was about to make a comment on Horikita's rudeness, but hesitated. She knew that this was typical of Horikita's behavior from the beginning.
This is why she knew that she couldn't get along with her. Moreover, Horikita's reputation as the winner of the island exam was added to Satou's reluctance to confront her, as their positions within the class were different. With a hint of frustration, she just bit her lip.

"I didn't care about making friends. I just wanted to help. No big deal."

Amikura's voice interjected, filled with exasperation. "Ugh... Didn't you say earlier that your goal was to make friends?"

I shifted my attention towards Amikura, I looked at her for awhile before formulating a response. "You're correct. Making friends is indeed one of my objectives. However, in this specific instance, my strong desire to help someone outweighs my initial intention of building friendships."

"You don't seem to be afraid."

"Afraid? Why? Because he looks like a delinquent?" I asked.

Sudou was saddened by this. He was already aware that people tended to have such impressions of him, but it deeply affected him when someone expressed it directly.

"A normal person would try to keep someone like him at a distance."

"I guess, but he doesn't seem like a bad person to me. And you don't appear to be scared either, Horikita."

"It's mostly defenseless people who stay away from those types. If he acted violently, I could rebuff him. That's why I don't withdraw."

Ibuki let out a disdainful laugh and then taunted, shifting her gaze towards Horikita, her eyes silently conveying the message, "You surely like to overestimate yourself. You couldn't even defeat me in a fight."

Horikita's words were always a little difficult to understand. To begin with,
what did she mean by "rebuff"? Did she carry pepper spray to keep off perverts or something?

She clicked her tongue and locked eyes with me, posing a question, "Do you want me to demonstrate?"

Instinctively, I recalled the incident on the island when she effortlessly flipped Yamauchi upside down, acting purely out of frustration.

"Geez, alright, I give up," I responded, surrendering to her display of strength.

"Let's finish our shopping. We'll be a bother to the other students if we dawdle," she said.

Wrapping things up, we presented our student ID cards to the machine by the register. Since we didn't have to deal with small change, our transaction was speedy.

"You really can use it like money..." I said.

My receipt showed the price of each item and the remaining amount of points. The payment had gone through without any problems. I poured hot water into my noodle cup while waiting for Horikita. I'd thought it might be tricky, but opening the lid and pouring hot water up to the line was simple enough.

As my strange thoughts once again surfaced on the screen, everyone around me appeared perplexed, as if they were witnessing someone experiencing their first time entering a convenience store or preparing a cup of noodles to eat.

"Was that your first time preparing a noodle cup to eat, Ayanokouji?" Ike inquired curiously, seeking an explanation for my peculiar behavior.

"I would have preferred to avoid answering, but doing so would only lead to further confusion in the future. "Yes, it was. My parents usually monitor the food I consume to ensure it's healthy for me. They were quite strict about it, so I never had the opportunity to indulge in such convenience foods," I admitted.

Matsushita chimed in attempting a wild guess, "You must be rich then."

I simply shrugged. Just because you monitor your food intake and avoid regularly consuming unhealthy items doesn't automatically mean you're wealthy. Anyone, regardless of their financial status, can prioritize their health in this way. I chose to ignore her remark and redirected my attention to the screen in front of us.

Anyway, this school was eerie.

What merit could every student possibly have that would warrant such a massive allowance? Considering that there were about 160 people enrolled in my grade, simple calculation suggested that there were 480 people total in this school. That alone would mean 48 million yen each month. Annually, that would equal 560 million yen. Even for a government-supported school, that seemed like overkill.

Some individuals looked at me with understanding, acknowledging why I was wary, while a few were impressed by my quick calculations.

Shibata, in particular, expressed his admiration, "Dude, how did you manage to calculate that so swiftly?"

Kanzaki spoke up on my behalf, "It's just an basic arithmetic sequence. If you determine the number of students accepted into the school, calculate the amount each student receives, and find the total expenditure by the government per student, you'll arrive at the same answer as him."

Although he explained it logically, it didn't mean he wasn't wary of that person's potential. Solving math problems mentally on the spot wasn't an easy feat. It relied on a person's capabilities, and not everyone could accomplish it without a solid mathematical foundation or extensive background in the subject. For now, he kept this realization to himself, silently acknowledging the significance of Ayanokouji's possible ability.

"How does the school benefit from giving us this much money?"

"I wonder. The campus has more than enough facilities for the number of students, and I wouldn't think it necessary to hand out so much. Students who should be studying might slack off."

The others seemed to have already contemplated this question before, as they nodded in agreement with Horikita's statement. It was undeniable that when people were provided with luxury and leisure, they often became complacent and more prone to idleness due to the freedom they enjoyed.

Perhaps it was some kind of reward for working hard and passing a test or something. Indeed, student motivation might increase if offered an incentive.
However, the school had just handed out 100,000 yen to everyone, with no strings attached.

Someone jokingly said "if that isn't suspicious to you, then idk anymore"

"I won't tell you what to do, but I think it would be best to avoid wasting your money. It's difficult to fix frivolous spending habits. Once a person gets used to an easy life, they find they need more and more. When you lose it, the shock can be great," Horikita said.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Everyone couldn't help but agree with Horikita's sentiment. Her words resonated with the dangers of becoming too comfortable and reliant on material wealth. It was reminiscent of the addictive nature of gambling, where individuals who continuously win and receive rewards become addicted and desire even more. And when they eventually lose everything, the shock and desperation to regain what was lost can be devastating.

"Perhaps she isn't as bad as we thought. At least she left him with some words of wisdom,"

I didn't really intend to waste money on miscellaneous junk, but she had a point. After paying and exiting the store, I found Sudou seated outside, waiting for me. When I saw him, he gently waved me over. I waved in return, feeling somewhat embarrassed, yet happy.

"Are you really going to eat here?" I asked him.

"Of course. It's just common sense."

Ryuen couldn't resist provoking us, sneering, "Kuku, did you expect a stray dog to act any differently?"

Sudou perplexed me with his matter-of-fact reply. Horikita sighed in exasperation.

"I'm going back. I'll be stripped of my dignity if I spend more time here," she said.

"What do you mean, 'dignity'? We're just high school students. We're ordinary. Or, what, are you the high-born daughter of some noble family or something?"

While it might not be entirely accurate, considering my observations of Horikita thus far, it wouldn't be entirely surprising if she came from a wealthy and influential background.

Horikita didn't flinch at Sudou's harsh tone. Seemingly irritated, Sudou set his noodle cup on the ground and stood.
"Huh? Hey, listen to people when they're talking to you! Hey!" he said.

"What's his problem? He just
suddenly got angry." Horikita said this to me,
ignoring Sudou. This was apparently too much for Sudou, who started to shout.

I responded, "First, you spoke to him harshly. Second, you made him feel inferior. And third, you wounded his pride."

As Sudou watched his behavior being displayed on the screen, he frantically apologized to Horikita. However, Horikita dismissed it, considering the incident to be in the past.

"Hey, get over here! I'll smack that smug look off your face!" he yelled.

Ike glanced at his friend Ken and remarked, "Seriously, dude? You even want to hit a girl?"

Ken replied defensively, "Hey, that was all in the past."

"Look, I'll admit that Horikita has a bad attitude, but you're taking this too far." It was apparent that Sudou's patience had run out.

"Huh? What was that? She has a bratty, obnoxious attitude. That's bad, especially for a girl!"

"For a girl? That's rather outdated thinking. Ayanokouji, I would advise you not to become his friend," Horikita said. With that, she turned her back on Sudou.

By witnessing this intense interaction between them, everyone could easily conclude that Sudou and Horikita were not compatible at all. However, as they observed the footage on the screen and witnessed the same individuals in the gym, doubt started to creep into their minds. Sudou, who was known for his hot temper and anger towards Horikita, now seemed to be looking at her with a hint of remorse in his eyes. Something must have transpired between them to cause such a change in their relationship.

"Hey, wait! You shitty girl!"

"Calm down." I held Sudou back as he actually tried to grab Horikita. She made her way in the direction of the dorms without stopping or glancing back.

"What the hell is her deal? Goddamn it!" he shouted.

"There are many different types of people, you know."

"Shut it. I hate those stuffy, too-serious types."

Snorted Manabe "Not like your temper is any better"

He continued to glare at me.

"Now you're glaring to the person who literally saved your ass in the convenience store earlier" someone remarked.

Sudou grabbed his noodle cup once again,
ripped off the cover, and began eating. Just a little while ago, he'd fought in front of the register, too. He probably had a short fuse.

"Hey, you guys first years? This is our spot."
As Sudou slurped his ramen, three boys called out to us. They seemed to have come out of the same store and were carrying the same brand of noodle cups.

"Hm?" The sudden appearance of these seniors caught the attention of another senior, a young woman with long platinum blonde hair and crimson eyes. She exuded an air of superiority that could rival Koenji and the student council president. Her black tights and headband caught my attention immediately. She narrowed her brows, observing the three individuals closely.

"Who are you? I was already here. You're in the way. Get lost," Sudou barked.

"You hear this guy? 'Get lost,' he says. What a cocky little first-year punk."

"Damn, dude, you've got guts," one of the students remarked, clearly impressed. "That's an upperclassman we're talking about, and there are three of them, in fact."

"You hear this guy? 'Get lost,' he says. What a cocky little first-year punk."
The three laughed in Sudou's face. Sudou shot up, slamming his noodle cup against the ground. The broth and noodles splashed everywhere.

"'First-year punk,' huh? You tryin' to make fun of me, huh?!"

As the situation quickly escalated into a heated argument, the surrounding students couldn't help but watch, sensing that punches might soon be exchanged. Some students with a penchant for conflict felt a thrill of excitement, eagerly anticipating what would unfold next. Meanwhile, others who don't want to witness trouble glanced at the scene with either worry or indifference, their attention divided between the unfolding drama and their own activities.

Sudou had an extremely short fuse. If I had to judge, he seemed like the type to immediately threaten anyone or anything that crossed him.

"You're awfully mouthy, considering we're second-year students. We already put our bags here, see?" Plop! With those words, the second-year upperclassmen students put down their bags and guffawed loudly.

Ichinose observed the unfolding scene and shook her head disapprovingly. "Although Sudou-kun bears some responsibility for his short temper, the seniors are equally at fault for persistently provoking him."

"See, our stuff's here. Now, beat it," one of them said.

Witnessing the seniors' display of arrogance, some of the first-year students grew furious and began encouraging Sudou on the screen to teach the three seniors a lesson by resorting to violence

"You got a lot of guts, asshole."

"Wow," someone chimed in sarcastically. "They actually started a fight over a petty spot for eating their junk."

Unexpectedly, someone defended Sudou's actions. "Sudou claimed the spot first, it's only fair that the upperclassmen find another spot that's unoccupied instead of stealing from others."

Another person countered, "Couldn't Sudou just move to another place or something?"

Yukimura shook his head and interjected, "It seems like you all have lost sight of what's most important here. The spot in question belongs to the store, which means it is the school's property. Moreover, the spot you were all arguing about is right in front of the store entrance. If Sudou and those three will continue to create a ruckus there, you'll only end up disturbing other customers even more." He emphasized.

Sudou didn't back down, unfazed by being outnumbered. It looked like fists were going to fly at any moment. I, of course, didn't want any part of it myself.

A mixture of awe and respect swept through the onlookers as they witnessed Sudou's unwavering composure in the face of adversity. Some nodded in agreement with my decision to avoid getting involved, recognizing the futility of intervening. Sudou briefly glanced at me, his expression clouded with a frown. It appeared as though he expected me to come to his aid, despite knowing full well that he had the strength to overpower them on his own at that time.

"Oh, wow, scary. What class are you in? Wait, never mind. I think I know.
You're in Class D, aren't you?"

"Why is that important now?" grumbled one of my classmates, clearly irritated.

"Yeah, so what?" Sudou snapped.

The upperclassmen students exchanged glances and burst into laughter.

"You hear that? He's in Class D! I knew it! It was a dead giveaway!"

The expressions of the Class D students darkened, hurt by the upperclassmen's remarks. It was no secret that Class D was considered the bottom of the class hierarchy, and such reactions were to be expected. The others were well aware of this fact, which was why they took delight in their senior comments, further exacerbating the situation.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Hey!" As Sudou barked at them, the boys grinned and stepped backwards.

"Aw, you poor things. Since you're 'defective,' we'll let you off the hook, just for today. Let's get going, guys.

"Well, at least you got off the hook, Ken," Ike remarked, showing concern for his friend and disregarding the seniors about their class being defective.

"Hey, don't run away! Hey!" Sudou shouted.

"Honestly, you should have know when to back down. You're lucky the seniors didn't pursue the matter anymore. Who knows what would have happened if you got into another fight, " Shinohara remarked, emphasizing the word "again."

The mention of Sudou's previous fight with a student from Class C resurfaced in the minds of the Class D students. It was a notorious incident that had almost led to Sudou's expulsion and caused their class to lose valuable points. It served as a reminder of the consequences they had all endured as a result of his actions.

"Yeah, yeah, keep on yapping. You guys'll be in hell soon enough anyway."

Be in hell?

Manabu Horikita's eyes narrowed as he observed the unfolding scene in the gym. The seniors' actions, hinting at something related to the s-system, were not to be taken lightly. The staff had explicitly warned everyone about the consequences of leaking information about the system. It was a serious offense, and they deserved to be punished for their actions.

They appeared calm and composed. I wondered what they'd meant.
Previously, I'd been certain this school would be filled with upperclass young men and women, but there seemed to be plenty of rowdy, combative people like Sudou or those upperclassmen.

"Well, well, well, isn't that interesting, Nagumo?" the senior with long platinum blond hair remarked, exuding an air of superiority.

Nagumo, feigning ignorance, replied, "What do you mean, Kiryuuin?"

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" Kiryuuin retorted with a smirk. "Aren't those three your lackeys? Did you order them to target the newly admitted students in the school? They wouldn't be so confident if they didn't have you, the 'student council president,' as their backer."

She crossed her arms, clearly pleased with her accusation.

"You seem to have been mistaking Kiryuuin, I did not order them, and I had no knowledge of this incident," Nagumo countered firmly. "Those three simply attached themselves to me and claimed to be my lackeys. They may have been using my name for their own benefit without my knowing. I have nothing to gain from simply ordering them to do something like this and it would just tarnish my reputation."

Observing Nagumo's response Kiryuuin decided to nonchalantly back off, saying "Is that so?"

The students observed the back and forth between Nagumo and Kiryuuin, analyzing their statements. It became clear to them that the two didn't have a good relationship, prompting them to wonder why the senior was accusing Nagumo in the first place. While they didn't know Nagumo well, they believed that as a vice president, he likely wouldn't engage in such behavior.

Manabu took a moment to contemplate the situation before speaking up from his position. "I see now. I've heard numerous reports of senior students extorting money from new students during their first month at school. It seems that this issue hasn't been completely eradicated," he remarked. Turning to face the students, he expressed determination. "Regardless, I will ensure that this stops from happening, and those individuals caught in the act will be duly punished by the school." He directed his gaze towards Nagumo briefly before looking away.

Nagumo let out a chuckle, although his senpai's remark wasn't intended as a joke. Deep inside, he blamed the three individuals for getting him entangled in this situation. He was aware that some students were resorting to extortion tactics, cornering others and then blackmailing them for money. He had known about this issue but had chosen to disregard it.

However, now that this incident had brought the matter to light, Nagumo resolved to take action and ensure that those responsible faced the consequences for their actions.

The video continued.

"Ah, damn it! If those had been nice second-year students, or cute girls, that would've been great. Instead, we had to deal with those annoying morons." Sudou didn't bother to clean up his mess. He thrust his hands into his pocket

The other students regarded Sudou with disapproval, both for his derogatory comment and his lack of responsibility in discarding his own trash. They couldn't help but view him unfavorably, seeing his behavior as disrespectful and uncaring.

"This might lead to problems later," I muttered.

Reluctantly, I bent down, picked up the cup, and started cleaning up the mess.

Hirata looked at Sudou with a concerned expression and spoke up, advising him to address his attitude. "Sudou-kun, you really need to work on changing your attitude. It not only brings trouble upon yourself but also reflects poorly on the entire class. Remember what happened with the fight involving Class C? You were on the verge of expulsion because of it," he reminded him, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Sudou defended himself, saying, "How could I not lose my temper? They were treating me like trash right there. It wasn't my fault," he argued, unwilling to fully acknowledge his own fault.

"Dude, you should understand that the only way to resolve this is by apologizing," Ike interjected, trying to reason with Sudou.

Sudou bit his tongue, realizing the truth in their words. "I understand," he reluctantly admitted. He then turned towards me and said, "Also, thanks for cleaning up my mess, Ayanokouji." With that, he redirected his attention back to the screen.

Come to think of it, as soon as those second-year students found out Sudou was in Class D, their attitudes had changed. Although it ate at me, I couldn't explain it.

With those final words, the video came to a close

Author's Note:

I hope you all have been doing well. I apologize for the late update. As some of you may already know, my phone broke, and I'm having a hard time asking my family for a new one. It has been challenging for me because I had to start writing from scratch after jotting down my ideas on my notepad. Since my phone is broken, I had to start writing the chapter all over again.

The frequency of updates may vary, but I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please write them down in the comments. I would greatly appreciate any valuable insights for this fic. See you all soon.

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I've always wanted to COTE fanfiction myself and I have some stories to write but I have zero writing experience, so that is why I'm starting this re...
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This is a Classroom Of The Elite Fanfic. Disclaimer: I don't own the original story, it belongs to Shōgo Kinugasa. This is just a fanfic based on the...
40.2K 1.2K 7
This fic is simply about the characters from the original story COTE responding to Kiraishin's fic titled "Classroom of the Elite: The Unfamiliar Fam...
65.3K 1.8K 18