Better than me? | Hermione Gr...

By nzcrsm

174K 7.3K 1.5K

"You're so insufferable, I hate you!" Hermione exclaimed, disdain filling her eyes. "The feeling's mutual... More

|| 1. Moving (UN-EDITED)
|| 2. Diagon Alley (UN-EDITED)
|| 3. Harry Potter (UN-EDITED)
|| 4. Train Ride (UN-EDITED)
|| 5. Sorting Hat (UN-EDITED)
|| 6. Roommates (UN-EDITED)
|| 7. First Day (UN-EDITED)
|| 8. Potions (UN-EDITED)
|| 9. I Hate You! (UN-EDITED)
|| 10. First Flying Lesson (UN-EDITED)
|| 11. Wizard's Duel (UN-EDITED)
|| 12. Midnight Duel (UN-EDITED)
|| 13. Outburst (UN-EDITED)
|| 14. Friendship Over! (UN-EDITED)
|| 15. I'm Here (UN-EDITED)
|| 16. Nice Like This (UN-EDITED)
|| 17. You're Forgiven (UN-EDITED)
|| 18. Troll In The Dungeon! (UN-EDITED)
|| 19. Friends (UN-EDITED)
|| 20. 'Friendly Teasing' (UN-EDITED)
|| 21. Red Bird (UN-EDITED)
|| 22. Make Up (UN-EDITED)
|| 23. Do You Like Her? (UN-EDITED)
|| 24. Dad (UN-EDITED)
|| 25. Mom (UN-EDITED)
|| 27. 'My' Y/N (UN-EDITED)
|| 28. Dinner (UN-EDITED)
|| 29. Mom, I'm not Gay! (UN-EDITED)
|| 30. Softer (UN-EDITED)
|| 31. Back To Hogwarts (UN-EDITED)
|| 32. Don't Leave (UN-EDITED)
|| 33. Godsiblings (UN-EDITED)
|| 34. New Year's Party (UN-EDITED)
|| 35. Happy New Year (UN-EDITED)
|| 36. 'Light' Reading (UN-EDITED)
|| 37. Dark Forest (UN-EDITED)
|| 37. The Sorcerer's Stone (UN-EDITED)
|| 39. Quidditch (UN-EDITED)
|| 40. Voldemort (UN-EDITED)
|| 41. Blessed Children (UN-EDITED)
The Blessed Child

|| 26. Cheater (UN-EDITED)

3K 142 79
By nzcrsm


Five years ago

The corridors of the Thornfield Manor stretched ahead in an elegant dance of shadows and light, a silent witness to the lives intertwined within its walls. Amaryllis walked with a sense of purpose, the soft rustling of her dress echoing her steps. 

Her husband, Caspian, was away at a business dinner, leaving her and their 7-year-old daughter, Y/N, alone in the grand house. As she moved, she exchanged nods and smiles with the helpers who were woven into the fabric of their daily lives.

Guided by familiarity, Amaryllis navigated through the hallways, her destination the living room. There, she found Y/N, a small figure nestled on the couch, engrossed in a children's show playing on the television. The sight brought a fond smile to Amaryllis' lips, a testament to the simplicity of these stolen moments.

Drawing near, Amaryllis seated herself beside Y/N, her smile a reflection of the warmth in her heart. "Oh, my dear," her voice carried a tender affection, "you're sleepy. It's time to rest." The words held a soft insistence, a mother's gentle guidance.

Defiance flashed in Y/N's eyes as she shook her head, her determination apparent even in her weariness. "No," her voice held a hint of whining, a child's plea, "I want to see Daddy before I sleep!"

Amaryllis chuckled at the display of stubbornness, a mixture of amusement and understanding in her expression. "Always such a daddy's girl, hm?" The words were cooed with a warmth that only a mother's voice could carry. She reached out, her fingers brushing against Y/N's cheek in a tender caress, a gesture of reassurance that transcended words.

"You'll see Daddy in the morning, okay?" Amaryllis' words held a soothing reassurance, a maternal promise aimed at comforting Y/N's longing heart. Yet, the response she received was far from impressed. Y/N's arms crossed over her chest, a stance of defiance that spoke volumes of her pent-up emotions.

A sigh escaped Y/N's lips, laden with a weight that seemed far beyond her years. Her expression carried a mixture of disappointment and vulnerability as she voiced her concerns, the questions that had been gnawing at her heart.

"Why is Dad always out at night? He never spends time with me anymore... and he never says he loves me anymore." The lines of her forehead slightly furrowed, evidence of the thoughts that occupied her young mind. 

A thread of sadness wove through her words, the yearning for connection palpable. Amaryllis' heart ached as she listened to her daughter's candid confession. Y/N's feelings lay bare before her, and the truth was a sharp pang in her chest. 

A soft sigh accompanied her response, a mix of understanding and regret lacing her words, "Y/N, my dear. You know how busy your dad and I have been lately." Her gaze shifted to the side, a hint of guilt in her eyes.

The protest that followed was a mixture of frustration and longing, Y/N's voice carrying a plaintive whine that echoed with the weight of feeling neglected. The emotional landscape she navigated was complex for a seven-year-old. While her material needs were met, the absence of emotional connection was a void that couldn't be filled by mere provisions. 

Her father's affections had dwindled, leaving her with a sense of emptiness, and Amaryllis' duties as an Auror had often kept her preoccupied, amplifying the loneliness that settled within the walls of their home.

A heavy silence hung between them before Y/N's voice softened, the edges of her defiance dulled as she murmured her resignation, "Okay." With those words, she distanced herself from Amaryllis, her posture shifting as she sat up from the couch. Shoulders slumped, she began to walk away, a small figure retreating into the vast expanse of their home.

Amaryllis watched Y/N's departure, a tinge of guilt gnawing at her heartstrings. The moment held a bittersweet realization – the price of their busyness was the distance it had placed between them.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a creak, drawing Amaryllis' attention away from the swirling thoughts that had captured her focus. Her gaze shifted to the entrance, where a disheveled figure appeared. 

It was Caspian, his shirt slightly askew, revealing a few unbuttoned buttons that spoke of a hurried return. Amaryllis regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, her eyes taking in the state he was in, and her nostrils registering an unfamiliar scent that lingered in the air.

Amaryllis' expression was a blend of curiosity and concern, her voice carrying an undertone of inquiry as she addressed him, "Hey, baby..." 

"Amaryllis..." The slurred words that followed held an almost dreamlike quality, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. He settled onto the couch beside her, his hand finding its way to her thigh, the touch carrying an intimacy that was both familiar and strange.

Her gaze remained fixed on him, a quiet assessment that carried a touch of suspicion. She couldn't ignore the unfamiliar scent that now infiltrated her nostrils, curling her nose slightly at the intrusion.

"Caspian, where have you been?" Her voice was blank, a direct question that held no room for evasion. Her fingers instinctively moved to distance his hand from her thigh, a subtle gesture that hinted at the tension between them.

A half-formed smile played on Caspian's lips, his speech still slurred as he responded, "Mmm... let's forget about that, I'm in the mood..." 

The seductive whisper held an attempt at charm, a diversion from the discomfort of the conversation that was brewing. Amaryllis, however, was not swayed. She scoffed, her gaze hardening as she directed a glare at him.

His hands traced a path across her stomach, fingers lightly skimming her skin as he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her neck in a gesture that held both familiarity and audacity.

"Caspian." The single word that escaped Amaryllis' lips was gritted, a stern warning laced with a sense of exasperation. Abruptly, she pushed him away, creating a distance between them that mirrored the emotional gap that had grown over time. 

The smell of alcohol was all too familiar, an old companion that seemed to accompany him more often than she'd prefer. But intertwined with it was another scent, one that was sweet and carried a hint of lavender. It was a woman's perfume, an unfamiliar fragrance that lingered in the air, sparking thoughts that she couldn't quite ignore.

The air held a tense stillness, charged with the weight of unspoken questions as Amaryllis' voice cut through the silence. Her command was unyielding, her voice carrying a stern authority, "Where have you been?" The words hung in the air, each syllable a demand for the truth.

Caspian's response was accompanied by a hiccup, a sign that sobriety was gradually finding its way back to him. His words stumbled out, each one laden with uncertainty, "I... I've been at a business dinner." 

The admission held a trace of defiance, a readiness to defend himself against whatever accusations might come his way. He added with a hint of impatience, "You're not gonna keep me waiting, are you?" A playful, suggestive note crept into his tone, but the context didn't leave much room for levity.

Amaryllis' eyes bore into him, her gaze unwavering as she responded, "Okay, then why do I smell women's perfume?" Her words were a direct challenge, her skepticism palpable. She couldn't ignore the unfamiliar scent that had infiltrated her senses, an olfactory puzzle that demanded an explanation.

Caspian's face betrayed a hint of panic, a clear sign that his composure was slipping. He offered a hasty response, his words punctuated by a hiccup. 

"I... I must've gotten it from the new intern. She was spraying a lot of perfume during the dinner." The explanation was delivered with a nervous edge, his eyes avoiding Amaryllis' penetrating gaze.

Amaryllis' frustration was palpable, her eyebrows furrowing in disbelief. "Oh, really?" Her tone held a hint of skepticism, a touch of sarcasm. "That's unlikely, because I doubt anyone else has hold of Arabelle's handcrafted perfume." 

The reference to Arabelle, her best friend, held a note of accusation. The familiarity of Arabelle's perfume was something Amaryllis knew intimately, and its presence on another person's skin was a detail that hadn't escaped her notice.

Caspian's demeanor shifted, his flirty demeanor giving way to defensiveness as he sneered, "What are you trying to say?" The tension in the room was palpable, an unspoken battle of emotions brewing between them. The truth remained elusive, a puzzle that hung in the air, waiting to be unraveled.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, emotions crackled like electricity in the air. Amaryllis' voice erupted in a yell that reverberated through the room, her accusation cutting through the silence, "Did you fucking cheat on me!?" The words were a searing accusation, heavy with a mix of pain and anger.

Caspian's reaction was swift, his own anger ignited as he stood up, his posture shifting into a stance of defense. "Are you kidding me right now, Amaryllis!?" His words held a mixture of incredulity and frustration, his voice raised in response to the accusation that had been hurled at him.

"Why would I do that to you?" The defense in his voice was palpable, a fervent protest against the idea that had been planted in Amaryllis' mind.

Amaryllis scoffed, a bitter sound that carried the weight of skepticism. She wasn't easily swayed by his defense, her words cutting through the tension like a knife, "Cut the bullshit, Caspian." The clarity in her voice was unwavering, her gaze locking onto his with an intensity that matched her conviction.

The exchange of words continued, the air heavy with unspoken truths and unrelenting emotions. Caspian's jaw clenched as he defended himself, the sincerity in his voice accompanied by a touch of desperation.

"You're the only woman I love, Amaryllis!" His words held a touch of whimsy, a reminder of the emotions that had once bound them together.

Amaryllis' retort was swift, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "Oh please." The disbelief in her voice was evident, a response that held no room for accepting his pleas of innocence. 

She shifted the focus back to the heart of the matter, her voice carrying an accusation, "Tell me, then, why have you been going to London so much lately?"

Caspian's explanation was swift, his words tumbling out in an attempt to clear his name, "It's for business trips!" His voice held a touch of frustration, a frustration born from the disbelief that he found himself confronted with.

But Amaryllis wasn't swayed, her voice carried a fiery determination, "I'm not a fucking idiot, Caspian!" The accusation in her voice was sharp, a statement of her refusal to be deceived. The truth she held in her heart spilled forth, her voice quivering with the hurt that had been building.

"I know you've been cheating on me with Arabelle. How could you?" The accusation hung in the air like a storm cloud, a revelation that shattered the trust that had once been the cornerstone of their relationship.

Caspian's response was a mix of exasperation and anger. He didn't offer a verbal reply, instead, he stormed towards a nearby vase, his hand snatching it and hurling it onto the ground. The shattering sound cut through the air, a physical manifestation of the turmoil within him. Amaryllis flinched slightly at the abruptness, her own emotions rattled by the display.

As the tension escalated, Caspian's rage found a new target in the furniture around him. He pounded his fists against the walls, a symphony of destruction that echoed the chaos within his heart. The room bore witness to the emotional tempest, each punch and crash a manifestation of the unraveling that had been set into motion.

The room felt like it had turned into a battlefield of emotions, the air thick with the weight of words unspoken and revelations poised to reshape their reality. Amaryllis' voice sliced through the charged silence, each word dripping with venom as she demanded the truth.

"Just tell me the fucking truth, Caspian!" The anger in her voice was palpable, her eyes locking onto his with an intensity that dared him to look away.

Caspian's response was a glare, his eyes meeting hers in a clash of defiance. The tension between them was a palpable force, a mirror reflecting the turmoil within their hearts. With a mixture of exasperation and resignation, he finally spoke, his words carrying a sense of surrender,.

"Okay!" His voice held a mix of exasperation and readiness to lay bare the painful truth that had been concealed for too long.A burst of emotion followed, Caspian's tone escalating in urgency. 

"Okay, fine!" His voice rang out, a crack in the dam that had held back the confession. 

"I cheated on you, okay? I've been cheating on you!" The admission hung in the air like a heavy weight, the truth a jagged shard that cut through the fabric of their relationship.

Amaryllis' heart seemed to shatter at his words, her breath catching in her throat as the reality of his betrayal settled in. She took a few steps back, the physical distance an attempt to create a barrier between herself and the searing pain that threatened to engulf her. 

The world around her seemed to blur as the revelation hit, her mind struggling to reconcile the man before her with the one she thought she knew.

Caspian's desperation took on a new dimension as he tried to mend the fragments of trust that lay shattered at their feet. He moved towards Amaryllis with a plea in his eyes, his voice carrying a touch of desperation.

"But I promise, Amaryllis, I really do love you. You're the only woman I want to be with—" His words held a fragility, a plea for forgiveness that was as raw as it was sincere.

 "I'm taking Y/N." The words fell like a hammer blow, a decision made in the wake of the heartbreak she was experiencing. Amaryllis' response was a statement that cut through the air like a blade, her tone devoid of emotion as she declared her intent. Caspian's reaction was immediate, his mouth falling open in disbelief. 

"No, no, no," his voice wavered, desperation lacing every syllable, "you can't do that, she's my little girl!" The plea was a mix of anguish and desperation, a father's plea to protect the bond he shared with his child.

"Please, let's talk this out, baby, please..." his voice trailed off, a whisper that carried the weight of his remorse and longing. He reached out to take Amaryllis' hands, his touch a desperate attempt to bridge the chasm that had formed.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Amaryllis spat, her voice a venomous reminder of the betrayal that had torn them apart. The anger in her eyes was a burning fire, a barrier that refused to let him back into her heart so easily.

A quiet moment passed, the silence heavy with the weight of the truth that had been laid bare. Amaryllis finally broke the silence, her voice carrying a mix of agony and determination. 

"How long?" The question hung in the air like a pendulum, a reminder of the years that had been tainted by his betrayal. 

"How long has this been going on!?" The desperation in her voice was a plea for answers that could never fully erase the pain she was experiencing.

The weight of the revelation seemed to press heavily on the room, each passing moment pregnant with the power of the truth that was now being unveiled. Caspian's voice was a mere whisper, carrying the weight of his own guilt and the magnitude of the confession.

"Eight..." The single word seemed to hang in the air, heavy with the implications it carried.

 "Weeks?" Amaryllis' response was swift, a question that sought clarity amid the whirlwind of emotions. Her tone was a mix of incredulity and a desperate hope that the truth might be less severe than she had feared. Her eyes locked onto Caspian, searching for a sign, for a glimmer of reassurance.

Caspian's gaze shifted to the side, unable to meet her eyes, his guilt evident in the downward tilt of his gaze. His voice carried a sheepish undertone, the admission escaping his lips like a heavy burden he could no longer bear.

"Eight... years." The words fell into the silence like a boulder, causing ripples that reverberated through the room. The truth hung in the air, the enormity of it resonating with the passage of time that had been marked by deception.

Amaryllis' world seemed to crumble in slow motion as the words settled into her consciousness. The reality of the betrayal was a weight that seemed to press down on her chest, a heaviness that made each breath feel like a struggle. The years they had shared, the memories that had once held meaning, were now tainted by the knowledge that she had been living a lie.

Emotions swirled within her, a tempest of hurt, anger, and disbelief. Her voice wavered as she struggled to form the words, "Is...." Her voice caught, the lump in her throat stifling her ability to speak. 

"Are...." She stumbled over her words, each syllable a struggle against the torrent of emotions that threatened to consume her. 

"Are her children yours?" The question hung in the air like a fragile thread, a test of the reality she was facing.

Caspian's breath seemed to hitch as her words hit him, the weight of the moment bearing down on him with unrelenting force. His nod was reluctant, as if each movement of his head was a submission to the truth he had kept hidden for so long. The admission was laced with a painful acknowledgment, the reality of his actions staring back at him from the depths of Amaryllis' eyes.

The silence that followed was a heavy shroud, a testament to the profound impact of the confession that had been laid bare. The truth was a double-edged sword, cutting through the facade they had once known and leaving in its wake a landscape forever changed.

The room felt heavy with the weight of a shattered past, the echoes of unspoken words hanging in the air like ghosts of what once was. Amaryllis' voice sliced through the silence, her words carrying a mixture of disbelief, anger, and pain.

"So... when you— when you found out I was pregnant with Y/N... did you have no conscience? Did you not feel guilty at all?" Her voice grew from a soft incredulity to a stern accusation, the words laced with a raw emotion that couldn't be contained.

Her gaze held him in a grip that was unrelenting, demanding a response that she knew would be painful to hear. "That you're cheating on your pregnant wife that you've been dating since fucking sixth year!?" The force of her words hit like a barrage, each word a strike against the foundation of trust that had been demolished.

Caspian's reaction was immediate, his voice carrying a mix of defensiveness and frustration, "Amaryllis... I tried— I tried to resist, okay?" His words tumbled out, a desperate attempt to explain the actions that had torn their relationship apart. 

"But you were pregnant, and I'm a man," he continued, his voice carrying a mix of self-justification and a sense of helplessness. 

"You were always so depressed all the time," he added, his words carrying a weight that hinted at the challenges they had faced. "And I wasn't getting what I needed!" The admission was raw, a painful acknowledgment of his own weaknesses and desires.

Amaryllis' head shook slightly, her gaze unwavering as she listened to his words. The pain in her eyes was palpable, a reflection of the hurt that his confession had inflicted. Her voice was a breathless whisper as she finally spoke, her tone a mix of vulnerability and a desperate search for the truth.

"Tell me honestly."

"Don't make me choose between you and her." His words hung in the air, a plea for understanding that was tinged with a sense of dread.

The tension between them was like a taut string, ready to snap at any moment. Amaryllis' voice carried a bitter edge as she challenged his statement.

"Why? Because you'll choose her?" The sneer in her tone cut like a knife, the realization she sought etched into the guilty expression that briefly crossed Caspian's face.

The decision was made, the finality of it lingering in the air like a closing chapter. Amaryllis' voice was cold, the warmth that once marked their connection replaced with a steely resolve, 

"Me and Y/N will be going to my mother's house. You have until morning to move out and go back to London."  Her words were like a sentence pronounced, each syllable laced with the weight of a decision that couldn't be undone. 

"I'll present you the divorce papers by sunrise." With that, she turned and walked away, leaving behind the shattered remains of a love that had once been their cornerstone.


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