Kiss One Shots

By Fandomislife12

75.5K 762 255

one shots for the band KISS Feel free to request something I don't bite ;-) More

Peter Criss X reader X Eric Singer
Tommy Thayer x Reader: The first time we met
Ace Frehley x Reader: the best show ever.
Bruce Kulick X Reader: Our Very First Date
Kiss x Reader: Special Day
paul stanley x reader: the one night stand
Ace Frehely x Reader
Peter Criss X Reader
Bruce Kulick x Reader X Eric Carr
Ace Frehley x Reader: Pregnant
Tommy Thayer x Beth
Eric Singer x Dani: "Wait, does that make this a date?"
Bruce Kulick x Elin: Guitar lesson and a kiss
Eric C. x Reader
Daddy's little Spacegirl. Ace Frehley x reader.
Tommy Thayer x Reader
Paul Stanley x Reader.
"Please talk to me about it." Paul Stanley x Fem!Reader
"Anything for you, princess." Gene Simmons x Fem!Reader
"We're going to be parents." Eric Singer x Fem!Reader
"I'm always right." "I wouldn't say 'always." Tommy Thayer x Fem!Reader
*Surprises - Tommy Thayer x Fem!Reader
"Shut up and Drive." Paul Stanley x Fem!Reader - Smut
Little Ones. Bruce Kulick x Fem!Reader - Smut
Protective - Gene Simmons X FemReader
Underneath the Table - Eric Carr x Fem!Reader
Freaky - Tommy Thayer x Fem!Reader
Interviews and important Questions - Eric Singer x Fem!Reader
Turn On The Night - Paul Stanley x Fem!Reader
"I heard that." "You were supposed to hear that." Bruce Kulick x Fem!Reader

Family life - Tommy Thayer x Fem!Reader

664 7 1
By Fandomislife12

Warning: contains unprotected sex !!MINORS, DON'T INTERACT!!

"Angel, are you ready to leave?" Tommy asked Y/n, who was currently getting ready for an event the Band was attending. "I'm nearly ready, honey. I just need to put on my shoes." Y/n replied, while adding her necklace and bracelet. "Alright. Just letting you know that Paul and Erin have arrived. So have Gene and Shannon." Tommy said. "I'll be down in a minute, honey." She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, before walking out of the room and walking down the stairs. She walked into the living room and smiled at her friends and fiance. "Oh, that yellow dress looks stunning on you." Shannon said. "Thanks." Y/n replied with a smile, before she looked at Tommy. "You look very handsome, honey." Y/n said as she looked at him. "Thanks, angel. You look gorgeous." Tommy replied as he grabbed her waist and smiled down at her. She smiled back, before she placed her lips on his.

"Can you please wait until after this event to eat each other's faces?" Eric asked. "You are just jealous." Y/n said. "Jealous of you? No, Tommy's not my type." Eric said, which made the group laugh. "Are you ready, angel?" Tommy asked. "Yes." Y/n replied. "Then we'll leave." Paul said, before they all walked out of the house. They went to the event venue and they got out of the car. Tommy looked at Y/n and smiled. "Everything okay, angel?" Tommy asked. "Yes. Just a little nervous. The true fans only know about our engagement. I don't know about all the others." "Don't worry. Everyone loves you." Tommy replied. "Mr Thayer. Can I ask you something?" An interviewer asked. Tommy and Y/n walked up to him and smiled. "How have you been?" The man asked. "We've been alright. Y/n and I just got back from a vacation in Athens. It was wonderful and well deserved." Tommy replied.

"Seemed very well deserved, because you got engaged there. How did he do it?" The interviewer asked as he looked at Y/n. "Well, for the first week everything was fine. We were just walking around the city, staying at the hotel by the pool. And on Sunday, the last full day we had, Tommy was acting weird and told me to dress up nicely." Y/n said as she looked up at the man. "We went out for dinner and walked around the city in the evening and then he asked me when we were by the Acropolis." She added. "That seems so romantic. So you are planning your wedding at the moment?" The man asked. "Yes. We are. But also Kiss is going to start their new tour in a couple of days." Y/n answered. "But you are going to go along?" The man asked. "Yes. I will go with them. Until March, because then I start a new project with Ralph Macchio and William Zabka, so yeah." Y/n replied. "Will there be any plans for a baby in the future?" The man asked.

"Uh, who knows." Tommy answered. "Well, I hope you enjoy your evening and thank you for having a chat." The man said, before the couple walked away. A couple of days went by. Y/n and Tommy had left for a tour which started in Vancouver. A week after the event they had attended, Y/n found out that she was pregnant, but hadn't told Tommy or the band. She, Shannon and Erin had gone to the store and bought some baby bits while Y/n also had an ultrasound with the gender on it, since she was already 4 months and 2 weeks along. The women walked into the hotel where they were staying and found the band in the bar talking. "It's only day one of the tour. How did you three already spend so much in one place?" Paul asked. "This isn't all for us, Paul. Most of this is for Y/n." Erin replied, before the men looked at the younger woman. "Not for me, for the baby." Y/n said. "Baby? What baby? We're not having a baby." Tommy said as he looked at her.

"We are, honey. I found out with Shan and Erin yesterday." "Really? You're pregnant?" Tommy asked. "Yes. And she will be here before our wedding." Y/n replied. "She?" Paul asked. "It's a girl?" Gene asked. "Yes." Y/n replied, before she looked at Tommy. "Honey? Everything okay?" Y/n asked as she looked at her fiance. "Yeah. Just surprised that we're having a baby." Y/n walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Are you happy?" She softly asked. "Of course, angel. I can't wait to have this little girl with you." Tommy replied.

"Good. Because we'll have our hands full." Y/n said, before she placed her lips on his. "I love you, angel." Tommy said. "I love you too, honey." A couple of months went by. Y/n had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Aria and with Tommy beside her. Aria was now 3 months old and it was the day of the wedding. "Y/n, come, I will help you in your dress." Shannon said. "Wait. Can you ask Jasmine to take a picture of Aria? She fell asleep on my dress. And I know Tommy wants to see that as well." Y/n said as she looked at the little girl. "She's adorable, but babes, we have to get ready, Paul said that Tommy was already getting nervous, because Eric and Gene were goofing around when they were getting ready." Erin said. "Right, okay." Y/n replied as Shannon lifted the girl off from the dress and rocked her back to sleep. Y/n got ready with the help of Erin. 30 minutes passed and Y/n was walking down the steps for a first look with Tommy and Aria.

She walked up to Tommy and tapped his shoulder. "Wow. You look gorgeous." Tommy said as he looked at her. "You look handsome, honey." Y/n answered as she walked closer to him as there were tears forming in his eyes. She wiped them away and smiled as she looked at Aria. "She looks beautiful, right? In that dress Shannon bought her." "She does. She looks like you, angel." Tommy replied, before he gave Aria a small peck on her forehead. An hour passed. Tommy and Y/n were married and currently getting ready for the wedding party. "Oh, I wanna take these shoes off, just for a minute." Y/n said as they walked into the room Y/n had been getting ready. "I will help you take them off. We can be late for our own party." Tommy said as Y/n sat down on the couch and Tommy started to take off her shoes. "I asked Jasmine to take a picture of Aria." "There will be a bunch of pictures of Aria on this day, I am sure." Tommy said.

"Yes, I know. But this one is special, because she fell asleep on my wedding dress." "I can't wait to see that picture and all the others of her." "I am glad I can finally call you my husband." Y/n said. "I am glad I can finally call you my wife, angel. And I will say it again, you are gorgeous in your wedding dress." "When does the party start?" Y/n asked as she slowly started to take his blazer off and started to unbutton his shirt. "We still have some time together. Like I said we can be late for our own party. Why? what do you have planned?" Tommy asked. "Just some fun. To start our honeymoon phase." Y/n answered. "Oh, that's what you're gonna call it?" Tommy asked with a smirk. "I am. Like you are complaining about having sex with me. Most of the time it is you indicating that you want it." Y/n said. "Don't ruin the moment, angel. We'll have some fun before we join the party. Turn around." Tommy said.

She turned around and felt Tommy unzip the back of her wedding dress. "Were you going to change before we leave?" He asked. "Yeah." Y/n replied as the dress pooled on the floor around her feet and Tommy offered her his hand to step out of it. "Lay down on the couch, angel." Tommy said as he had taken off her bra and started to take off his clothes slowly while waiting for her to obey. Y/n walked to the couch and laid down on it, while watching Tommy. "You are so sexy, angel. I could look at you for hours and not get bored." Tommy said as he sat on his knees on the couch between Y/n's legs. "I can never get bored of you fucking me, honey." Y/n said as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. She pulled him down and placed her lips on his, while his hands went to her waist. "Well then, let me fuck you before we go to the party." Tommy said as he pulled down her panties and took off his boxers, before lining his cock up at her pussy.

"Oh god." Y/n moaned as she closed her eyes and placed her head back against the armrest. He held her wrists above head as he started to thrust. "Open your eyes, angel. You know that I want to look at you while I'm fucking you." Tommy said. "You're so handsome." Y/n whispered as she looked in his eyes. "You're gorgeous, angel. I still can't believe you chose me after all these years. I love you so much." Tommy said as he placed his lips on hers while slowly thrusting in and out of her pussy. "I love you too, honey. I will always choose you."

Y/n replied as she placed her hand on his cheek. "You're so tight, angel." Tommy said as he almost pulled out of her, before thrusting back inside. "God, hon, this feels so good. Especially now that we're married." Y/n moaned. "Feels even better now we're married. I can't get enough of you." Tommy replied. "Please, Tommy." "Please what, angel? Use your words." Tommy said. "Please, make me come." Y/n moaned. "Come, angel." Tommy replied, which made her come on his cock. "Fuck." Y/n moaned. Tommy thrusted inside of her a few more times, before he came inside of her and placed a small little kiss on her forehead. "I'll get the shower running. Then we'll get ready and go to the party." He said, before he pulled out of her. "I love you, honey. And I mean it when I say that I will only chose you." Y/n said as she looked at him after she grabbed his hand. "I know, angel. I know you will." Tommy replied with a smile and placed a kiss on her hand.

They took a shower and Y/n had pulled on her short dress, before she and Tommy went to the Party venue. They danced their first dance and danced with their friends. "Y/n, can you join me and Erin?" Shannon asked as they were standing outside. "Why?" "Just because. You also need to close your eyes." Erin replied. "Why do I need to close my eyes?" Y/n asked. "Just trust us." Shannon said, before Y/n closed her eyes and was being led inside by her friends. "Where's Tommy?" "He'll be here in a minute." "And Aria?" "Sophie took her home. She'll watch her for the rest of the night." Shannon replied. "That's nice of Sophie." Y/n answered. "Honey, the boys have a surprise for you. Especially Tommy. They have been rehearsing something for a couple of weeks. Open your eyes." Erin said. "Everyone. I would like to say something." Paul said gaining everyone's attention.

"I wanna say congratulations to our newlyweds. Y/n, from the day that Tommy brought you over for dinner at Mine and Erin's place, I knew that you were the one he would end up with. You're such a light in all of our lives and you know how to listen to everything and you always know how to make us smile. You were shy at first, but once we got to know you you instantly became one of the brightest and happiest woman." Paul started as he looked at the younger woman. "You're one of my dearest friends and we can both agree you look at me like a father figure, especially in the beginning. Now you're more like a sister and I love you dearly." Paul replied and Y/n's eyes had filled up with tears. "You and Tommy were meant to be. Everyone adores you both as a couple and I couldn't be happier that my dear friends found love and marriage." Gene said. "You are always fun to be around and you deserve the best." He added.

"We will always look out for you and we'll always protect you, even if Tommy's angry at you, which we all know he can never be angry at you." Eric said. "Tommy wanted to surprise you. And we all agreed that there's only one song perfect enough for him to sing to his wonderful and beautiful wife." Paul said. "So, Y/n, this one's for you and you know this song very well." Gene added, before they started to play the opening of Y/n's favorite song 'Forever'. She cried as Tommy was playing and singing the words. The song came to an end and Y/n walked up to Tommy. "Thank you." She said as he wiped the tears from her face and pulled her in for a hug. "You're welcome, angel." Tommy replied. "Thank you, guys. It was beautiful. Even the things you said." Y/n said as she looked at her friends. "We meant everything." Paul replied as he pulled her in for a hug. "Let's continue this party." Gene said. 4 years went by.

Aria was now 4 and had often asked Y/n about Tommy and what he does every time he's away for a couple of months. Tommy had been on tour for 4 months and Y/n decided that it was time for their daughter to see a concert of her daddy and her uncles. "Mommy, where is daddy?" Aria asked as she walked up to the woman who was standing in the bathroom in Los Angeles hotel. "Well, daddy is working, angel." "What does daddy do?" Aria asked. "Daddy's in a band with Uncle Paul, Uncle Gene and Uncle Eric." "Daddy is in a band?" The little girl asked.

"Yes. Daddy is in a band. Daddy's famous." Y/n replied as she picked the girl up and looked at her. "Am I famous?" "You're going to be famous one day. Do you want to go and see daddy?" Y/n asked. "Yes. But I don't know the songs." "I'll let you listen to some of them and I'll show you daddy in the band with Uncle Paul, Uncle Gene and Uncle Eric." Y/n replied. "Okay, mommy." An hour went by and Y/n was getting ready to take Aria to the venue. "Mommy. I want to surprise daddy and have my face like him." "You want to have your daddy's makeup?" She asked the girl who nodded her head. "Well, how about we go to Auntie Shannon and Sophie. Sophie knows how to do the makeup and she'll happily do it for you." "Okay." Aria replied, before she ran towards the door. "Wait for me, angel." Y/n said, before she grabbed her phone and walked to the door. They went to Shannon's house and Y/n walked in holding Aria's hand.

"Hello. How nice to see you here. How are you, sweety?" Shannon asked Y/n. "I'm fine." "Hi, Shannon." Aria said. "Hello, angel." Shannon replied. "Can Sophie make me like daddy?" Aria asked Shannon. "You want to have your makeup like Tommy?" Shannon asked the girl who nodded. "Why don't you go and ask Sophie? She's in the kitchen." Shannon replied as the little girl ran in the house. "You told her what Tommy does?" Shannon asked. "She's been asking him as well. And She knows that Tommy's away for some time. But she never really knew why. I thought it would be nice for her to know why her daddy's away often. She's old enough to understand." Y/n answered. "Well, it is good that she knows. So, you're going to take her tonight?" "Yeah, she wanted to surprise Tommy with her makeup." "You know, I have Tommy's Spaceman outfit made for her. She could maybe wear it tonight." Shannon said. "She would love that."

"I can't wait to see Tommy's face." Shannon said. "I know. Me neither." Y/n replied. Another hour went by and the women had went to the concert venue right before the show was about to start. "Look, angel. Daddy." Y/n said to Aria, who's eyes lid up as she saw her dad on stage. They were standing on the side of the stage, backstage, and Y/n had Aria on her arms. Halfway during 'I love it loud' Aria got out of Y/n's arms and ran on stage towards Tommy. The crowd started to cheer for the little girl as Tommy picked her up. "Everyone, meet Tommy and Y/n's little girl Aria. Who's dressed as her daddy which is the sweetest thing." Paul said in the mic and the crowd got louder. Y/n walked on stage and walked up to Tommy, which made the crowd go even wilder. "Sorry, honey." Y/n said. "Don't be. It's a nice surprise to see Aria here. Did you ask mommy to take you?" Tommy asked the little girl. "Yes. And Sophie made me look like you." Aria replied.

"I can see that. You look so beautiful, princess." Tommy said. "I love you, daddy." Aria said to Tommy, which made Tommy smile and Y/n's heart melt. Since the mic was very close to them, the crowd cheered and awed at the cuteness and Tommy gave the little girl a kiss on her forehead. "I love you too, princess. Will you be a good girl and watch the rest of the show with mommy on the side of the stage?" Tommy asked the little girl. "Yes, daddy." Aria answered as Tommy gave the little girl to Y/n. "Give it up for Y/n and Aria." Gene said and the crowd became wild again. They watched the rest of the show. After a couple hours the show ended, Y/n, Tommy and Aria had went to the hotel. Aria was fast asleep in Tommy's arms and he had placed her on her bed, before walking to Y/n who was in the bathroom. "It was nice to see Aria at the concert and enjoy it just as much as the rest of the crowd did." Tommy said as they were getting ready for bed.

"I know. She really wanted to know what you did for a living. And she wanted to surprise you." Y/n answered. "She looked really cute. Did you give her that outfit?" "No, Shan did. Sophie did her makeup and I did her hair a little. She looked so adorable. Shan even has the rest of the costumes. Next time she'll want be like Paul or Gene." Y/n replied with a laugh. "She will and I know you, you'll agree to it. Or she'll ask Shan to help her. Either way she will look so cute in the other costumes as well. I'm glad that she knows what I do."

"She even asked me if she's famous." Y/n said as they walked to the bed. "She will be after tonight. Everyone will know her as mini me. And it's the cutest thing." Tommy replied. They were laying in bed and Y/n was looking at Tommy who was looking at Aria who was fast asleep in the too big band t-shirt Paul gave for her at their own concert. "Thank you, angel. For being an amazing wife and such an amazing mother to Aria." Tommy said. "We're in this together, honey. You're amazing as well to keep up with me." "I chose to when I married you." Tommy said with a smile. "You're lucky you're handsome. Otherwise I would have kicked you out of this bed." "You wouldn't actually though." "Watch me." "I dare you to kick me out." Tommy replied. Y/n looked at him and started push him out of the bed. He grabbed her hands and turned her, so that she was laying beneath him. "God, I love you." Tommy said. "I love you too, honey." "Wanna fuck?" He asked. "Damn, so casual. How can I say no to that." 

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