By ahlanazarx

1.5K 134 47

❝ It's a pity you don't know me. Perhaps you never will ❞ Mount Preston High, the once prestigious boarding... More

I. Uninvited guest
II. New note, New threat
III. Hard times
IV. Expect the unexpected
ACT - 2
V. Orchestra gone wrong
VII. Everyone's a suspect
VIII. Rache
IX. On the run
X. Losing game
XI. Bitter secrets
XII. To catch a killer
XIII. Lost clues
XIV. Face your fears

VI. Killer's lair

59 7 0
By ahlanazarx

"There are many questions in this world that have no answers"

- Hiromu Arakawa

. . . . . . . . .

ACT 2, Scene 2

The area around us was dark and shady, only lit with a single yellow bulb that flickered on and off. The rain outside grew heavy, looking as if it would never come to an end. Strips of lightening illuminated the sky for a moment and quickly zapped away with loud thunder following after.

"I guess we were never supposed to be playing football in the first place," James coughed dramatically, addressing Ryan who didn't seem to care. He stood tall, his face looking cold and emotionless, staring aimlessly at the heavy rain.

Ryan Martinez ran a hand through his jet black hair and turned to face us, half wet and soaked in rainwater. His emerald green eyes met mine and he looked away in less than a split-second.

"I don't think we should be here guys, I mean Hannah and I just had a narrow escape from death's clutches and this place.... it just looks so, creepy?" Thea leered, her curious and equally frightened eyes settling upon the ceiling above us. It looked like a storage room gone out of purpose and abandoned over time.

The walls had turned dusty with moldy patches settling in almost every corner. She kept kicking back and forth with her silky red hair spilling over her bandaged arm.

"I believe your just scared Thea, why don't you admit it?" James mocked, his dramatic laugh echoing within the old walls.

"She isn't afraid James and she does have a point, you know. We'll have to get out of here as soon as the rain gets over" Hannah huffed unpleasantly, dipping both her hands into the pocket of her blazer.

"Well I guess we could play something while we wait. How about pass the ball?" James continued, his curly red hair glistening with drops of water above them.

"You must be insane James, not here." Thea argued and James only smiled sheepishly, kicking the ball real hard towards Ryan. Ryan blunt as always, stood idle while the ball rolled forward at high speed and down the stairs that had been invisible to us all this while.

"Ooops, that wasn't supposed to happen now"

"Told you" Thea snapped back at him.

"You better get that ball back if you want to live to see daylight, James" Ryan spoke up, his voice deep and raspy.

* * * * * *

Down rolled the muddy football over each and every stair as it rolled so far that it was completely out of sight from above. James dashed after the ball trying to catch up with it and Ryan followed after him. The two disappeared for a few minutes until down below everything fell completely silent. An eerie sort of silence

"Do you think they're alright?" I asked Hannah who gently tapped her foot against a puddle of rainwater. "I guess it's better if we check on them" she suggested and looked at Thea for approval and with a nod, we ran down the stairs, in attempt to find them.

It didn't take us too long to discover that the ball was already in James's hand and Ryan standing a step in the front, both of them staring at a blood curdling sight. They stood so still, I could hardly understand what was going on.


"A killer's lair" Ryan said sounding astonished and he stepped inside a partially dark room, fairly large with tall rusty metal drawers and a broken wooden table leaning to a wall. The centre of the room was filled with a large pool of blood, half wet and half dried. Who's dying now? Is this some sort of trap or in other words, a killer's den?

"That can't be blood right?" Thea questioned, her voice shaking while her eyes still refused to believe what she was witnessing.

"It is blood" I replied, swallowing the dry lump in my throat. The room reeked of rusty metal mixed with a strong scent of blood. The pool was large, so large that it would have almost covered the whole cement floor.

Hanging over a wall was a flat piece of cork, containing pictures of all the previous victims so far. A picture of Mia holding a trophy, from the previous year's school magazine. It also had a crumpled piece of paper, A note, and following it with a string of red yarn was a picture of Bianca smiling proudly and another note next to hers as well.

"Do you think we should tell Ms. Campbell about this?" James croaked out doubtfully whilst his eyes fixed upon the dark red blood.

"I don't think so. If the news leaks from Campbell's office, we're gonna become the next victims. It's better if we keep this amongst ourselves" Ryan announced.

* * * * *

The rain had come to a stop while muddy water gathered over the grassy football pitch. We made our way out of the 'Killer's lair' and there came Emma, her eyes flooding with tears, carrying a black umbrella and part of her uniform stained in blood.

"Emma, What the....." I screamed out in horror as she came limping, holding the side of her stomach in pain as the umbrella fell from her hands and splashed into the muddy water.

"Who did this to you?"

"Someone tried to kill me but I couldn't see who it was, the killer ran of before I could see or scream for help and," Emma wept out, "Someone killed Mrs. Rachel, she was hanging dead and bleeding on the ceiling and there was a message written on the whiteboard,"

"There is no satisfaction than watching your enemies dead"

Ryan Martinez joins the crew and another dead victim reported.

@ahlanazarx ⛓

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