Conundrum | Ranpo Edogawa āœ“

By -tasfiah

204K 9.3K 11K

ā in the labyrinth of love, a conundrum awaits, a puzzle to be solved by the brave and foolhardy. āž Ā©-tasfiah More

XIV ;)
XIX ;)
XXVII ;) ;)
L āœ“


2.1K 118 106
By -tasfiah


The tension in the air grew palpable as you found yourself surrounded by the manager and his contingent of guards. The harsh glow of dimly lit overhead lights cast eerie shadows on the cold, unforgiving floor. Sweat trickled down your temple as you took a deep breath, your muscles coiled with a mix of fear and determination.

With a sudden surge of strength, you lunged forward, your fists lashing out with calculated precision. This element of surprise allowed you to dispatch a few guards, your movements fluid and swift. However, your triumph was short-lived as more guards emerged from the shadows, converging upon you like a swarm of relentless predators.

Feeling the weight of overwhelming odds pressing upon you, your mind raced, searching for a way out of this perilous situation. Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat reverberating through your body as you struggled to devise a plan amidst the chaos that threatened to consume you.

Unbeknownst to you, Ranpo, disguised as a guard, had been carefully observing the unfolding scene from his hiding place behind a nearby wall. His keen eyes analysed every detail, his mind working tirelessly to find an opening to rescue you before you were captured by the manager and taken away from him for good. The moment he saw an opportunity, he knew he had to act swiftly and decisively.

As the manager inched closer, a sinister smile playing upon his lips, your instincts kicked into overdrive. You took a step back, your senses heightened, aware that you were rapidly running out of options. Fear coursed through your veins, but you refused to succumb to the suffocating grip of despair.

In that crucial moment, a billowing cloud of smoke enveloped the room, obscuring vision and causing confusion among the armed guards. Ranpo seized the opportunity, throwing a smoke bomb with impeccable timing, shrouding the area in a haze of uncertainty. The smoke curled and swirled, a shroud of protection concealing your escape.

Moving with agility and precision, Ranpo closed the distance between himself and you. He swiftly covered your mouth, muffling any inadvertent sounds that might betray his presence. With a firm yet gentle grip, he guided you away from the chaos unfolding in the smoke-filled room, the world around the two of you reduced to a blur of shadows and indistinguishable shapes.

As you were being dragged, your senses heightened, your heart pounding in your chest, your mind racing with thoughts of escape. Your muffled screams and frantic thrashing echoed in your head, desperation pulsating through every fibre of your being. In your mind, the mysterious captor remained a nameless stranger, his touch a painful reminder of your captivity; his motives and identity shrouded in uncertainty.

Through the haze of panic, you were led into a room concealed behind a heavy, red velvet curtain. The momentary respite from the chaos allowed your racing thoughts to briefly settle. A flicker of curiosity mingled with your fear as you wondered what lay beyond the fabric barrier.

Whispering a soft, soothing "sshhh" in your ear, Ranpo gently released his grip on your mouth, finally freeing you from the constraint of silence. Startled, you spun around, your eyes widening in disbelief. Before you stood Ranpo, his familiar face framed by the guise of a guard. The room seemed to hold its breath as recognition instantly hit you like a ton of bricks.

Time froze as your eyes locked, your gazes speaking volumes in the silence between you. Your breath caught in your throat, the revelation washing over you like a tidal wave. It was Ranpo—in the flesh—the one who had always seen beyond your facade, the one who had ignited a fire within your heart.

In that moment, the barriers of fear and uncertainty crumbled, replaced by a surge of emotion that swelled within your chest. For a split second, you believed that you'd never be able to see him again, and now he was here, standing before you. You suddenly wondered if he was even real, or if your mind was just playing some kind of sick, sadistic trick on you. Your lips trembled with unspoken words, and you watched as a tender smile graced his features. The world around you faded into insignificance, and all that mattered was the overwhelming rush of affection welling up inside you.

"Oh my God, detective!" You exclaimed, the words piercing the air, a release of pent-up emotion that echoed through the room. Without a moment's hesitation, you leaped into Ranpo's awaiting arms, your heart alight with joy and relief. He caught you effortlessly, your bodies fitting together like pieces of a perfect puzzle. With a mischievous grin, Ranpo spun you around in a whirlwind of elation, your shared laughter filling the space around you.

As the twirling slowed, your eyes became fixated on Ranpo's guard attire, an amused glint shining within them. Donned in the guard's attire, he exuded an undeniable aura of power and confidence. The crisp lines of the uniform accentuated his broad shoulders and sculpted physique, emphasising his undeniable allure. Every detail, from the fitted jacket to the polished buttons, spoke of meticulous precision and an air of authority. Your gaze travelled up, tracing the contours of his chiselled jawline, before locking onto his piercing eyes that seemed to hold a wealth of untold secrets. They sparkled with a mischievous glimmer, reflecting the flickering light in the room. The stern expression he wore as part of the disguise only served to heighten his captivating aura, drawing you further into his magnetic presence.

"Damn, you look good," you complimented, a playful tone lacing your words. "You need to keep it." The arch of Ranpo's brow conveyed his curiosity.

"Why would I willingly choose to keep a dead man's guard uniform that I was forced to strip off his lifeless body?" Ranpo questioned, a hint of mock incredulity in his voice.

Your nonchalant reply carried a subtle undertone, brimming with suggestive implications. "Oh, I'm sure there's a better use for it." You suggested, your voice macadamised with a knowing tone that hinted at the depths of your connection.

A soft chuckle escaped Ranpo's lips as he leaned closer, your faces mere inches apart. In a mocking, sarcastic tone, he teasingly remarked, "thanks, Ranpo, for saving my life." And then with a smile, he closed the remaining distance, silencing you with a passionate kiss that spoke volumes of your shared desire and longing.

Time seemed to stand still as your lips melded together, a dance of fiery affection and unspoken promises. In that electrifying moment, the world around you faded away, leaving only the pulsating beat of your intertwined hearts. It was a kiss that defied logic and reason, fuelled by a love that had endured trials and tribulations.

Your bodies pressed against each other, your connection deepening with every breath. It was a fusion of souls, a merging of two entities that had yearned for this moment of blissful unity. Lost in the intensity of your embrace, the two of you tasted the sweet nectar of redemption and the promise of a future intertwined.

Finally breaking the kiss, your breaths mingled in the air as your gazes locked, mirroring the intensity of your shared passion. The world had faded into the background, and in that intimate exchange, you and Ranpo found solace in each other's arms, your love a fortress against the chaos that surrounded you.

No words were needed in that moment; your actions spoke louder than any declaration of gratitude or thanks. It was a silent promise, an unbreakable bond forged through shared struggles and an unwavering connection.

The world around you seemed to fade into a hazy blur as Ranpo's arms enveloped your waist, drawing you irresistibly close. It was a tender yet possessive gesture, as if he never wanted to let you go again. Your bodies moulded together seamlessly, and an electric current surged between you, igniting a fiery connection that couldn't be denied.

Your breath hitched as you felt the warmth of Ranpo's touch, his strong yet gentle hands caressing your back. Your heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, unsure of what was about to unfold. Your gaze met his, and in the depths of his verdant eyes, you saw a love so deep and fervent that it took your breath away.

With a disarming smile gracing his lips, Ranpo leaned in, his voice dripping with casual confidence. "You know, [Y/N]," he began, his warm breath teasing against your ear. "I've come to a rather obvious conclusion. You must have cast a spell on me, because the way I'm head over heels in love with you, it's almost dangerous. Today I even drove a car to get here."

Your eyes widened like saucers as soon as you heard this, clapping a hand over your mouth in shock, "you drove a car here? Are you insane? You can't drive!"

His lips curled into an irresistible smile, mirroring the joy that swelled within his heart. He cupped your cheek, his touch gentle yet filled with a newfound purpose. "What can I say? You've turned me into a madman."

"Well...detective..." you began, your voice laced with affectionate playfulness. "You couldn't have picked a better time to share that little revelation, because I love you too. Now...when you say I've turned you into a mad, exactly? Because I may or may not have a plan that may or may not require us needing to evacuate the building in the next ten minutes."

Your playful words hung in the air, a hint of mischief in your tone. Ranpo's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of curiosity and concern flickering across his face.

"Ten minutes?" As the weight of the impending danger settled upon the room, Ranpo's voice cut through the air like a knife, sharp and incredulous. "What the hell did you do?" He exclaimed. The gravity of the situation hit him like a thunderbolt, and he struggled to comprehend the implications of your revelation.

Before you could respond, a whirlwind of activity burst through the door, drawing your attention. Poe, who was also dressed as a guard, stormed into the room, a novel clutched tightly in his hand. His dishevelled appearance and frenzied gestures only added to the sense of chaos that permeated the space.

With a wave of the book, Poe announced his arrival in a torrent of words, his voice a mixture of excitement and satisfaction. "I managed to transport whatever that manager guy's name is into this novel that I've been working on for the past few months," he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with mischief and triumph. "It's based on Cain's Jawbone by Torquemada, which is considered to be the most difficult-to-solve mystery ever written. To date, only four people have solved the nearly 100-year-old puzzle, and judging by that doofus, I don't think he could even dream of being the fifth. So inevitably, he's going to be stuck in this novel until he rots. You're welcome."

The room seemed to hold its breath as Poe's words settled upon the stunned silence. The gravity of his accomplishment sunk in, intertwining with the urgency of the imminent explosion. In that moment, relief mingled with disbelief, creating a surreal atmosphere that hung heavy in the air.

Your eyes met Poe's, and a surge of warmth and gratitude instantly washed over you. Without a second thought, you closed the distance between you and enveloped him in a tight embrace, your heart bursting with appreciation. Poe, unaccustomed to such displays of affection, blushed, his usually cool demeanour melting away in the face of genuine human connection.

Ranpo almost chuckled when he saw the look on Poe's face.

Poe awkwardly patted your back, a sheepish smile playing at the corners of his lips. The tenderness in your embrace, the unspoken gratitude that filled the air, reminded him of the power of friendship and the lengths one would go to protect those they truly cared about. It was a rare moment of vulnerability for Poe, a glimpse into the depth of his own emotions.

As the embrace broke, Ranpo's voice cut through the lingering silence, his tone a mixture of awe and amusement as he sarcastically remarked, "Jesus Christ, she doesn't even hug me for that long."

You laughed, tapping Ranpo's cheek. "You get everything else. You're fine."

Ranpo leaned down and kissed you.

Poe made a face at this.

"Now that this lovely little reunion is over," Poe began, grimacing at the fact that Ranpo had just kissed you again, stepping in between the two of you, "I don't think we're safe just yet. There's still guards looking for us."

You looked down at your wristwatch. Six minutes.

"We need to leave now." You frantically urged the two men to follow your lead. "If not, we might end up getting blown into pieces."

"You planted a fucking bomb in this building?" Ranpo's jaw almost dropped in sheer disbelief.

You just flashed him the most innocent smile you could ever possibly muster, fluttering your lashes. "You still love me, right?"

Ranpo let out a long-suffering sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Always."

• • •

The air crackled with anticipation as time ticked away, each passing second bringing you, Ranpo, and Poe closer to the edge of danger. Yours and Ranpo's hands were tightly intertwined, a lifeline of support amidst the chaos that engulfed you.

As the three of you manoeuvred through the labyrinthine corridors of the building, your footsteps echoing against the cold, unforgiving walls, a sense of urgency spurred you forward. Poe, ever watchful, scanned the surroundings, his eyes darting from shadow to shadow, alert for any signs of approaching guards.

With every turn you took, the tension in the air grew palpable, your heartbeats pounding in unison. And then, as all three of you rounded a corner, time seemed to freeze. Before you stood a formidable wall of armed guards, their stern expressions and poised weapons a stark reminder of the perilous situation you were currently in.

For a brief moment, the trio stood in a collective pause, your eyes locked onto the guards, assessing the odds stacked against you. The weight of the impending confrontation bore down on you, threatening to shatter your resolve. But in the face of adversity, you had all managed to find strength in each other, drawing upon the unbreakable bond forged through shared experiences and unwavering trust.

Without a word, a silent understanding passed between you, Ranpo, and Poe. Your gazes met, a fire of determination burning within your eyes. In that fleeting moment, the three of you had silently communicated your shared resolve to overcome any obstacle that stood in your way.

And then, as if fuelled by a surge of newfound courage, you eventually made your move. Ranpo, ever the strategist, swiftly calculated the best route to evade the guards, his mind working in tandem with his nimble feet. You, your hand still tightly clasped with Ranpo's, moved with a grace and agility honed through countless trials.

Poe, the ever-vigilant observer, kept a watchful eye on his surroundings, ready to divert attention or create distractions if needed. His keen intellect and quick reflexes proved invaluable in navigating the treacherous path before you.

As the three of you sprinted forward, your synchronised footsteps resonated through the corridors, a symphony of determination and defiance. The guards, caught off guard by the trio's unexpected burst of speed, struggled to react in time.

Heart pounding, adrenaline coursing through your veins, the three of you weaved through the maze of guards with precision and finesse. Each step brought you closer to freedom, your movements fuelled by a potent mix of desperation and unwavering resolve.

The clash of metal against metal reverberated through the air as weapons and guns clashed, the battle cries mingling with the symphony of chaos that surrounded you. Yet, undeterred, you, Ranpo, and Poe pressed forward, your collective will propelling you ever closer to your goal.

With every dodge and every leap, you defied the odds, the three of you moving as one, your unity a testament to your unbreakable bond. Time seemed to blur as you fought your way through the sea of guards, your movements an intricate dance of evasion and retaliation.

And then, as the exit loomed into view, your determination intensified. The rush of cool air against your faces served as a reminder of the freedom that awaited you beyond those doors. With one final surge of energy, you pushed yourselves to the limit, your feet propelling you forward with unyielding determination.

In a flurry of motion, the three of you burst through the doors, your bodies propelled into the open air. The world outside greeted you with a sense of liberation, the weight of the building and its dangers fading into insignificance.

As Ranpo, Poe, and you stood outside the building, the weight of your narrow escape still clinging to your breaths, a moment of respite washed over you. Your chests heaved with exertion, the adrenaline coursing through your veins still palpable.

Your gaze fell to your wristwatch, its display illuminated in the darkness. The seconds ticked away, the reminder of the imminent danger that had compelled you to flee in the first place. Ranpo's eyes followed yours, his arms wrapping around your waist from behind, offering a comforting embrace.

In that fleeting moment, your triumphant smirk curled your lips, a glint of mischief dancing in your eyes. As if summoned by your shared victory, a sudden, fiery transformation consumed the Menagerie, engulfing it in a magnificent blaze. Flames erupted, licking hungrily at the building's façade, as if nature itself responded to your escape with an exclamation of freedom.

The roaring inferno painted the night sky with shades of red and orange, the crackling of flames and the heat radiating from the burning structure creating an almost surreal backdrop. Sparks danced and spiralled upwards, as if reaching for the heavens, their ascent mirroring the trio's triumphant escape.

Ranpo's gaze locked onto the spectacle, his smirk mirroring yours, a reflection of your shared victory and the thrill of outsmarting your adversaries. In that moment, the two of you were invincible, a force to be reckoned with.

With the Menagerie now reduced to a charred skeleton, billowing smoke swirling into the night, you turned in Ranpo's embrace. Your eyes met, filled with a shared understanding and an unspoken connection. The chaos and danger that had surrounded you seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of liberation.

Amidst the crackling flames and the fading echoes of sirens in the distance, you and Ranpo found solace in each other's arms. The world around you blurred, the sensation of your intertwined bodies and the rush of adrenaline fused into an intoxicating mix.

In the backdrop of the burning Menagerie, you revelled in the ecstasy of survival, your hearts pounding in harmony. The fire's fierce energy reflected your own, the flames a symbol of the passion that coursed through your veins.

As the two of you stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, the chaotic scene before you served as a reminder of your strength and resilience. The Menagerie's destruction became a testament to your audacity, the sparks of your courage igniting a blaze that would forever mark your path.

In that moment, the two of you revelled in the realisation that you were not mere pawns in someone else's game. You were the architects of your own destiny, your shared bond an unbreakable force that defied all odds.


A/N - new Fyodor story out yay

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