The Goddess of Music and Soun...

By ELWitch9

8.6K 138 30

Luna Odindottir is the younger sister of Thor and Loki, Princess of Asgard and the Goddess of Music and Sound... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

622 11 0
By ELWitch9

Thor- 1,445 (26)

Loki- 1,330 (24)

Luna- 1,000 (18)

I'm standing outside of the throne room in a gorgeous off the shoulders pink gown with puffy sleeves and my tiara encrusted with pink and clear gems for my godhood ceremony which was on my 18th birthday in mortal terms.

Over the past few years, I have been learning more about how to control my abilities and have learnt about three more, with help from Loki and Mother. First, sound manipulation: which means I can make any noise anywhere, or I can make everything silent, I can make sounds that only one person can hear, or I can make it so they can't hear anything which makes private conversions so much easier, that is probably the easiest way to explain it. Second, I can control people while playing an instrument or singing, but I have control over that and dont use it because I dont want to force people to do what they dont want to, all I have to do is think about making someone do something and they start doing it. And finally, I can make people say anything and I can use their voice while talking, that is a very useful power in pranking Thor. I have also become a better fighter in both using weapons and my hands, from watching Sif and then practicing her moves with help from Loki and Thor, a lot of the time Loki made illusions of Sif fighting so I could practice while watching her, I may be jealous over the fact shes in the army, but she is still the best.

The guards stationed outside the throne room open the double doors and I enter. I keep my head up and walk at a good pace towards the steps through a pathway of wide eye people. I look over to Thor and Loki who gave me reassuring smiles from where they were standing halfway up the steps, Nyx was sitting on Lokis shoulder, I look at mother who was smiling brightly at me from next to the throne making a big smile appear on my face. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I kneel and look up to Odin who was standing in front of the throne with Gungnir.

"People of Asgard" Father starts "We gather here to celebrate my third born, my first-born daughter and your princess of Asgard, Luna in presenting her godhood! Do you Luna swear to always serve as the kingdom of Asgard's princess?"

"I swear" I say hesitantly making my mother lose her smile slightly and look back at Father.

"Do you swear to always cast aside all selfish needs for the good of the kingdom of Asgard?"

"I swear" I look down at the ground.

"Do you swear to always stand by and be loyal to your future king when said time comes?" I look over at my brothers and smile.

"I swear"

"Then I am proud to introduce you to my third born, Princess of Agard, Goddess of Music and sound, Luna!" Father announces, banging Gungnir on the ground and everyone starts clapping. I stand gracefully off the ground, Thor, Loki and Mother walk down the steps and engulf me in a tight saying how proud they were of me. The celebration for me is a lot different from Thor and Loki where they had a party of sorts, Im having a ball which I prefer, Nyx lands on my shoulder and congratulates me. After a few minutes I start making the instruments play themselves for everyone and Thor takes me out onto the dance floor.

"I'm very happy for you sister, Goddess of Music and sound suits you very well" I smile up at him.

"Thank you, Thor. I'm very happy with my new titles"

"Happy birthday by the way, Loki and I got you a few presents that we will give you in after the ball has finished"

"Can't wait" we dance for a bit longer until the song finishes, someone grabs my hand that I can tell was Loki and spins me around.

"Good evening, Goddess of Music and Sound" he grins.

"Good evening to you too, God of Mischief"

"How are you?" he spins me around and we keep dancing.

"I'm alright I guess... when Father said cast aside all selfish needs, he meant being a warrior didn't he?"

"I think so... but he said for the good of Asgard so if you need to you will be able to fight for the kingdom"

"I hope so"

"How about we show this kingdom how to dance?" he smirks.

"Let's" we start dancing around, spinning around, Loki lifting me up, using the whole dance floor with the people cheering us along, I was having the most fun and forgetting about everyone else in the room. After we slow down a bit, I slowly stop the song and he bows, and I curtesy for the people with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"Happy birthday" Loki turns to face me and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you" I hug him. After a while I started to get very bored of the ball and really need some air and quiet, Nyx flew off to go outside a while ago so I couldn't talk to her. I excuse myself from whoever I was talking to and walk out of the throne room and lean against a pillar. I hear the door open again and look up to see Thor and Loki walking over to me.

"I think it's time we leave this ball, and we can go show you your presents. Don't you think?" Thor asks and I start smiling.

"Come on then" Loki offers his arm out and I grab it, Thor offers his arm too and walk in between them arm in arm. We walk outside, where the sun was starting to set and over to our tree then sit down "We got you two things, but the other thing is waiting in your chambers" Loki grabs a box out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"We hope you like it" Thor smiles, I open the box and inside was a ring with a pink gem.

"I put a spell on it that links to our rings" Loki shows the same ring on a chain around his neck, but a green gem and Thor shows a ring with a red gem also around his neck "It will tell us if your ever in trouble so we can help you" I put the ring on my middle finger on my right hand with the biggest smile on my face.

I lean over and put my arms around their necks hugging them "I love it" they hug me tightly.

"Lets go show you your other present, shall we?" Loki asks after a few minutes, we all get up and walk to my chambers. We walk in and I am met with a mannequin with warrior armour on it like Sif's but instead of the red the cloth was pink, I freeze, and stare and it shocked, Thor and Loki push me towards it with grins on their faces.

(Something like that)
"You got me armour!" I rush over to it and start examining it "Woah"

"Well, aren't you going to try it on?" Thor laughs.

"Oh yeah" I pick up the mannequin and walk blindly, stumbling towards my bathroom, I ran into the wall next to the door that Loki had opened for me using his magic, both my brothers start laughing at me, I turn around to glare at them over the mannequins shoulder, I walk backwards into the bathroom and kick the door close. I put the armour on, a double sword holster on my back, a dagger holster on my right thigh, and stare at myself in my foot long mirror, I run out of the bathroom "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" I jump up and down with my hair bouncing.

"It's alright. We know you cant wear it now, but we want you to have it when you can" Loki tells me, we hear a knock at the door and I use the spell Loki taught me to change back into my dress, put the armour back on the mannequin and Loki shuts the door. I hardly never use that spell only in emergencies or when I'm being lazy, but I try not to rely on the spells and still be able to do things for myself.

The door opens and a slightly angry looking Father storms in with Mother behind him "What are you three doing in here?"

"We were giving Luna her birthday present, Father" Thor explains.

"I announced to the people that I had chosen an heir to the throne, yet you three werent there" I look at Loki and Thor who looked very surprises.

"And who is the heir?" Loki asks.

"I have chosen Thor" I slowly step over to Loki and grab his hand, I knew I wasn't going to be the queen but I never wanted to anyway, I knew how much Loki wanted to be king though.

"Enough about that now. Luna here is your present from us. Happy birthday" Mother walks over to me with a black box tied up by a pink ribbon, I let go of Loki's hand, grab the box and open it. Inside was a dark wood violin with 'Princess of Asgard' engraved above 'Goddess of Music and Sound' on the bottom.

"Thank you, I love it" I hug her.

"Right well we are going to go back to the ball. Are you three coming?" Mother asks, I look back at Loki who had his court mask on, but I could tell he is upset.

"I think I'm going to go to bed" I tell them.

"Same for me" Loki agrees.

"I'll come" Thor says and starts walking out of the room following Father and Mother out of my room, I turn back to Loki and hug him tightly.

"I think you would've been a great king. I love you"

"Thank you, Luna. I love you too" we pull out of the hug, and I walk over to my wardrobe to get out a night gown.

"Are you staying in here tonight?" I ask taking off my tiara and high heels.

"No, I think I'll go to my room"

"Ok see you tomorrow"

"Good night, Luna"

"Night" after he leaves, I walk into the bathroom where the armour was, I start staring at it and smile. After I got into my night gown I get into bed, I look at my side table and see Nyx "Hello, Nyx. I didn't see you much at the ball"

"I'm sorry princess a lot of the animals were celebrating you in the forest and invited me"

"That's sweet of them and I'm not mad" I drift off to sleep.

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