Head in the clouds

By EmelySwift

3.1K 172 90

Morgan Branning is taking the world by storm. 2 years into her public career and she's hitting targets peopl... More

Character Aesthetics
One - Morgan
Three - Morgan
Four - Theo
Five- Morgan
Six - Theo
Seven- Morgan
Eight - Theo
Nine - Morgan
Ten- Theo
Eleven - Morgan
Twelve- Theo
Thirteen- Morgan
Fourteen- Theo
Fifteen- Morgan
Sixteen - Theo
Seventeen - Morgan
Eighteen - Theo
Nineteen- Morgan
Twenty - Theo
Twenty One- Morgan
Twenty Two - Theo
Twenty Three- Morgan
Twenty Four - Theo
Twenty Five- Morgan
Twenty Six - Theo
Twenty Seven- Morgan
Twenty Eight - Theo
Twenty Nine - Morgan
Thirty - Theo
Thirty One - Morgan
Thirty Two - Theo
Thirty Three- Morgan
Thirty Four - Theo
Thirty Five - Morgan
Thirty Six - Theo
Thirty Seven - Morgan
Thirty Eight- Theo
Thirty Nine - Morgan
Forty - Theo
Forty One - Morgan
Forty Two- Theo
Forty Three- Morgan

Two - Theo

102 4 3
By EmelySwift

How long does it take to literally grab a drink. I had to have been sat here aimlessly scrolling through TikTok for at least 15 minutes. There was only one other car in here and I bet the girl that had gotten out was convinced I was going to wait and murder her or something. Probably hiding out in the shop until I'd left and I was considering leaving Jasper to find his own way home. I was exhausted and we still had an hour left on this fucking drive.

It was rare I got a weekend where I could get out of the city. As much as I love London, I love home more. I think my takeout menus can handle a weekend off for once. Lord knows I don't have the time to shop and prep and cook. I know how to. No matter what Jasper tells my mother. I know how to cook and I'm pretty damn good at it. It's just a lot of effort. And then you have the washing up and I can't be arsed with that.

I scrolled again, being given yet another video of this girl on stage. Hundreds of them. Over and over again. The same girl, different songs. I didn't even know that much about her. Sure, I'd heard her songs and her name or whatever but she just kind of appeared. It was a little insulting. I worked my arse off for years to get that kind of fame. 6 years of non-stop touring, writing, producing. 5 albums. And she did it in 2. Filling Wembley? The fuck was that about.

"Oft. You look bitter."

"Did you enjoy your trip? To the fucking factory?"

"Chill out Theo. I was talking to a girl."

"For 20 minutes? You better have at least gotten her number."

"What's put a bee in your bonnet princess?" I rolled my eyes, locking my phone and chucking it back into the centre console and putting my attention back on the drive ahead of us. It was already going to be almost half 1 by the time we get home and I didn't want to keep my mum up any longer than necessary. "Why are you getting pissy over this lass again?"

"I'm not- wha- GET THE FUCK OFF MY PHONE." I leaned over, pulling it from him. Jasper laughed, shuffling in his seat a little.

"What's her name?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

"Come on man, you and I both know you're gonna tell me, just save the hassle and tell me."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I wanna know what she's done that's pissed you off."

"She hasn't done anything."

"Then why were you fine when I went in there and I come out to find my best friend with a stick up his arse?" I rolled my eyes. She hadn't done anything. It wasn't her fault that she'd found that sweet spot instantly. It wasn't her fault she was a literal ray of sunshine that had the entire country and Europe eating out of the palm of her hand. I got it. Watching the videos I had, she put on an astonishing show. She had so much energy and people were leaving her shows exhausted but beaming.

"Morgan Branning."

"There we go. Was that so hard?"

"I will leave you on the side of the motorway."

"But then who's going to force feed you snacks?"


"You're so grumpy today." I leaned over and turned the music up on the radio, scowling a little harder when it was her. "She's hot."


"This Morgan girl. She's fucking stunning. Is that why you're pissed?"

"What? Why would that piss me off?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you."

"I'm not pissed off. Annoyed at best."


"Because this nameless 20 year old girl just saunters in, drops an album with no fanbase and suddenly just over 2 years later she's sold out Wembley 2 nights in a row? 6 years I've been doing this and I managed that this year and I'm still convince 90% of those were there to see the opening acts. It's just rude. No hard work, I bet she doesn't even have respect for the field, probably has all her songs written for her."

"You are so bitter." He chuckled, earning him another hateful glare. "What? You're jealous some 22 year old is doing better than you? That's it. Sorry man, but she looks like this-" He held up his phone and I took a few quick glances from a photoshoot for some magazine. All denim, looking over her shoulder and I had to turn my attention back to the road before I had a heart attack. I could admit when a girl was beautiful and she definitely had that. "Of course, she's gonna do it quicker than you. She's younger, by the looks of it has a fuck tonne more crowd energy, all her interviews have great feedback on them, not a single paps shot of her looking miserable unlike someone else we know." Jasper was a pain in the ass. A royal pain in the ass that could probably make it home by sunrise if I kicked him out right here. "I think it's an image thing."

"Fucking image- my image is fine."


"What? What are you mhming about?"


"No that was a 'you're in denial' Mhm."

"You said it not me."

"I've not got anything to be in denial about!"

"No, you definitely do."


"Look man, all I'm saying is Veronica kind of tainted you a little. She was great and all but she held you back so much. You couldn't do the awards show performances because she needed you to be elsewhere. Your interviews were about her and whatever film she was working on next. How are you going to compete against 22 year old's who turn up for everything, are performing at every awards show, are on every talk show, are talking to every radio station. When you're literally just sat on your arse."

"I am not-"

"I know. I know you're writing and recording, but what good is it putting an album out if you're still barely known. You're still referred to as Veronica Reed's ex. That's it. You google your name and it's just the break up."

"It was recent."

"It was 3 months ago."

"Recent." He sighed.

"All I'm saying is stop turning down the options the label give you. Go to the after parties, socialize. Be seen having fun. God, take me with you. I'll fucking do it."

"I would not be taking you anywhere."

"Yeah, you would because otherwise you'd stand in the back and not speak to a soul like the loser you are."

"Fuck off Jasper."

"Best I can do is scoot up a little." Annoying fucker. 

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