Sovereign of Death, King of H...

By DragonBH

10.3K 217 141

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the... More

Start Up
Ascend Part 2
Leveling Part 1
Leveling Part 2
Leveling Part 3
Leveling Part 4
Leveling Part 5
Leveling Part 6
Leveling Part 7
Leveling Part 8
Leveling Part 9
Frigid Land Part 1
Frigid Land Part 2
Frigid Land Part 4
Returning Storm

Frigid Land Part 3

140 3 0
By DragonBH

"Wow, can I have your autograph?" One girl asked, no older than five.

"Sure," Shoko replied, writing her hancock on the photo of the young child. She said her thanks and rushed back to her parents, showing it off to her parents.

"I'm sorry about that." Shoko said, bowing slightly to the Midoriya woman. "My sis told me I should try to comply with my fans request."

"It's fine," Inko waved off with a smile. 

"Hero work is quite hard after all. If anything, I'm the one who should be grateful for your help."Inko stated as she placed the soy sauce bottle in the trolley. 

"Yeah," Shoko muttered quietly, feeling incredibly awkward hanging around Izuku's mother. She had only agreed to help Inko out of gratitude for the meal. Naturally she didn't told her that because it felt cheap and gave another reason. 

The two were currently at the local supermarket, buying new ingredients to use for cooking up meals. Shoko, who was told by Saiko to accompany the green-haired summoner's mother, complied as Saiko apparently had some rituals she intended to carry out. The fire-and-ice user prayed that her friend succeeded in getting what she wanted. 

In hindsight, Shoko should have expected there would be fans asking for autographs.

'Then again, that's not a big deal.' Shoko glanced at the shorter woman's shadow. While she couldn't sense either one of them, she knew Phobos and Deimos, the twin Salamanders, are hiding inside Inko's shadows. If she hadn't saw the two lizards entering her shadow back at Saiko's apartment, she wouldn't even have known because she felt no presence whatsoever. There might as well be absolutely nothing in there.

'Izuku Midoriya. You have an interesting power. I can see why Saiko is invested in you. There's only the name, are they related to him? No, that's just a huge coincidence now would it?'

"So, how did you get to know Saiko-chan?" Inko asked whilst her eyes were checking out the expiry date on a packaged chicken meat.

"My father hired her to tutor me in Japanese calligraphy and chemistry." Shoko stated. 

"... Seriously? Isn't she like your age?" Inko's question received a nod from Shoko, leaving the woman in awe at the information.

"I didn't knew she's that amazing. I-I mean, she live in a condominium by herself, I thought was her own money but that's I wished my son told me about her." Inko lamented, her voice cracking for a brief moment.

Shoko on the other hand felt like she's intruding into a private matter, cringing slightly at the realization. The young woman felt awkward for bringing up something bad.

"W-well, you know that's just how people are like. They're just trying to...y'know, focus on themselves and...other stuff," trailed off Shoko, not knowing what else to say.

"I guess." After their awkward exchange, the two decides to continue their purchase in silence. Almost half an hour went by and the two were already leaving the store, having paid for all the groceries. With Shoko carrying some of the plastic bag at her own insistence, believing it's the least she can do. The two headed for the nearest bus stop soon afterwards, waiting for a bus to come.

" Can I ask you something?" Shoko asked.

"If it's about my name, yes, I'm the famous late Hero Orochi's spouse." Inko spoke without missing a beat, surprising the fire-and-ice wielder slightly. 

"I-you sure that's a good idea?" Shoko asked. Due to the nature of their work, Heroes made many enemies as criminals are still an issue Heroes deal with on a daily basis. Most heroes don't reveal their private life or personal information to the press.

"No but no one is around and I couldn't hide it from Endeavors's children." Inko answered sporting a wistful look. " I'm sure it was talked about, my husband's passing. Considering he was amongst the many who died against that big dragon in America 16 years ago."

"Yeah, my father was still an A-rank when that happened." Shoko recalled her father regaling that particular story. 

"I see. I...never truly understands why you people do what you do. Taking on criminals and bad people was noble and all but with monsters nowadays... it's just...I don't even know why do they throw their lives away." Inko bemoaned, her voice cracking only at the seams.

Shoko kept quiet, not knowing how to handle something as delicate as this. The young hero wasn't expecting to deal with the poor woman. The woman didn't cry but had a look of sadness. Shoko could sympathize with her on some levels, having just lost Natsuo only recently.

"Oh, look at this poor old woman talking nonsense. So sorry about that." 

Thet wo didn't exchange another word after that, Shoko not wishing to get involved into something she's not knowledgeable about and Inko simply have no desire to do so. After waiting for another minute, a bus finally arrived and the two hopped on the bus.

Shoko watched the smaller older woman, wondering if her child would come back or not,


When Izuku agreed to follow Yara back to her group home, he didn't knew what to expect. A trap was one fo the first things that came into mind. Cole, their residential expert on Ice Elf doesn't say much cause he only knows about their tactics and methods. The other two only knows how to kill them. Couple with his Summons are unable to verbally reassure him who even went as far as encouraging him to follow her if their gestures were anything to go by.

After spending hours following the female Ice Elf traversing the frigid land, they eventually found themselves walking towards an ice gate with walls of ice on both sides. The walls seemingly looked like they stretched on forever with no end. Standing guard at the gates were two Ice Elves, both were dressed in fur clothing with leather armor for protection. One of them took note of her and begun speaking to her.

Their language has a strange and scintillating tune to it, almost like the howls of winds turning into a symphony of sounds. By the end of the exchange, the guards yelled out in the exact strange language towards the wall or whoever is behind it. The ice gate slide into the ice wall and Yara motioned to them to follow. 

All four exchanges looks with each other but eventually Izuku decides to step forward. They had already come so far, they might as well follow to the end. A quick glance to the back and he could see Katsuki and the other two following after him.  As he stepped past the gate, the greenette necromancer could feel people staring him.

The entire place reminds him of a small viking-style village; small hut made of stones and woods scattered across the area, ice elves in fur clothing doing their own business and children were playing with their friends. There was a massive totem pole in the middle of the clearing and a bonfire.

The ice elf stopped what they were doing, observing Izuku's and his allies. However, it made Izuku felt uncomfortable as he felt like they're prey, like predators sizing up a newcomer trying to ascertain whether they are a potential threat.

"They're definitely something aren't they." Whispered Cole on Izuku's left, startling the greenette.  

"Sure," replied Izuku. Izuku couldn't see behind the mace-wielder's mask but he guessed a smirk was forming. The four of them followed Yara until they reached the bonfire. An elderly male sat at the edge, throwing the occasional piece of wood into it. He glanced up and Izuku realized the man was blind given his eyes was blindfolded.

'How did he-is his ears that sharp?!' Thought the greenette in shock. Now he suddenly wants this man on his team.

"Elder Rubar, I have returned with the humans as ordered."

The elderly elf made no sign of acknowledgement except for a simple wave of the hand. Yara bowed forward before taking a leave but not before shooting a look at Izuku, whispering 'Good Luck'.

"So, what do you want from us?" Cole asked.

"You've got quite the tongue on you. Come now, what do you have to fear from a blind old man like myself." Rubar spoke fluently in Japanese, a tinge of hatred and bloodlust in his voice. 

"Regardless, please, take a seat." Rubar gestured to the benches placed near the bonfire. All were made out of logs, their upper half carved out and smoothed into suitable seatings.

Katsuki and Kaminari went over to one of the logs and sat down, the same went for Cole and Izuku. All four of them observe the elderly elf intently, watching him pop out a pipe and smoke some weird herb. 

"Never have I expected to see someone smoking a bong in this kind of place. Much less a monster." Cole muttered.

Rubar laughed, releasing puff of smoke as he took another whiff. The smell has a calming effect and Izuku wondered briefly if it was poison gas. It doesn't seem to have an effect just yet. Secretly, Izuku commanded Bellion and the others to be ready of the poison effect kicked in.

"What a mouth you have there human. But business before pleasure as you humans put it, I believe young Yara has stated why we're doing this?"

"Yeah," Katsuki stated, leaning forward. The dancing fires cast a shadow that made him look menacing.

"So, this monster, what kind is it?" Katsuki asked. "Your little errand girl didn't say anything about that."

"Something that requires unorthodox methods. One of Legia's soldiers, as she already told you, has apparently decides to target us. Bloody lumberfoot always so full of themselves." Rubar spoke with a hint of disdain.

Reactions towards the elderly Ice Elf's words differ from individuals. Katsuki and Denki were intrigued by the man's words. Cole just howled and laughed at the older monster's words while Izuku was busy dwelling on the revelation.

'Another king? Could it be this Legia person?' Izuku wondered. He was tempted to ask for more information but feared the System may decides to intervene yet again. According to Katsuki, he mentioned Yara described a Giant was a problem requiring their help. Could Legia be the king of the giants?

"Lumberfoot?" Cole asked.

"A sort of slangs for the giants. They're slow and huge, tends to have their heads up in the clouds." Rubar stated, taking another quick puff to huff.

"Anymore question?" Rubar asked.

"Yeah, I got one. What's the monsters ability?" Asked Katsuki, leaning forward and staring evenly at the elderly elf.

"Your errand girl never mentioned what he can do. We gotta know what we have to contend with." Katsuki's words had the man nodding.

"I see. Well, the lumberfoot is simply just far larger than the average Giant. Almost as big as the old king really." Rubar answered, cracking a sardonic smile as he made eye contact with the human.

"Happy now? It was just stronger than us hence why we need your help."

"I wanna know something," spoke Denki, turning the attention to him. "How would you get us home? We don't even know whether or not you can reverse the spells you use to suck us in."

"Interesting question, I can fix the little hiccup we did so you need not worry about that." The old man's words did not set the necromancer's heart at ease. 

"How would we know you'll follow through? For all we know you could turn on us when we succeeded or you're just not able to do that." Izuku pressed on.

"I have to agree with the summoner," added Denki with a heavy-lidded stare. His hand was placed on his sword's grip.

"Hmm, greedy brats," Rubar muttered. He raised a hand up and snapped his fingers together. To their surprise, a red portal appeared on top of one of the huts. All four of them were naturally shocked. Another finger snap popped out and the portal disappeared, leaving them stumped.

"I hope that-as you humans put it-quell your doubts." Rubar smiled, getting up while dusting himself as he headed for the hut. "My men is having a feast for tomorrow's hunt. Our final prey or another glory added to our tribe's history. Tomorrow we'll start the hunt for the giant. But I wanna talk to your 'summoner'. Alone if you could."

Izuku was surprised to hear this but find himself smiling. An opportunity to learn more has presented itself. Cole and Katsuki left without passing a second glance, following after a female Ice Elf. Denki stayed back for awhile and reached out to Izuku, patting him by the shoulder.

An attempt for assurance. Its touching knowing someone wo barely knows him 

"Hey man, if you need help, just ask man." Denki assured the young necromancer.

"Thanks but I can handle it," Izuku replied warmly, offering a small smile.  

The lightning-fast swordsman left with the other two. Izuku watched their retreating back before he turned towards the hut belonging to Rubar. He took one deep breath and prayed everything would go well.

When he walked through the door, he found the room far warmer than he'd expected. The hut's insides was spacious, sporting a small fireplace of it's own and an assortment of wooden furniture scattered around the area. There were also what he assumed are hunting trophies decorating the walls; a skull of a sabretooth-like creature on the wall, an orc's amputated, preserved arm placed above the fireplace and a couple of other body parts decorating the wall.

When he attempted to sit on a chair, the air nearby it shimmered briefly and a wolf-like creature revealed itself. It was as large as a human adult, sporting black and white fur. It's haunches were raised and fangs were barred, revealing sharp fangs ready to devour it's victim.

A quick use of Soul Observation revealed what it was to him.

[Specter, The Silent Hunter]

[Level 60 Rank as a Summon: Knight-Grade]

"Specter, heel." Rubar commanded, the wolf-like creature. It glared at him with it's cold icy blue eyes before lying down on all four. Even though it had knelt down, Izuku can feel it's fierce intent. The monster is still on guard for any threats.

"I apologize for my companion's aggression. She's been on edge as of late." Rubar laughed despite the apology. Izuku felt the blue-skinned individuals apology was insincere but refrained from lashing out. 

He sat down on an armchair with with a werewolf's hide wrapped over it, beckoning Izuku to sit. He complied, taking the seat he intended earlier on. Both were positioned from one another, Rubar observing Izuku as if wondering what to do with him. The manner in which the older Magic Beast sat on his chair

"So, you must be wondering why exactly I called for you." Rubar stated.

"Yes." Izuku answered plainly. The older man nodded thoughtfully, placing his smoking pipe on the nearby table.

"I called you out here because I am curious," Rubar leaned forward, glaring at him with his milky white eyes. Anxiety crept in as Izuku was unnerved by the man's intense presence. It felt like he was ready to pounce at any given moment.

"You are human and despite that, I detect the stench of death on you and another, much fainter as well. Why exactly are you wielding Ashborn's powers?"

"What? You mean Ashborn? Is that the former bearer's name?" Izuku asked, wondering if he could provide information.

Rubar attempted to reply but ended up stopping similar to Yara's condition. However the person seems to be struggling and eventually broke free of whatever invisible force holding him down. Rubar looked positively tired by the dilemma but his lips form into a smile. Before Izuku could utter a word, the man outright burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Asked the greenette.

"I'm afraid I can't answer any of your questions boy." Rubar answered, wiping a single tear as he stood up and headed further into the house.

"W-wait, before you go, I have a question." Izuku yelled, gaining the older Ice Elf's attention. His head turned slightly, just enough for his eyes to catch the green-haired summoner's visage.

"H-have you seen a red-haired man here? He's...he's my dad and he was stranded in a Red Gate like the ones you can summon years ago." Izuku asked. Rubar paused for a moment, seemingly deep in thought.

"I think I know of the one you speak off but finish this hunt first. I pray we succeeded  in the beast's defeat. Enjoy yourself human." Rubar walked away, muttering something in his native tongue. Izuku attempted to follow the man but stopped when he noticed the wolf had gotten up from his spit, snarling at him.

He knew he could take on the animal but it wouldn't do them any good if he'd killed the Ice Elf's pet.

Izuku huffed in annoyance before taking his leave, swearing to remember what Rubar had done. Should they betray them, he shall hunt Rubar down and the others down. When he left the house, a young child was waiting for him. The child was quiet, wordlessly telling him to follow her. He complied and found there was a feast carried out in honour of him and his friends just like the older Ice Elf had said. 

A group of ice elves playing musical instruments seemingly made of glass and other materials he wasn't certain off while another group consisting of purely female ice elf were dancing. His three compatriots were busy watching the entire debacle. along with what appeares to be dozens of warriors. The elven warriors were busy gobbling down the food and hollering while none of the humans dared touch the meals prepared for them.

The entertainment wasn't half bad either and by the time it was done, they all went back to their huts, the Ice Elves cleaned up the mess left behind and some of the Ice Elves escorted them to their temporary houses. All four of them was placed in the same lodging and we're allowed to keep their weapons as a sign of trust.

"Thanks." Izuku spoke to the ice elf. Who did not respond and just merely left. He sat down on the beddings and felt it's features. Soft and surprisingly comfortable to use. 

"They're underestimating us," Cole stated while scowling as he gripped his mace tighter.

"Yeah, I don't know about that but they're definitely planning something." Denki nodded. "They let us keep our weapons and even placed us together in our lodgings."

"I say we just blow this place up." Katsuki growled, cracking up small explosions.

"I don't think we should do that." Izuku stated, drawing their attention to him. He called one of the Ice Elf summon he has and took its' daggers. He gestured to the ground as he begun to write on it, silently ordering the summons to guard the perimeters discreetly.

"I mean they've shown us hospitality and their food isn't half-bad. I mean, if they want to kill us then they would've done that anyway."

Understanding dawned on hem as they read Izuku's writing.

"Y-yeah, they may be monsters but since they're trying, we gotta return the gesture." Cole replied.

"Wow, that's a hero-material level sentiment right there Cole." Denki laughed. His words earned a confused look from the mace-wielder. He mouthed 'what' in confusion and Denki mouthed back 'shut up.'

"So, we should just...y'know, try and help them out. That's what heroes should do." Izuku spoke with a small smile. A quick check through the scattered Ice Elves showed no one is keeping tabs on them.

'Thought they'll have people spying on us. Go into everyone' houses except Rubar.' Commanded the greenette as he continue to write the real message he intended to deliver.

"I see. Very well then." Denki nodded. The other two voiced their agreement and the four of them decides to go to sleep. Izuku assigned the summon he has to guard the area and alert him in the event of potential threats.

"What a surprise huh. If mom ever hears about this, she'll have a heart attack." Izuku chuckled. Never had he expected monsters reputed to be cruel and merciless to have a community. The idea that his father was able to survive seems a lot more likely now. 

Althoug thinking about the ice elves made Izuku wondered what got Rubar acting like that. The man had stated the monster they'll b facing is far more dangerous than the average one, no doubt caused by Yogumunt. 

'I'll just try to earn their respect. Or I could just convert them like I did to their warriors,' thought the necromancer. Speaking of summons, he got an idea. Calling forth his Summon List, Izuku browsed through the list and decides to try something he'd been meaning to. He wouldn't be calling forth the big ones like the Koios or the powerful Ice Elves. 

Strength in numbers is a fine idea but it's not efficient at the current time. In fact heshould have done this now considering he had that skill. Only one he could think of was his first summon. A mental calling and Bellion made himself known, kneeling before Izuku's presence.

"Lets get you stronger now." Izuku spoke, activating Darkness Transfer as he reached towards Bellion's shoulders. He could feel the energy leaving his body by the seconds as he pushed more of it out of his systems. As the process went on for what felt an hour the green-haired necromancer would check on his summons to see anyone had noticed. Just as he went to his 6th Ice elf's perspective black tendrils emerged and wrapped Bellion in i.

[Congratulations, Bellion has ascended to the rank of Seneschal]

When the cocoon disappear, Bellion stood taller and looked larger. He also begun sporting a second set of smaller wings on his back. 

"Not yet," Izuku stated, dumping more energy into him as soon as possible. A quick check of his mana bar showed he is now down to half and it is continuing to descrease. A series of notification appeared as he continue his effort. However, by the time he was fully depleted, Bellion only reached Level 58 while retaining his rank as a Seneschal.

Commanding Bellion to return to his shadows Izuku pulled the bfur blanket to cover him. Deciding enough is enough, Izuku decides to close his eyes and let sleep take hold of him. Not realizing two of his bunkmates saw the entire scene transpiring.


Izuku woke up to the sound of wolves howling, leaping into action as he quickly got up along with the others. Standing in their hut was a single warrior ifnorming them the hunt is drawing close. The four blinked and did what they needed.

The sun was shining above the sky through the cloudy mist but Izuku noticed the village was empty almost as if  everyone had left. The others took note of the oddity as well, culminating in Cole asking some questions to which the warrior stated t had to do with the Hunt. They were unable to pry for further information as the Rokan, as Izuku quickly learned, refused to speak.

They eventually reached outside of the villlage where every warrior of the Ice Fang Tribe is standing outside. All of them were armed to the eteeth, bearing weapons such as bows and arrows along with daggers and blades.

Izuku saw Rubar and his pet wolf, Specter, and Yara was also there as well. She saw the greenette and approached him. Unlike the other Ice Elf, the oldest ice elf's weapon was a massive two-handed sword with a wickedly sharp curved blade that looked it was carved from ice. Rubar was speaking to one of the Ice elf and didn't acknowledge the young necromancer's arrival.

Out of curiosity, he casted Soul Observation on the man and his weapon.

[Elder Rubar]

[Tarath's Vengeance

Type: Greatsword 

Damage: 150 + (Strength X Deterity)   Magical Damage: 200 X ( Intelligence)

Special Effect 'Blizzard Maker': Capable of summoning forth a terrible blizzard at every strike.

Special Effect 'Frost Mane': Every ice-based spell increase in damage by 120% and reduce mana consumption by 60%.

A sword forged from the fangs of the first of the Dragon King's spawn. An ice dragon that eventually grew tired of his life and decide to usurp the first king. Eventually slain, the fangs was used and fashioned into a a beautiful sword.]

'This old man is definitely the strongest!' Thought Izuku, realizing why he was able to negate the effects of the Systems. He is as strong as Vidar the Construct if not more so than him. Does it mean only those with sufficient strength can resist the Systems effect? Though this revelation just raises some questions. If so, why did Rubar chose not to reveal any information about the individual named Ashborn.

The items stats is also incredibly insane, equal to the Midnight Teardrop. He wondered if the blade would suit Bellion.

'Whatever, I'll focus on the mission.' Izuku thought. His thoughts were cut short when he saw Yara approaching. Unable to help himself, the greenette took a peek.

[Young Yara, Winter Dancer]

[Level 70, Rank as a Summon: Knight]

'Not bad.' 

"You and the other three humans will provide support to Elder Rubar while myself and the other warrior will distract the oncoming forces." Yara instructed. "The others have received their instructions."

"Okay but who are you distracting?" Izuku asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Yara replied, causing Izuku to worry slightly. But it should be fine given the fact no one barring Rubar knows about his ace in the hole.

"I truly appreciate what you're doing for our people." Yara stated with a smile. "I know words of gratitude rang hollow but if we survive this, I would gladly offer anything of mine to you."

"No worry. We just want to get home." Izuku answered, weirded out by all this. Denki caught the sight and looked bewildered. He also swore he could hear the swordsman whispering something under his breath. Classic or something close to that.

"Warriors! Today we have enlisted the aid of the humans but it just proves how great of a prey he is. He has betrayed our lord and we shall reward him like any other deserving traitor. Our tribe will become greater hunters or die trying!"

Rubar's words earned roars of approvals from the Ice Elves, cackling at the ecstasy of battle. A highly ornamental blowing horn appeared in Rubar's hand held high above the air before the man blew into it. The sound was loud and clear, echoing clearly for all to hear.

When Rubar finished his call, the mountain in the distance begun to shake. It grew higher and higher and the snow on it fall apart. Izuku felt his heart dropped when he realized just how large the giant they have to contend with. A quick glance to his side and Izuku saw just how shocked Cole and Denki was. Only Katsuki shared the frenzied look the Ice Elves has.

Izuku casted Soul Observation on the monster wanting to ascertain the monster's nature.

[Runaway Construct]

[Ymir. Mover of Mountain]

[Level 99 Rank as a Summon: Captain]

"You have got to be kidding me." Bemoaned Cole, realizing what they have to face. Izuku agreed with the brute as the monster's ranki is far higher than any he had seen. Izuku shared the mace wielder's sentiment. He hadn't expected the giant to have the strength equal to the late Stain. Now he knows why they have a hard time fighting against the monster.

But at the same time, the reward would be immense. Now he doesn't share a party with Katsuki, he can get all of it for himself!

"Ice Fangs, spill the traitors blood!" Rubar roared, leaving them behind in dust as he leapt forward. The others howled and followed their leader.

"Fuck this, I'm not helping the enemy." Cole complained, sheathing his mace and preparing to turn tail.

"If you do run, where do you think you're going? We're still trapped in this frozen wonderland!" Denki called, grabbing Cole by the hair. The man shoved the grasping hand aside, huffing in annoyance.

"Anywhere but here, sparkplug. I'm not fighting that. That thing gotta be a freaking S-rank monster!" Cole argued back.

While Izuku watched the two argued, a loud explosion went off and snow went flying. The two turned to the source and caught Katsuki Bakugou flying several miles away from them. Orange fire blazed in the distance as he propelled forward.

"Well, sorry, where that idiot's going, I'm going." Denki apologized before he left in a dash. The smell of ozone left behind as the speedster quickly gave pursuit. As a result of his dashing, the foreign hero was covered under a pile of now.

"You're going aren't you?" Cole asked, shoving some of the snow off of him. An apologetic smile was given as Izuku followed after the two hero, wanting to reap the rewards as much possible. Hordes of Izuku's undead summon came forth following their master to battle.

"Shit what a joke." Cole sighed before running after all of them.

Author's Note: I'm back! I'll try to give as much update as possible but I'm a lazy bum. Stay hard you guys. Also, in all honesty, what do you guys think of my story. Seriously, I hope it keeps you guys excited for more.

Anyway, sorry if the chapter is incredibly short. But the next chapter would be a lot of action Tell me if you notice any errors. I'd been trying to make sure it has none.

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