The lost triplets

By hgmgyj

1.9M 60.1K 9.8K

Alexander, James and Skye were triplets. They were stolen from their family at the age of 4. The family searc... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
the house
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71

chapter 50

13.8K 519 62
By hgmgyj

Hi guys just a quick note before I start the chapter. I do have a lot going on in my life but I'm going to try update as much as possible.

If you are from the unwanted twin and emilia, the third book (demon) will be published in a few weeks probably. Make sure to follow and keep an eye out on announcements though as I will most likely add bits of spoilers/information.

And Rafael maybe distant making some of you dislike him but the reason behind it is because Alesandro is amazing and I don't want to ruin it by making Rafael better.

Finally I'm not a 14 year old so I apologize for the room aesthetic in advance. I'm not good at describing rooms and prefer visual so little aesthetic. I've tried to make it all fit but it's been quite hard. (It's a little to grown up so imagine it however you want but I figured they would have a gaming area, window seat and hanging chair to read? And just a general sofa, TV , a chalk wall, computer to study and hoops.)

It was the weekend now and the triplets were feeling somewhat excited, everything had arrived and they were excited to make a room just for the three of them.

They had always shared the basement where they spent all their time together so a room just for them was comforting.

They had protested many times about not being able to share with Skye up until being given this room but Leo had jumped in last time. With the excuse 'They were growing up and needed their own space and If they ever had friends over' and so on.   of course Alex argued they had the same friend group.
That's when Lorenzo ended the conversation when he randomly appeared "you three might have relationships at some point" 

"Even more reason to share, no boy is getting nest Skye " Alex had muttered.

But now they had this room. And they were beyond greatful so they never brought the subject up again.

Breakfast passed slowly for them but once they were done, they asked to go decorate their room and once Rafael agreed, the three quickly left . Arguing about choosing colours for the walls.

"We need something to protect our clothes" Skye said as they got everything ready.

Alex and James smirked at each other as they picked up the paint brushes and flicked paint on her.

"Hey that's not fair" she said picking up her own paintbrush, she dipped it in paint and spreader it over her brothers.

The three laughed and once it died they began to paint the room. They all had different sections. The accent wall was a dark Forrest green, the rest was white however there was a small chalkboard wall near where they planned to put Skye's hanging chair.

They didn't know what to put on it, after messing around and writing petty stuff about each other,  Alex suggested a nights sky due to her name and the following was done.

The three of them laughed, they had never had this before so made the most out of it even if it did include Skye being a victim to Alex and James, who had covered her in paint by now.

"It's looking good kids" Leo appeared as Alex was working on the moon.

"May I help" he asked.

The three triplets shared a look. Leo was easy going and they sort of trusted he wouldn't hurt them so they nodded.

Since stars were their thing , Leo got to work on the stars. Somehow it got to him. The only time he spent truly alone with Skye was when they watched the stars. Even if he was alone in the house with her, Alex and James weren't far away.

The three triplets were having fun and with Leo doing the chalk wall, the painting complete, they decided to clean up a bit before putting the furniture in.

Whilst clearing up , Alex so an opportunity to flick more paint at Skye. Skye had her back turned, it was the perfect plan.

Only it failed because she moved out of the way, it hit Leo instead.

All three of them waited cautiously to see what Leo would do.

He looked at the large spots of paint on his hoodie. He smirked. He didn't mind as it was a old hoodie and he was happy the triplets were having fun.

"Alexander" just saying his name had Alex nervous, especially when Leo was walking towards him.

"You know flicking paint is wrong. Am I to presume that's why you're all covered in paint, rather than the assumption you're terrible painters" he said.

Alex nodded

"Well perhaps if you go clean up we can forget it" he said.

Alex quickly nodded and turned to leave, as he went to walk out though , Leo was quick to open a fresh tin of paint and pour it over Alex.

"Call it even" Leo said when Alex turned around looking at Leo in shock.

The smile on his face gave away that he was never truly angry.

"That's where you're wrong. I have James and Skye, you have no one"

"Actually I'm with Leo, you both have been teaming  up to get me all day, and you aimed at me not Leo" Skye added.

"We're wounded Skye " James said expecting the anwser.

"So very wounded that this is only necessary " he added as he got some more paint and went to pour it on her. He successfully managed to pour half the can on her but Skye pushed the can at him and the other half landed on him.

The triplets couldn't help laugh at how they had covered each other in paint. Leo smiled watching them bond without fear was great to see.

However their laughter was short lived as Lorenzo was stood at the doorway, paint spatter had hit him.

"I just came to check on the triplets and let you know dad left but he says he looks forward to seeing the final result"  Lorenzo said, his tone held no emotion.

They hoped he wouldn't mention the paint.

And he sort of did "this is why I live in my own" he muttered looking down at the paint.

"Make sure you all clean up , you three are covered in paint, clean yourselves up before moving the furniture in" he instructed.

"And Leo wipe that smirk if your face" he added before leaving.

Leo rolled his eyes "the joys of being scolded as a adult by your brother" he said in a overly cheerful tone.

The triplets were confused why he didn't lash out at them.

"Don't worry about it, he just doesn't have time to pour paint on you like yours truly" Leo said noticing their expressions.

"He is right though. You three go clean yourselves up, I'll finish cleaning the room" he added.

The three nodded, each wanting to get the paint of as soon as possible.

It took some doing but they got the paint out and Leo had changed into another old hoodie after cleaning the room.

"The triplets want to start with furniture, something tells me they don't know how to build furniture" Leo had said walking into Lorenzo's office.

"And you want me to help, don't they have you for that" Lorenzo replied.

"I can't do it all myself. Besides it's really fun, you should have seen Alex's face when I poured a whole can of paint on him" Leo said which caused Lorenzo to smile.

"Why didn't you record it, I would have loved to see that" 

"I'll be down shortly. I know Nico went out but Marco is in his room, go see if he wants to join too"

"But Alex hates Marco. I know we are used to Marco being Marco but the triplets aren't. They only just tolerate you"

Lorenzo nodded, he didn't want Marco in the hospital again. He knew Marco had attacked Alex before but the rest was verbal, he wouldn't defend himself if Alex got to him again. "Ask them first then. If they don't want him around I'll get him to pick up lunch or something" Lorenzo suggested.

Leo nodded and went back to the room to find the triplets planning on where things should go.

"Okay so we have alot of furniture, I hope you don't mind, I've asked Lorenzo to help build some of it"

The triplets had some furniture already built but alot was flat pack due to convenience.

"I suppose" Alex agreed knowing he had no idea how to build things.

"Maybe Marco could help too"

The triplets had bonded alot all morning and half the afternoon, they felt comfortable so Alex agreed.

"If he does or says anything though he's out"  Alex added

"Where's Nico" James asked

"He went out with friends. You probably won't see him much on weekends"

It wasn't long before things were being moved and placed in the room, mostly by Leo, Lorenzo and Marco. Marco did not want to be there, he wanted to be alone in his room. But seeing Skye happy made him stay.

"Alex come help me" Lorenzo said as he began putting up the bookshelves.

Lorenzo had him pass him the nails which he noticed Alex was more interested in shakily looking at the hammer in his hand.

"You're safe, always" Lorenzo said.

Suprisingly his words comforted him.

"Here why don't I hold the nail in place and you use the hammer"

Across the room, Marco was putting up the hoop because the triplets weren't tall enough.

Leo was fitting the window seat shelves.

Skye and James were putting little furniture in place like the desk chairs, adding cushions to the sofa, and placing coffee tables near the sofa.

When Nico came back later, he Joined in, setting up the computers.

"I brought home food" Rafael soon appeared. He looked at all of his children who seemed to be getting on, well sort of.

After everything was complete,

Alex and Marco were in a intense game with the hoop. Marco won with Alex muttering "I still hate you" and Marco although it was a lie "the feelings mutual"

And then there was Leo and Lorenzo who were resting on the sofa.

Nico and James were talking on the bean bags.

And Skye had been laid on the sofa trying her best not to sleep. Not with so many men around even if it was her brothers.

Alex had noticed first and stopped the game and gone over to her "you can sleep Skye, I won't leave you"

And she believed him so she finally closed her eyes. It had been a long day considering her sleep was still poor and she missed sleeping last night.

Once she had relaxed the game had started again.

Rafael was pleased to see Marco and Alex getting along .

"What food did you get" Leo asked not really bothered.

"Got it from that place you all seem to love" he said.

"Ok let me wake Skye up" Alex knew she would freak out if anyone but him or James didn't wake her.

Alex still hated Marco but a part of him trusted Marco.

Overall the triplets had spent so much time bonding together and in the final few hours they bonded with their other siblings.

They had a good day and the triplets were starting to trust their brothers more.

All good things must come to a end though. Sometimes in the worst ways possible.

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