When love takes of over

By whydoyouwanttoknow

55.5K 353 295

A Danny O'Donoughue and jessie j fanfic, More

Why does love take over
part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Authors Note

Part 40

890 4 0
By whydoyouwanttoknow

Jessie POV

"Don't you remember Jess?"

"Wait yeah I do now thinking about it"

"I was going to say"

I roll over to face him, I put my hand on his bare chest, he looks at me with a slight smile

He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and kisses the top of my head, I snuggle into him and slowly I drift into sleep. It doesn't seem like long after that I feel Danny tapping me on my arm, I mumble and I hear him chuckle

"Babe, come on you have to get up!"


"Yes come on, you know what today is don't you?"

I think for a minute then I realise, today is the day we decided to tell people that we are dating, on the Chris Moyles show.



Yes I know that the chris moyles show, finished on the 14th of September 2012 but I liked his radio show and I loved the interview he did with, Tom, Danny and Jessie last year

There may be a lot of dialog in this next bit


*radio one*

(Bracket system C=Chris)

"Hello, Jessie, Danny it's a week away from the live shows are you nervous?" C

"Yeah, I'm nervous..." J

"Why??" C

"Mainly because its live and things do go wrong.." J

"Yeah and also there has been a lot of changes this year..." D

"What kind of changes?" C

"New set, new stylists and format changes" d

"Ahh, now people keep tweeting me this, what are your reactions to the rumours?" C

"I haven't heard about any rumours...." J

"Have you not? Well in that case there are rumours going round that you two are together" C

I feel Danny's hand searching for mine once he's found it he holds it tightly

"Well I never thought I would have to say this but, Yes he rumours are true" D

"Really? How long has this been going on for then?" C

"I'm not sure now..." D

"Neither am I" J

We continue with our interview for another forty-five minutes, then we say our goodbyes to Chris and leave the building. We get outside and all the fans we talked to and took photos with are gone mainly because its tipping down with rain, Danny takes off his jacket and places it over my shoulders before pulling the hood up, before I have time to argue his lips are on mine. We break away and he holds my hand as we walk towards the studios which is only a ten minute walk away from where we are. I watch as my boyfriend gets totally soaked and I begin to feel bad. We get into the car park and he stops, I pull my hood (well technically its his hood) down and I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands go to my waist and we kiss, the water is cold as it hits my face, he breaks away and cuddles me before whispering softly in my ear

"Come on let's go inside, you're getting all wet!"

He moves a strand of hair from my face before pulling my hood up, we get inside. Once we're inside we see three very concerned faces, one belongs to Tom, one belongs to Will and the other belongs to Danny (C)

(Bracket system Danny Cohen=D\C)

"Why are you two so wet?" W

"It's raining" J

"You aren't to bad Jessie, but Danny's soaked why didn't you take a coat?" D\C

"I did, but I gave it to Jess" D

"Go and get yourselves dry, your acts should be here in twenty minutes and Danny can I talk to you, Tom and Will for a second?" D\C

"Yeah sure" D

I leave to go and get ready, mine and Danny's acts were preforming to together on the first live show so it was going to be a interesting day

Danny POV

Once she's left the room we go into a different room, we all sit down and wait for him to say something

"Okay we all know that lately Jessie's had some problems with her weight, but her doctor rang up today, saying that she hasn't gained any weight over the last few weeks, she had a appointment yesterday but I was just wondering why you didn't tell us Danny" D\C

"I would have told you if I had known" D

"So she didn't tell you?" D\C

"Nope" D

"Okay then, she has however lost another two pounds.." D\C

I groan, and put my head on the desk

"How is that even possible, she's been eating lately.." D

"I don't know, but I just thought I should let you know about that okay go and get dry Danny" D\C

I get up and leave the room, I go to Jessie's room, I walk in and she's drying her hair, she's completely changed I walk up to her and hug her, she doesn't smell of the rain now she smells like watermelon? Yeah that's what it is.

"Did you have a shower?"

"Yeah why?"

"Just wondering, is it ok if I have one?"

"Yeah sure"

"And Jess, do me a favour and grab me some clothes from my room"

She nods her head as I close the door, I was happy for her to go through my things but I didn't want to go through hers so I never have after a while I get out of the shower, somehow she managed to slip my clothes into here without me noticing. I pull on my dry clothes and I walk out of the bathroom she facing away from the door so I sneak up behind her and cuddle her

"I'm back"

"I know, ready to go?"


She leaves and I follow her. I try to cuddle her again but she runs away or should I say she TRY'S to run away, but I'm faster I grab her waist, pick her up and spin her around, I place her back down on the floor and I smile at her, we walk up to the practise room and we sit on one of the sofas in the corner, today we were going to discuss the song choice for this group performance with the two groups, there are loads of chairs, bean bags and stools for people to sit on. I pull her closer and peak her on the lips before I kiss the tip of her nose, she has a cute nose, she's cute and she's mine. You may wonder what happened what's happened with me and Glen, well basically he apologised for his actions and I said that I forgive him but deep down I haven't really.

The room starts to fill with people and I can tell that this is going to be a long session and I couldn't wait for lunch.

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