Protective Bad Boy

By MusicwizardN

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The bad boy that protects the girl he never had. More

Protective Bad Boy
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part 1

Chapter 1

11.6K 250 26
By MusicwizardN

Let me introduce myself.

Kate Betheny Darling.

Yes my last name is Darling, don't laugh.

I have green eyes, long light brown hair and im 5'1

16 and a half ^.^

I don't talk alot. Only when a teacher trys to sass me. Then something in my body flips and becomes what my friends call mrs. Sassy.

I love disney :3

My favorite colour is green, just like my eyes.

Nothing in the world would make me more happy then nutella and ed sheeran songs.

I guess those 2 help in every sing thing. Exsept for one thing.

My first heartbreak.

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