Caught in a Web

By JKsSkinnyJeans

6.1K 123 28

Wander was living a mostly peaceful life in Mexico. She cared for her grandmother until she passed away and l... More

Author's Note
1 - Wander
3 - Fangs
4 - Fucked
5 - Change
6 - Legs
7 - Anger
8 - Gone
9 - Promise
10 - Trust
11 - Frustrated
12 - Family

2 - Sticking Around

565 13 0
By JKsSkinnyJeans

3rd Person POV:

Miguel rushed through the portal carrying the now unconscious Wander into the lab in the spider verse. He laid her down on a table and frantically searched the cabinets for the antivenom.

"Fuck where is it, shit!" He opened and slammed doors shut searching knowing Wander was seconds away from being dead. He finally found it and rushed to her side. He measured out the right dosage with a needle and wasted no time in getting the antivenom into her body.

At first there was no reaction. "Come on! Don't die now!" He voiced impatiently. In a matter of seconds, Wander's eyes darted back open. She stared up at the unfamiliar space and saw Miguel sigh with relief. "Next time, don't be so fucking reckless," he mumbled before turning to dispose the used needle.

Wander opened her mouth to protest but instead winced at the pain that spread through her. She reached back and touched the gash on her back which was leaking blood.

Miguel turned back and noticed the blood on her fingertips. "Fuck. Alright turn around for me," she wanted to protest but knew now wasn't the time. She turned around revealing the nasty gash which had torn straight through her suit. "It's pretty bad you might wanna take off your suit so I can clean it off properly," Miguel moved to one of the cabinets and pulled out a first aid kit while Wander slipped the suit off the top portion of her body. Her h/c hair draped just below her shoulders. She wore a maroon bra which had just barely been missed by the blade. She looked over her shoulder to see Miguel had removed his mask and was staring at her with an unreadable expression.


I peaked behind me and saw Miguel looking at me with an expression I couldn't read. His face was now revealed to me and I could see his tan skin and dark eyes. He was just as sexy with and without the mask.... Shit.

He stood there frozen in place so I cleared my throat. "Miguel?" He finally reacted and stepped toward me. "Can I?" He asked before reaching out for my wound. I nodded and moved my hair to one side of my neck to allow him better access and I swear I heard his breath hitch at that moment.

"It's pretty deep, you need stitches. Do you want some numbing gel?" He asked as he cleaned off some of the blood from the cut.

"Nah just do it," I casually spoke. "Are you sure?" He questioned, making eye contact to make sure I wasn't bluffing. "Do it," I simply shrugged. He stared for a second but eventually gave in and proceeded with the stitches. It hurt but not as bad as some of my tattoos. He finished up and applied a patch to prevent the stitches from becoming infected. "You're all done. Now, let's get down to business," he said as he put the kit away.

"Business?" I pulled my suit back over my body.

"Yes. Business. We were sent to your dimension because there was an anomaly present in your world. I thought it might be you at first but it turns out someone from another dimension has distributed weapons to Reinoso's cartel explaining why you were stupid enough to take them on yourself. They are not supposed to have these sorts of weapons in their possession. So-

"Excuse you asshole I could've taken those two on regardless, if you guys had just gone back to your dimension and left me alone. If you hadn't distracted me, none of this would've happened," I fumed.

"Oh yea and that's why we had to step in when you and that innocent kid were about to be killed right?Since you have "everything" under control don't you."

"Just because I didn't do anything just yet doesn't mean I needed your help! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my people you dick!" I could feel my powers threatening to go off. Hell I should let him get a taste of what I can really do.

"Oh just stop it already, just admit you would've been dead if it weren't for me and my team."

"I'll show you dead," I scowled but before I could attack, the portal opened up again and the three spiders emerged.

"I'm just saying, if he shot me with a laser that means I get to shoot him too"

"Miles, that's not how it works," the female spider laughed as she pulled off her mask and made eye contact with me.

"Oh hey! You're okay," she smiled. The other two finally noticed Miguel and I in the room and followed suit removing their masks.

"Yo Miguel we got the stuff you asked us to grab. That snake dude was a real ass tho, he got me and miles with one of the rays," the punk spider guy confessed.

"Yea but we totally kicked his butt," Miles boasted.

"Have all the weapons processed and find out where they came from. Whoever supplied the cartel needs to be stopped," Miguel ordered, turning his attention to the weapons and leaving me pissed off internally.

"So we should probably introduce ourselves. I'm Spiderwoman but you can call me Gwen. This unserious spiderboy is Miles Morales aka my boyfriend. Spider punk aka Hobie Brown and last but not least Miguel O'Hara," I like Gwen, she seems nice. But Miguel gets on every last one of my damn nerves. "So what's your real name?" Gwen interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Oh, my name is Y/N L/N but they call me Wander. And it's been a pleasure to meet you guys but I think I should get going so if one of you guys could open up the portal back to my world that would be great." Nothing against the three spiders but being around Miguel made something inside me fume.

"Not so fast Y/N" Miguel turned around and walked straight toward me, "unfortunately you can't go back until the situation has been dealt with in your world. Which means you can either wait here until we're done with the job or we can drop you off in some other dimension for the time being."

"Miguel quit playing you know she can join us on the mission until she can go back," Gwen rolled her eyes.

"I don't want her around, she's caused enough trouble as it is," Miguel walked back to the weapons and carried them off to another table where I assume they'd be examining them later.

Realistically I didn't want to be around Miguel either. But then again... it's his fault I can't go home so if I'm stuck being miserable he deserves to be miserable too.

"No, no I like Gwen's idea. I'll hang with you guys until I can go back. Besides who could say no to kicking some bad guy ass," I joked joining Gwen and the rest of the guys.

Miguel glared at me with anger in his eyes and gave out a huff, "just don't do anything stupid and stay out of my way." He exited the room leaving me with the rest of the team to learn the rest of the details of this mission.

A few hours later...

I got to know all of them better and honestly these were the coolest people I'd ever met. It was so nice being surrounded by a bunch of people who know how it feels to be living with powers.

"So tell us, where'd Wander come from?" Miles asked curious. I smiled, "so I was on vacation with my cousins in Baja California and we visited this spider museum which had just opened the exhibit to the newest species of spider only found in Mexico. It was the Mexican Wandering Spider. Turns out it wasn't just some new species but also the one responsible for giving me these powers. I got Wander from the spider's name and also because I tend to wander from place to place a lot."

"That's really touching Y/N" Hobie smiled. Yup I could get used to these guys being around.


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