7 - Anger

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Back in the lab lied a defeated looking bunch of spiders and a large pile of confiscated weapons. At least we collected everything. I sighed letting Miguel lean against a nearby table. That whole little rage fest took a lot out of me. I pulled my mask off and fell backwards laying on the lab floor.

"You good Y/N?" Hobie questioned half concerned half tired.

"Yeaaaa just tired," I confessed. This floor feels really comfy right now. I could just fall asl-

"Girl don't fall asleep on the ground," Gwen groaned in disgust. I groaned and used a web to pull myself up. Yup I've hit this level of tired and lazy. "Everything appears to be in check for now," Miguel sighed, "Everyone get some rest, this'll be all for the rest of the week." Everyone's faces got visibly lighter at hearing that. "Wooo I can rest!!" Miles celebrated. The other two laughed lightly but I'm sure they were just as excited as Miles. I was about to collapse from tiredness. "Well, see you guys later," I waved to everyone, quickly opening a portal. I didn't even think twice before stepping through it and letting my bed hit a soft mattress. I just need a little power na-

12 hours later...

I slowly opened my eyes rubbing the sleep from them. I feel so relieved and rejuvenated! I look down at my clothes and realize I'm no longer in my suit. Did I change? I brushed this off and walked out of the room going into the bathroom. I should probably eat something soon.

I walked back into the room and noticed a shirtless man in my bed. Not just any man, Miguel. Wait. This isn't my bed??? This isn't my room. Oh shit! I'm in Miguel's room.

How did I end up here? I specifically remember not thinking when I opened up the last portal. Ohhh I accidentally thought of Miguel's room instead of my own. I mean Im not mad about it, the view's pretty good. Might as well enjoy it. I crawl into the bed beside him and close my eyes. I feel an arm wrap around my waist. Miguel's pulling me into him. I feel a soft kiss on my forehead, "buenos días hermosa.

I smile at the pet name. I love the feeling of being in his embrace. "Buenos días guapo," I whisper. He hums in content pulling me closer to him. I could get used to this. However the moment is broken my the sound of footsteps in the hallway. "Hey Migueeeeel!" I can hear Hobie calling from the hall. "We brought lunch!"

Aww they came to see him. Wait. I'm not supposed to be here. A look of alarm runs through Miguel's face as he tries to get up but is stopped by the swinging open of his bedroom door. "Hey Miguel we....... Y/N?"

Well there's no explaining this. "Hey Hobie. What did you bring?" I casually asked jumping out of bed to inspect the contents of Hobie's bag. Ooooh he brought Mexican food!! "What were you-"

"Hobie, don't ask questions you don't want the answers to," I simply chuckled, snatching the bag from his hand and walking to the kitchen. The food smells so goooood. I waltzed into the kitchen seeing Gwen and Miles already in there setting plates out on the table. "Y/N? When did you get here?" Gwen questions. The two of them stare at me perplexed but I simply shrug my shoulders and help them set out the dishes of food. They seem skeptical but decide to simply enjoy the fact that we'll all be eating together. Hobie and Miguel enter the room in the midst of me and Miles going at it throwing sauce packets at each other.

"TACO BELL SAUCE DOES NOT GO ON AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CUISINE IDIOTA!" I shout attacking Miles with another sauce packet. "I can eat my burrito however I want Y/N!" he shot back shielding his face with his arms to block my sauce attacks. "Just keep that white washed sauce away from me," I huffed. Taco Bell is such an embarrassment to the rich flavor of Mexican food.

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