1 - Wander

651 16 7

Author note: only translating long sentences in ( )


I'm still not used to having a house all to myself. I moved here to Mexico a few years ago to take care of my sick grandmother. I knew she didn't have much longer but even so I'm still not used to her absence.

Of course I grew accustomed to walking the short distance to the tiendita near her home to pick up a Mexican coke to drink at dinner.

So that's where I'm going now.

I closed the front metal door to the house and walked the short distance with a bag in hand. I turned the corner of my street and walked slowly, paying attention to every crack in the stone street I've grown accustomed to.

I was only a few meters away from the small store when I heard a commotion coming from the alleyway to my left.

I assume it must be a local pandilla collecting money from someone who owed them so I pay no attention and continue walking my path.

I reach the window of the store and flash the storekeeper a smile before speaking, "buenas tardes, ¿me puedes dar una coca de medio litro?" (Good evening, could you give me a half-liter coke?).

She nods and quickly grabs the coke from the fridge behind her.

"Quince pesos" (fifteen pesos).

I hand her the exact amount and thank her as I turn around placing the glass bottle into my bag.

I couldn't help but notice the commotion in the alleyway is still heated causing my curiosity to get the best of me.

I decide to peak into the alleyway and feel my eyes widen as I quickly realize this isn't some low level gang commotion, it's the cartel leader himself, Reinoso.

Not only is he a cartel leader, but also a snake hybrid who I've been constantly fighting against. He has a guy pinned to the wall, slamming him repeatedly yelling "where is it!"

I don't want to engage in a fight right now and decide to continue walking but as luck would have it, I trip on one of the cracks in the street and gasp as I catch myself. That gasp was a mistake because now Reinoso's attention is on me. I gulp and turn to see him smirking at me already.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He chuckles while throwing the guy one final time against the wall where he drops unconscious.

I take a step back, clutching my bag in anticipation of what will happen next.

I look around and debate whether I should just run for it or kick his ass.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small child who has turned the corner and is staring with wide eyes and mouth agape at the scene before him.

'Well there goes making a run for it'

I look back at the sinister villain. He's only a few feet away from me. "What did you see little girl?" He questions with a stupid look plastered on his face.

"No offense, but I'm not some 'little girl' and what I saw was an asshole who knocked a guy out" wait wtf am I saying.

"Is that so?" Reinoso chuckled, "then how about I erase this little memory of yours?"

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