8 - Gone

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A/N: extra long chapter

Miguel POV:

I fucked up. I fucked up bad.

I wasn't thinking and said those hurtful things when she deserved none of it. I guess the truth is I kinda fell for her. Maybe it's the way way her eyes light up when she sees my face. Maybe it's how sexy she looks when she's angry and kicking ass. Maybe it's how she sighs in relief everytime I hug her. I barely even met her but I've fallen for every bit of her.

"WHAT THE FUCK MIGUEL?" Gwen yelled first. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY THAT TO HER?" I'd never seen Gwen so angry before and it wasn't a pretty sight. "Not cool Miguel," Hobie folded his arms disapprovingly. "She didn't do anything man, that's fucked up," Miles glared angrily.

I let the weight of their stares get to me and I finally gave out a long sigh. "I know, I wasn't thinking." "Yea no shit Sherlock," Gwen huffed turning away in disbelief.

"I didn't mean any of it, I..." I hesitated debating whether I should tell them. "You what Miguel?" Miles scoffed annoyed. Fuck it. "I think I love her." The room went silent. They all stared at me with shocked faces. "Miguel. In love?" Hobie stared incredulously, "never saw that one coming." Miles simply shook his head trying to wrap his head around it.

"Yea no offense Miguel, but you don't slut shame a woman you love," Gwen bluntly stated. She turned away and disappeared through a portal before any of us could say anything. She's right, I fucked it up. "Fuck!" I stood up rapidly, tossing my chair backwards in the process. How the hell am I gonna fix this?

"Hey if its any consolation, she only said she didn't want to see YOU again, so technically we can still hang out with her," Miles pointed out. I felt a bit of hope hearing this, "so you'll help me?"

"Ha, no. But like you have fun coming up with a plan," Miles turned away ready to leave. "Then how the fuck is that a bright side Miles?" I fumed.

"Oh I never said it was a bright side for you. You fucked up man, figure it out," Miles chuckled leaving through his portal with a laughing Hobie following behind him.

Some fucking help they were. I walk back to my room and notice her bag is still on the floor. I quickly pick it up, this is it! I can go back and deliver her bag and talk to her. Yea no, it's not gonna be that easy. Wait! I have an idea. I'll bring her a meaningful gift to show her how much I care about her. I need to leave now though.

I change quickly into something casual and open up a portal. This has to work.

20 minutes later....

I ran down the cracked stone street to the place I first saw her. I passed by the small store and stopped in my tracks deciding I'd get her a coke since she never got to enjoy hers last time. I paid the storekeeper and continued walking around the corner in the direction of her house. I became nervous wondering how she'd react. Just suck it up I deserve anything she throws my way after earlier. I reach the metal door and knock on it three times.

After a few seconds I hear no response. I knock again. Nothing. I peer down both ends of the street and don't notice anyone in sight. I quickly sling myself over the metal door just as we'd done on our mission. I found the back door locked. Strange. I peer through all the windows and see no signs of movement. The last window I look through is that of her bedroom. It's strange, the room looks almost unlived in. The only signs of movement are the unmade bed, shoes spread out across the floor, and drawers which appear to have been rummaged through. Did she leave?

I try to open the window and am surprised to find it open. I jump through and can smell her scent throughout the room. It appears she left most of her things here. I exit her room and find a single piece of paper left on a table.

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