legend of vox machina x male...

By LordOf_Crimson

15.4K 242 37

to be continued when season 3 comes out The legends of Vox machina the heroes that don't know what the hell t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

543 10 1
By LordOf_Crimson

Vox machina were in Whitestone sneaking through it to get to a safe space in the city but it was hard as there were many massive undead giants and soldiers patrolling the city looking for intruders.

Percy " We need to get somewhere that we wont be seen. "

Scanlan " Grog can you talk to them to let us past? "

Grog " What just because I'm a giant means that they'll listen to me?! "

Y/n " Oh for the love of God. "

Y/n claps his hands together puts them on the floor, his alchemy circle appears and energy seeps out and covers vox machina.

Y/n " Right we are cloaked as long as you stay near me so please stay close. "

They all then left their hiding place and ventured to the centre to the city to see a massive tree with corpses being hung by ropes, the corpses looked like vox machina but Y/n wasn't there.

Vax " What the fuck? "

Scanlan " Why do they like Y/n so much? "

Y/n " My past is connected with them but to what extent I don't know. "

Percy " You wasn't there the night they took this place so it must before that. We should go find Keeper Yennen the head priest here in Whitestone. "

Vex " Lets go then we don't know if Y/n can handle using this spell on all of us. "

They all then quickly made their way to anywhere else in Whitestone, they eventually made their way to a point in Whitestone where everyone gathers to hear the head priest talk. Yennen walked away after speaking to the remaining citizens and went into an alley, she saw the shadows of vox machina.

Yennen " What is it that you want? "

Percy " We need your help. "

Yennen " I don't help people now I only do what both the Briarwoods let me do. Ever since the de rolos left living here has been hell. "

Percy " So you wouldn't help a de rolo [ steps out of the shadows ] take back Whitestone. "

Yennen " Percy you how did you ... Never mind come with me now. "

Yennen leads everyone to an underground room.

Keyleth " Wait how did Yennen see us? "

Y/n " I can choose who sees us and who doesn't. "

Scanlan " Could of told us? "

Y/n " Where's the trust? "

Grog then saw ale barrels and went to get himself a drink but there was no ale in it so he checked the another one but breaking it open, and then another.

Grog " No, No, NO! What is this hell?! "

Yennen " The briarwoods took most of our supplies including ale. "

Grog " I will funking kill [ grabs an empty barrel and throws it, destroying it ] Everyone! "

Keyleth then saw the tree from before roots in the room and walked to them.

Keyleth " Oh you've been starved from sunlight. "

Y/n " I can help it but it will draw attention. "

Vex " The don't we need a play. "

Yennen " You can start by getting the leader of the resistance out of jail, you know him Percy its Archibald. "

Percy " He's alive I thought he would be ... "

Yennen " No he's alive he's been leading the resistance in the name of the de rolos, if you save him the resistance will follow you. "

Keyleth went to give the tree roots light but Y/n stopped her and shook his head no.

Vax " Where is the prison? "

Time skip outside the prison Y/n, Percy, Scanlan and Vax went to the jails back door and went to go inside so they could let the others in at the front. 

Vax " Right then let me. [ goes to pick the lock but has trouble ] Right then shit, wait I almost aw fuck. [ tries again but his lock picking set breaks ] Aw fuck are you kidding me. "

Scanlan " Argh fucking doors. "

Scanlan then goes to pick the lock while Vax holds a knife in the door but Vax slips and cuts Scanlan's fingers.

Scanlan " OW my fingers. "

Vax " It's not a door it's a thing of evil. "

Percy " I'm going to find a window. "

Percy walked away and Y/n watched both Scanlan and Vax fight over how and who will open the door. Scanlan used his magic to form a pink foot that kicked the door but it didn't budge. Percy then fell and landed on Scanlan and Vax.

Percy " I fell out the window. "

Y/n could barely hold his laughter and then a guard open the door and dumped piss on them, the guard saw them and went to draw his sword but Vax killed him by throwing his dagger in the guards face. The group went in as Scanlan and Vax were wiping the piss off them, Y/n was now chuckling eventually they met up with the others that had some people from the resistance.

Vax " Where'd you get the crowd? "

Vex " Picked it up on the way. [ smells the piss scent off of Vax ] Why are you covered in piss? "

Vax " Picked it up on the way. "

Y/n was again chuckling and Scanlan elbowed him, they all then went into the prison and tried to find Archibald, they were many guards in the way which vox machina or the resistance killed  eventually they made it to Archibald cell and Vax unlocked it.

Vax " Did you see that? I'm telling you that back door was cursed. "

Y/n chuckled more and Archibald was taken out the cell and Y/n healed him.

Archibald " One of the Briarwoods minions Kerrion Stonefel is here we should track them down. "

Everyone agreed and went to find him and they did but they also saw many guards protecting him.

Kerrion " Well Archibald it seems you have escaped your cell but you will lose your life trying to leave this place. "

Archibald " Kill him! "

Vox machina and the resistance members started to kill the guards and tried to get to Kerrion and he was running away while the others where fighting. Percy saw this and chased after him, many resistance members there died. Y/n was using his magic to kill the guards and while he was doing this he felt his dragon scale on his chest duplicate slowly.

Y/n * The more magic I use the more it spreads. *

The guards there were now all dead and vox machina along with Archibald chased after Percy, they found him smoking again with his mask on. Before anyone could stop him Percy killed Kerrion.

Percy " That was for killing the other members of my family. "  

Archibald " Percy you aren't the last de rolo your sister Cassandra is alive. "

Percy took his mask off and looked at Archibald.

Percy " My sister is alive, where is she? "

Archibald " The briarwoods have her we will get here back but first we must leave. "

Vox machina and Archibald ran out of the prison while Percy was thinking :

Percy * My sister is alive. *

As he finished this thought the screen turns black as this chapter ends 

Author note : I hope you enjoy

see ya next time bye 

Words : 1204

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