Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

2K 42 30

Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#13: surprise
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#24: good heart

#25: the beginning

60 1 0
By maxxie4345

"I can't believe our room was one of the only ones destroyed!" Cindy whines out as we shift through the rubble cleaning up and fixing the mess. 

The specialists are here working on getting rid of the bodies of monsters and helping fix the broken walls and buildings. After the incident i'm not allowed to use any magic, Caitling put this bracelet on me that stops me from using magic. 

I think normally it would bother most fairies but I've only had magic for a few months. I pick up the rocks tossing them over to the side as Cindy uses her magic putting them back in place, Bella made potions and reversal spells that reverse time making the rocks go back where they belong. 

I huff as I move another rock over, "gosh I never thought id say this but I miss my magic" I whine out as I sit down on the dusty couch. 

"sorry girl" Cindy says siting down next to me. 

"don't worry, better safe then sorry" I explain and she chuckles. 

"thats a funny thing to say" Cindy says laughing. 

"its an earth thing" I shrug with a smile at her confusion. 

"get back to work, its getting dark" Pearl scolds at the both of us making me laugh. 


The sun is setting and our room along with most of the dorms around Alfea are fixed. The specialist are spending the night but leave in the morning to start repairing their schools. 

We managed to sneak them into our dorm with a little help from Bella's wind spooking the guards on watch. 

"you know something that still confuses me?" Bella voices randomly as we all sit around enjoying this time together.

"what is it?" I ask putting the pizza down as I look at her.

"Cindy got her exchantix right?" she points her pizza towards Cindy who is busy cuddling with Brady who sits next to her on the love seat. 

"yea" Cindy answers giving her a confused look.

Bella sits up, "but you get Enchantix from rescuing someone from your homeworld" she states slowly as I stare at Cindy.

"but i'm from Zandite and Earth" I said getting a lot of random ideas in my head.

"so how did I get my Enchantix?" Cindy asks sharing a look with me.

"I'm glad you got your powers but I was just thinking about it" Bella says with a nervous smile. 

"well lets not worry about it, I think her sacrifice saved everyone at that party and i'm sure someone was from the same planet as Cindy" I give them all a smile waving my hand around. "anyways who's ready for some ice cream!" I cheer jumping up onto my feet slowly stepping over Ray and the others to make my way into the kitchen.

We spent that night laughing and pretending the last week didn't happen, trying to focus on the future we are all excited to have. 


I lay in bed with Ray who's already sleeping, his arm wrapped tightly around me as I tap my fingers against his chest and listen to his even breathing. 

My mind won't let me rest from the events that took place today. No one is talking about it but my magic went dark, and everyone knows that it's impossible to go back to normal thats why I can't use my magic. 

I know Ray hasn't said anything but I think I hurt him, not just physically but emotionally. I hurt him, and pushed him away multiple times. I feel the tears pricking at my eyes as I look at his sleeping face. 

He looks so peaceful, calm, happy, and all I do is hurt him, the guilt stabs my chest as I sit up swinging my legs off the edge of the bed. I need some air. 

I walk over into the living room opening the balcony door, I stare out into the court yard thats full of ships and tents where the specialists are all sleeping, well most of them. I sigh out leaning against the railing as my heart starts breaking. 

I hurt Ray, I couldn't save Scarlet and I didn't even help them fight the monsters I was selfish and only fought Jacinta out of anger.

"hey..." I hear softly and see Ray coming up behind me, his body still half asleep as he wraps an arm over my shoulders. 

I hum not trusting my voice as I pulled back from his touch, the tears threatening to spill. He grabs my arm spinning me towards him, he cups my face making me close my eyes before he can see how pathetic I am. 

"Lilly, you're tired you've had a long day" he whispers up brushing his thumb against my skin. 

"I don't deserve it" I whisper out as my voice cracks slightly. 

"you helped save everyone" he says pulling my chin to look up at him I peel my eyes open as I stare at him. 

"I didn't save anyone, I couldn't save scarlet and I hurt you in the process" I look down, Im pathetic. 

"it was an accident" he said back pulling me closer but I pushed him back. 

"you should be mad at me or something" I snapped at him. I need him to be mad, to show emotions something. 

"I can't be mad at you, I'm worried about you" he says softly, "because I love you" he said making me freeze. 

"you can't love someone who hurts you" I stare up at his eyes as they begin to wield up with tears. 

"Lilly, I love how you want to help everyone and I love you, every part of you from earth and Zandite" he says brushing my hair back keeping his hand on my face. 

"I love you too much to hurt you" I whispered out as he pulled me in for a kiss. 

It was a messy, passionate, silly kiss. My tears made his lips taste salty. I pull back with a smile, "I love you" I said leaning my head against his. 

"I love you too" he says and yawns slightly. 

"now I think we need some beauty sleep" I joke warping my arms tightly around him. 

"I think we need a vacation after this" 

"I know we need one, Im thinking somewhere without any magic" I said seriously. 

"perfect" he smiles down at me, "I know just the place" 


happily ever after, ray and Lilly go back to earth and have a cute date. Life's bad to normal...

as normal as it can get when you're a fairy princess from Earth. 

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