Wings of Life

By maxxie4345

2K 42 30

Lilly is a kind hearted girl who is shy and quiet. She's used to change and was forced to move around a lot a... More

#1: A Normal Day
#2: lost puppy
#3: Strong Heart School
#4: Fairy College
#5: first day
#6: wings
#7: library
#8: dinner for 2
#9: birthday
#10: Zandite
#11: Royal family of Zandite
#12: specialist competition
#13: surprise
#14: heart diamond
#15: knuckle sandwich
#16: fire power
#17: visit home
#18: hover bike
#19: undercover
#20: The Gala
#21: safe & sound
#22: zombieland
#23: finally
#25: the beginning

#24: good heart

26 1 0
By maxxie4345

After an hour to two of keeping them away from Alfea most of the girls had to go back inside to rest, being in fairy form for too long really takes a toll on your energy. 

I look back at Pearl who's about to collapse, "pearl go back with the others" I tell her as I keep throwing these green glowing balls of energy at the monsters. 

"I'm ... fine" she strains out as I see her wings slow down they're fluttering. 

I hurry to her side before she can fall, "come on" I put my arms around her waist as I fly her over inside where the fairies are resting and eating to get their energy up. 

As soon as we get down she de-transformed and fell down to her knees. "I told you" I give her a smirk and she rolls her eyes at me. 

"I'll be fine, go kick some butt for me" I give her a wink as one of the specialist helping comes and escorts Pearl to a tent. 

I look around at all the exhausted faces, using your magic to this extent is dangerous and yet everyone here was willing to sacrifice their health to stop these witches. I feel my anger rising, they want to fight us and hide behind their monsters. 

I fly back over to the west wall where only one enchantix fairy was throwing spells at the monsters, I join her as I feel my irritation rising. 

"NATURES FURY" I scream throwing so many glowing green balls of anger at the monsters I lost count. 

I hear a few laughs and feel my body tense up, I look around glaring as I wait for them to finally stop hiding. "seriously i'm tired just stop hiding" I fly up looking around as I cross my arms over my chest. 

The enchantix fairy I was with earlier gives me a panicked look, "what are you doing!" she whisper shouts. 

"trust me, she wants revenge" I told her back as I heard some noise behind me. 

"umbra radius" I hard see weird mumbling behind me making me start to turn around but I was blasted by some powerful magic from behind making me lose focus. 

I fall fast towards the ground with no time to do anything except flinch my body and prepare for impact. I hold my shield out in front of me hoping it'll help with the impact. 

pain spreads across the entire right side of my body as I slide along the courtyard, once I stop I push myself back onto my feet as I look up to see the three witches flying above. I dig my feet into the ground as angry spreads through my body. 

"Lillly!" my head snaps over to Ray as he rushes over to my side. 

He grabs my arm helping me stand but I get blasted back, pain spreads throughout my somatic as I clutch my arm over it. That's gonna leave a mark. 

Ray is by my side again but I push him back, "stay out of the way" I snap at him so coldly. 

I fly up, "come on Jacinta!" I shout as I grow my anger into a ball of magic, this should hurt. I smile. 

"LIFE FURY!" I scream, all the anger I felt being poured into the dark green beam that blasts Jacinta out of the sky and down into the ground as she falls. 

 I dig her into the ground as a smirk grows onto my face as I finish up the spell and let the dust settle, there's no way she's fine after that, "this just got fun" she groans as she stands up and flies up to me throwing dark orbs of magic at me. 

Thankfully Professor Pyrite would be proud because of his defense and flight agility classes are coming in handy. I dodge her orbs and start another spell, "natures hurricane" I smirk when the wind around her starts swirling with branches and leaves surrounding her. 

"you've become my least favorite fairy" Jacinta teases. 

I laugh, "you're my least favorite bitch... I mean witch" I smirk at her. 

She laughs, "SIGHT OF DARKNESS" She screams throwing a beam at me. 

I flick my arm up as my shield appears and her strong magic pushes me back a little. 

"you tried that last time didn't you?" I smile. 

"WOLF RAGE" I surround her with my spirit wolf pack, they growl and try biting her. 


Third POV: 

Jacinta and Lilly are in a fierce battle, netter one of them letting up against the other. They block and dodge each others spells. 

The monsters broke through alfea's walls since there were no more fairies to keep them back, the specialist are working hard slashing and killing the beasts. Ray didn't take her out-lash personally, she was just stressed and fueled by the fight. 

A 4 armed minotaur is about to kill Ray as Brad jumps in front and slices his arm off before it got the chance to hurt his cousin. "Magix to Raymond! get your head out of the sky and focus" he scolds his younger cousin and kills off the beast. 

Ray takes one last glance at Lilly, her boots are now fully black, the edge of her dress slowly changing colors as well. He pushes himself off the floor and gets his sword ready, he has to focus. 

The fairies that still have their powers are fighting off the other sister but no one knows where the witch of hearts went. She's disappeared. 

Ray is fighting off a hoard of zombies as he slices their heads off, but suddenly they all drop like lifeless dolls. 

"whats going on?" Ray asks out loud as he looks around and all the monsters are turning into dust or simply dying. 

"i'm not sure, maybe its a trap to get our guard down" Brady walks over nudge a few of the bodys with his sword. 

They look back up towards Lilly and Jacinta, both of them stopped fighting and Jacinta looks mad. "WHATS HAPPENING" she growls out full of anger as she flies down towards her sister. 

Beatrix is just as confused as she knocked down the fairies and flies up meeting her sister halfway, Lilly is still flying up keeping her distance as she watches the two, but where's the third sister. 

"SCARLETTE! WHERE ARE YOU UNGRATEFUL" she spits out looking around. Lilly's looks around and spots the red witch heading towards the woods with a box in her hands and follows her quietly. 

Ray noticed and followed her out into the woods on his hover bike. 


Lilly POV: 

I see Scarlet flying lowly through the trees as she cradles the diamonds in her arms. 

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear Jacinta shouting after me as I weave throughout the trees after the blonde. 

"I've had it with all the killing and fighting!" Scarlet screams, "this is what made your hearts so dark no one else should live like this" 

She stops in this little clearing by a cave, their cave. "scarlet think about this" Jacinta tries to reason and scarlet just shakes her head as she starts chanting a powerful spell. 

Jacinta doesnt like this and growls throwing a dark dagger her way, "I didn't want to do this but it does make things easier" she says before throwing hundreds of little knifes at her sister. 

"energy barrier" I run in front of scarlet protecting her from her evil sisters. 

Her eyes start glowing a bright red as the diamonds start cracking under her spell, "frangere sicut corda faciunt." she chants and I drop my barrier as she makes her spell stronger. 

"what the heck" I throught to myself as I stepped back from the blinding light. 

"take my heart in your place, and break as hearts do!!" she said loudly and screams out in pain as the diamond cracked and cracked until it burst into a million little pieces. 

Her body falls limp as Jacinta screams out in agony, not for her sister but for the diamond she destroyed. 


A group of specialist come out surrounding the witches and putting magic tampering handcuffs on them. 

I run over to scarlet checking her pulse but it's gone, her body already shades paler and it's only been seconds. I put my hand against her head and the other on her chest, I close my eyes focusing on giving her energy. 

"come on" I mumble. 

My heart clenches in my chest in pain at poor scarlet, she gave up her life to correct the wrong her sisters had done. She was just as much a victim as we all were. 

I feel my hair start to float around me as my magic grows stronger, "come on scarlet" I said out loud. I can save her. 

"Lilly!" I heard my name but ignored it, I have to focus. 

"LILLY STOP" I hear again but focused on the task at hand. 

My whole body is filled with rage and anger, the thought of those evil witches making my blood boil. The ends of my fingers tingle as I focus all my magic on Scarlet and mending her broken heart. 

"LILLY" I feel someone pulling on my arm and I flinch holding my arm up and accidentally blasting my magic at them. 

I open my eyes as my spell stops, she's gone. I look over and see Ray groaning out in pain on the floor as he clenches his chest. 

"RAY" I scream tripping over my own feet as I crawl over towards him. 

I put my hands onto his chest as he coughs out in pain, I look at the edge of my gloves, they're black. I look down noticing my appearance, my boots and dress is all black. 

"i'm sorry" I whisper out focusing on healing him. 

My hands glow white as my gloves turn back to normal, he grabs my wrist and I lose focus stopping my healing. He brings it up to his lips and gives the back of my hand a gentle kiss. 

"you promised not to do anything crazy" he coughs out laughing. 

I wipe the tears that threaten to spill as my heart relaxes, the thought of hurting him or killing him made my heart shatter. 

"Just shut up and let me fix my mistake" I scold him through teary eyes and focus my energy on helping him. 

My hands start glowing white again as I pull out the dark magic that was circling around his system, I feel it going back into me as my gloves turn into a fully black color. I fall back feeling exhausted from the magic strain I've done today. 

I feel myself de-transform as I take a few deep breaths collecting my energy. "are you okay?" Ray asks me making me laugh. 

"I should be asking you that" I look up at him, he looks fine, normal. 

"I have my own personal healer" he winks wrapping an arm around my waist as he helps me stand. 

"so its over?" I ask as we walk back towards Alfea. 

"its over" he states back puling me into a hug. 

I look back at Scarlet's body as the specialists move her onto a gurney with a magical body bag. I sigh out as my heart clenches out for her, at least she died doing something she believed in. 

I wrap my arm tightly around Ray resting my head against his side as we reach Alfea. Hopefully life can be normal now, I haven't even gotten a chance to enjoy my friends or magic. 

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