Teach Me a Lesson

By ayshiaink

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sequel to dysfunction More



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By ayshiaink

Onika stared at Zari and I knew she was counting down from ten. She was throwing a complete tantrum right now, since we were leaving Dallas. She just didn't want to go.

"Azari, let's go. Now."

She only got louder and when Onika started walking towards her, she dropped to the ground. "MOMMY I NO WAN-" Onika snatched her up off that ground quick and I just watched from the car.

Nic glared the whole time, opening the back seat and forcing Zari to sit down. She pointed into her face, "I dare you to scream at me one more time little girl. You got one more damn time to open that mouth and yell." She gritted out.

At least it shut Zari up but she was still crying. I mean I get it, we were having fun here but she was losing me with this random tantrum.

Onika shut her door, going back into the house for something and Zari took a deep breath. She looked at me, reaching her arms out and I shook my head. "Nuh uh. You gotta listen baby."

She sniffled, "I don't wanna go yet momma."

"I know but you still can't yell at your mommy."

She nodded sadly, covering her face and I just handed her the ipad with my headphones. "You want mcdonald's?" That'll definitely make her feel better.

She nodded again, the same sad way and I chuckled lowly. "Okay baby. Just be nice to mommy when she comes back." And just like that, she was on her way back out here.

She got into the car, slamming the door and the attitude was clear as day. She smelled a bit like weed though.

I put my hand on her thigh and she slapped it off with a quickness. "Don't touch me Beyonce."

"Talk to Moina. She's sad."

Onika looked back, seeing the pout on her face and waved her hand in the air. "Hurry up and drive. She just pissed me off."

Zari started crying all over again, "I'm sorryyy!"

Onika sighed and decided to climb her way into the back seat, pulling Zari out of her seat and sitting her on her lap.

"Are you tired Moina?"

She shook her head, but it was all in her eyes. Onika just nodded, laying Zaris head down on her chest and rubbing her back.

Azari was out soon, for sure.

Maybe 20 minutes into the ride, Onika put her back in her car seat and climbed back to the front, ass all in my face.

I slapped it and she quickly sat down. Like expected, she slapped the back of my head. "Stop doing shit Beyoncé!"

"I'm sorry. It was just in my face."

"You stay in my face all the damn time. Do I slap you?"

I smiled, "Sometimes."

She waved me off, "When we get back to Houston, I hope you actually still talk to me. I had a lot of fun."

"Onika I told you the other day how I felt about you, I remember even though I was drunk. I remember you telling me you were in love with your girlfriend and I understand but I can't be around you more, it'll only make me want you more."

"Bey it's been a while, move on."

I scoffed, "Trust me, if I could I would. It's just that I had a plan, to stay with you from when I was young. I've grown out of it but sometimes, I still want it. I'm done though. You know I'll always playfully flirt with you, just don't take me serious."

"I don't right now, but I get it. I want you to be happy though, fuck what I got going on."

"I am happy Onika."

"Bey you were literally crying to me the other night." She reached over, putting her hand on my lower thigh. "Get you someone that will treat you and my baby right."

"One day. Not today though." I chuckled, shaking my head a bit. "I'm kinda liking being single right now. I can do whatever I want, with whoever I want but at the same time, I don't have to be questioned by anybody. It's fun."

She rolled her eyes, "I hope you aren't being a slut out here."

"I'm nott! I have been talking to people though."

"That's good. Make sure your bitch got a brain on her before she come around my baby though."

"Of course. Are you forgetting that's my daughter too?" I asked, tilting my head. "I wouldn't have nobody around her that don't think."

"You have Sanaii around her?"

"Has she ever came to you and told you about Sanaii?" I asked and Onika shook her head. "Exactly. She doesn't even know her."

"Really?" She chuckled, "That's supposed to be your bestie westie and she doesn't even know your daughter?"

"Shut up. She's not my bestfriend, she's just a friend. I've never had one before."


I shrugged, "I just don't like people. You were my bestfriend at some point, but we were just also together. But then you know, we broke up and didn't talk as much."

"Yeah... Sometimes, I do miss us being together." I smiled, cackling and she rolled her eyes. "ONLY because when we were good, we were really good. But when we were bad, we were horribly bad. You know?"

"I know. We used to have a lot of fun though. I'm not totally mad I met you."

She chuckled, "That's so backhanded but I'll take what I can get." Onika sat up in her seat, one of her feet up and her cheek resting on the side of her palm.

"You're gorgeous.."

She blushed, "Thank you baby stud."

I grinned, "You just won't give that name up huh?"

She licked her lips, as if they were chapped but they were nicely moisturized with carmax. "You know you love me calling you that Beyoncé."

"I do a little, but I won't ever say it in public."

Onika smirked, looking over at me. Oh yeah, She definitely went back in that house to smoke. I shook my head, they better not fine me.

"Stop acting Bey, that's why I stay messing with yo pussy ass."

"I'm pussy? When? I've only ever been down bad for you, dead ass."

"You've only ever been down bad cause you always had me in your corner, ready to kill a bitch behind you." She smirked.

I laughed lowly, only because she was telling the complete truth. While with Onika, I didn't hold my mouth to anybody.

"You were really the definition of my ride or die."

She nodded, "Yeah, except I used to put my hands on you. I'm sorry about that.."

"Are you going to apologize about this until I die? I forgave you years ago. You're the one that needs to forgive me. I was doing a whole lotta bullshit, fucking with you."

"I forgave you years ago." She mocked me, pursing her lips. "We're better people now, this is good."

"Yeah, this just isn't how I wanted it to go but I'll take what I can get."

"You wanted us to be together?"

I nodded, watching her brow raise. "So why'd you cheat on me? You thought I'd stay with you after I found out?"

I shrugged, "I was dumb and I got those consequences. I want the best for you, either way."

She nodded, "I want the best for you too Bey."

We sat in silence for a while until she called out she was hungry. "Bey please. I'm starving."

"Zari is still asleep. What's the point of getting food now?"

"Azari are you hungry?"

She suddenly woke up, rubbing her face, "huh?"

"You hungry mama?" Onika asked her.

She nodded, "I want fries."

"You always want some greasy food. When we get back home I hope you know you gon' be eating fruits and veggies."

"Mommy I just want some fries." She pouted and I chuckled.

"We gon' get you some friend baby. I want popeyes anyway." I haven't had it in a while, I miss that chicken.

Onika scrunched her face up, "I don't want salty ass popeyes."

"There's a chick-fil-a next door to it, we can go through the drive way."

"Aww baby stud. You're being so nice today."

"Onika, you're high as hell. Shut up."

She laughed, leaning closer to me, "You can tell?"

"I knew as soon as you got back in the car. What I don't know is why you're still high."

"I ate a edible an hour ago." She smirked. "I'm just having fun, don't worry."

I turned into the popeyes, "Wasn't nobody worried about you Tiny." I called her by her nickname, just to tease her for calling me baby stud.

All of a sudden, Azari started whining and Onikas head turned to her quick, "Girl what's wrong with you?"

She pulled at the seat belt. "I don't wanna sit in my carseattt."

Onika huffed, "Maybe it's time to get out the car. Don't go through the drive way, take her in popeyes, I'll go to chick-fil-a."

I raised my brow "By yourself? No. Come with us in popeyes and after we can go to chick-fil-a."

"I want outtt!" Zari huffed in the back seat.

"Girl hush. I know you see me parking this car."

She undid her seatbelt herself anyway, climbing into the front and on Onikas lap. "Mommy you say you let me sit with you." She pouted.

"You was acting like a brat this morning so you didn't get to."

I went around and opened their door for them, just in time because Onika was just about to do it herself.

I slapped her head. "You know better."

She turned, glaring at me while touching the back of her head. "Bitch-"

"Mommy! No bad words!"

She sucked her teeth, putting Zari in my arms. "Y'all both annoying. Go get that nasty ass popeyes. I'll be back."

I grabbed her arm before she could walk off, dragging her inside the popeyes with us. I don't know why she's making this harder than it needs to be, I already said we're staying together.

She had a little attitude now but I still wrapped my arm around her neck and pulled her close. Leaning down, I whispered into her ear. "You're acting like your daughter right now. A spoiled brat."

She didn't reply, just looked up at me. I'm sure she was talking shit in her head. Shit, she couldn't say that's not our daughter right here.

"Momma I not a spoiled brat." She glared at me, making the same face her mom did. They literally look so much alike, it makes no sense.

Fixing her shirt, I held her tighter. "You are. You get it from your mom too."

Onika sucked her teeth, "Ima get some shit here."

I chuckled, "You must've saw something you'd like."

"Shut up Beyoncé. Ima get the shrimp and fries."

After we ordered, we had to wait for maybe 10 minutes but it wasn't bad. These two girls will keep you occupied, the time just flew by.

We went back in the car to eat and I had to hold Zari in my lap because I'll be damned if she fuck up my car.

"Hold on- This shit good-"

"Onika stop acting like you ain't never eat popeyes."

"It ain't never been this good-"

"Stop taking drugs." I chuckled out, giving Zari a fry. "Taste that goodness." She was just happy to be here.

"MMMMM!" She rubbed her belly and we both laughed.

"It's not that good."

We both waved her off, "You don't got good taste buds."

"Oh please. Baby can I try your tender?" Onika leaned onto the console, asking Zari.

She took a bite of it before giving it to her mom. "That's all I give you mommy."

"Oh you're really not shit." She took it anyway.

Azari shook her head, "I'm hungry man."

"Oh girl what!?" Onika cackled loudly. "See no, you've been around your momma way too much on this trip. Who you calling man?"

"I'm just hungry mommy. Here." She gave her one fry and I grinned. She's really my daughter, for sure.

After we finished eating, Onika offered to drive and I let her. I know she's been bored this whole ride, sometimes driving around is needed.

Azari didn't want to go in her car seat so I just put her in my lap, ignoring Onika telling me not to. She sucked her teeth, "I'm seriously about to get irritated with the both of y'all."

Zari pouted, "Please mommy? I wanna be with you and momma."

"You are with us. You can't keep sitting in the front and Bey you know that. These Texas cops ain't shit to play with. You see our skin?"

"Okay Onika. Just drive. I'll put her back there in a few."

She waved us off and Zari only got comfortable on my lap, looking at her mommy with her head on my chest. "Mommy you're a meanie."

Onika glanced at her for a second, "Be quiet." and turned back to the road.

Moina pouted, looking at me and I saw them tears coming in. "Onika apologize. Don't make her cry."

"Why are you crying Azari?" Onika huffed.

"You keep being meannn!"

"What did I even do?"

"Apologize to her Onika, I'm not playing."

She glared at me for maybe 5 whole seconds, I got scared she'll crash but then she looked at Zari. "I'm sorry for being mean Moina." And turned back to the road.

Zari just nodded, wiping her tears. We should've never woke her up because she was obviously cranky.

Onika drives faster than me so we got home quicker than I thought. Well Onikas home. Her girlfriend was here and she came to the door, smiling like life was so damn good. I huffed.

"Riley!" Zari ran to her first and Onika right after her. I swear, this hurt my heart.

I got their bags out the car and walked it to the front of the house. They were still talking with the girl so I didn't get comfortable at all.

"I'm leaving Zari." I told her and she came running to my legs, hugging them.

"I see you tomorrow momma?"

"Maybe. I'll call if anything." I bent down to kiss her cheek and Onika came to us slowly. "Love you baby."

"You're leaving Bey?"

I nodded, standing back up. "I'll talk to you later Onika."

She raised her brow. "Okay. Can I get a hug?"

I smiled, giving her a quick hug. "You better keep in touch. I'm not playing." She didn't let me pull away until after she spoke.

"Okay Onika. Have fun." I'm ready to go. I hate the fact Onika has a new bitch. I seriously need to move the fuck on, I'm looking sad and desperate. And Zari really likes her too... I should find someone that makes Zari feel the same way as well.

"Bye baby stud."

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