Mikey Madison Imagines

By deathlessly

98.8K 2K 2K

idk y'all i'm just obsessed with Mikey so here you go. the lack of mikey content on here is appalling so i'm... More

in her shadow (m.m.)
killer's hand (a.f.)
midnight (m.f.)
everyone loves y/n (m.m.)
symphony (a.f.)
symphony (a.f.) part 2
and they were roommates (m.f.)
behind the scenes (m.m.)
bad time (a.f.)
fate (m.f.)
race for your heart (m.m.)
clouded mind (a.f.)
love motel (m.f.)
bbg (a.f.)
mistletoe (m.f.)
star (m.m.)
just a costume (a.f.)
batcaΓ±era (m.f.)
holly rose (m.m.)
wild goose chase (a.f.)
favorite daughter (m.f.)
socials (m.m.)
unsure (a.f. & t.c.)
two timer (m.f.)
take care of you (m.m.)
special place (a.f.)
lil mouse (m.f.)

silk (m.m.)

3K 57 25
By deathlessly


google who's silk, this is kinda related to spider-man

. . .

The cold night air wrapped around you as you walked home from your late night shift at the bustling diner.

The streets were dimly lit, with only a few scattered streetlights offering a faint glow.

You quickened your pace, the sound of your footsteps echoing against the empty buildings.

These parts of New York weren't the best places to be at this time of night, especially for a woman, and yet you got an apartment off campus and a job that had so many alleyways.

It was a familiar route, but that night, a feeling of unease settled in the pit of your stomach.

As you turned a corner onto a deserted alleyway, a mistake on your part, your heart skipped a beat. Three shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, blocking your path.

The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, and a wave of fear washed over you. It was clear they had no good intentions.

"Hey, pretty lady, what's the rush?" One of them sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

The other two chuckled, their eyes glinting with mischief.

You felt trapped, the walls of the alley closing in around you.

Desperation welled up inside you as you tried to think of a way out. You considered screaming, hoping someone nearby might hear, but the words caught in your throat.

It felt like time stood still, and your heart pounded against your ribcage, your every instinct screaming for escape.

Instantaneously, you removed the large taser from your purse and turned it on, pointing it at the group to keep their distance. For a second, like a pack of scared animals, they kept their distance. But you thought of the possibility that they could follow you if you left.

With a fluid motion, Silk was perched at the top of the building, eyeing the scene. She saw your taser and chuckled to herself, seeing as you were a woman who could defend themselves.

However, three against one wasn't a fair battle, and she wanted to make sure you came home without a single hair touched on your pretty head.

She observed their every move, calculating the best course of action. Then one of the men crazily leaped out and grabbed your wrist that was holding the taser.

The moment to strike had arrived.

Suddenly, a figure dropped from above, landing gracefully between you and the three men. It was Silk, clad in her sleek black and grey suit, her eyes shining behind her crimson mask.

Her presence alone seemed to send a shockwave through the alley, as if the very darkness recoiled from her.

One of the men, recovering from his initial surprise, took a step forward, trying to regain control of the situation.

"Who do you think you are, lady?" He spat, his tone laced with false bravado.

Silk's eyes narrowed, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her lips but it was concealed by her mask, her eyes brightly displaying the deviousness.

"I don't think introductions are needed, fellas," she quipped, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

"You see me in your nightmares already."

Her web-shooters hummed to life as she released a cascade of silky threads, weaving an intricate web that ensnared the first man, his struggles futile against the strength of her binding.

The second man, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, turned to face Silk, a mix of fear and rage contorting his features.

Silk's voice dripped with charismatic sarcasm as she taunted him, her words laced with a playful edge.

"Oh, did I catch you off guard? Maybe next time don't prey on women!"

She stood tall, her arms crossed, radiating an air of authority that was mixed with a playful edge.

The three men seemed momentarily stunned, their confidence faltering.

Without missing a beat, she swung into action, utilizing her agility and speed to evade the man's reckless blows.

Webs shot from her wrists, entangling his limbs, rendering him helpless in her grip. With a fluid motion, she gracefully dispatched him to the ground, leaving him immobilized and defeated.

Through it all, Silk maintained a charismatic and sarcastic demeanor, taunting her adversaries with biting remarks.

"You guys fight like scared kittens! Is this the best you can do?" she jeered, her voice laced with amusement.

The third man, fueled by a mix of desperation and fury, lunged at Silk with a wild swing.

But she sidestepped his attack effortlessly, her movements a symphony of grace and precision.

With a swift, acrobatic maneuver, Silk spun through the air, her legs sweeping out to knock the men off balance.

She followed up with a powerful punch and a high-flying kick, sending them sprawling to the ground.

In a whirlwind of acrobatics, she encased him in a cocoon of webbing, effectively neutralizing his threat.

But Silk didn't stop there. With a flick of her wrist, she shot more webs, skillfully sticking the men to the walls of the alley.

They struggled and squirmed, but the sticky threads held them in place, leaving them powerless against her.

"Looks like you're all caught up in my web," Silk quipped, her voice laced with a touch of playful sarcasm.

"Hope you guys enjoy the view from up there."

The men grunted and protested, their attempts to break free futile against the strength of Silk's webbing.

With all three men now subdued, Silk stood tall before them, her chest rising and falling with controlled breaths, stance radiating confidence and power.

Her eyes scanned the alley for you, wanting to ensure your safety since you were entangled in such chaos.

You were tucked far into a corner, clutching your purse and jacket. Chills took up your entire being, both from the cold night and the surmount of emotions you were feeling.

Silk eyed the men for a brief moment before turning back to you, her mask concealing any signs of fatigue.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her voice softened with concern replacing her earlier sarcasm.

You nodded, your voice trembling with gratitude.

"Yes, thank you. You... you saved me."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"It's what I do. Stay safe, and be careful when walking alone at night."

With those words, Silk leaped into the night, disappearing as swiftly as she had arrived.

You stood there for a moment, taking in the magnitude of the encounter, the realization that you had come into close contact with the one and only Silk, despite being in a near death situation.

As you returned to your apartment, still basking in the afterglow of Silk's heroic rescue, you pushed open the door, expecting to find your empty living room.

However, what greeted your eyes left you utterly astonished.

Sitting on the couch, bathed in the warm glow of the lamp, was Mikey, your girlfriend.

She looked up from her book and smiled at your entrance, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"Hey, you're home!" Mikey cheered, setting her book aside.

"I thought you might be hungry after your long day, so I ordered some food for us. It should be arriving soon."

The exhilaration from being saved by Silk earlier left your body, the exhaustion you got from working the late night shift returning the minute you saw the inviting picture of your girlfriend.

You collapsed into Mikey's warm body. She looked so comfortable to sleep on.

"Thank you, baby. But I kinda just want to sleep now."

"How was work?" Mikey asked as she soothingly rubbed your back, waiting for an answer.

"Good good, nothing crazy," you mumbled against her chest, getting sleepier by her touch.

You couldn't see the frown that came across Mikey's face. She kissed your head in response.

It didn't stop amazing you how Mikey would always be up whenever you came home late. Like always.

You worked late hours, sometimes until 3 in the morning and even then, Mikey was awake and waiting for you in the living room so that she was the first thing you saw when you walked into the door after every shift.

You couldn't recall a time when she didn't greet you after you finished a shift. You adored her efforts to see you; it's like she lived in your apartment when she had one of her own that was more lavish and spacious.

Mikey smiled down at your figure fighting back sleep. She removed the hand from your back and raked her fingers through your hair. Eventually, you succumbed to the effects of your girlfriend's soft touch, drifting off snugly.

The bustling halls of the college campus gradually emptied as the day's classes came to a close.

You stepped out of your final lecture, feeling both relief and exhaustion take you simultaneously.

It was then that you noticed a figure standing near the exit, a sly grin playing on her lips.

As you drew closer, your heart skipped a beat. It was Mikey, your girlfriend, but something was different.

Her hair, once long and flowing, now framed her face in a short, chic cut that accentuated her features with a newfound confidence.

Your gaze locked with hers, and you couldn't help but smile.

Mikey's eyes brightened, and she made her way toward you, her steps filled with a newfound confidence.

Her short hair, styled with a touch of effortless charm, framed her face, accentuating her features in a way that made your heart skip a beat.

"Hey, you," she greeted you, her voice filled with excitement.

"Hey," you replied, unable to contain your admiration.

"You look so pretty, baby."

A blush painted Mikey's cheeks, her smile widening.

"Thanks. I was nervous about the change, but I'm really starting to love it."

You reached out and gently ran your fingers through her short hair, savoring the softness.

"I absolutely adore your new haircut, babe. It suits you perfectly."

A surge of adoration welled up inside you as you took in the sight of her transformed appearance.

The short haircut suited her well, highlighting her natural beauty and radiating a sense of playfulness.

It was as if she had unlocked a new level of self-expression, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of pride for the person she had become.

Mikey leaned into your touch, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"I'm glad you think so. I wanted to surprise you and see your reaction in person. "

A blush crept up Mikey's cheeks as she playfully tucked a strand of her short hair behind her ear.

"You hungry? Let's go grab something to eat!"

A smile spread across your face as you nodded enthusiastically.

"Absolutely! Where do you feel like going?"

Mikey pondered for a moment.

"How about that new restaurant that just opened downtown? I heard they have amazing burgers."

Your eyes sparkled as you linked your arm with hers, receiving a short grumble from
your stomach as you thought about food.

"Sounds like a plan. Lead the way."

As you strolled together, hand in hand, towards the nearest restaurant, conversations flowed effortlessly between you.

The weight of the day's responsibilities lifted, replaced by the comfort and ease of being in each other's presence.

Mikey jogged in front of you to open the door. You chuckled as you walked into the place, getting hit by the knowing scent of a burger joint.

Inside the cozy restaurant, the aroma of freshly prepared dishes filled the air, creating an ambiance of warmth and comfort.

You settled into a secluded booth, the soft lighting casting a gentle glow over your faces. The soft hum of conversation surrounded you.

As you perused the menu, deciding on what to order, Mikey suddenly winced, placing a hand on her stomach. Concern flashed across your face.

"Are you okay, Mikey?" You asked, your voice filled with worry.

Mikey gave you a weak smile.

"I think I've got a sudden stomach ache. I might need a moment."

Her words surprised you, but you nodded understandingly.

"Of course, take your time. I'll order for both of us."

Mikey thanked you, excusing herself from the table. She made her way toward the restroom, her steps slightly hurried.

Little did you know, a hidden secret lay behind her sudden stomach ache. She faked the stomach ache to mask the tingling of her spidey-senses. Trouble was near and she had to be in it.

Unbeknownst to you, Mikey reached the restroom and quickly locked herself in a stall.

Inside her bag, concealed from prying eyes, was her Silk suit.

With swift and practiced movements, she changed into the familiar black and grey costume, each piece falling into place.

As she stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her red mask, a surge of excitement coursed through her veins.

It was time for her to embrace her alter ego, to face the challenges that lay beyond the walls of the restaurant.

She didn't like lying to you. In fact, you were the first person she wanted to tell when she got bitten by that spider on your trip to Europe.

But the timing was always off and you got busier with classes and your job, coming home too exhausted whenever she finally gathered the courage to tell you.

Mikey swung up the restroom window and made her way into an alleyway, away from prying eyes.

The cool evening air greeted her as she stepped outside. With a graceful leap, she shot a web into the distance, propelling herself into the night sky.

As you sat in the restaurant, awaiting Mikey's return, little did you know the heroic transformation taking place.

Time seemed to pass slowly as you wondered about her sudden stomach ache.

Concerned, you glanced at your watch, growing more anxious with each passing minute.

Just as you were about to get up and check on her, a commotion outside caught your attention. Curiosity piqued, you rose from your seat and peered through the window.

Gasps and startled cries filled the air as you witnessed an astonishing sight—a monstrous crocodile-like creature wreaking havoc on the streets.

Silk confronted the crocodile man, her movements a display of agility and precision. She expertly dodged the creature's powerful attacks, countering with her own swift strikes.

The battle between Silk and the crocodile man intensified, their clash a whirlwind of power and agility.

The creature lunged forward with immense force, flinging a police car toward the restaurant, its impending crash causing a surge of panic.

Your breath caught in your throat as the police car hurtled through the air, threatening to shatter everything in its path.

But just as disaster loomed, Silk leaped into action, her movements a display of strength and grace.

With a swift maneuver, she intercepted the flying vehicle, catching it with nothing but a few strands of web she shot on the sides of the building. She casually settled the car back down on the road.

Worrying gasps of everyone inside the restaurant and the other people outside filled the atmosphere.

Silk snapped around towards the restaurant to check if anyone was harmed but the vehicle didn't even scratch the building. Her eyes locked onto yours as you looked at her through the clear display window.

In that moment, the world seemed to fade away,
an inexplicable sense of familiarity flowing through you.

There was something in her eyes, a glimmer that resonated deep within your soul, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.

The connection between you felt profound and intimate, as if you had shared countless moments like this before.

But before you could fully process the inexplicable familiarity, Silk turned her attention back to the crocodile man, resuming the battle with unwavering determination.

Her charismatic and sarcastic demeanor echoed through the chaos, taunting the creature while evading its powerful attacks. You couldn't hear what she was someone from inside the restaurant but by the movement of her mask, she was talking.

The stunned patrons inside the restaurant slowly regained their composure, their gazes shifting from the aftermath outside to one another.

Whispers of astonishment filled the air, mingling with a newfound sense of safety and gratitude.

As the chaos settled, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and curiosity for the enigmatic hero who had just saved the day.

The image of Silk's eyes, locked with yours in that fleeting but profound moment, remained etched in your memory.

There was an unexplainable connection that drew you closer, and you couldn't help but wonder what secrets and stories were hidden behind that mask.

And her hair, it was dark, smooth, and in waves. When did it get so short or was it always like that?

You had only seen Silk once during that night in the alley. It was too dark to even see her face so you left the thought alone.

Mikey made her way back to your with a casual smile, trying to downplay any concern you might have. She slipped into the seat again across from you, watching your muddled expression.

"Hey, sorry for the wait," Mikey said, her voice laced with nonchalance.

You couldn't help but notice the sweat on her brow and the slight catch in her breath.

Doubt flickered in your eyes, but you hesitated to voice your worries. Something felt off, and the suspicion began to gnaw at the back of your mind.

"Mikey, are you sure you're okay?" You asked, unable to completely hide your concern.

"You look a little worn out. Is your stomach feeling alright?"

Mikey's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Oh, it was nothing. Just probably not agreeing with the coffee I had this morning, I had to go to a different shop this morning because our usual shop was way too busy. Nothing to worry about."

Her response felt true, despite the air hanging with a hint of secrecy.

You couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her story, that she was holding something back.

Mikey reached out for your hand across the table, her thumb caressing your fingers.

"I love how much you care for me. Really. You're the best, darling."

Lifting your hand to her lips, she placed a soft kiss. You returned the smile, a bit more relaxed than before.

"Of course I care about you, silly. Who knows what sort of trouble you might get into without me?"

Mikey dragged out a laugh that was abnormally loud. Her expression contorted to something of slight discomfort. Was there something funny in what you said?

The waitress bringing your orders to your table distracted your train of thought. You wanted to enjoy whatever left of your evening there was with your girlfriend.

As the night wore on, your curiosity and suspicions grew stronger. The mysterious connection between Mikey and Silk had become undeniable, and a part of you yearned for confirmation.

You couldn't shake the edge that beneath the mask and the web-slinging heroics, it was Mikey who stood as the protector you had grown to admire.

But there was no way they could be the same person? Silk is Mikey? Your Mikey is Silk? Maybe all those late night shifts and cram sessions in the library have started to make you delusional.

Determined to find the truth, you concocted a plan. The next evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, you purposely put yourself in a dangerous situation, hoping that Silk would come to your rescue.

It was a risky move, but your desire to uncover the identity behind the mask pushed you forward.

If she didn't, then you'd be a dead woman, a small price to pay for your stupidity.

In a dimly lit alleyway, you found yourself surrounded by a group of menacing figures. They leered at you, their intentions clear and menacing.

Fear tinged with excitement coursed through your veins as you awaited the arrival of your savior. You hoped this would work, it had to.

Like clockwork, Silk swung into action, descending from the shadows with grace and power.

The sight of her filled you with both relief and trepidation. This was the moment you had been waiting for, the opportunity to confirm your suspicions.

You witnessed her usual tactics of taking down the bad guys without them even touching her. She shot her webs at them, tying them into a web of their mistakes so they could reflect on their actions.

Silk approached you, wanting to know if you were harmed in any way. Her voice was deeper than expected which caught you off guard. Had you been wrong of your assumption?

With an adrenaline-fueled surge of courage, you reached out towards Silk, intent on unmasking her.

But in a swift and calculated move, she shot a stream of webbing towards your wrist, pinning it to the wall, effectively immobilizing you.


Shock and confusion washed over you as you realized the tables had turned.

You were now at the mercy of the enigmatic hero you sought to uncover. Silk's gaze met yours, her eyes intense yet filled with a touch of sadness.

"Who are you?" You called out as Silk took a step back, your voice tinged with a blend of frustration and curiosity.

"Show me your face! I know who you are!"

Silk stopped walking altogether. Her back still turned to you.

You squealed as Silk grabbed you from the wall, whipping you to another hidden corner far from prying eyes and ears. Out of breath, you stood a few inches from her.


Silence hung in the air as Silk hesitated, her body language betraying a moment of inner conflict.

Then, with a determined sigh, she pulled off her mask, revealing the face you had longed to see.

To your astonishment, Mikey stood before you, her eyes brimming with emotions.

She had been Silk all along, silently watching over you, protecting you from the shadows. All your late shifts, she would be waiting for you, watching from a nearby building. She wanted to make sure you got home safely.

That's why whenever you would arrive at your apartment, Mikey was there, wide awake and with a smile on her face.

"Mikey..." You muttered, your voice barely audible.

"I... I can't believe it."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she approached you, her voice filled with a mixture of regret and love.

"I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I wanted to protect you, to keep you safe."

As the realization sank in, your heart filled with a myriad of emotions. Gratitude for her unwavering dedication, anger at being kept in the dark, and a profound love that transcended the boundaries of ordinary life.

"I love you," Mikey whispered in a trembling voice when you hadn't said anything.

"I love you more than anything, Y/N."

As you tried to ground yourself from such a revelation, you took a deep breath, gathering your own thoughts before speaking.

Your eyes found their way back to Mikey, her sweat making a few baby hairs stick to her forehead as she stared at you trying to analyze your reaction. Your gaze was forbearing, and you could sense the weight of her words.

"Can we go home first and then talk? It's cold."

Mikey's breath was cut short, unable to to decipher your words. But you assured her as you took her clothed hand into yours with a smile.

"I'll take a cab. I'll meet you at mine's."

Placing a light kiss on her lips, you said a small "I love you" before getting out of the alley and stepping into the cab to process the situation, knowing that Mikey was going to unleash a nauseating amount of information to you in a few minutes.

Mikey's thought would not cease to travel to negative places. She knew you loved her but this secret was too much to bare so she would not be surprised if you were repulsed by her and wanted to distance yourself. The only thing that mattered was that you were safe.

Staggering to shoot out a wave at  the top of the building, Mikey's heavy sigh grew. The uncertainty of the outcome when she got to your apartment weighed on her.

It would benumb her to lose someone so important to her. You were her rock, what kept her grounded. She always thought of you and your smile and your laugh and your safety whenever she got into battle.

As you closed the door behind you, a soft breeze swept through the room, causing the curtains to flutter.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the open window, gracefully landing on the floor. It was Silk, well Mikey, her once commanding and confident presence a bit tattered with shame and dejection.

Mikey, wearing her Silk suit, looked at you with a sad smile.

Before you could gather your thoughts, Mikey swiftly moved to a hidden corner of the room, her costume disappearing, replaced by her a homey attire.

She returned to the center of the room, looking just like the Mikey you had always known and loved.

"If you want to break up, I'll understand, yeah I'll be super heartbroken but I respect your–"

Taken aback, you interrupted her with the shake of your head, silencing her.

"Mikey, I'm not breaking up with you."

"You're..you're not?" Her tired sad eyes looked up at you.

You sighed, giving her a kind smile.

"No, I love you too much to do that."

Slowly, you walked toward Mikey, your heart overflowing with love.

"You're amazing, Mikey. Both as Silk and as the incredible person you are. I can't believe I get to be a part of your extraordinary life."

Mikey's eyes shimmered with tears of joy and relief.

"Oh, you really are the woman of my dreams."

She grinned widely as she brought you into her arms, lifting you from the ground. You giggled as you got twirled into a circle, your hands in Mikey's hair.

She placed you back, planting a kiss to your lips.

"I love you more than words there are in the dictionary,  and I promise to protect you with everything I have."

"That's a lot of words, Mikey."

Giggling from her heartfelt words, you pulled Mikey back into an affectionate smooch, showing your devotion for her.

She had been your unknown protector for the longest time and now it was your turn to protect her

It was a crisp autumn evening, and as the city lights flickered to life. You did not have work so you spent the evening time going over your notes for next week's test.

A inaudible thump came through your window and then the sliding of glass.

Alarmed, you whipped your head behind you to see Mikey enter through the window wearing her Silk suit, a mischievous flicker behind her eyes.

"I have a door, babe," you called over your shoulder, spinning around in your chair to give your girlfriend a stoic look.

You had become accustomed to seeing her in the suit and when she would come back to your place after a fight.

Sometimes when she showed up with cuts, you'd tend to them and scold her for not being careful enough. It was a routine you two naturally started since you found out her identity as Silk.

"But isn't it romantic for me to climb through your window?" She asked as she landed into your apartment, a silly grin on her face.

You couldn't help but smile, captivated by her infectious energy.

"Yes, quite romantic, Mikey."

"Are you busy?" She asked, walking towards your bed and sitting down.

"I was going over some notes for Monday."

"And now you're not busy anymore!"

Sitting back in your chair with crossed arms, you stared at Mikey with a lifted brow. She gestured towards the city skyline.

"Tonight, we're going to explore the city like never before. I've set up a special surprise for you."

Curiosity bubbled within you as you followed Mikey. She had leaped out of window once again and your only way of meeting her was taking the elevator to the top floor of your building.

As you reached the rooftop, you felt a sense of exhilaration. The city stretched out before you, its dazzling lights painting a breathtaking panorama.

Mikey stood beside you, her black and grey suit shimmering in the moonlight.

"Ready to see what Silk sees?" she asked, her voice filled with a playful lilt.

You nodded, your heart pounding with anticipation, wanting to feel the magic of the night wrap around you and transform the mundane into something extraordinary.

Without hesitation, Mikey scooped you up in her arms, effortlessly cradling you against her strong frame. She adjusted her web-shooters, securing the necessary amount of web for your joint adventure.

With a swift motion, she shot a web onto a nearby building, the web line stretching taut. And just like that, the two of you were airborne, soaring through the night sky.

As the wind rushed past you, exhilaration and awe washed over you. Mikey swung gracefully from building to building, her movements both fluid and precise.

You held on tightly, feeling the adrenaline course through your veins. You had shut your eyes as the whipping wind was almost too much to keep them open.

"Open your eyes, love!"

The cityscape blurred beneath you as you were carried through the night, a cascade of lights and sounds enveloping your senses.

You marveled at the city's beauty from this unique vantage point, feeling a sense of liberation and freedom.

Mikey's voice rang out, her words carrying over the rush of wind.

"Can you feel it? The thrill of swinging through the city, defying gravity, and experiencing the world in a whole new way?"

You couldn't help but laugh, the sheer joy of the moment bubbling up from deep within.

"It's incredible, Mikey!"

As the two of you swung through the night, Mikey expertly maneuvered through the city's labyrinth of buildings.

Her strength and agility were on full display as she effortlessly propelled you forward, the momentum building with each swing.

Time seemed to stand still as you watched the city lights dance below you, the cool night air invigorating your senses.

In this moment, it felt as if the world belonged solely to the two of you—a shared secret that made your love grow stronger.

Mikey's voice broke through your reverie, her words tinged with exhilaration and fondness came out through cold breaths.

"That's how I feel when I'm with you. I'm so glad I get to share this with you. To have you with me here, it means everything to me."

You tightened your grip on her, a surge of warmth spreading through your chest.

"Mikey, being with you, experiencing these moments together—it's beyond anything I could have imagined. I'm grateful for every second."

As the night began to wane, Mikey gently lowered you to the ground, the web line retracting with a soft whir.

The two of you stood side by side, catching your breath and gazing at the cityscape before you.

Mikey sat on the ledge of the skyscraper. Shaken up from the thrill of swinging through buildings, you placed your hand on her shoulder as you took your spot next to her.

Mikey chuckled as you bumped into her. She snaked her hand under your arm, pulling you closer. Sighing contently, you laid your head on her shoulder, feet dangling, as you watched the view from up there.

. . .

do we love silk mikey or whattttt

i've been seeing spider woman imagines and didnt wanna be too cliche so i found out about silk hehe. you like? (ik nothing about marvel or dc whatever)

but it's also ironic timing coz i actually had this drafted way before my friend and i went to randomly see the latest spiderman movie (i didnt even see the first one coz i wasnt interested, dont kill me) i thought how cool it would be to be spiderman (i mean not all the deaths and shit ofc but sacrifice i guess is a must to be spiderman fr)

proofreading is a bitch, i try all the them. sometimes i catch mistakes after i published already and it makes me wanna pull my fingernails out

love y'all <3

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