Uma's Ohana: Lilo and Stitch...

By BiancaEvans2

4.2K 85 17

I'm sure you've all heard of Lilo and Stitch. Along with Nani, Jumba and many others. But have you heard of U... More

Cobra Bubbles
Lilo's Wish
Family Day Without Uma
Aloha Oe
Stitch to the Rescue
New House

Alien Attack

315 13 3
By BiancaEvans2

Uma's POV

I woke early and did my business. Before going to the kitchen to wait for breakfast. Stitch hadn't returned during the night, I guess he decided to leave for good. Nani woke up first and gave me breakfast. Before sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal. I jump onto the table after eating. I nudge her purring.

"Oh Uma, what am I gonna do?" she asks me sadly as she scratches me behind the air. I meow rubbing against her hand as she starts to tear up. As Lilo joins us. "Lilo, I didn't hear you get up" she states rubbing her eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" Nani asks as I jump off the table to go greet Lilo.

"Stitch left" Lilo answers. I rub against her legs trying to comfort her. "Hey Uma" she says patting my head. Though she still looks sad.

"Really?" Nani asks unsure how to react.

"It's good he's gone. He didn't want to be here, anyway. We don't need him" Lilo states. I meow standing on my hind legs. Placing my front paws on Lilo. Nani gets up and joins us. Having Lilo look up at her.

"Lilo... sometimes you try your hardest but things don't work out the way you want them to. Sometimes things have to change and maybe sometimes they're for the better" Nani tells her. "Even if..." she is cut off by a knock at the door. She holds Lilo close as we all look at the door in alarm. Cobra Bubbles couldn't be here yet to take Lilo.

I meow. "Wait here" Nani whispers to us. As we hear David shout her name. She gets up and answers the door. "David?" she says confused, he looks super excited.

"I think I found you a job" he tells her.

"You, what?" she asks shocked.

"Old man Kukhkini's store, but we got to hurry" he states.

"Oh, um, okay. Lilo? Baby, this is really important" Nani says when she returns to us. "I need you to stay here for a few minutes with Uma. I'm going to be right back. Lock the door and don't answer it for anyone, okay?" she asks. Lilo nods and Nani kisses her forehead. "Things are finally turning around" she states and leaves with David.

I meow happily and round my way around Lilo's legs. She just gives me a pat and goes to return to her room. As I hear something strange outside. As she reaches the stairs Stitch runs into the house. 'You came back' I meow shocked.

"Stitch" Lilo says surprised and he runs over to her. "What is it?" she asks and he shushes her. Just then some four eyed being breaks into the house. I hiss standing in front of Lilo and Stitch.

"Oh, hiding behind your little friends won't work anymore. Didn't I tell you? We got fired this morning. New rules" the guy states. Stitch has Lilo run into the other room.

'Go with Lilo' he tells me and I nod my head. I rush after her as the alien shots at him. I soon here an Elvis record playing as Stitch joins Lilo and I.

"What are we going to do?" Lilo asks us. Stitch becomes thoughtful. He gets to work on Lilo's doll. Strapping it to a pair of wheels, making a mini bomb. As Lilo and I hand him tools. "PLiers" Lilo says handing them to him. "Screwdriver" she says and I hand one to Stitch.

"Check" Stitch says announcing he is done. He rolls the doll into the other room. We soon hear the explosion and Stitch went to investigate. The alien was obviously still alive as we soon hear them arguing.

Lilo grabs a broom as we hear a loud crush. We run into the other room. To see the roof had caved in, the alien was shifting through the deprise. Looking for Stitch. I hiss and claw at his leg as Lilo hits him with the broom. "Ow" he shouts and tries to kick me. I dodge and hiss glaring up at him.

Stitch appears and grabs the alien. Throwing it out the window. "Quick, follow me" Lilo says heading for the back door. She opens it to reveal a one eyed alien and I growl. She slams the door in it's face. "They're all over the place!" she shouts.

I then remember Cobra Bubbles card. He told Lilo to call if she had any problems. I run to the kitchen and find it. Lilo appears and I meow pushing it towards her with my paw. "Great idea Uma" she states and grabs the phone. Dialing the number on the card.

"Hello? Cobra Bubbles? Aliens are attacking my house" she states. The one eyed alien runs into the room saying there are no aliens. As Stitch hits the other one with Nani's car. "They want my dog!" she shouts.

"There's no need to alert the authorities" the alien states. He takes the phone from Lilo. "Everything's under control" he states. I hiss and jump on him going for his eye. He screams dropping the phone. Which Lilo picks back up as I return to her side hissing threateningly at the alien.

"Oh, good, my dog found the chainsaw" Lilo says and hangs up. "Come Uma" she tells me. Stitch is on the car holding the chainsaw. He jumps off the hood and then, four eyed alien throws a toilet plunger and it hit Stitch and he is flung to the kitchen with a plunger of his head. He then grabs the alien's gun. Which the alien plugs with a carrot. They start to toss the gun back and forth as it beeps.

The one eyed alien grabs Lilo and I. I bite him. But he only screams and doesn't let go. "We're leaving Stitch?!" Lilo demands as we exit the house.

"Trust me, this is not gonna end well!" the alien states. I look at the house and freeze in shocked. It's completely wrecked. I see the other Alien and Stitch still playing pass the gun. Suddenly it explodes knocking the alien off of his feet. Making him drop Lilo and I. I yowl in pain as I and on the front leg wrong.

Lilo looks up at our destroyed house in despair. I meow in pain as I limp over to her. "Uma!" she cries and picks me up. We see a black car appear as I hear sirens. "Cobra Bubbles" she says and heads over to him.

"Oh Lilo, thank god. What happened?" he asks picking her up. She starts to explain about the aliens as I lick my injured paw. He heads over to his car opening the door as I hear Nani.

"One of them had a giant eye in the middle of his face" Lilo tells him. He places us in the car shutting the door. As he turns to face Nani.

"Oh, Lilo, Uma! Please don't do this" Nani pleads.

"You know I have no choice" Cobra tells her. "And your cat needs a vet" he states.

"No! You're not taking Lilo! I'm the only one who understands her! You take that away, she won't stand a chance!" Nani shouts. "I'll take Uma to the vet" she adds.

"You're making this harder than it needs to be" Cobra tells her.

"But you don't know what you're doing! She needs me!" Nani cries.

"Is this what she needs?!" he demands pointing at the destroyed house. As the fire fighters put out the fire. "It seems clear to me that you need her and Uma a lot more than they need you" he states. Lilo gets out of the car and I follow her as quickly as possible on my injured leg. I soon hear Cobra and Nani shouting our names behind us.


Picture above of the two aliens and gif on the external link of Jumba vs Stitch.

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