The Goddess of Music and Soun...

By ELWitch9

8K 138 30

Luna Odindottir is the younger sister of Thor and Loki, Princess of Asgard and the Goddess of Music and Sound... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

661 10 0
By ELWitch9

Thor- 1,385(25)

Loki- 1,270 (23)

Luna- 940 (17)

I'm strolling through Mother's gardens after spending my early morning reading books in the palace library with Loki, I was reading about the other realms that I would love to visit but father doesnt want me leaving Asgard, and these mysterious gems called infinity stones they're powerful gems that in the wrong hands could cause catastrophic damage to the universe. There are six stones, the Mind, Power, Reality, Time, Soul and Space stone. The Mind stone can manipulate minds, The Power stone is able to give the user enhanced strength, stamina and power. The Reality stone can alter reality, The Time stone is able to change the time whether its slowing down the time, reversing time, fast forwarding time and is able to show the user the future. No one knows the abilities of the Soul stone as no one has ever encountered it before, The Space stone is able to make portals and teleport the user anywhere they wish.

I continue walking watching all the butterflies and bees flying around surrounded by all the beautiful smells coming from the hundreds of flowers, I spot Mother leaning down tending to the flowers. I skip happily over to her, she looks up at me and smiles "Good morning my darling" she greets and pulls me into a hug.

"Good morning, Mother" I hug her back, after we had pulled away she knelt and started weeding the gardens. I kneel next to her and start weeding as well.

"I didn't see you or Loki at breakfast, were you two in the library again?" she asks without looking up.

"Oh yes, sorry we missed breakfast Mother. we got really into our books and didn't realise the time" I apologised.

"It's quite alright my dear. What were you reading about?"

"I was reading about the infinity stones. They really are quite fascinating"

"Oh, they are. And quite powerful"

"Indeed. I also read about the other realms, will I ever be able to explore them?" I ask quietly, she turns to me and takes my hands in hers.

"I'm sure you will. It's just your father believes it is too dangerous to leave Asgard, you are just a young girl and the princess. You never know what could happen and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something did" She explained.

"But I could travel the realms with him or Thor or Loki, I would be protected with them" she puts her hand on my cheek.

"I know, dear. But it is safer for you in Asgard for now. Just wait a few more years, get your powers under control and your sword skills" she winks at me when I gasp.

"You know!?"

"Of course, I know about you and your brothers disobeying your father's orders. I am your mother and the queen after all" she smirks "And I believe it is a good thing you are, you never know what danger is around every corner and you won't always have someone to protect you. Something your father needs to think about"

"So, you won't tell Father?" I question unsurely.

"No, I won't tell your father. Just be safe, I don't want you to get hurt"

"Of course, I promise" I kiss her cheek and get back to the gardens.

After we were happy with the garden, we stood up and walked arm in arm back towards the palace but stopped when we heard cheering "What's that cheering for, Mother?" I question trying to find where the sound was coming from.

"That would be the warriors and your brothers' annul evaluations of their skills" she responds, and I lit up in delight.

"Can we watch, Mother? Pleaseee" I beg.

"I don't see why we can't" we start walking towards the training grounds.

Many of the village folk were standing around watching the warriors, some warriors were testing their strength, others were racing each other on obstacle courses, and others, fighting using their weapons or hands, which was where Thor and Loki were.

Mother and I walked through the parting crowds towards where Thor and Loki where sparring, I could tell from their stands that they had been going for a long time which was normal for them, they are both very competitive and would constantly brag about their wins against each other.

When Mother and I got closer they both glanced slightly our way and started sparring more energised, probably to impress mother. They somehow ended up on the ground quite a while later with Thor having his arm around Loki's neck and his legs pinning Loki's arms to his body, after a moment of Loki trying to shake out of Thors hold turning slightly purple, he finally teleported just away from Thor laying on the ground gasping for breath, signalling that he tapped out. All the witnesses started cheering for Thor's win as he stood up, Mother and I weaved our way to Loki who was grumbling under his breath "Are you alright, my son?" Mother asked as I helped him up.

"I'm fine mother, I just slipped or something" he replied when he had regained his breath. Suddenly we saw a flaming arrow flying across the training grounds and everyone around us started walking towards the palace.

"What does the arrow mean?" I question.

"That arrow means the race is starting soon" Loki answers.

"There's a race?"

"Oh yes, the participants run from the front of the palace, through the village, down the rainbow bridge and past Heimdall" Mother explains.

"I should go get ready, I need to beat Thor" Loki grins then teleports away to, I'm guessing, the starting line.

"Come on let's go watch the race, darling"

"Alright mother" we walked to the front of the palace to stand next to father on the stairs. All the warriors were at the bottom of the stairs and Thor and Loki were at the front, I was bouncing on my heels wanting to join in and I could tell mother was watching me.

"Let the race, BEGIN" Father bellows and bangs Gungnir signalling the start of the race. All the warriors ran off with Thor and Loki in the front trying to beat each other, within seconds of the race starting I felt magic around me, I looked down at my clothes that had changed from my dress into pants and a shirt, and my hair was plaited. I looked confusingly at Mother who was smirking, Father had walked off to go talk to someone, so I knew it was mother's magic.

"Go!" she urges, so I did. I jumped down the stairs and ran to catch up with the warriors which was pretty easy. I've always been into running and I was very fast.

I was able to weave my way through the slower warriors, not many were paying attention to me. I pasted Volstagg when I first ran into the village and he was definitely shocked to see the princess running in the warriors race then starting to beat some, but to be honest the warriors were surprisingly not as fast as I thought they would be. I remembered I needed to pace myself because it was quiet the long race so I slowed down a tad. Towards the end of the village, I managed to run past Fandral and Hogan who had about the same reaction as Volstagg by then I had pasted all the warriors, Lady Sif was bit ahead of them and of course Thor and Loki who were a lot further ahead to the warriors. At the end of the village/close to the start of the rainbow Bridge I was gaining on Lady Sif who was slowing down, I've got to admit that I was starting to slightly slow down as well, but I wanted to prove to father that I could be just as good of a warrior as Thor and Loki.

Finally I was able to past Sif and Thor and Loki weren't too far ahead, I heard a flapping sound and glanced up to Nyx flying over-head "Come on Luna you can do this" she encourages making me smile through my heavy breathing and run faster listening to her words, the observatory and Heimdall were coming into view so I didn't have that much longer to get in front of my brothers who were basically pushing each other out of the way.

They were almost at the finish line with me just a bit behind when Nyx started swooping my brothers' heads making them slow down to dodge her, even though it is probably cheating I was able to catch up to them, neither had noticed yet they were to busy yelling at Nyx to stop, right as we got to the finish line I ran in front of them and got past Heimdall first then collapsed on the stairs to the control panel of the Bifrost, trying to breath properly again which I knew would take a long time. Looking to the side I saw Mother giving me a proud look then she shimmered away meaning that she was here through an illusion.

Thor and Loki sat down on the stairs beside me panting "How... in the name of Odin's beard... did you manage to beat every warrior in the Asgardian army and us?!" Thor struggled to get out.

I shrug my shoulders still trying to regain my breath "Magic" I grin sitting more upright, I then realised I could've used magic and I just sounded like I had cheated before I could say anything else I saw Heimdall walking towards us.

"Congratulations, Princess Luna. You have won the race" Heimdall announced.

"Thank you, Hei-"

"However, the Alfather only allows warriors to participate in this race"

"What does that change?" I questioned.

"You will not be rewarded for the fastest in the kingdom, allowed to join the Asgardian army and the Alfather will not be very impressed with you"

"C'mon Heimdall. She won the race but started last. He should be proud of her" Thor says hugging me to his side.

"But he won't be because Luna went in the race when Father didn't say she could go in it" Loki stated.

"Mother put me in though" I pouted.

"You know Father" Loki answers sympathetically.

"That's so unfair. I ran the race and won! I-I don't care about the rules that said I didn't, I'm not just some useless princess that can't do anything!"

"We know you're not Lune" Thor said motioning between him and Loki "And mother knows"

"But that doesn't change anything" I stood up to leave but Loki grabbed my hand making me look back at him.

"We know it doesn't but-" he started but Sif walked in, I shook my head and pulled my hand away from him then walked out past Sif.

"You alright princess?" she asked when I passed her.

"Just fine!" I snapped and ran out, I could hear Thor and Loki telling her what happened, I didn't want to hear them talking about me and cursed my super-hearing "Nyx!" I shouted out, I was more slow jogging because I was still getting over the race. A few warriors running past gave me weird looks that I ignored, Nyx started flying next to me and I ran into the forest towards my secret training area.

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