Teach Me a Lesson

By ayshiaink

55K 4.1K 3.4K

sequel to dysfunction More



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By ayshiaink

"Just make sure she has all her stuff Bey."

I scolded Onika, "We aren't even leaving yet."

"Okay but we're leaving tomorrow morning. Just have her shit together now so you won't have to rush. I'm going to double check and she better have all her shit, down to her toys. I'm not playing."

I nodded, "You should give me a kiss so I really know you're not playing."

She gagged, "Uh! No!"

I shrugged, "Okay so I'm not taking you serious. ZARII! You wanna go in the pool!?"

She came running in, "Yess! I get my bathing suit!" She ran into Onikas bathroom and she glared at me.

"I'm just kidding baby. I'll have her stuff together as soon as we get out that pool. I'll even wash her bathing suit."

She grinned with closed lips, "Thank you baby stud."

"I'd still like that kiss though."

She came to me and I honestly thought she would slap me away but she kissed my cheek, "Now leave me alone."

I smiled, going to help Zari put on her bathing suit before going to do the same. We were matching today since I saw I had shorts that were the same color as her swim suit.

She tried getting into the pool without her swim gear and I stopped her, "Come here little girl!"

"I don't need it momma! I can swim!"

"Not without these you can't. Come here."

She came to me and put on all her floaties. I have no idea why Zari likes to play like her mother won't beat my ass when it comes down to her.

After I put on her stuff, I picked her up and threw her in the pool. I thought we were safe until I heard Onika yell and the slide door get snatched open.

She stomped her little ass over to me, ignoring Zaris loud ass laugh and grabbed me up. "Don't throw her in this pool like that!"

I shrugged her off, "We're having fun, party pooper." Zari quietly made pooping noises with her mouth and I chuckled. "Leave us alone before I throw you in there too."

She glared at the both of us. "I'm not playing with neither of y'all today. Play with me if y'all want." She muttered, stomping her mad ass back inside and Zari and I fell into a fit of giggles.

I jumped in next to her and water splashed all over, making her scream.

She latched to my neck, "Momma you said you was gon' make mommy let me stay up last night!"

"She wasn't listening to me. You know she's scary."

Zari giggled, "Sometimes but mommy always nice to me."

"To you! Cause you're her baby, but not me. She be cussing me out."

"Okay but mommy still love you. She told me."

"How she told you?"

"I ask her because I wanted to know if you guys dated before." She told me, covering her mouth with a little giggle.

"Oh really? What she say?"

"She said not to tell you."

I rolled my eyes, "Really Zari? That's how you're coming?"

She whispered, "I'm still going to tell you."

A chuckle fell from my lips, "Girl tell me."

"She said she'll always love you but y'all aren't good together. Whatever that means."

I nodded, "She's basically saying that she would want to be with me but we don't work out the best, I guess." Or maybe she could just being trying to sugar coat her saying she really just doesn't give a fuck about me.



rileyyyy💞💞: what is it girl😭

: they want to stay down here for one more day so i'll
be home tomorrow instead of today
: is that ok w u?

rileyyyy💞💞: i guess.
: r u having fun?

:i am
:also bey hasn't really tried anything so everything is going smooth😭

I wasn't lying. The real Bey wouldn't have gotten drunk and started crying. She would've gotten drunk and tried to fuck me.

:i miss u tho. can we ft?

:i'm still at ur place, ofc we can😭

I smiled before facetiming her. "Oh my goddd. You look so pretty." I told her, shutting my bedroom door. My eyes were stuck on her, laying in my bed.

She smiled, sitting up. "I'm mad you keep complimenting me while you're not here."

"I'll be there tomorrow evening. You miss me?"

"A whole lot. Ever since you left me, I've been just more horny. I don't know what spell you put on me or this house but it's like every time I'm hear, I want some pussy."

"You want some pussy?" My brow raised.

"Yours! Sorry. Yours."

"Oh I know. Who else you'd be with, huh?"

"Ain't nobody baby. I've literally been in this house for the past 2 days. I even cooked."

"Are there's left overs?" I love her cooking.

"Yup. It's enough in there for you and azari."

I grinned, "You're so sweet, thinking about me and my baby."

A laugh left her lips, "Its not even that. I seriously just made way too much food, knowing I get full fast."

"Oh so you wasn't thinking about us?" I asked, pursing my lips.

"I stay thinking about y'all. Where is she anyway?"

"In the pool with her momma. You wanna go say hi?"

She shook her head. "It's fine, if anything I'll just see her tomorrow. I wanted to ask you something though."

"What is it?"

She turned her head, "I don't want you to think I'm becoming jealous, because it's not that. I've just been thinking a lot lately about that tattoo..."

I sighed, already knowing this was going to come sooner or later. "I plan on getting it removed soon. I'm just scared."

"It's not even that. Did you really love her that much, to get her name tatted that big, on your ass cheek?" The way her tone was set up, I thought she was joking a bit but when I chuckled, her face showed me it all. "The fuck is funny?"

"That was the past though..."

"Did you really love her that much? More than me?" What is up with the both of them asking me this question?"

"I mean at the time, I loved her a lot but it's not that time anymore. Why are you asking me questions like this all of a sudden?" We've been together for literally 2 years.

"I have just been by myself for these past few days, thinking."

I leaned onto my wrist, "Is there anything else you'd like to ask me baby? I don't want there to be any hidden animosity."

"There isn't none Onika. That's all."

"Okay." I nodded slowly. "You don't have to worry about Bey, ever. I promise. I'd never cheat on you and even if I did, which it won't, it wouldn't be with Bey."

"I'm not worried. Just a little curious."

"I never told you about Bey and I?"

"I mean you told me you got locked up behind her a few times but you never really told me how it came about."

I hummed, "Do you want to know?" I haven't told this story in a while, I don't mind saying it now. I used to really hate talking about Bey and I.

"If you want."

"Ok so Bey and I started dating in my early twenties and yeah, she was my first love because back then, I didn't play like that. My trust for others were literally at 0, before I met Bey, because of my family so when she did come, she made me feel different than anybody else. I felt really wanted and appreciated by Bey in the beginning.

But then I got this dm one day and this girl was saying how her and Beyoncé were together and that threw me completely off. Like damn, I didn't want to hear that. Especially since I was starting to trust her. But uh, I took it the wrong way. Instead of trying to communicate with her, I'd show my ass and just want to beat her up, you know?"

She chuckled, "Yeah, I know."

She's laughing but now that I think back on it, before Bey really did cheat on me, I was whooping her ass for shit she didn't even do yet.

"But uh, she never rlly did anything with that girl until a few months later. She thought I'd cheated on her and went and cheated on me with the same girl. That was like the only time Bey and I really fought. She never used to hit me back but this time she did and I ended up stabbing her for what she did-"

"Stabbing!? Onika!"

"Babe it was so long ago, I'm not like that anymore and I wouldn't dare do that to you."

She smirked, "Oh I know. You never laid a finger on me unless we were fucking."

I waved my hand in the air with a grin. "Stop it. Let me finish the story. I was supposed to be in jail but in the police car, I said something about killing myself and Bey and they sent me to an asylum instead. I was never crazy though, not like that. I was just talking off emotion; like geez I just got cheated on.

I was gone for a year and when I got out, my first intentions were to find her, actually kill her and just take the time because she deserved it to me, but it was like as soon as I sneaked my way up in her room, all the good memories came back to me and I literally cried myself to sleep in her bed.

Wait- Did I ever tell you the bitch she cheated on me with was my blood sister, from my fathers side?"


"Yes bro! We didn't know until after she sent me that text and we fought a few times but we did know that when Bey decided to actually cheat on me with her. That's why I just had to do something. The younger me was all about revenge and I really just loved violence, I just had to do something to her for what she did."

"I didn't even know you had a sister."

"Till this day, I still don't like that dumb bitch. But look, Bey came and saw me in her bed and instead of doing what I wanted to do, it was like I just got clouded by actually seeing her after all that time. I wanted to hate her but it was eating me up inside how much I actually loved her. At this point, both of our families hating us together and bro, our dads were seriously trying to make it worse.

Bey and I ended up talking it out, even though I knew she had just left the bitches house she had cheated on me with. I was so sad and desperate, I never want to be like that behind anybody ever again."

"You know you'll never even think of looking like that while with me. Have I ever made you feel like that?Tell me now so I can fix it, now."

I smiled, "No baby. That's why I'm with you and plan on staying with you."

She smirked, letting me continue. This story was so damn long, it felt like I was reliving it just by telling it. This is why I never tell stories about Bey and I. I become so embarrassed about everything. From the way I acted, to the way Bey acted.

"After some time, we did get back together, but it was secret. When it came out, it was suge a huge problem. I lost someone really close to me because she tried to jump Bey with my brother. Sometimes I want to call her because she's still my older cousin and I love her but after we fought, I knew she would always be on that timing with me."

I frowned, only because I haven't talked to Lauren in so long. It's fine though, the only person I really need talking to me is Zari.

"But yeah our families didn't like that but we still did what we did and soon I was pregnant. I was happy because this was the first time that Bey had gotten me pregnant and I actually kept the baby. I never really told her this but I had two abortions before Azari came.

I had gotten pregnant after finding out she cheated so of course I got rid of it. I never told her because at the time, she wasn't shit to me. But yeah after we got back talking, I stopped putting my hands on her and she stopped being sneaky."

I groaned, just thinking about Beys friends. "Then she met this group of bitches and everything went down hill again. She'd come home high a lot and she wasn't an asshole or anything but I knew that wasn't her. Bey used to hate when I smoked everyday, then she started doing it. She went out a lot and wouldn't come home until 1, 2 AM, at most.

One day she picked me up from Robs place and I saw her phone, it was a text from another bitch, telling Bey to come over. I asked Bey about it first, but as soon as I saw she was guilty, I hit her. It pissed me off that I couldn't control it because everytime I do that, it takes away from the bad shit she did to me, because I would bruise her for it."

"Yeah baby... No matter what she did, you shouldn't have been hitting her."

"I know, I know. I was doing so good on that until she started lying to me. I didn't beat her ass like how I used to though. I just pushed her head and it hit the window."

"Oh nah Nic- That's not-"

"I know. Let me finish. I ended up forgiving her for that because we were doing good before it. BUT then I saw a video of her in the club and a stripper was shaking her ass on Bey. When I confronted her about it, that's when she decided to spill out everything I should've been known. I'm not even going to get into that.

Even then, I wasn't going to leave Beyonce alone. I was dumb, dumber than dumb but it got me here today, I'm not going to complain too much."

She hummed, "Well why did y'all break up then?"

"I was pregnant again and from all the stress, I miscarried. My friends had to talk some sense in me and Moin had to slap me up a little. But I'm happy now. That's all that matter."

She took a deep breath. "Damn babe... That was a lot."

I chuckled, "Yeah, that's why I don't really like telling stories about Bey and I."

"Well Im happy you told me. You know I love you way too much to do all that to you right?"

I nodded, "We were both bad to each other, Bey just cheated and I didn't. I love you too though."

"I wish I had a story to tell you but I never stayed with another girl if she's been fucking around."

I got up from the bed, "I know you haven't. Your parents raised you too right, I hope Zari gets some traits from you."

She laughed lowly, "That's really my twin. Let me say hi to her." I huffed, jogging my way out there. Zari was standing on the steps of the pool, looking wet as fuck and breathing all hard.

She looked at me, "Mommy she just threw me on the deep side!"

I glared at Beyoncé who was over there giggling, spinning around in the water. She be having way too much fun with this little girl.

"Beyoncé if she start crying, I'm seriously going to slap you."

"Onika leave us alone."

"Stop telling me that. Here Zari, say hi."

She smiled at the screen, "Hi Riley!"

"Hi baby. You having fun?"

She nodded, "I wish you were here so you could have fun with me and momma." I smiled at how innocent and clueless she really was to our situation.

"I wish I was there too but I know you're still living it up in Dallas. Go have fun, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye!" She jumped into the pool and tried her best to swim to Bey.

I just chuckled, going back into the house. "Baby did Moin come over there to drop something off for me?" I had a package sent to Moins house for christmas. It was a few months early but I needed it before it was sold out.

"Yeah. You got her a damn car? That shit was heavy as fuck."

"Yes, she needs to start whipping that hoe."

Riley got up, going into my bathroom. She didn't go on mute and I heard her peeing. "Your pee sounds so cartoonish."

"Shut up Onika. We all know you have a pee kink."

"You are literally the only person in the world to ever say that. So no I don't. Kiss my ass."

"When? When you get back?"

"Stop it, nasty."

She whined, "I miss you babyyy!"

"I miss you too girl. I'm going to come home with you tomorrow babe. Is the house clean?" Because I know I left my house very clean.

"It's exactly how you left it. I've been in your room most of the time."

I smirked, "What you been doing?"

"You already know."

"It better not be no pussy juice on my bed when I get back." I laughed, pulling out hotdogs and burgers. Zari loves her a chicken hotdog on the grill.

She waved me off, "Shut up. What you making?"

"It's a grill out there, Ima have Bey make us some burgers and hotdogs. That's one thing she's good at."

She laughed, "You need to stop playing with that girl like this. It's no way she can't cook that bad."

"She seriously can't. The only reason she knows how to work a grill is because of her father."


I went out there, smiling. "Can you get this grill on please?"

Bey held onto Zari, rolling her eyes. "After all that shit you were talking?"

"I'm sorry Bey. Can you please lite the grill?"

She huffed, "Go get the big lighter and that liter fluid under the sink." When I saw her coming out the pool, I smiled.

I had found this plug in Dallas so now, I just needed to make sure I had something to eat after I smoked. Lord knows how long I've really just sat and been high.

When I can back with the stuff, she was pouring charcoal in there. I passed her the stuff, before taking big steps back. Being near that is something I'd just rather not do.

"Mommy!" Zari swam to the edge of the pool, looking up at me and I went to her and squatted. Her hair was all fucked up now, I'll have to redo it before we go.

"Yes baby?"

"Where's Riley?" She started looking for my phone and I pulled it out of my back pocket. Riley was still there, just waiting for someone to talk to her and I laughed lowly.

"Rileyyyy!" Zari dragged her name out, cheesing into the camera. "You come next time, ok?"

Riley laughed, "Okay baby. Now why'd you mess up your hair that bad?" She was the one who did her hair before we left.

Zari touched her hair and sighed. "Because I was drowning! Momma kep-"

"Don't start lying on me little girl!"

"No momma you drown me!"

"How did I drown you if you're still here?"

"Mommy you see her drown me right?" She asked, turning from Bey to me.

I chuckled, "Yeah, we gotta beat her up later."

"Mommy you come in the pool too."

"You think I should?" She nodded real fast and I huffed.

"If your momma start playing too much, I'm getting out so tell her to watch herself."

"Ain't nobody worried about you Onika, go put your swimsuit on."

After waving Bey off, I went into the house to put on my bathing suit.

"You have fun Onika. Call me before you go to bed."

I pouted at the camera, "I love you Riley."

"I love you too. Remember to call."

"I will. Bye baby."

Going back out there, I held a spliff in my hand. "Bey?" I showed it to her and she raised her brow. "Let's smoke real quick?" She already had the food in the grill with the fire on. Now we have to wait.

"Zaris right here."

"She's in the pool and we're over here sitting."

"Okay but she can see us."

"She doesn't give a damn about us." I thought Bey already got this down.

She gave in, giving me that big ass lighter so I could light it. Sitting next to me, she looked over. "So how's your trip going?"

I grinned, "I actually liked it. It was fun to spend some time with y'all."

"Isn't it? I thought you'd ruin the trip but nah." Bey joked and I slapped her chest.

"Shut up. You know you love that I'm here." I told her, handing her the spliff. She pulled it too effortlessly. "Are you and Sanaii still friends?" I asked randomly.

She nodded slowly. "I've fallen back a little but if she ever needs anything, I'll be there for her. You know?"

I nodded, "I feel like that's kinda what you did with me."

"Well I had to. After sometime, I have to actually let you live your life. If you don't want to be with me, I can't force you."

I leaned over so I was a bit closer to her. "You know I'll always love you though Bey. The other night, you were making it seem like I just gave up on you but that's not the case. No matter what we're going through, I'll catch a few bodies behind you."

She smiled, leaning the same way I did so our foreheads were touching. "Stop, you're making me horny."

I chuckled, "You're so damn childish."

"I think there's another girl that I'm starting to like, but I'm not sure."


"Can't say right now, cause she might be gone tomorrow."

"Oop- well ok." I lifted my head off Beys and we finished smoking.

Zari had stomped her way over here as soon as we put it out. "What are you guys doing?"

I nudged her and Bey went to the grill.


"Shush. Let's go in the pool."


we'll get a better pic of riley another chapter🧑🏿‍🎤

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