Classroom of the Elite Reacti...

Bởi kiyopooooonn

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In the blink of an eye, everyone in the ship disappears. Gone. Except for the students of Metropolitan Advanc... Xem Thêm

Prologue 2
Chapter 1: The Structure of Japanese Society
Chapter 2.1: The S-system and Introduction
Chapter 2.2: Convenience store
Oneshot: Satou x Ayanokouji
Chapter 2.3: Freedom Monologue
Oneshot: Ayanokouji x Horikita

Chapter 2: Welcome to the School Life of Your Dreams

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Bởi kiyopooooonn

"Ayanokouji-kun, do you have a moment?"
She came. She was here. It was terrifying

"Again with Ayanokouji?" a voice of discontent arose from someone I barely knew. Just as much as you despise seeing me on the screen, I detest the invasion of my privacy as well.

"Oh well, tough luck, kiddo. It appears we're about to invade your privacy once more," consoled a teenage girl with a rough appearance and waist-length chocolate brown hair. Judging by her demeanor, she seemed to be a student in her second year.

I'd been feigning sleep during class, pondering society's true purpose while I pretended to nap, when the devil approached me.

The person I referred to as the devil slightly raised an eyebrow, clearly perplexed. They couldn't have seen who I was talking about since I was slumped in my chair, barely visible on the screen. As the pieces of the puzzle started coming together in her mind, a frown formed on her face when she finally realized she's the devil I'm talking about.

"Why are you taking a nap?" Karuizawa whispered to me with a clear sense of annoyance. "Don't you know it can lead to a decrease in our points?" It appeared that due to the unfolding events and our time spent together earlier, Karuizawa had now grown more comfortable in talking to me.

"You should speak for yourself either," I retorted, not letting her comment slide. " I clearly remembered you playing with your phone during class hours." As I responded, I could see that she hadn't expected me to retort, and her visible flustered state revealed that she was taken aback by my observation.

Shostakovich's Symphony No. 11 played in my head, music that captured the sense of people fleeing from pursuing demons and the desperation that comes at the end of the world. Right then, it was the perfect accompaniment.

"Who even listens to this kind of music anymore?" someone muttered under their breath.

"What's that? Sostoko-what?" Ike asked, clearly confused.

"It's Shostakovich, pronounced as 'Shoh-stuh-koh-vitch.' He's a Russian composer from the 20th century. You didn't even get his name right. Honestly, I wonder what's going on inside your brain," Shinohara said, displaying her disgust.

Flustered and embarrassed, Ike stammered, "Just shut up, you ugly..."

Even though my eyes were closed, I understood. I could feel the devil's presence as she waited for her slave to awaken. So, as a slave, how exactly could I get out of this situation?

"Earlier demon and now slave...
Is Ayanokouji-kun probably bullied?"

"I don't think so, as far I'm aware of"
Hirata responded

'oh Hirata if only you know'
Unbeknownst to him, Ayanokouji silently cursed Horikita as memories of the excruciating pain and suffering inflicted upon him by her majestic mechanical compass flooded his mind.

My computer-like brain instantly executed all the calculations to arrive at the answer I most needed.

"Computer-like brain?" someone questioned, skeptical of Ayanokouji's claim, thinking he might be overestimating himself

Matsushita: "It's just a figurative speech, Satou, don't take it personally"

"Oh I see now"

Conclusion: I'd pretend not to hear her. I had dubbed this the "Sleeping Strategy." If she were a kind girl, then she would say something like, "Aw, well, there's nothing to be done. I'd feel bad to wake you, so I'll forgive you. ★" "If you don't get up, I'll kiss you!" would also be okay

As the girls heard my projected thoughts on the screen, a sense of disgust washed over their faces. They expressed their frustration, remarking that boys all seemed to desire the same thing.

"Ugh, all boys literally wanted the same thing ," one girl exclaimed, reflecting the sentiment shared by the others.

"Indeed, they are such lowly creatures," another girl chimed in, emphasizing her disdain.

Even Sotomura, a fellow anime enthusiast, looked at me with astonishment and disbelief, seeing me as someone even lower than himself.

"If you do not awaken within three seconds, I will bestow additional punishment upon you."

"What do you mean, 'punishment'?" I asked.

"Kuku, what happened to your so-called 'Sleeping Strategy'? I was hoping to witness a surprising side of the class D leader," Ryueen mocked, clearly enjoying the situation

In an instant, I'd abandoned my "Sleeping Strategy" and yielded to her threats of force. Well, at least I offered some resistance by not meeting her gaze.

"Wow, I never expected you guys to have that kind of 'master-slave' dynamic in your relationship. You seemed close right from the beginning of the semester, so we assumed you were dating or something," A classmate named Nene remarked, surprised by the nature of our interaction.

Horikita's face briefly displayed a flicker of disgust upon hearing Nene's remark, but she quickly concealed it behind her usual aloof expression.

'well, the feeling is mutual'

"See, you are awake after all, aren't you?" she said.

"I know enough that I'm afraid to make you angry."

"Glad to hear it. Well then, may I have a little of your time?"

"If I refuse?"

"Well, even though you have no right to veto such a decision, I suppose I would be exceptionally displeased."

"Wow," some blonde boy from class A clicked their tongue in disapproval. "She literally just asked someone a question and then tries to force them if they don't comply. And here I thought Ryueen was the only one who displayed tyranny."

She continued with, "And when I am displeased, then I will prove a major obstacle to your school life, Ayanokouji-kun. For example, I might set a great number of thumbtacks on your chair. Or, when you go to the toilet, I might splash water on you from above. Or stab you with the needle of my mathematical compass. Those kinds of obstacles, I suppose."

As Karuizawa heard Horikita's threatening words, she subtly flinched but managed to conceal her reaction quite well. Hirata, on the other hand, displayed clear signs of disapproval and disbelief.

"Horikita-san, regardless of your intentions, even if it's for the sake of the class, I cannot allow you to resort to violence or actions that could harm someone. Please remember that," Hirata emphasized firmly, underscoring the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment for everyone in the class.

"tsk, fine "With a discontented click of her tongue, Horikita begrudgingly accepted the situation. She acknowledged that establishing connections and alliances was crucial, understanding that isolation would hinder her efforts to lead the class towards attaining Class A status.

"That's nothing but harassment, or rather, bullying! And besides, that last one sounds strangely familiar, because you've already stabbed me before!"

Hasabe: "poor guy"

I reluctantly sat up at my desk. A girl with beautiful, sharp eyes and long black hair that framed her face stared down at me. Her name was Horikita Suzune, a student of the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, Class D, and my classmate

"I don't know, man. She may be beautiful, but her personality is somewhat off-putting," A guy named Akito, whom I think is part of the archery club stated "definitely not worth it" he concluded.

As Nagumo caught sight of the girl named Horikita on the screen, he murmured her name in recognition. Surprised, he realized that his favorite senpai, Horikita Manabu had a sibling. However, he quickly concluded that being placed in Class D meant she held no particular significance. Nonetheless, the image of the brown-haired, seemingly emotionless boy lingered in Nagumo's mind, leaving him with a nagging feeling that he possessed remarkable capabilities beyond what meets the eye.

"Don't worry. That was only a joke. I wouldn't splash water on you from above."

"What's more pressing are the thumbtacks and the compass needle! Look at this! There are still marks from when you stabbed me the last time! Will you take responsibility if it scars me for life?" I rolled up my right sleeve and displayed my forearm to Horikita, so she could see the scars she'd left behind.

The students who sympathized with my suffering expressed their dissatisfaction with Horikita's actions, labeling her as a cruel individual.

"Well, he's definitely not wrong when he called her a devil," one student attempted to inject a bit of humor into the tense situation, eliciting a few chuckles from the others. The comment served as a lighthearted way to acknowledge the severity of Horikita's behavior, albeit in a somewhat exaggerated manner.

"Evidence?" she asked.



"What about the evidence? Did you decide I'm the culprit without evidence?"

She was right; there was no evidence. Even though Horikita was the only one in class close enough to stab me with a needle, I'd be hard-pressed to call that definitive proof...

Amikura chimed in, pondering aloud, "Well, isn't Ayanokouji being a victim and witness to Horikita's actions already valuable evidence in itself? His firsthand account holds significant weight."

"Kukuku, well, while being a witness and victim does hold some weight as evidence, it is important to understand that it may not be considered hard proof in and of itself."

Ishizaki: "What does that mean Ryueen-san?" Ishizaki seemed to still be grappling with the concept, so I took a moment to provide further explanation

"While my firsthand account may be compelling, it is still subjective and lacks concrete evidence," I responded, addressing Amikura's argument. "In order to establish proof beyond reasonable doubt, we need substantial evidence that directly links Horikita to the incidents. Without such evidence, it would be difficult to definitively conclude her involvement."

"Fufu, correct, While your testimony can be considered valuable and persuasive, it may not be enough to definitively prove Horikita's actions without additional supporting evidence."
The petite girl with lilac hair, whom I heard people refer to as Sakayanagi, the leader of Class A, said
"To establish guilt beyond reasonable doubt, concrete evidence would be required. This could include physical evidence such as fingerprints, surveillance footage, or eyewitness testimonies from unbiased individuals who directly witnessed the incidents. Without such evidence, it would be challenging to conclusively prove Horikita's involvement."

Horikita couldn't help but wear a smug expression, basking in her triumph of not being punished due to the lack of evidence.

Well, I needed to confirm something first anyway.

"So, I'm required to help you? I've thought on it again, and, after all, I-"

"Ayanokouji-kun. Would you prefer to regret while you suffer or regret while you despair? Which would you like more? Because if you refuse me and force my hand, it will be your responsibility."

"Now we're diving into another philosophical discussion again," Ike groaned, clearly exhausted and struggling as he lost all of his braincells from understanding what's going on.

Shinohara: "Seriously... She's resorting to threats now? No matter what choices he makes, he's bound to get hurt."

I was stuck with Horikita's two completely absurd choices. It appeared she would not accept any delays. Though it was a mistake to make a deal with this devil, I gave up and obeyed.

"All right, then. What am I supposed to do?" I asked, filled with trepidation. Her requests no longer surprised me. I certainly didn't like how this situation had turned out, but... I thought back to when I'd met this girl two months ago, on the day of the entrance ceremony.

"So, are we going to see some flashbacks where the main character meets the heroine now?" Sotomura, who had shifted into his anime geek mode, inquired excitedly,everyone just looked at him with confusion, not understanding what he meant.

"Well, that's, how do I say this..
Iinteresting. The video on the screen didn't explore another philosophical thought like earlier. Instead, it depicted the strained relationship between Ayanokouji and Horikita, which contradicted our assumption of an intimate relationship between them. I wonder what the purpose of showing us these scenes is," Matsushita pondered. As the screen turned black, possibly preparing for another video, she voiced the question that everyone wanted to ask but didn't have an answer to.


April. The school entrance ceremony. I rode the bus to school, bobbing and shaking in my seat. While I looked idly out my window, watching the city's scenery change, the bus picked up more and more passengers.

Once again, the video persisted in displaying me and my thoughts on the screen. This time, it depicted an event that occurred on the first day of April. This led me to ponder whether the orchestrator of this entire ordeal intended for us to witness my life right from the very beginning.

(AN: Yes)

Curiously, I scanned the room, hoping to catch any signs of questioning from the students. However, it seemed as though they had already abandoned such inquiries. Instead, they watched the video with a sense of resignation, as if they had no choice but to accept it. It appeared that they had either given up on seeking answers or had started to recognize a purpose behind observing my life and thoughts on the screen.

Most of them were young people wearing high school uniforms.

There was also a frustrated salary worker, who looked like the type to have once mistakenly groped someone aboard a crowded bus.

Sudou commented, "Wow, it seems like he's had an incredibly rough day." In response, Ike quipped, "Well, aren't all salarymen like that?"

An unsteady elderly lady stood in front of me, wobbling so badly I thought she was in danger of falling. Considering I'd known how packed this bus would likely be, I supposed I was simply reaping what I'd sown by getting on.

Hirata and Ichinose, the more compassionate individuals, wore frowns upon witnessing the lady's condition. It was evident that their hearts yearned to lend a helping hand if they were aboard the bus.

I was fortunate to have found a seat, but it was still crowded. I forgot about the unfortunate elderly woman and patiently waited to arrive at my destination, my mind clear as a passing stream. The weather was especially fine today, not a single cloud in the sky. It was so refreshing that I nearly fell asleep then and there.

All eyes fixated on me as they witnessed my complete indifference towards the elderly lady on the bus. They couldn't fathom how I could be so nonchalant, as if her struggle was of no consequence to me.

Amikura, filled with confusion, finally mustered the courage to ask, "Why didn't you offer her your seat on the bus?"

"What's worse is that-he completely ignored the thought of the poor old lady and instead focused on how perfect the weather that he nearly fall asleep."
Shibata commented

Ayanokouji was about to say something like "Why?
Is it necessary for me to do so?" but hesitated, as he knows saying something like that would only add fuel to the disapproval of the students. He decided to keep his thoughts to himself, sensing that it would be better not to provoke further judgment.

However, my gentle respite was promptly obliterated.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?"

My eyes, which were about to close, snapped back open. Huh? Could this person be angry with me? But I realized that it was someone else being scolded.

A young, well-built blond man of high school age had sat down in one of the priority seats. The elderly woman stood right next to him, and another woman stood beside her. This second, younger lady appeared to be an office worker.

"Hey, you there. Can't you see that this elderly woman is having trouble?" the office lady said.

She seemed to want the young man to offer up his seat.

Her voice carried quite well throughout the quiet bus, attracting several people's attention.

As the students observed the video, a sense of relief washed over some of them when they witnessed someone stepping forward to assist the old lady, but, upon witnessing the appearance of the blonde guy in the video, the students' expressions shifted to a blend of disgust and disapproval. Most of the first years were well aware of the narcissistic tendencies exhibited by this individual, and they knew that this event won't turn out to be pleasant.

Grumbled Sudou

"That's a really crazy question, lady," the boy said.
I wondered whether the boy was angry, unobservant, or just painfully honest.

"How is that question crazy?!"
Shouted one student

In any case, he grinned broadly and crossed his legs. "Why should I offer up my seat? There's no reason for me to do so."

"Excuse me?" Ibuki interjected. "Shouldn't we be the ones asking you these questions? Why are you seated in the priority seat? There doesn't seem to be any valid reason for you to be occupying it."

Koenji, who was completely engrossed in combing his hair in front of the mirror, retorted with a smug expression, "Well, darling, it's quite simple. I choose to sit wherever I please. After all, I deserve the best seat in the house, don't you think? It doesn't matter whether I'm seating on a normal seat or a priority seat. It's only natural for someone of my caliber to enjoy the finer things in life, no?" His words were filled with an unwavering sense of entitlement, emphasizing his belief in his own superiority.

"What an incredibly rude Kouhai"Tachibana, the student council secretary, muttered silently. Her voice carried a hint of disapproval as she observed Koenji's arrogant and selfish behavior.

"You're sitting in a priority seat. It's natural to offer up those seats to the elderly."

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just that: priority seats. I have no legal obligation to move. Since I'm currently occupying this seat, I should be the one who determines whether or not I move. Am I supposed to give up my seat just because I'm young? Ha! That reasoning is nonsense."

He didn't speak like a normal high school student. His hair was dyed blond, which made him stand out.

Those who were already familiar with Koenji's attitude couldn't help but feel increasingly disgruntled as they witnessed his reasoning for refusing to give up the seat to the older lady. The sight of someone prioritizing their own comfort and entitlement over the needs of others left them with a sense of disappointment and frustration.

"I'm a healthy young person who certainly wouldn't find standing inconvenient. However, I'd obviously expend more energy by standing than I would by sitting. I have no intention of doing such a pointless thing. Or are you suggesting I should act a bit livelier, I wonder?"

The people who heard Koenji's statement couldn't help but react with a mixture of disbelief and exasperation.

"Standing up for someone in need is not a pointless act; it's called empathy, something you clearly lack!" Hondou shouted in frustration.

"You may be physically healthy, but your lack of empathy speaks volumes about your character!" a girl from class B retorted with a hint of anger.

One person cruelly remarked, "Consideration for others doesn't require expending energy; it requires having a heart."

"Your attitude is selfish and disappointing. Basic human decency shouldn't be such a burden for you."

Despite these criticisms, Koenji appeared unaffected by others' opinions. He firmly believed that others' thoughts about him didn't matter and that his own worth remained unchanged.

Ichinose responded to Koenji's reasoning in a calm yet assertive manner.
"Koenji, it's not about whether standing is convenient for you or not. It's about showing respect and consideration for others, especially those who may need it more than you do. Empathy and kindness shouldn't be considered pointless or a waste of energy. It's about creating a supportive and caring community where everyone's well-being matters. So, yes, perhaps acting a bit livelier in terms of understanding and compassion would indeed be beneficial for everyone involved"

Koenji: "Hmp, your explanation holds no weight. I have no obligation to accommodate others when it inconveniences me. Why should I waste my energy on such trivial matters? My priorities lie elsewhere, and I won't be swayed by sentimental arguments. Empathy may be your concern, but it holds no importance for me."
Despite the counterarguments and attempts to appeal to his sense of empathy, Koenji remained steadfast in his belief that he had no responsibility towards others and that empathy was irrelevant to him.

Ichinose, maintaining her composure, responded to Koenji with a strained smile, showing that she understood his opinion but still held firm to her own values.

"I understand that you have your own perspective, Koenji. However, I still firmly believe that what you did was wrong. While we may not see eye to eye on this matter, I hope that someday you can recognize the importance of considering others' well-being and the positive impact it can have on our community."

"Wh-what kind of attitude is that to take with your superiors?" she demanded.

"Superiors? Well, it's obvious that both you and the old woman there been alive longer than I have. There can be no doubt about that. However, the word 'superior' implies that you're referring to someone of a higher position. In addition, we have another problem. Even though our ages are different, wouldn't you agree that you have an impertinent attitude and are being extremely rude?"

While others grudgingly acknowledge Koenji's selfish and arrogant demeanor, they reluctantly admitted that he has a valid point regarding the concept of superiority.

"Well, he does have a point, but..." one person tried to argue, their voice trailing off uncertainly.

"He's clearly trying to provoke the lady," Yukimura interjected, bringing up an aspect that seemed irrelevant to the others. Which caught the attention of every students in the gym.
"Once the lady loses her composure, he knows her ability to reason will be compromised"

"And," Yukimura continued, "if she falls into the trap of losing her composure, it will give him an advantage in the argument. He's counting on her emotional response to distract from the valid points he raised about superiority." With his gaze fixed directly on the boy, Yukimura Kesei uttered these words.

As Koenji heard Yukimura's reasoning, a subtle smile crept across his face while he's combing his hair, confirming that Yukimura's analysis was indeed accurate. His expression revealed that Koenji had intentionally sought to provoke a reaction from the lady.

As Ayanokouji continued to silently observe the unfolding situation in the gymnasium, he couldn't shake off the growing realization that the attention would eventually turn toward him. After all, he also shared a partial agreement with the boy's perspective on the matter of priority seat.
Ayanokouji braced himself for the likelihood of drawing attention and becoming part of the ensuing debate and scrutiny.

Feeling a sense of resignation, Ayanokouji couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Wha- You're a high schooler, aren't you?! You should be quiet and listen to what adults tell you!"

Everyone couldn't help but acknowledge that Yukimura's theory is correct. The lady's emotions had indeed gotten the best of her, causing her to start blabbering in a manner that seemed illogical, akin to the behavior of an irrational adult.

"It's f-fine, whatever..." the elderly woman mumbled.
She apparently didn't want any further commotion and tried to calm the office lady.

Witnessing the scene unfold on the screen, Hirata couldn't help but bite his lips, a mix of emotions welling up inside him. He wished that if he were the one on the bus, he would have readily given up his seat to the old lady.

But after being insulted by the high school student, the younger woman still seemed very upset.

"Apparently, this elderly woman is more perceptive than you, which is nice. Also, I haven't given up on Japanese society yet. Please enjoy your remaining years."

"Wow, I'm glad I'm not on the same class as this guy" Ishizaki let out a snarky remark.

After flashing a pointlessly vigorous smile, the boy slid his earphones in and began listening to rather cacophonous music. The office lady now clenched her teeth in frustration. Though she tried needling the boy by arguing further, his smug, self-important attitude remained fixed.

Observing the turn of events, Ryueen couldn't help but let out a chuckle, finding amusement in the situation. From his perspective, it appeared that the younger woman was now driven by a desire to argue simply because her ego had been hurt.

At any rate, I had to at least partly agree with the boy.

In that moment, as I voiced my partial agreement with Koenji, all eyes abruptly shifted towards me, their expressions silently questioning why on earth would I agree with him. Karuizawa, in particular, wore a disgusted expression.

"I only said 'partly.'"
I reasoned
"My complete thoughts and explanations will be shared later on."

If you ignored the question of a moral imperative, it was true that he wasn't legally obligated to give up his seat

Kaneda said: "True"

"I'm sorry..." Desperately fighting back her tears, the office lady apologized to the elderly woman.

Well, it was all just a minor incident on the bus. I was relieved that I hadn't been caught up in the situation. Honestly, I couldn't care less about giving up my seat for an elderly person.

All the eyes that had previously dispersed now turned back again to me, I chose to remain silent, undisturbed by their judgment. They were free to dislike me as much as they pleased, but ultimately, the decision to relinquish one's seat was a matter of personal choice.

Clearly, the egotistical boy had won. At least, everyone secretly thought so.

"Um... I think that the lady is right."

The woman received unexpected support from someone standing alongside her. The helper, a girl wearing my high school's uniform, gave her brave and frank opinion to the boy.

"Isn't that Kikyou-chan?" exclaimed Ike, pointing excitedly at the girl on the screen. His face lit up with joy as he spotted his crush, Kushida Kikyou.

The students in the gymnasium visibly expressed relief upon seeing Kushida Kikyou appear on the screen. They were well aware of her reputation as a compassionate individual, she would not allow the elderly lady to continue suffering.

Sudou voiced his concerns, saying
"I don't know man"
He continued "Something doesn't seem right to me. I mean, Why would Kushida choose to act only now when she could have easily helped the lady earlier?"

Ike tried to dismiss Sudou's doubts, saying,
"Come on man, you're just overthinking it"

Sudou reluctantly agreed
"guess you're right..."

Kushida's heart raced as she listened to Sudou's words. She felt a surge of panic and frustration. "What on earth is wrong with that red-haired idiot? My heart skipped a beat! If that pervert didn't brush off his opinion and if others start to question my actions, they might see through my facade! I only helped that old lady because Horikita and other students were around. I couldn't risk them questioning my supposedly angelic personality. But honestly, I couldn't care less about that old lady!"

With an angelic smile plastered on her face, Kushida let out an inward exclamation, adeptly concealing her true thoughts.

"And the new challenger is a pretty girl, eh? It would seem that I'm rather lucky with the fairer sex," the boy said.

Koenji's remark about the new challenger being a pretty girl echoed through the room. However, his words were swiftly dismissed by everyone present, as they didn't appreciate his comment given the seriousness of the situation.

"This poor woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time now. Won't you offer up your seat? While you might consider such courtesy unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly to society."

"On what way?"
Himeko asked

"Kushida hesitated, her words stumbling as she seemed unfamiliar with the topic. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she finally spoke up. "Um, well... although it may seem like a minor gesture, offering your seat to an older lady can actually have a profound impact on society. It fosters a culture of compassion and support, where individuals actively look out for one another's well-being."

In which Manabu said in response "While treating everyone equally and fairly is an important principle, selectively offering seats to certain individuals based on our perception of their needs may be perceived as discriminatory or biased. It is more equitable to treat everyone the same and provide equal access to public spaces, allowing individuals to make their own choices regarding seating."

Nagumo, the student council vice president, interjected with a question. "So, am I understanding correctly that you, too, would not offer your seat if you were in Koenji's position, senpai?"

Manabu responded with a concise statement, "I have no comment."

Although he did not provide a direct answer or deny it, Ayanokouji believes that Manabu would still offer his seat to the older lady if the position is changed. His reasoning seems to stem from a broader perspective, considering the societal impact rather than individual perceptions.

Kushida's strained smile faltered, clearly caught off guard by the student council's unexpected retaliation.

"I... I see," she managed to utter, her voice tinged with surprise and slight frustration.

In her mind, Kushida seethed with anger.

Crack! The boy snapped his fingers.

With a flick of his fingers, the Koenji displayed on the screen captivated the attention of everyone, drawing their gaze back to the screen.

"A contribution to society, you say? Well, that is a rather interesting opinion. It's certainly true that offering up one's seat to the elderly could be viewed in such a positive light. Unfortunately, I have no interest in contributing to society. I care only for my own satisfaction. Oh, and one more thing. You're asking me, the one in the priority seat, to give up his spot, but couldn't you simply ask one of the other people seated on this crowded bus? If you truly cared for the elderly, then something like priority seating would be a rather trivial concern, wouldn't you agree?"

"Tsk, I suddenly hated this guy"

Another person replied
"Aren't we all?"

"Although it leaves a sour taste in my mouth, he did raise a valid argument. Priority seats are just seats, and if others genuinely care about contributing to society, they should already have given up their seat to the elderly lady."
Kanzaki remarked

The boy's haughty attitude remained unchanged. Both the office lady and the elderly woman simply wore bitter smiles in response. However, the girl didn't back down.

"Everyone, please listen to me for just a moment. Won't someone give up their seat for this woman? It doesn't matter who. Please."

Kushida's courageous plea resonated with everyone, and they applauded her for speaking up and challenging Koenji. The gymnasium filled with praises from both boys and girls, echoing comments like, "As expected of Kushida-san!"

(AN: This is my own version of "If Hirata says so" :3)

How could someone pour so much courage, determination, and compassion into so few words? That was no simple feat. The girl might have seemed like a nuisance to those around her, but she appealed to the other passengers earnestly and without fear

Ike and Yamauchi were the first to respond to Ayanokouji's thoughts,
"Kushida is never a nuisance, Ayanokouji!" Ike asserted

Ayanokouji, looking bored, responded, "I'm only speaking on behalf of the people on the bus. Besides, my evaluation of her has changed significantly since our first meeting."

'It certainly has,' he thought to himself.
'It typically takes a person between 7 to 17 seconds to form an evaluation based on first impressions. Factors such as clothing, verbal cues, appearances, spoken words and based on how they behave play a significant role in shaping these initial judgments. It's fascinating how these superficial aspects can heavily influence our perceptions. But just with physical appearance it's just a surface level'

Though not in a priority seat, I was near the elderly woman. I imagined if I raised my hand and offered my spot, then the matter would be settled.

"Then why didn't you just give up your seat to the old lady?"
Ibuki felt annoyed by my thoughts, as she expected me to give up my seat to the old lady instead of merely standing by and observing the situation.

"Whether I give up my seat or not, it's up to me to decide"
Ayanokouji retorted completely giving up on what he thought earlier.

However, like everyone else, I didn't move. None of us had thought it necessary to move. The boy's attitude and remarks aside, everyone on the bus had, for the most part, agreed with him

Ryueen laughed, sarcastically commenting on the situation and the collective behavior of everyone on the bus.

"Well, that's a fine example of contributing to and building a great society."

Now, of course, the elderly have undeniable worth to Japan. But we, the youth, will continue to support Japan into the future. Also, considering that our society ages more and more every year, you could say that our youthful value only increases. So, if you were to examine both the elderly and the young and ask yourself which group is more valuable, the answer should be obvious. That's really the perfect argument, wouldn't you say?

,"However, adopting such a perspective and mindset would be morally wrong!"
Ichinose interjected with concern
"I mean think about it!
It would hinder the development of a healthy society that thrives on intergenerational cooperation and mutual respect-a society where the unique strengths and contributions of all age groups are recognized and utilized."

Arisu responded, "Regardless of the moral implications, we cannot deny the fact that Ayanokouji's viewpoint does hold some logical validity Ichinose"

But still, I wondered what the others would do. As I looked around, I saw two kinds of people: those who had pretended not to have heard anything and those who looked hesitant.

Ryueen who after seeing this couldn't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter, his amusement resembling that of a madman. He found it peculiarly amusing how people in society often voiced their support for the care and assistance of individuals with special needs. Yet, when confronted with an actual situation right in front of them, these very same individuals seemed to feign ignorance or hesitate to take any action.

"Equality my ass!!"

However, the girl sitting next to me was different. She alone wasn't swept up by the confusion. Her face remained expressionless.

Ike: "wait, isn't that..?"

Sudou exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. However, the girl in question flinched in annoyance upon hearing him shout her name.

"We can perfectly see myself just fine," Horikita snorted. "And by the way, I would appreciate it if you don't address me by my first name. I don't recall giving you permission to use it," she added, her tone slightly sharp.

While I unintentionally stared at her, our eyes met for an instant. Even without speaking a word, I could tell that we shared the same opinion. Neither of us considered it necessary to give up our seat.

Horikita and I glanced around, expecting people to question us about why we hadn't given up our seats. Surprisingly, there were none. It seemed that they had finally given up expressing their opinions, realizing that the event had already taken place and they couldn't change our stance.

Kiriyama observed, "Well, I just noticed something. Aren't they all from class D?"

A student from class A chimed in, saying, "Well, that's definitely true."

Kiriyama let out a sigh and remarked, "Class D sure has a bunch of troublesome people."

"E-excuse me. You can have mine." Shortly after the girl's appeal, a working woman stood, unable to bear the guilt any longer, and offered up her seat.

"Thank you very much!" the elderly woman said.

After seeing someone else had already offered their seat to the poor old lady, a collective sigh of relief swept through the onlookers. They didn't question anything about the commotion anymore. What's done is done now I guess?

The working woman smiled, lowered her head, and guided the elderly woman to the now-vacant seat.

The elderly woman expressed her gratitude repeatedly, and slowly sat. Watching the scene unfold from my peripheral vision, I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. Soon, we arrived at our destination, and all the high school students began to disembark.

Karuizawa commented, "Watching this, it seems like you didn't care."

I responded, "My thoughts and expression may not reflect it, but I was actually at my limit to give up my seat if the girl hadn't offered hers."

Karuizawa raised an eyebrow and quietly muttered, "Is that so?" She then turned her attention back to the video playing on the screen. It seemed as though she had some doubts about my statement but chose not to inquire further.

As I got off the bus, I saw a gate formed from natural rock waiting just ahead. All the young boys and girls dressed in school uniforms were passing through this gate.

"Man, I still can't forget the feeling when I received the news that I got accepted to this school. It feels like a dream," Yamauchi said nostalgically

"Yes, but they placed you in class D," a class C student remarked, puncturing his excitement. The guy's mood dropped, and he muttered in disappointment, "Yeah, you're right..."

The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders. This would be my school from now on.

Ike sighed, exclaiming, "Man, they really roped us into that propaganda."

Hashimoto chimed in, saying, "Well, to be fair, they're not entirely wrong. The school boasts a 100% employment rate for graduates."

He paused for a moment before adding, "Of course, that is, if you manage to graduate in class A."
Which dampen the mood of every students who's not in class A.

Okay, stop for a moment. Take a deep breath. All right, here we go!


The instant I tried to take my first courageous step, someone called out to me. It was the girl who'd sat next to me on the bus.

"Why did you call out to him Horikita-san?"
Shinohara inquired.

Horikita clicked his tounge in annoyance
"It will be shown in the video"

"You were looking at me. Why?" she asked.
She narrowed her eyes while we spoke.

Unable to comprehend the girl's mindset, Shibata asked Horikita, "Did you call him out simply because he was just looking at you?"

Horikita responded, "Yes. Is there something wrong with that?"

Shibata quickly reassured her, saying, "No, not at all."

"I'm just curious, Horikita. It seems like a minor thing to call someone out for especially when that person didn't even cast a hostile or lewd gaze towards you."
Or so that's what he wanted to say, Shibata refrained from actually uttering those words as she simply shivered at the sight of the girl's aura that she inquired.

"Sorry. I guess I was just interested, is all. I mean, you didn't think about giving up your seat to the old woman, did you?"

"That's right. I didn't consider giving it up. Is there something wrong with that?"

Everyone had the urge to shout "OF COURSE THERE IS!" but they held themselves back. They wanted to observe the opinions of the two individuals on the screen regarding why they hadn't offered their seat to the old lady.

"Oh, no, not at all. I didn't intend to give up my seat, either. In fact, I firmly abide by the philosophy of letting sleeping dogs lie. I dislike trouble."

No one seems to question this as they believe that this is what Ayanokouji Kiyotaka thought but the more perceptive ones were thinking about this more deeply.

' I see. So he deliberately presents himself as less capable or knowledgeable, in order to lower people's guard around him.'

Manabu contemplated the manipulative tactics employed by Ayanokouji, designed to make others underestimate their abilities.

'This strategy enables him to exploit others more easily, allowing him to achieve various goals and gain a significant advantage.'

Manabu thought.

"You dislike trouble? Then I don't think you and I are anything alike. I didn't give up my seat because I thought it would be pointless. That's all."

"She's basically saying the same thing as Koenji"

"But doesn't that seem worse than just not liking trouble?"

Horikita: " It's bold of you to say that, considering that you also have no intention of offering your seat to the elderly lady"

"Perhaps. I'm simply acting according to my own beliefs. That's different from someone who just dislikes trouble, like you. I don't want to spend any time around people like you."

Ibuki retorted "Like you're any better!"

"I feel the same way," I muttered.

"Well, they're both wrong that's the fact" stated Machida

I had only wanted to share my opinion, but I wasn't too keen on going back and forth with her like this. We both sighed and proceeded to walk in the same direction.

As the screen gradually faded to black, signaling the approaching end of the video, a wave of disbelief washed over me. I struggled to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Everything had unfolded so quickly that I hadn't had a moment to process it all. Not only was I troubled by the prospect of my actions being exposed for everyone to witness, but the thought of my innermost thoughts being revealed was even more distressing. I had no clue how this was possible, but one thing remained certain in my mind-I needed to take precautionary steps if any troublesome videos related to "that place" were to be revealed.

Author's Note:
How's it?
Did I nailed the characters thoughts and personality or did I go overboard? Your input is valuable to me, so please let me know what you think!

I know some of you might be thinking, "Why not skip Volume 1 and Volume 2 and jump straight to the intense and important events?" Well, here's the thing: I want to create a reaction fanfic where the cast gets to analyze Ayanokouji's character from the beginning to the end. By including Volume 1 and Volume 2, I hope to make them truly connect with him before the explosive events of Volume 3.

I have so many exciting ideas swirling around in my head (LIKE LITERALLY) for how this fanfic will turn out, and I can't wait to share them with you. Also don't forget to leave a vote or a comment after reading the chapter, it means a lot to me as an author.
Well then, looks like I already said my part, Ciao!

7148 words

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