LoVe bY FoRce

By ashluvtk

4.8K 276 32

Taehyung live with his brother Kim namjoon and brother in law Kim Seokjin, after the death of his father and... More

Before You Read
Character Sketch💠(TAEKOOK)
Character Sketch💠(Others)
Jeon's Palace🏘️
First Meeting with Devil
Devil's Threat
Calmness before the Storm⚡️
My Husband
A Lover??
A new Morning
Power Cut
The Party


277 18 0
By ashluvtk

"Remember me Baby Doll?"

Jeonguk asked averting his eyes to the beauty infront of him.

Tae: "W..why are you doing this" ??"What you want from me please let me go, I want to go b-back home to my huyungie & Jinnie, P-please let me go" .. Tae begged, Tears welled up in Tae's eyes.

Jeonguk: "Don't Worry Baby doll, I'll let you go soon."

He came near to taehyung, getting up from his chair, His lips close to his ears whispering....
"But after taught you a lesson"

Tae: N-no please d-don't hurt M-me.." Tae stuttered but this time due to the close proximity.

Jeonguk didn't reply. Instead he Ordered,
"Jake, Josh You two might leave, and Hobi get everything ready, Understood?"

Hobi: "Yes Master"
The three of them bowed and left from there.

Time skip..

Hobi: "Sir everything is prepared as per you said" Hobi informed

Jeonguk: "Oh so are you ready babydoll to pay for your deeds hmm???

Tae: "What do you mean, please I am sorry please let me go " He cried

Jeonguk: "Didn't I tell you to call this marriage off hmm, now look where we are but it's OK now we have to change few things, You're going to marry but your groom won't be yoongi,"

He looked at Tae for a moment,

Jeonguk: "You're going to marry me" He stated

Tae: "No no no, Are you crazy, why are you doing this to me, w-why will i marry you, please forgive me please please", Tae sobbed hard, tears rolled down his swollen ed eyes,

Jeonguk: "Why am i doing this?, You left the answer on my face just few hours ago, remember??"

Tae: Jeonguk moved his hand to the back of his waist and the next moment there was a gun in his hand and he didn't think twice before, he raised his hand in which he held a gun, he point that gun at Tae and placed his finger on the trigger,

Jeonguk: "I won't ask again, Now shall we?"

Tae: "No"Over my dead body",

Tae whisper-shouted in shock and helplessness,his eyes grew wide and lips parted in surprise as his body shivered. he gulped down the saliva,taking in his first encounter with a gun and it only made him sweat cold.

Jeonguk: "Fine if you want it like this, Hobi ask Jake to finish that Kim Namjoon and his husband... "

Hobi: Yes Master

Tae: No! Stop!" Please Stop him please don't hurt them I beg you please stop him"

Jeonguk: "I will, if you marry me, right here, right now"

Tae: I will, I will do anything please make him stop.... His tears fell on his cheeks,...

Jeonguk: Wise decision" He smirked and motioned Hobi to stop.

Tae close his eyes as he turned his face away. he felt a pang of something,that something was tearing him apart,eating him from inside.His cheeks were wet and his lips and throat were dry.he was looking no less than death itself, pale yet beautiful.

Then without further delay" jeonguk dragged Tae to the living room and raised his brow at the lawyer. Lawyer hand him the papers and they both signed them.

Lawyer: You are now lawfully wedded husband and husband.

Tae: "What was lawful here?" My heart bled as I remembered the dreadful events that happened today. Tears fell down as I peeked at the demon, none other than now my husband. His face was emotionalless as usual, it burnt my heart but I swore, as I looked at the monster who wrecked my life in a second, "I'll burn your entire existence", Next moment I felt dizzy, everything was going black. I felt drained. My head was throbbing and I was exhausted extremely exhausted and then whatever happened next was completely a blur for me.


Tae: I opened my eyes only to shut them again. All the memories of today came rushing back to me and I kept hoping it was a bad dream. I felt myself on the most comfortable surface ever. This isn't my bed. Or could it be?

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room. I sat up quickly when I noticed that oldie sitting on a chair, staring at me.

"What's the time?" I asked him. He didn't reply so I jumped up and ran to him, grabbing his wrist to see the time.I took a breath of relief. It wasn't midnight yet, but.. but.. Hyung and jinnie must be worried for me....i thought,..

Tae: "I need to go"
I mumbled facing the oldie who was sitting on a chair,crossing his ams, with unreadable expessions. Our eyes locked in a snap, he was staring and i was frowning.

Tae: "I said...I need to go" I yelled

Jeonguk: "NO!" he yelled back

Tae: "W-What? Why? I H-have to go, I have to go. I can't St-stay here, My family wil Pa-panic if they don't find me." Tae stuttered

He didn't replied, he got up from his chair and start walking towards the door.

Tae: "See, I don't think you're getting what i'm saying so let me tell you aga...."

Jeonguk : "You're starting to get on my nerves baby lamb, don't anger me more" Jeonguk clenched his fists.

Tae: "Please oldman let me go,I promise i'll not tell anyone whatever happened today,"

Jeonguk listen his little kiddish pleads. Now it was his turn to frown.A single 'NO' was enough if he'd said it in a way to strike fear. he did not know the man standing in front of him wasn't any ordinary man. He was a beast, a heartless monster, renowned for slitting throats in a single, cold-blooded swipe.Never in his life would he repeat himself. His words were stone carved and not even his strongest enemies dared to take them lightly. His men respected him and were ready to die for his command. But for this silly boy, he did. He repeated.

Jeonguk: "NO-MEANS-NO",He growled,

His voice echoed around the room, or maybe it was tae's eardrums vibrating as if an enormous force had hit them. The confidence in his voice melted to the ground when he saw him advancing toward him.

Tae: "Why?" A soft disappointment managed to escape his lips with a shudder.

Jeonguk: "Enough!" he snarled,

Tae flinched.

Standing only a few inches away from Tae, Jeonguk was trying hard to push back the feeling of ripping open someone's head. His head for that matter. Oh! How badly he wanted to shut that pretty little mouth of this beauty, who wasn't tired of disrespecting his word. Again.

Tae felt like a fish out of water. Frightened. Desperate. Struggling for air, which this tall man hovering over her was blocking without even knowing or caring. But that was Tae's least concern compared to how furious this oldie appeared.

Jeonguk:"I know it's against your wish baby lamb, But you can't leave. Not until I'm done with something that i have to do,"

he said with a straight face and perilous gaze, closing whatever distance lingered between them.

Tae felt paralyzed for a moment, but his words hit like bricks in his face. Anger flared up in him.

Tae: "Done what? Raping me?" he snapped instantly, holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

Jeonguk's serious face transformed into something he couldn't believe. He smirked.

Tae: Why? What was so funny?

Jeonguk: "Gud Idea by the way" a stupid almost non existent smirk still plastered on his face, he pinned tae to the door. Looking at him eye to eye.

Jeonguk: "But not now Sweetheart."

He nuzzled in the crook of his neck and inhaled his strawberry fragrance seductively. His hot breath fanned and tingled his skin with no shame. Circling his fingers at the back of his neck, he was marking him with some invisible ink.Tae swallowed his nervousness, only to meet the bubbles in his stomach.

Jeonguk: "Until you beg for it,"

Jeonguk whispers in tae's hair that sent shivers down in his spine.enticing his uncontrolled emotions and setting the whole zoo free in his stomach.His cheeks flushed scarlet. No man ever toched him like that. This guy was testing him. Teasing him.Tae felt ashamed, eyes glued to his feet all the time. Head down. Just like he wanted. He liked it. He was used to it.

Jeonguk: "Now, get out of my way!" he instructed a little brutally.

Tae followed obediently.

He opened the door, rotating the knob to the other side and then turned back one last time, and throw a phone at him,

Jeonguk: "And Yes....Do Inform your family that you will visit them tomorrow with yor husband and don't try to be smart othewise you know what i can do to your family" He said and left the room.

Tae: What? Was that a joke? What will my family think of me?, There were much worse things for me to worry about. Starting with this man. Who actually was he? What did he want? Why did he got married to me? I was scared, Scared of what this man was capable of doing,He is not normal, He has a crazy psycho side which i don't want to mess with.

Everything he thought was a dream was actually a cold reality. A nightmare. Collapsing on the floor, unaware of the tears running down his cheeks and making his clothes all wet. His skin grew pale. A feeling that rose in his chest was something he had never felt. Regret.

Though it wasn't his fault, he felt guilty. Everything was done. And there was nothing he could do to change it. he was scared. Frightened. he felt alone. Helpless. And that was the last thing he wanted to experience. Again. He hold the phone and called his Jin Hyung....



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