The Aura is With Us

By EmpressGeek

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There was no fear, no pain, no sorrow, no war here. Only an overwhelming wave of peace, warmth and comfort. I... More

Chapter 2: A Little Rocket R&R! or it was suppose to be
Chapter 3: When the Past Meets Present
Chapter 4: Faces Old and New
Chapter 5: Lab
Chapter 6: Kalos
Chapter 7: Interlude: Oak
Chapter 8: Pallet Town Here We Come!
Chapter 9: Into the Ink
Chapter 10: A Mother's Memory
Chapter 11: There's a Ninja On Our Roof!
Chapter 12: Back to Kalos!
Chapter 13: Mandy and Eevee
Chapter 14: The Temple
Chapter 15: Escape the Temple
Chapter 16: Lost in the woods (pt.1)
Chapter 17: Lost in the woods (pt.2)
Chapter 18: Lost in the Wood pt3
Chapter 19: Curled Around a Cold Fire
Chapter 20: A Legendary Meeting!
Chapter 21: In the Soft Sea Foam Filled Waves
Chapter 22: Sunny Party
Chapter 23: Let's Battle
Chapter 24: Round One
Chapter 25: Round Two
Chapter 26:Round Three *Confused Explosions*
Chapter 27: That's the show!
Chapter 28: Break Through
Chapter 29: Break In

Chapter 1: Open Thy Eyes The World Needs You

260 4 2
By EmpressGeek

" day we will see each other again..."

He let a tear slip from his eye. The sensation of the droplet rolling down what was left of his cheek felt distant, faded. Everything he felt was there yet dulled, as if a fever had numbed his body. He could barely feel his own breaths anymore. He shut his eyes, and tried to smile. He truly was dying.

"I hope so, my friend."

With that last line, it was over. The thread connecting him to this world, the sensations of the flesh, the act of living, snapped. The earthly chains bent and broke. Whatever soul he had left was sent free, floating on its way to infinity.

Images of the life he had lived flashed before his being. The early years of frolicking in the fields and forest of his parent's land, playing with a young girl of long dark hair and grey eyes, and his first discovery of Aura, were shown in dulled images. The later ones were more vibrant, the days of his early knighthood, the travels he took, the beautiful queen he served, and the Pokémon who stood beside him. He watched them all, each treasured memory. All the way until those final steps into mew's chamber, and then it all faded away.

What did he see then? What did it look like? It couldn't be seen, at least in the way a normal eye could, but it was beautiful. More beautiful than anything. Not even through Aura had he'd seen something this enchanting. There were no words to describe the bewitching vision that death was. But the feeling, that was something he could understand.

There was no fear, no pain, no sorrow, no war here. Only an overwhelming wave of peace, warmth and comfort. Innocent peace and comfort, as if he was once again a newborn babe cradled in the arms of his mother. It felt safe. How long had he'd been here again? A few moments? A few centuries? He couldn't tell anymore.

"I'm sorry, but for the sake of the future, we can't let you rest any longer."

A voice? Who was it? He couldn't tell who it was, recognition didn't come to him. He barely understood what they were saying. Suddenly it felt like the single remaining tether attached to what was ever left of his mortal body tightened and began to pull harshly. Everything rushed past him, but he couldn't see anything beyond this world. It pulled him faster and faster, if wind was something that happened here it would be blasting in his face. Until he was brought to a sudden halt.

And then it all went black.

The warmth was still there. Gentle and comforting. Had he finally arrived? Was this the life beyond the flesh? Was that just the passage between the worlds? His being still felt numb, but vague sensations of something pressing against all sides were there; as if he was encased in something. Sounds were muffled, but there; they almost sounded like voices. Until there was a clear sharp screech, like a frozen lake's surface splitting, that was soon followed rumbling crackle. Then something shattered around him, and the seal was released.

The warmth was quickly vanquished by a chilling draft, like his being was drenched frozen water. It stung; he realized as sensation began to slowly return. Another shattering, and he fell to what could have been a floor. It hurt; waves of tingling pain flowed over his being. He choked down a gasp, making what felt like lungs burn. He choked, coughed, gagged, and dry heaved, struggling to pull air into his body.

He tried to move, but all of the limps he could feel were aching, stinging and burning. Like thousands of flaming needles were boring into him. What was happening? Death couldn't be this painful. Death was supposed to be peace, an end to all pain. This was agony.

"Mew, mew," a voice spoke.

"Just give him a moment," another echoed.

The burning slowly faded, while he laid there panting heavily. But the body wide ache was determined to hold a tight grip on him. Suddenly cold was inside of him, his bones freezing over and blood crystalizing. Shivers rack him, and what felt like a stomach rolled and twisted into a ball of ice. Out of instinct, an arm reached over to cradle his cramping abdomen. The movement didn't feel right, it was shaky, tingling, out of touch, like the limb had fallen asleep.

Eyes opened to a bright, blurry world, which slowly cleared to reveal a jagged stone ceiling. His breathing had slowed to a pace that could be considered normal, and the pain coursing through him dulled lightly. He swallowed down rising bile, as he slowly sat up. Once more, the movement felt unsure, like if he had just broken a fever. A wave of dizziness nearly knocked him back to the ground, but he shut his eyes and breathed through the sensation.

He was in a body. His body. His arms, his legs, and even his hair if the shank of black, almost navy, hair that hung in front of his face was anything to go by. Clothes also seemed to be retained as well, because he was fully dressed in his usual blue and beige uniform, cape and all. Though his gloves were still missing. Which probably wasn't all that strange as he hadn't died with them on.

"Mew, Mew!" Squeaked a familiar pink creature who quickly flew in front of him.

"Mew?" He rasped, before coughing to clear his voice. His mouth was still wet but the throat felt raw, and the sound it made was weak.

The small pink Pokémon at first looked a worried, but after a moment squealed in delight, flying around him. Sir Aaron softly smiled at the Pokémon, clearly, she was happy to see him. But that begged the question how was she seeing him?

How was he alive?

He was still in Mew's Chamber. A quick glance at his surrounding all but confirmed that fact. He pressed a hand against his chest, amazed to feel his own heart still beating. He was supposed to die. He should be dead. How could his heart still beat? How could he hear his own breath? How could he still feel his own aura, flickering and flaring inside of him? This wasn't possible.

Sir Aaron remembered what his own master had taught him, that aura could never be destroyed only used. It was part of the being it inhabited, and could only be freed from the body in two ways. By natural death, when the borrowed life returned to Arceus' hold, or given up. A user could give up their Aura, to bring an end to their lives, causing their bodies to slowly fade away from reality. Choosing to end their time in this life, choosing to pass on; to put it simply, suicide. Even if it was for the greater good.

He sighed; he didn't want think of his possible death like that. He had no choice. Sir Aaron shook his head. No time to contemplate that. He needed to understand how he was here.

He felt alive, but he remembered the pain, the fading of death. Where was that paradise he had been in? How did he end up here? Perhaps, he didn't give up all of his Aura, rather, most of it. Leaving him to collapse and sleep until his Aura restored itself. Bringing him close enough to death to glimpse the afterlife.

If so, then there was another question, how long had he been unconscious?

The chamber had changed from the one in his memory. A few more crystal clusters here and there, and some rocks seemed more worn. Both of these suggested it had been some time since he was last awake. Slowly he rose to his feet. He would need to return to the palace, and explain his actions to Lady Rin, and...Lucario. He needed to free the Pokémon from his staff. Locking Lucario away was supposed to protect him. Now that there was no evident danger and he wasn't dead, the knight needed to free his partner and explain his actions before any more damage was caused.

Mew squealed again, drawing his attention. The knight watched as the Mythical, floated over to another crystal cluster. This one had apparently grown next to him while he was sleeping, and this one, had an interesting, yet familiar shape inside of it. Mew touched the top of the cluster, and the crystals gave a slight shiver, before cracks began to form throughout the gemstone. It was only seconds later, did the cluster split and shatter, releasing whatever was trapped inside, or rather who.

Sir Aaron felt his eyes widen with recognition. The shaking body, that was now laying on the floor, was a Pokémon. A very familiar Pokémon. Pointed ears, a jackal like snout, four appendages that hung from the head like dreadlocks, all within a color scheme of royal blue and black. His breath hitched as he rushed forward; the confusion of his situation completely forgotten. He crouched down, before pulling the struggling-to-breathe Pokémon up into his arms. Shock filled him when the Pokémon didn't disappear as soon as Sir Aaron touched him.

"Lucario," Sir Aaron called out gently, before casting a confused glance towards mew. Though his gaze didn't stay on the mythical for long, as once his student's coughing fit was over, faint, confused, whimpers came from the Pokémon's throat.

"It's alright," Sir Aaron tried to comfort, "You're alright. Just breathe."

As calm and steady his voice sounded, it was only a mask to how the Knight truly felt. Inside he was a swirling storm of confusion, and fear. He didn't know if Lucario was going to be alright, because he hadn't a clue as to what was happening. If he had been in a similar state to Lucario (which Sir Aaron was still unsure if he was) then he had a vague idea to what the Pokémon was feeling at the moment, and that it would eventually ware off.

But how did Lucario even end up in the cluster? How did Lucario come to mew's chambers? How did the jackal Pokémon even know of them in the first place!? Mew's home was known to very few, and even Sir Aaron had only learned of it through rumor. Not knowing if it was real until he actually found mew here. How Lucario would know about it was a mystery, as the knight knew he never even mentioned anything about this to the Pokémon about it.

"Cari...?" It was small and quiet, but it was enough. All thoughts were banished from his mind as he watched the Pokémon's blood red eyes open.

Sir Aaron?

The knight's face split into a relieved smile, once the familiar coarse voice echoed through his mind, "You are unharmed."

He didn't expect what happened next. Tears began to form in Lucario's eyes, before the Pokémon suddenly jumped upward, and wrapped his arms around the Knight, sobbing uncontrollably. Sir Aaron returned the gesture without question, but this just added to the confusion boiling inside of him. While a good friend, Lucario tended to be a serious and stoic fellow, who didn't really enjoy physical affection. Much less be the one to instigate it. And the tears...something must be wrong.

I am sorry master! I am so sorry!

"What? Lucario what could you possibly be sorry for?"

I doubted you master! When you trapped me inside the staff, I blamed you for so long! My anger blinded me! But I understand now! Please forgive me!

Wait, so he had placed Lucario in the staff? ... "Lucario, there is nothing to apologize for. If anything, you're the one who should forgive me. I had to seal you away otherwise..."

I would've suffered the same fate. I know.

Sir Aaron pulled back from the embrace to look at Lucario, "What? How?"

A time flower showed me the way. One grew in mew's chamber, Lucario looked around, in showed me your final moments.

"Not that I'm not overjoyed to see you again my friend, but how are you here? How did you come to be Mew's Chambers?"

Shouldn't you know? Haven't you been watching me from the heavens? Or is that not a possibility in the afterlife?

He opened his mouth but no sound came out. Truth be told, he had no idea. what he remembered of the world beyond, if that truly was the world beyond, wasn't anything more than a feeling. No sights, no sound, only never-ending emotion, "I am not certain," he finally said.

Not certain? Lucario's head tilted to one side.

Sir Aaron shook his head, "The last clear memory I have, before waking here, was of my death. And when I awoke here, you were already present. I wasn't waiting for you, for there was no time for me to wait."

Do you believe us not to be dead?

"I...I do not know...wait, 'believe US not to be dead?' Why would you be dead?"

Lucario swallowed, When I was released from the staff, the current Queen sent me on a mission to the Tree of Beginning. I gave up my Aura to save it.

Sir Aaron grimaced, "Oh, Lucario, the very reason I sealed you away was so that you wouldn't suffer the fate I did."

Lucario's ears drooped, I am sorry master, but it was either me or lose the tree, and Mew.

Sir Aaron sighed, "I wanted to give you a chance to live, but I do understand you had your reasons. You have no need to apologize."

So, are we both dead?

"Once more, I am uncertain. I am breathing, I can feel my heart beating, and I can sense your Aura and mine. If we are, I can't..."

"You are not, you never were," Echoed an unknown voice.

While, familiar with the sensation of telepathy, Sir Aaron still didn't not recognize the voice. His head whirled cautiously around the chamber looking for the speaker, as telepathy gave no indication as to where the user truly stood.

"Mew, Mew!" Mew squeaked.

Mew? Did you call us here? Lucario looked to the mythical.


Lucario looked puzzled, Not by yourself?

"I believe she is referring to me."

Sir Aaron glanced, not to where the voice was heard, but to where he suddenly sensed another aura. A very powerful aura, one that riveled Mew's itself. Floating above him, was another Pokémon. It was large, probably a little taller than he was. Pale lavender to light orchid smooth skin, and violet eyes that seem fixed into a permanent irritated glare. To Sir Aaron, it vaguely resembled mew. One of the same species perhaps?

"Who are you?" Sir Aaron, asked with caution.

"Who I am is not important to you."

Sir Aaron eyed the odd creature up and down. His face hard, and unreadable. Yet, no matter how much he tried to hide it, the creature seemed to know what was going through the knight's mind.

"You do not trust me." It was a statement not a question.

"You bring us here, most likely from the black jaws of death itself, yet you will not say how, why, or who you are. Forgive me for seeming distrustful," the Knight got to his feet.

"You have no reason to trust me, and even if you did, you probably shouldn't trust me anyway."

"Mew! Mew!" Mew jumped in between the unknown Pokémon, and the knight. A pointed glare on her face towards her fellow Pokémon, clearly stating, 'stop scaring them'. The mythical Pokémon floated to the larger double's side, and gestured to confused guardians with her head, as if to say, 'get on with it'. For all Sir Aaron knew, the two Pokémon could have been talking through a closed mind-link.

The unknown Pokémon, rolled his eyes, before speaking once more, "I'm sure are confused as to why and how you are here?"

Something like that.

"Well, let's just say you are the last chance we have."

"Chance?" Sir Aaron raised a brow, "A chance for what?"

"A chance to save the future because if we don't," The Pokémon paused, raising an oddly shaped hand, and eyes beginning to glow.

The chamber began to melt around him. Forming into a type of shrine, that Sir Aaron vaguely recognized. But he only saw it for a moment as the vision suddenly erupted with bright cyan light, with the distant echoing sound of pained screaming voices. Then the chamber slowly returned, as the vision faded.

"It will be the end of everything."

That vision, has it happened? Lucario's blood red eyes gleaming with alarm.

"As of the moment, no. That was merely a possible future. One that we hope to avoid."

"Possible, future?" Sir Aaron said, with great concern, "You have the ability to look into the future?"

"No, I only do the illusions..." The creature eyed Mew in an irritated manner, "...and the talking, apparently," Mew rolled her eyes, "A Celebi, supplied the visions, but she was unable to help any further," The unknown Pokémon continued to explain.

"Celebi?" Sir Aaron questioned, now very concerned. If this 'possible future' had gained the attention of three mythicals (though he still wasn't so sure if this Mew double was a mythical, but Mew seemed to treat him as such, and the use of telepathy was quite telling), it wasn't a laughing matter. The energy in the vision looked frighteningly similar to aura, and if his hunch was right...Sir Aaron hoped he was wrong.

"Mew!" Mew squeaked and nodded.

"How do we prevent this?" The knight asked.

"Are you familiar with the 'Ritual of the Calling', Sir Aaron?"

The knight nodded, "Yes, I have read the scrolls on that. It was a ritual designed for four Guardians to generate enough power to summon Arceus," his head gave a small shake, "It was a fool's plan. Never done successfully."

"Well, in this time..."

This time?..."Wait, hold on," Sir Aaron, said, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Pardon my interruption, but 'this time'? How long has it been since our deaths?"

The unknown Pokémon looked towards Mew, clearly telling her to handle it. Mew's expression turned from irritation into one of a troubled soul, and she slowly floated over to the Aura Guardians.

"Can you understand me?" Echoed a feminine voice.

Mew? Lucario's eyes widened.

"I don't usually use telepathy openly, but I think this situation requires it. I have a lot to explain to you both."

Sir Aaron glanced at Lucario, the jackal Pokémon's attention fully on the mythical in front of them, before turning back to Mew, "How long has it been?"

Mew flinched, "I believe that there is something you should know before I tell you that. You never died."

What? Lucario blinked.

"How is that possible?" Sir Aaron gaped, disbelieving.

Mew glanced at the ground, looking almost shameful, "I intervened, right before you slipped away. Embedding you in the tree's crystal too allow you to heal. I couldn't let you sacrifice yourselves for me. Not when I could save you. Please forgive me."

Sir Aaron stared in shock; he had never died. It took him a moment to comprehend what he had just been told. He had walked into the chamber completely content with the fact that he would never walk back out. He expected that, he accepted that. To hear that it wasn't the truth, threw him off. He wasn't upset with this fact, truly. He had never wanted to die. He just didn't know what to do with this revelation.

Sir Aaron? Lucario, drew him back into the conversation.

"Oh, uhm, no need for apologizes Mew. You save us," He finally replied, still contemplating.

"You might not be so forgiving, once I answer your question." Mew looked away sheepishly.

"I will try to be, now how many years have we've been..." The knight trailed off.

Mew nodded, "I believe the word you are looking for is sleeping. As for the answer, it is a little more complicated than just a mere number, Sir Aaron. You and Lucario have been resting for different amounts of time. Lucario has only been here for a few years, but you Sir Aaron slept through Lucario's entire imprisonment in the staff...You have been here for over 700 years."

The knight's heart might have stopped. Over 700 years had passed. How much has changed? What happened to the world? What was Rota like now? Was Rota even still a kingdom in power? Had there been any more wars? Considering that Mew had waited until now to awaken him, it must have remained somewhat peaceful all that time.

"I know that this is jarring, but we don't have much time." The Unknown Pokémon spoke.

"You could give him a moment, Two," Mew chided, unimpressed.

"I would Mew, but we are on a deadline."

Mew rolled her eyes.

"May I continue with the explanation?"

Sir Aaron only nodded, trying to not look as flustered as he felt.

"As I was saying, in this time a group of humans bent on world domination, known as Team Rocket, have stumbled across an incomplete version of the 'Ritual of the Calling', and plan to go through with it. The vision I showed you would be the outcome if they are left to their own devices."

"That can't be," Sir Aaron shook his head, "The ritual is ludicrous. Even if the scroll they have is incomplete, it shouldn't cause something like that."

"You would be correct, if masters, who could handle the auratic backlash were used in it."

"Pardon?" Sir Aaron raised a brow, not liking where this could be heading.

"During this era, I am not sorry to say, Aura isn't as common as it was in your days. Many of the aura bloodlines from your days have gone dry."

Sir Aaron puzzled over this information. Sure, some times Aura skipped generations, but no bloodline could ever become truly dormant. And that certainly didn't mean that other lines didn't start to show Aura abilities.

As much as he wanted the Pokémon elaborate on that, he had more important matters to attend to, "Then what do they plan to do? Unless they are allies of the Aura Guild, they wouldn't have any access to users otherwise."


Children? Lucario's eyes widened, ears suddenly up and alert.

"I don't believe you understand what I'm trying to say. Perhaps it's better if I just show you," A hand was raised again and the eyes began to glow once more.

Like the previous vision, everything melted away. In place of the crystals and closed in walls, a mirage of open stony terrain forged. Rocky hills and valleys surrounded them, with a peaceful blue sky overhead. Though it didn't remain that way. The echoing sound of frantic footsteps drew their attention. And they were quickly met with...themselves. A young man and a Pokémon. Sure, Lucario's species tended to all look the same, so the similar looking Pokémon companion to the young man didn't shock them. But the young man...

Other than the clothing, which was bizarre to say the least, he was a spinning image of the knight. The blue eyes, the spiky black near navy hair, pale skin, it was all the same. How?

The lucario in the vision growled something,

'I know! Just keep running!', the young man shouted.

The ground around the mirages, suddenly erupted in plumes of flames, and they were both thrown down. The lucario was the first to his paws, his head swirled around and what had them on the run came into view.

Five to six people, all dressing in strange black clothing that was marked with a red 'R', stood not too far from them, a number of fully evolved Pokémon at their sides: Charizard, Nidos, Blastoise, and Gengar. A scandalously dressed woman with tangerine hair, seemingly leading the pack.

The lucario gave a quick concerned glance over to young man, who had yet to get up off the ground, before summoning a bone rush, and taking a stand between his human and their pursuers.

'Take him out," the woman ordered.

And the battle began. While the lucario was clearly skilled in the art of combat, it was still a battle of five on one. Powerful attacks, swatted the poor jackal Pokémon from all sides, and rammed him into the rocky ground. Still the aura Pokémon kept getting back on to his paws, and continued fighting. Eventually, one of the nidos managed to trip him up, sending the bleeding broken Pokémon to the ground, this time he was not able to get back up. The Charizard loomed over him, readying to end it all, but just when they were going to send a blast of burning hellfire down on him, the young man ran in between the lucario and the attack.

But they didn't burn, as the look alike managed to summon and aura field at the last moment to save them. Though, that didn't last long, a combination of well-placed blast attacks, and a dragon claw, made the field shattered. The young guardian screamed in agony as he was thrown back across the stony field. Not just from the impact of his landing, but from the blast of aura that he was channeling zapping back into his body harshly. The body slumped to the ground, unable to move due to the fresh cuts and burns.

'Is he dead?' The woman asked.

One of her grunts walked up to the injured man, and roughly pick up the now limp guardian. Placing two fingers on his neck, the grunt shouted, 'He's got a pulse. A little thready, but he'll make it.'

'Good,' the woman smirked kneeling down to get a closer look at the now unconscious guardian, 'He'll do just fine. Lucky, we got this tip. So, few of them these days, and he's not too bad on the eyes either.'

'Think he'll know about any others?' the grunt asked.

'Well, if not, I'm sure we'll find more, sooner or later,' She hummed, before messing with the odd, now tattered and burnt, blue coat. Eventually pulling out a small card; its edges freshly singed, 'Maybe sooner than we think.' She stood up, 'Take him to the chopper, and grab the mutt too, Giovanni might need him.'

The vision began to fade. The horrifying images, slowly trickling away. Sir Aaron and Lucario stood there in shock.

Was that real? Has that happened? Lucario turned towards the mythicals present.

"I'm sorry, but at this point in time, that vision was real."

"Who was he?" Sir Aaron asked, staring at the now bare ground where the mirage of his fellow guardian had laid, broken and bloodied.

"His name is Riley. He's your nephew."

Sir Aaron whirled around, eyes wide, and breath hitched, "He's my what?"

"You had a younger sister, correct?"

Sir Aaron nodded.

"According to Celebi, she was married off not long after your disappearance. The young guardian is her direct descendant."

Once more the knight didn't know what would do with the given information. His first reaction was denial. Emily had been rebellious by nature ever since she was a child, finding the things that society deemed appropriate for a woman of her age and class boring. Preferring to do things that was typically considered too rough for girls. She had especially never been interested in marriage, and she would often run away from home whenever a suitor came to ask for her hand. He knew of these antics as whenever she ran away, she would come to Cameron Palace to see him.

His next feeling on the matter, was guilt. She had stated a number of times that she would've rather become a Knight, even though he had told her that wouldn't be possible, as no one would accept a girl for a squire. Emily had always fixed a pointed glare at him whenever he told her this, and then proudly stated, much to their mother's horror, that she would dress up as a boy if she had too. In a way he was the reason that she finally submitted to her given role, and not tried to follow her dream. She'd run to him if she ever needed an escape. When he was gone, she didn't have anywhere to go. Sir Aaron knew that she wouldn't have been happy married.

Then came the shock of reality. She had married, and bared whoever her husband was a child. A child who had grown and bore children of their own. This cycle would continue until now, when the young man, Riley, was alive. And the resemblance between the two of them...there was no denying the blood they shared.

"As I have said, the aura bloodlines of your era, have long lost their gifts. However, there is one exception, yours. Your bloodline, is the only one surviving until this century. Of course, it wasn't untouched by time's hand, as only three of them now carry the gift. But Team Rocket won't stop until they have all of them."

They plan to use them in the ritual. Lucario concluded.

The mew look-alike, nodded, "They already have Riley, the eldest and the one with the most training regarding his ability. The other two," He turned to Sir Aaron, "Your niece and direct descendent, are another story."

"Direct Descendent?" Sir Aaron took a step back, "That...that couldn't be, I...I never..."

"Being revived after centuries of sleep, can muddle with memories," Mew chimed in rather quickly, "You may not recall, or you may have never known but we do have confirmation, that you did father a child."

Sir Aaron rubbed the side of his head, feeling a headache settling in, and sighed.

Master? Lucario chided, seeming concerned.

"I'm alright," The knight turned to the mythicals, "What must we do?"

"Find the remaining children, and teach them. If they have basic understanding of their powers, it should stop the ritual from being so destructive if the worst comes to pass. And if it is possible rescue Riley."

Do you know who or where they are? Lucario said with slight urgency.

"All we know of the girl is her name, Amanda Gen, and that she is Riley's younger sister. Her location has been a mystery to us ever since she escaped Team Rocket's first attempt to capture her."

"Which is a good thing, really. If we can't find her, likely Team Rocket can't either."

"And my...descendent?" Sir Aaron, asked the word feeling foreign on his tongue, but never the less he was starting to feel concern for what was most likely his only remaining family, "Do you know of his name?"

The unknown Pokémon, raised a hairless brow, before answering, "Ash Ketchum."

Lucario's ears pricked up even higher, and his eyes became as large as dinner plates, did you say his name was Ash?

"So, you do have history with him," The creature turned to Mew, "You weren't lying."

Sir Aaron immediately concluded that he was missing some information, and turned to his partner, "Lucario?"

When I was first released from the staff, there was a boy, an Aura user. Untrained but...Master, his was an almost exact copy of yours...Lucario's gaze went to the floor, I never made the connection...

"Lucario, you are correct," Mew said, "The boy who helped save me is Sir Aaron's descendant. Of course, he is a few years older since you last saw him."

"Not that this revelation isn't interesting, but we are limited on time."

Sir Aaron was definitely getting a headache, "I apologize if this takes a moment," he took a deep breath, "Do you know where he is?"

"Yes, I keep track of his whereabouts. He's currently in the Sinnoh region."

Sir, Aaron raised a brow, "Sinnoh Region?"

"What you would know as the Hisui Kingdom."

Sir Aaron tried not to look shocked. He had been to the Hisui Kingdom. In fact, that was where the Aura Guild was stationed and ruled; being the birth place of Arceus and aura it was the natural choice. It was where he had been sent to train as a young boy before becoming a squire. The name change was concerning, as that could mean that a new power could've claimed the kingdom's land.

"That's an awfully long way from here. Do you have a way for us to get to him?"

The unknown Pokémon smirked, "I was hoping you would ask."

Then the world went white.


Here's a chapter early. Does this seem in character? Could you all understand all the different telepath users? Was the pacing alright? I was worried about these things.

Few things I forgot to mentation last chap.

1) This fic was planned out before I learned about Cassidy leaving team rocket, so she's going to be here because I'm too lazy to find another team rocket character to fill her role

2) Gen was Riley's Japanese name so I decided to use it as his last name in this.

See y'all next time.

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