Silver Blood

By ChavonPowell

161 41 7

The story of Peter Allen the Wolf. Sixteen year old Peter Allen must somehow survive the task of finally lear... More

Ch.1 The Boy from the City
Ch. 2 He Needs to Know
Ch.3 The Good Boy Is Really Bad
Ch.4 The Old Barn And To Much Pain
Ch.5 Shifting Roots
Ch.6 Work Day
Chapter 7 First Day of School

Chapter 8: Mate!

3 1 0
By ChavonPowell

Dixie howled in pain as her wolf body collapsed at the edge of a small stream. Waves of pain and heat washed over her. She could smell wolves all around her. Her scent was now attracting the attention of everything around her. Slowly she pushed herself up. Her mind set on reaching Colton’s barn. The sheep would help cover her scent and hopefully Colton would help her just this once. He wasn’t as mean as the rest of the wolves. He ignored her but he never said or did anything to hurt her.

She felt her body sway and she paused to clear her blurred vision. She could see the fence surrounding Colton’s field. She let out a short breath. Her mind racing to find a way in. She wouldn’t be able to jump it like usual and if she shifts to her human form now her body wouldn’t be able to stay conscious. Slowly she started following the fence looking for holes or weak spots. She could smell the sheep, the wet musky scent of live prey. If she hadn’t of ran into her father and his gang of rouges she wouldn’t have been in this situation. They could smell her change in status. Peter had accepted her as his mate. Not vocally or clearly, but his actions and the way he looked at her. She shivered as a wave of pain washed over her. Everything blurred in front of her. She crumpled to the ground and the dark void of unconsciousness took over. The barking of a dog the only thing she could focus on.

Peter flinched in the seat and Colton felt the hair on the back of his neck rise. The driveway came into view but the sound of Misty barking in the trees made Colton feel uneasy. He pulled over and cut the engine. Misty was barking and growling not far from where Colton’s fence should be. Peter flinched again and held his stomach. His eyes flashed at Colton and Peter fought hard to keep his body from shifting. Colton quickly open his door and jumped out. He rushed to Peter’s side and yanked the door open.

“Get out before you rip my truck to shreds. I can smell it.” Colton growled also fighting his body.

Peter tried to ask what he smelled but a low growl escaped his throat and Peter doubled over with a wave of pain in his stomach. Colton grabbed Peter by the back of his neck and pulled him from inside the truck. Peter hit the hard dirt road with a grunt and he lost control. His wolf took over and his large silver body stood watching Colton. The scent of Dixie hit him hard and he dashed into the thick brush and trees. His ears following Misty’s bark and his nose following Dixie’s scent. Something is wrong he could feel it. His mate is in danger.

Colton quickly shifted into his wolf and followed Peter. His smaller wolf trying hard to stay on Peter’s heels. The scent of rouges was quickly getting closer and the problem with that is Peter. The scent of a new wolf confused Colton. It smelled like Dixie but her scent is missing something, at the same time he could smell her heat.”

Colton felt Luna and he immediately reached out for her. “Where are you? Dixie is going through heat and her scent is changing rapidly.”

“I just left your house. I will be there in a minute.” Luna said in a flat tone.

Colton growled low at the sight before him. “Rouges and a lot of them. Be careful.”

Luna didn’t answer but her howl from the fence line let him know she was just as angry.

Peter let his wolf completely take over when the sight of Dixie and her condition appeared before him. Misty stood over Dixie’s beaten and naked human body, barking and growling at the wolves slowly walking the fence line. Peter could feel his fur stand on end and his ears flattened on his lowed head. His teeth dripping with saliva as he growled deep in his chest. His muscles tightened and tensed with the intensity of his anger.

Callum Jones. Leader of the pack of rouges, and Dixie’s father. His dull fur looked matted and his think frame made him look more dog like than wolf. His small group of followers didn’t look much better. Callum growled and began circling Peter. Peter didn’t give Callum a chance to make the full circle. Peter launched his full weight into the tackle. Teeth and claws dug into flesh. Peter latched on to Callum’s neck. Increasing the pressure with a sharp shake of his head. Colton quickly shifted to his human form and gathered Dixie’s unresponsive body in his arms. He watched Peter and Callum roll on the ground. Luna finally showed up in her wolf form her eyes met Colton’s before swinging to Peter. His silver wolf is large. Twice the size of Callum and possibly larger than Ray.

“Put her on my back. She will be safe at your house. I’ll watch over her. Peter needs back up, the others are moving in.” Luna rushed Colton.

Colton nodded and gently laid Dixie’s body on Luna’s back. He shifted back to his wolf and nuzzled Luna’s neck before they both dashed in separate directions.

Luna set a quick gentle pace back to the house and Colton leaped into the path of growling rouges. The sounds of growls and vicious fighting fill the air around them. Wolves rolled in every direction. Two against six proved to be a challenge. Colton yelped as two wolves snapped at his legs and tail. Blood now trickled from wounds on all the wolves. Peter didn’t care he grabbed a small wolf by his neck and the crack of bone filled his ears. He opened his muzzle and let the wolf fall limp to the ground. Callum growled and they began circling each other once more. This time Callum launched his body at Peter. Two other wolves joined and Peter felt their combined weight. They all rolled. Peter locked his jaw on Callum’s ear. Callum frantically twisted trying to sink his teeth into any part of Peter he could reach. The other two wolves snapped and ripped at Peter’s sides and back legs. Peter spun and twisted trying his best to keep them from latching on.

With one wolf dead five remained. Colton ripped into one wolf opening his neck and severing his windpipe. Blood filled the air and the other hesitated when Colton swung his head around to face him. They growled and circled watching for the others next move. A loud yelp and  sudden silence caught their attention.

All eyes fell to Callum who lay on the ground in his human from holding the side of his bleeding head. Peter let the ear fall from his mouth to the ground at his front feet. The four remaining wolves looked terrified. Peter connected with them all through his link. “Leave and never come back! I will kill you all.”

Callum paled and quickly scrambled to run away. The three still in wolf form quickly trotting behind him.

Peter looked over his shoulder at Colton and let his body shift back. Exhaustion and the amount of cuts along his body draining him of the energy he just had. Colton understood and he quietly made his way back to his truck. Peter needed clothes and rest. A wolf that large and powerful surprised a lot of wolves today.

Peter sat on the ground. The two dead wolves now back to human form made his stomach queasy. He felt like he would throw up. He killed one. His eyes darted to the mangled neck of the rouge. He felt his stomach tightening and his throat burned. Quickly he crawled over to a bush and emptied his stomach. The smell of blood made Peter even more sick. He sat back on his heels and let tears fall from his eyes. The sick feeling washed over him. The scene of his parents deaths flashed before his eyes and Peter let his head drop. He closed his eyes and let the memory wrap itself around him. The small silver lines of blood along his skin the only proof he was injured. With a shower that would be gone.

Peter didn’t hear Colton walk up and he flinched when Colton laid a shirt over his bare back. Peter looked up to find Colton’s worried eyes on him.

“The first time is always the hardest.” Colton said realizing that Peter just made his first kill.

“Where is she?” Peter asked with a pinched voice.

Colton held out a pair of shorts. “Luna took her to the house. She’s safe.”

Peter nodded and quickly pulled the shorts on. He cleared his throat and walked back to the truck Colton following closely.

The drive to the house was silent and dark. Peter’s mood swung back and forth from sad to angry and sometimes happy. Colton could feel his aura flexing with each mood. He parked the truck and smiled slightly at Luna who stood on the porch. Her hair a red mess of tangles and her sundress wrinkled. Colton released the breath he was holding and felt his heart beat stronger. She is more beautiful now than ever. His very own personal angel he will love for the rest of his life. His mate.

Peter stiffly opened the door and slid out of the truck. His muscles felt like bricks but he has to see her. He needed to make sure she is okay with his own eyes. His mate is inside and he wanted to be with her. Peter moved slowly and Luna frowned with concern.

“Are you hurt?” She asked, gently touching his arm when he quietly passed by.

“No.” Peter mumbled and walked into the house.

Luna and Colton stood on the porch watching him. He looked tired and ready to pass out. Colton cleared his throat. “How is she?”

Luna looked at the floor. “She was beaten badly. Most of her bones were broken but they are quickly healing. Not as fast as I would like, but she should be fine tomorrow. I’m afraid she will have nowhere to go. She is a part of a pack now. The pack bond is painful by itself, but add the heat to that and the pain must have been doubled. She was beaten by her father on top of all that. I feel very sorry for her Colton.”

Colton nodded. “We will have to take her to Ella’s place. She can’t go back to her father, and I can’t risk her being here because of Peter.”

Luna looked into Colton’s eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. “Ray will kill her if he knows Peter has a mate bond? This makes Peter a pack leader and Dixie a Luna. He can’t claim a territory that’s already taken, unless he takes a pack as his own and kills the original Alfa.”

Colton shook his head. “Ray is an Alfa without a mate , and he is weak. He fears Peter and he will be most troubled now that Peter has a mate.”

Luna nodded and they made their way into the kitchen. Colton quickly explained what happened and told her about the two dead wolves. She felt horrible for Peter but happy he was unhurt and strong enough to take down rouges. Most new wolves wouldn’t be able to take on one wolf.

Peter stepped into his room. Dixie lay on his bed covered in his thick quilted blanket. Her jet black hair spread around her in waves. Peter couldn’t breath. She is so beautiful and perfect. Her long lashes brushed her smooth cheeks. Her pink lips parted slightly as she slept. He walked over and knelt by his bed. His fingers itched to touch her cheek, but he held back. He studied her face and leaned closer feeling drawn to her lips. He looked at her lips and swallowed. He wanted to kiss her so bad. He leaned down closer. He could feel her breath on his cheek.

She gasped and they both moved away. Her eyes wide and locked on his. He smiled nervously and shifted his weight to sit on the floor. They quietly just stared at each other. She finally relaxed and snuggled deeper into bed. They softly smiled at each other and Peter lay back on the floor his body finally making one last protest for rest. He let his eyes drift shut as he fell asleep.

Dixie watched him fall asleep on the floor. She felt safe and confused. Her body felt heavy and weak so she also let her eyes drift shut. Sleep took over quickly.

Luna stuck her head in the door and smiled. Peter lay stretched out on the floor and Dixie slept soundly in the bed. She giggled softly and left to get another blanket for Peter. She hurried down the hall to the living room and grabbed the small blanket off the recliner. Smiling to herself she made her way back to Peter’s room. Colton might get upset about Dixie being in Peter’s room, but if it were her she would want to be in Colton’s room. She spread the blanket over Peter and quickly left. Everyone will be hungry when they wake up and she is determined to have a lot of food ready for them. She laughed at Colton asleep in the rocking chair on the porch. His handsome face looked soft and sweet.

Dixie woke up with the smell of fried chicken. Her stomach growled and she slowly sat up. Her body felt much better and she could easily move around. She looked down at Peter asleep on the floor. He looked so innocent and soft. His relaxed face so handsome and inviting. She knelt on the floor with the pillow at her side. Softly she slid her hand under his cheek and gently tried to pick his head up. His eyes blinked open and she gasped pulling her hand away and dropping his head. His head hit the floor with a light thud.

He grunted and sat up slowly. “Hey.”

“I. I’m sorry. I. I just wanted.” She stammered holding the pillow up slightly for him to see.

Peter smiled. “Next time just wake me up.”

She dropped her eyes and blushed. “Next time?”

Peter smirked. “Yeah next time.” He reached up and touched her cheek bringing her eyes back up to meet his.

They both jumped and faced the door with surprise at the sound of Colton clearing his throat. His deep voice held a slight warning. “Food is ready come eat.”

Peter and Dixie chuckled when Colton turned to walk away mumbling something about kids and pups.

Peter grabbed Dixie’s hand and stood up bringing her up with him. “Lets go eat. Can’t let my girl starve.”

Dixie froze. She tugged at her hand and Peter turned back to look at her. Her voice trembled. “Your girl? You’re not going to reject me?”

Peter looked confused. “Reject you? Why would I do that? You are the most beautiful and smart girl I know. What do you mean by that?”

She let her eyes drop to the floor. “I’m the daughter of a rouge and an outcast. No one would want me as their mate. I will make you look bad.”

Peter felt his anger return slightly. “Who ever told you that should die. I’ll kill them myself. You are mine and I won’t let you go. Mate or not I want you by my side.”

Dixie gasped and let Peter lead her to the kitchen table. She felt Colton’s eyes on her, but Peter refused to let her hand go. Even after Luna asked the goddesses blessings and food was piled on her plate by him, he still held her hand. Luna watched Peter and knew exactly what he was going through.

“Peter let the girl eat.” Colton said suddenly.

Peter looked up and then back to Dixie and she blushed. He looked confused and Luna caught his attention by pointing at her hand. Peter suddenly realized he was still holding Dixie’s hand and slowly let her go. Colton laughed and winked at Dixie who blushed even more. Everyone ate in silence, passing knowing smiles around the table.

The orange light, from the setting sun filtered into the room, giving Peter a warm feeling. He relaxed and smiled softly at Dixie. His mate. The girl who is the perfect match to him in every way. Dixie erased any and all memories of his past girlfriends. He couldn’t even remember the last girls name now.

Peter’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He ignored it and raised the drumstick to his mouth. Before he could take a bite the hair on the back his neck stood on end and he felt the clash of another Alfa’s aura.

Dixie stiffened and Colton quickly stood up. “Luna, take them to their room. I’ll talk to Ray.”

Luna frowned. “He’s going to find out the truth sooner or later. Peter is an Alfa and has a pack now. He has a say now.”

Colton shook his head. “He shouldn’t have two fights in one day. He just stared school! How can he be anywhere close to being qualified for a leadership position at this point.” He ended with a harsh yell.

Luna looked stunned. “Colton. I’m not going to sit here and be yelled at. You can try to hide Peter, but it won’t help him. I don’t think I can help you anymore. Young or not Peter is Silver Blood and he is a king of sorts and that alone scares me.” Luna looked at Peter with sad eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m going home. Goodnight.” Luna bowed her head and quickly left.

The knock on the door made Dixie jump. Peter held her hand and pulled her up with him. “We will be in my room when you get done.”

Dixie relaxed and leaned into Peter. He squeezed her hand and they quickly went to his room shutting the door.

Colton moved slow. Ray stood on the porch looking at the barn. Colton walked out and looked out at the barn, not really seeing anything.

Ray’s voice sounded flat and less powerful than before. “Where is the Alfa?”

Colton looked over his shoulder at the door. “He is tired. We fought some rouges and it took a lot out of us.”

Ray rubbed his chin. “He is overpowering my rank and I don’t like it. I want to kill him.”

Colton nodded. “I can’t let you do that Ray. He is an important one. Let him be and I’ll make sure he doesn’t try to take your pack.”

Ray raised an eyebrow. “My pack? Are you not in the pack? Our pack is on weak ground because of your brother’s son. Send him back or get rid of him. I don’t want to see him.”

Colton turned to face Ray his expression serious. “He ripped a Crafts ear off today. I’ve never seen anyone hurt a Craft no matter how strong and yet, Peter ripped off an ear. The boy is strong and has a level head. Don’t risk the lives of the pack. Peter has the power to kill everyone.”

Ray let out a deep breath. “All the more reason to kill him. Do your duty and protect your own pack. That is an order!”

Colton nodded. “Yes, Alfa.”

Colton watched Ray walk back to his tiny sports car and leave. Misty slowly made her way onto the porch. Her back leg held up in the air. Colton let out a breath and knelt down to pet her head. She whined and tried to pull away when he ran his hand over her back leg. He shook his head and quickly jerked her small joint. The pop it made as the joint slid back into place made Colton cringe. Misty crawled to her small bed beside the rocking chair and was asleep in minutes.

Colton sat in the rocking chair and slowly rocked back and forth. The Alfa command not having any affect on him. He let his mind wonder. The sky growing darker with only the stars lighting the yard. Colton felt peaceful and restless at the same time. Tomorrow will be better. Maybe.

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