Classroom of the Elite Reacti...

By kiyopooooonn

55.3K 1.7K 859

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the ship disappears. Gone. Except for the students of Metropolitan Advanc... More

Prologue 2
Chapter 2: Welcome to the School Life of Your Dreams
Chapter 2.1: The S-system and Introduction
Chapter 2.2: Convenience store
Oneshot: Satou x Ayanokouji
Chapter 2.3: Freedom Monologue
Oneshot: Ayanokouji x Horikita

Chapter 1: The Structure of Japanese Society

6.3K 241 58
By kiyopooooonn

I know this is kind of sudden, but, please, it will only take a moment. I want your honest opinion.

A voice emerged from the screen, capturing everyone's undivided attention. It was not a voice that was spoken out loud, but instead the speaker's thoughts describing some sort of things from their own perspective. This makes everyone wonder as to how it could be possible that they could hear the innermost thoughts of the speaker's in the screen. While those who recognized the voice swiftly identified the identity of the speaker.

Kushida's exclamation rang out through the classroom, causing everyone in Class D to snap their attention towards the screen. They soon realized that the person speaking on the screen was none other than their fellow classmate, the reserved and enigmatic Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who typically sat quietly at the back beside Horikita.

"Who now?"

Shinohara: "Ah, that gloomy guy in the back of the class"

The individual in question maintained his usually stoic poker face, seemingly unfazed by the unexpected turn of events. It was as if the situation hadn't caught him off guard at all, or perhaps he had anticipated it beforehand. Regardless, it was evident to everyone that he had no intention of engaging in a discussion about the current circumstances.

"More importantly why can we hear what he's thinking on the screen?" somebody finally asked the question that's been weighing on everyone's mind

Naturally, no one could fathom an explanation for this peculiar phenomenon. It had all occurred so abruptly - the vanishing of the teachers and staff during our special exam in the middle of the sea, followed by an unexpected turn of events where my thoughts and life played out on the screen before us. It was utterly bizarre, and I could sense that everyone shared the same perplexity. And I couldn't help but notice Horikita's inquiring gaze fixed upon me, probably trying to question me as to if I have any idea, who knows why are you asking me? I had no inkling whatsoever as to why any of this was happening.

Are people equal or not?

As each person hears my thoughts, they all bear the same "?"-a question mark hovering above their heads, likely surprised by my abrupt inquiry about the essence of life.

They all turned their heads towards me, perhaps in search of an answer as to why I would contemplate such matters.
I simply shrugged my shoulders, as if to convey that I, too, am uncertain. After all, don't people occasionally ponder the meaning of existence?

"W...well, I didn't anticipate delving into such philosophical thoughts like this, but as much as I like to think that everyone should be equal, to answer your question Ayanokouji-kun, no we are not equal," Ichinose remarked with a strained smile appearing into her face.

"Kuku, I didn't expect to hear those words coming from your own mouth, Ichinose. Knowing you, I thought you would outright deny it and assert that everyone should be equal," Ryueen sneered.

Ichinose replied firmly, "Ryueen-kun, I am well aware of the distinction between facts and fiction. Just because I may appear to be a dreamer does not mean I lack the ability to discern the truth. Underestimating me would be a grave mistake."

Ryueen chuckled with an air of amusement, "Hoh, is that so?"

A proper society will constantly strive for equality. There are those who clamor for men and women to always be considered equal. As a result, we raised the employment rate for women, we made specialized subway cars only for women. Sometimes, women will even argue over the order of names in a family register. The public opinion of people with disabilities has also changed. We're now told that we should not use the term "disabled people" when referring to them, so as not to discriminate.

Numerous students nodded in agreement upon hearing this, they all acknowledged the difference of contemporary society from the past. People today actively strive for equality, seeking a life that is fair and just for all. The transformation in societal norms is so profound that uttering remarks once considered acceptable but now regarded as offensive can even lead to imprisonment.

Manabu Horikita: "While striving for equality is crucial, we must consider the potential negative effects of certain measures taken in its pursuit." He further elaborated, "Although efforts like increasing the employment rate for women and providing specialized subway cars are commendable, it's important to recognize the potential drawbacks. True equality should prioritize equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender or abilities."

Nagumo attentively listened to Manabu's viewpoint and offered a contrasting perspective firmly grounded in reality. "I understand your point, senpai. While the pursuit of equality is indeed important, we cannot overlook the realities and complexities of our society. The measures mentioned, such as increasing the employment rate for women or creating specialized services, are responses to pre-existing gender disparities and deeply ingrained societal norms."

He continued, "In our quest for equality, we must navigate the delicate balance between addressing immediate needs and striving for long-term societal transformation." Nagumo concluded, "By embracing the intricacies and nuances of our reality, we can make substantial progress toward a future that is truly equitable for all."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards the two influential individuals at the center of attention. A palpable tension filled the air, creating an atmosphere that was both captivating and enigmatic.

Sotomura, fueled by curiosity, couldn't help but voice the question that lingered within the minds of everyone present. "What is this strange atmosphere?"

Katsuragi, his face reflecting a mix of awe and reverence, observed the two figures before him with amazement. These weren't ordinary students; they held the esteemed positions of student council president and vice president, embodying power and influence within the school. Their presence alone demanded respect and attention, but it was their divergent views on equality that amplified the significance of this encounter.

It was only when the video in the screen started playing that the strange atmosphere resided.

Nowadays, children are taught that all people are created equal.
But is that true? I have my doubts.
If men and women have different abilities, then their roles should also differ. People with disabilities are still disabled, no matter what polite euphemisms you use. No matter how you try to avert your eyes, the meaning of the word does not change.

Upon hearing Ayanokouji's profound monologue, Ichinose couldn't help but wear a pained, sorrowful smile, acknowledging the undeniable truth in his words. Regardless of our attempts to deny it, true equality remains elusive in this world. It's
a difficult reality she struggles to accept.

So, my answer would be, "No, we are not equal." To be human is to be unequal. Equality does not exist

"Yes," Ichinose interjected "we are not equal as humans. Inequality is an inherent part of our existence. That can't be change" "However," she added, "that does not mean we should simply accept inequality either. Instead of solely focusing on the elusive goal of equality, something that is not possible to achieve, we should just shift our focus towards pursuing equity more" From her perspective, equity offers a more just approach by recognizing the unique circumstances, capabilities, and needs of individuals. Its aim is to provide fair opportunities and resources, mitigating the effects of inherent inequality. "By embracing the pursuit of equity, we can strive to create a society where everyone has a genuine chance to flourish, regardless of their inherent differences." she concluded.

???: Fufu, Ichinose, isn't it?
What a splendid way of thinking.

The petite girl with lilac hair enthusiastically applauded Ichinose's profound thoughts on equality.

Long ago, in a bygone era, a great man said that heaven does not set one man above or below any other. However, he did not necessarily adhere to the idea that everyone is equal. Did you know that there is more to that famous passage? The rest goes like this: Everyone is equal when they are born, so I ask, why do we see differences in position and status?

Manabu: "That's a very interesting and thought-provoking question. Perhaps it's because as we grow and develop, we acquire different knowledge, skills, and experiences that shape our paths in life. Education, for instance, plays a significant role in creating a difference."

And it continues: Do you or do you not encourage learning to create a difference? So then, education creates an imbalance. The point's spelled out there, in the incredibly famous work Gakumon no Sume. Even though this is the year 2015, the modern era, nothing about these teachings has changed. The situation has only grown more complex and fraught.

Nagumo acknowledged, "What Manabu senpai said and Ayanokouji-kouhai thought holds true. It implies that education, in itself, has the potential to create an imbalance in society.nThe passage reminds us that while equality exists at birth, societal factors such as education and social hierarchies can shape and perpetuate differences. It suggests that we need to critically examine and address these issues to create a more equitable society."

"Hey Ike," Sudou asked his friend, uncertainly.

"Yeah?" Ike replied.

"Do you understand what Ayanokouji is saying?" Sudou inquired.

"I have no idea, man. Ever since this whole equality talk started, I'm completely lost. But let's just pretend we do," Ike suggested.

Sudou nodded hesitantly in response but couldn't help but ask further.

Sudou: "Isn't it amazing how Ayanokouji knows all of this stuff? I mean, I thought he was just as clueless as us."

Yamauchi, feeling the need to assert himself, interjected.

Yamauchi: "Don't lump me with you guys. What's with getting impressed by something so basic? It's common knowledge."

He proudly declared, despite not actually knowing or understanding anything about the topic at hand.

Karuizawa, finding an opportunity to engage in conversation with Ayanokouji, took the chance to speak
"I didn't take you as the kind of person who often ponders in philosophical thoughts like that."

Ayanokouji, in his usual calm demeanor, responded.,"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You," Nagumo said, pointing his index finger towards the brown, emotionless boy. "Ayanokouji, right? You're quite an interesting kouhai. Tell me, what class are you in?" he asked.

"It's Class D, senpai," Ayanokouji calmly replied.

Nagumo's expression turned to one of surprise and disbelief. He hadn't expected someone from a class filled with perceived defects to come up with such a profound response. He assumed the boy must be from a higher-ranked class like B or A, not realizing he was at the very bottom.

"Interesting," Nagumo thought to himself. "I'll remember you, kouhai."

In any case, we are human beings. We are living, thinking creatures.
I don't think it right to simply say that we are unequal and then live our lives based on pure instinct. In other words, though "equality" is a complete lie, we cannot accept inequality, either.

Everyone agreed.

Right now, I'm trying to come up with a new answer for humanity's eternal question.

After the whole ordeal took place, Ryueen finally decided to break his silence and engage in conversation. His attention shifted towards me, and with a sly chuckle, he remarked, "Kuku, it seems not everyone in the so-called 'defective' class is actually defective, huh? So, Suzune orbiter, have you found the answer you've been relentlessly searching for?"

As our eyes locked, we stared at each other without flinching. I could sense that he had connected the dots, realizing that I must hold some influence within the class as he deemed me as capable. The smirk on his face only confirmed his suspicion.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, hoping that no troublesome situations would arise on the screen in the future. It seemed that wherever I went, trouble had a way of finding me.

Author's Note:
Guess what? I've returned from the dead! I intentionally put this fanfic on hiatus for a reason. Now that I'm just four weeks away from graduating junior high, I can finally focus on writing this fic. I hope the characters aren't too out of character (OOC). Writing the conversation between Manabu and Nagumo was challenging for me. I read numerous articles on various websites to understand different people's opinions regarding the talk of equality, and I think I did a great job. Anyway, I'll catch you in the next chapter.

Words used: 2074

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