Evelyn's Tale

By HyperfixationWhore

26.1K 519 321

Bill Guarnere's youngest sister joins Easy as a medic, and so begins a journey of friendship and love. (Joe L... More

-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-
-Thirty Two-
-Thirty Three-
-Thirty Four-
-Thirty Five-
-Thirty Six-
-Thirty Seven-
-Thirty Eight-
-Thirty Nine-
-Forty One-
-Forty Two-
-Forty Three-
-Forty Four-
-Forty Five-
-Forty Six-


551 12 4
By HyperfixationWhore

15th February 1944

It was raining. Again. Evelyn looked out of the small window of the supply store and sighed. The weather was miserable. She was miserable. It had been almost seven weeks since she and Liebgott had fallen out, and they hadn't spoken one word to each other in that entire time.

"You keep sighing like that and you ain't gonna have any breath left inside you," Eugene commented.

Evelyn looked at him and threw down the bandage she was rolling in frustration.

"Sorry," she muttered. "I'm just not in a particularly great mood today."

"I've noticed," Eugene smirked. "You've not been in a particularly great mood for the last few weeks actually."

"Yeah well, I've had a lot on my mind," she answered, hoping he wouldn't push the issue further.

"It wouldn't by any chance have anything to do with Liebgott would it?"

Evelyn glared at Eugene, who just gave her a knowing look. She should have guessed he wouldn't have just accepted her lame excuse.

"No," she scowled, picking the bandage back up to continue rolling it so she wouldn't have to meet his gaze. "Why would it have anything to do with him?"

"No reason," Eugene shrugged. "It just seems strange to me that the pair of you haven't spoken in, what is it, six, seven weeks? And in that time, both of you have been walking around as miserable as sin. Do you see how I might have come to this conclusion?"

"Move over Sherlock Holmes, huh?" Evelyn snorted. Then sighed. Again. "Fine, you're right. It's Liebgott."

"Is that it? It's Liebgott. But you're not going to tell me what it is about Liebgott that has you so upset?" Eugene exclaimed exasperatedly. "It's like getting blood out of a stone. Usually I have a job getting you to shut up."

"I'll shut you up in a minute," she narrowed her eyes at him, but they both knew she was joking. "Remember that night I came to the pub after, uh, what happened?" Eugene nodded so she continued. "Well, Liebgott was sitting alone at the bar the whole time and nobody knew what was wrong with him. So, I went over to speak to him and he was pretty nasty. In fact, very nasty. He said I was a liability to the company because I couldn't look after myself, and that I'd all but invited that guy to attack me because I'd been dancing about with the guys from the other companies at the party."

"And you haven't spoken to him since?"

"Would you?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow.

"Probably not," Eugene admitted. "But did you ever stop to think that perhaps he didn't mean what he said?"

"Well if he didn't mean it, why hasn't he apologised?"

"Because he's about as stubborn as you are," Eugene answered. "Don't look at me like that, you know I'm right."

"Well, if you are right, and I'm not saying you are by the way," she pouted. "Then why did he say it in the first place?"

Eugene wasn't a betting man, but if he had to he would be willing to stake a hundred dollars on the fact that Liebgott had only said what he had due to his feelings for Evelyn. Heck, Eugene himself had been enraged when he had found out about the assault, and his feelings for her went no further than those of friendship. He could only imagine how incensed Liebgott must have felt.

"I have no idea," he lied. "But if you don't talk to him you won't ever find out, will you?"

Evelyn launched the bandage at Eugene's head, sending it unravelling. He caught it and shook his head, grinning.

" You're more like your brother than you realise," he said, throwing the bandage back to her. "Speaking of brothers, I'm guessing Bill doesn't know what Liebgott said to you? Again, tell me if I'm wrong but I only know this because Liebgott still has all of his limbs intact."

"My my, we really are on top form today, detective, aren't we?" Evelyn smirked. "But yes, you are right, again. Could you imagine if he did know? God, that's a level of drama that I don't need right now."

"Nor does anyone else, let me tell you," Eugene agreed. "So, Liebgott? Are you gonna talk to him?"

"I dunno," she sighed. "He's hurt me if I'm being honest. I thought me and him were, well, you know, friends. But friends don't say stuff like that to one another. And do you know what George told me? That after me and Bill left, Lieb went off with some blonde girl. So he obviously couldn't have been that upset over our fall out."

Aha. Eugene's lips twitched as he tried his best not to smile. So that was why she was so upset. It wasn't just about what Liebgott had said but about what he had done too.

"Why would it bother you that he went off with some girl? All the guys do it," Eugene asked, knowing the answer but wondering if she would reveal it.

"I couldn't care less that he went off with some girl," she lied, not very convincingly. Well, at least not to Eugene who could read her like a book. "But it just proves my point that he obviously wasn't very upset about what happened."

"And that's the only reason you're upset about it?"

"Why else would I be?" she refused to meet his gaze.

"You tell me."

Evelyn opened her mouth and then closed it again without uttering a sound.

"I'm done with this conversation," she decided, starting to roll up another bandage, and hoping Eugene would just drop it.

"So you are upset about Liebgott and the blonde?" Eugene commented. "Don't try and deny it, because your silence all but confirmed it."

"You're annoying, you know that?" Evelyn sighed.

"But I'm right, aren't I?"

"Yes," she mumbled begrudgingly, putting her head in her hands. She felt like an idiot. Like a silly little girl with a teenage crush, not like a soldier who should be concentrating on more important things than a guy. They were headed to war only God knew when, yet she was moping about over the fact that Joseph Liebgott had gone off with another woman. Ridiculous.

"Evelyn, look at me," Eugene said. When she didn't move her hands he walked over and moved them for her. "We're friends, right? You can tell me anything and I would never tell anyone else."

"I know that," she met his caring eyes finally. "It's just that... Well, I just don't know exactly why I feel this way. The thought of Liebgott going off with some other woman really eats me up and more than that, it hurts me as well. That in itself is confusing enough, then combine it with the fact that I just don't understand why I feel this way and I'm all muddled up."

Eugene looked at Evelyn. Really looked at her. At times, it was easy to forget just how young she was because ever since the day she had first joined Easy at Toccoa, she had carried herself with the manner of someone much older.

"You wanna know why you feel this way?" he said. "You like the man, and not just as a friend. That's why it's upset you so much. Don't try and deny it, Ev. You can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. I've seen you two together, the way you look at him."

"You're right," she replied, feeling a strange sense of relief at finally admitting it to someone. "But nothing's ever gonna happen, Gene. He just sees me as a friend. Well, used to. Now, he just hates me. And you know what? Even if there was the smallest chance that he saw me as something more, we're training to go to war for crying out loud. It's hardly the place to begin a romance, is it?"

"Sometimes we can't help how or when these things happen."

"Speaking from experience there, Gene?" Evelyn joked. Then she detected a hint of something in his eyes and gasped. "Eugene Roe, is there something you haven't told me?"

"No," he denied but the blush creeping up his neck gave it away.

"Spill," Evelyn demanded. "And don't deny it. What is it you just said to me? We're friends and I can tell you anything? Well you should extend me the same courtesy. Tell me now."

"All right, calm down," Eugene sighed. "There isn't all that much to tell but-"

"-I'll be the judge of that," Evelyn interrupted with a grin and Eugene gave her an annoyed look.

"Are you going to be quiet and let me tell you?"

"Sorry," she smiled before pretending to zip her mouth closed.

"If only it could stay shut like that forever," Eugene smirked, and Evelyn smacked him on the arm, her eyes narrowed in a silent warning. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. As I said, there isn't that much to tell, but a few weeks ago I met a girl."

Evelyn's eyes bugged wide with excitement, but she kept true to her promise and remained quiet even though it killed her to do so.

"She works with the red cross and she's really, uh nice," Eugene continued, his blush getting redder but his smile getting wider too. "She's called Vera and she's from near here. We've, uh, been out a couple of times and I really, uh, like her. And well, that's kind of it really."

"Ok, first of all, that's really sweet," Evelyn said. "But second of all, you are a terrible friend for not telling me when you first met her. And thirdly, you are rubbish at this game. I want, no I need, more details. Where did you meet her? What does she look like? Have you kissed her? Is she-?"

"-Shut up for just two minutes and I'll tell you," Eugene held up his hand to stop Evelyn's tirade. "We met at the aid station; she was dropping some supplies off, and she's uh, she's beautiful actually. She has this red hair that is kind of like copper and uh, her eyes are a light blue, like the sky back home on a clear day."

"Have you kissed her?" Evelyn repeated, noticing that he had evaded that question the first time she asked it.

"That's none of your business, Evelyn Guarnere."

"So you have kissed her then?" Evelyn squealed and clapped her hands together excitedly. "This is so exciting. When do I get to meet her? I swear, I'll be on my best behaviour."

"Hmm, I'll think about it," Eugene smirked. "She's very quiet, I think you might frighten her."

"You're quiet, Gene and I don't frighten you," Evelyn retorted. "Please, please you have to let me meet her. I'm your best friend, I need to check that she's suitable for you. Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"I'll make you a deal," Eugene decided, knowing he was never going to hear an end to this for the rest of the day. "You make up with Liebgott and I'll consider letting you come and meet Vera. How's that sound?"

"That's a ridiculous deal," Evelyn huffed, crossing her arms over her chest sullenly. "Why do I have to make up with Liebgott? I did nothing wrong."

"While that's true," Eugene concurred. "You need to remember something. Liebgott's a guy, and do you wanna know a secret? Us guys aren't too great at admitting we were wrong or saying sorry. Just think about it yeah?"

"Fine," Evelyn said reluctantly, before grinning. "So, I wanna hear more about this Vera..."

... ... ...

Two days later

"Morning Ev. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit on this fine Saturday morning?"

Evelyn closed the back door behind her and smiled at Johnny Martin, who was sitting at the kitchen table writing a letter to his wife, Pat. A few weeks ago, Bill and some of the other sergeants had been moved out of the barn they called home and into a real home. A vacant one with six whole bedrooms. Evelyn, of course, was a frequent and welcome visitor.

"Well, I'd love to say I'm here just to see your handsome face, Johnny but that would be a lie," Evelyn smirked, picking up a piece of toast from the table to munch on. "Bill promised to take me for lunch; something about me being the most fabulous sister that's ever existed. Anyway, I've been up since the crack of dawn, thanks to a certain young girl who couldn't sleep because it's her birthday tomorrow, so I thought I'd meet him here instead of in the village. Where is he? Let me guess, still in bed?"

"Uh yeah," Johnny glanced uncomfortably at Chuck Grant sitting beside him. "You know, I reckon he could be some time yet."

"Yeah," Grant nodded. "He said something last night about not feeling too great, so perhaps you'd best go back home and we'll tell him to call for you when he gets up?"

"He's ill?" Evelyn frowned, wiping the crumbs from her shirt after she'd devoured the toast almost whole. "I'd better go check on him then."

"I wouldn't if I were you Ev," Johnny tried to dissuade her. "It could be contagious."

"Doubtful," she snorted, heading for the staircase. "Knowing Bill he's probably just got a cold. He was always a baby. I blame my Mom. The second he or my brothers get ill, she's there to pander to their every whim."

She was up the stairs before either of them could stop her. Grant smirked at Johnny who just smirked back and resumed his writing with an amused shake of his head.

Bill's bedroom was at the end of the hallway, next door to the bathroom. Evelyn knocked twice loudly on the door before pushing it open.

"Bill, it's me. Johnny and Chuck said you weren't feeling too- oh my God!"

Evelyn clamped her hands over her eyes at the exact same moment the blonde woman in her brother's bed squealed. Turning swiftly on her heels, she stormed off down the hallway, wishing she could gauge her eyes out or her brain. Anything to stop the images of her brother and that woman as naked as the day were born and in a very compromising position. Oh God, oh God, Evelyn repeated over and over in her head as she ran down the stairs in a hurry.

"Why the hell didn't you two tell me?" she exclaimed, her face as red as a tomato.

"We tried," Grant argued.

"No, you didn't," she disagreed, as she heard her brother thudding along the hallway. "You told me he was ill, you didn't tell me he had a girl up there."

"That's 'cause it aint none of your goddamned business," Bill pounded down the stairs, thankfully with some pants and a t- shirt on. "What the fuck were you thinking just marching into my room like that?"

"What was I thinking?" Evelyn exclaimed in outrage. "What are you thinking? Have you forgotten about Frannie?"

"What the fuck has this got to do with Frannie?" Bill spat.

"Uh, let me think," Evelyn said sarcastically. "How about the fact that she's your fiancée, and you're up there getting it on with some trollop."

"So what? I have needs," Bill scowled.

"Too much information," Evelyn held up her hand. She really didn't want to know. "And what about Frannie? If she's back home now having it off with someone else because she has needs, is that alright then?"

"That's different," Bill argued.

"How?" Evelyn raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well? Come on. Enlighten me. No? Didn't think so. You know what you are? A hypocrite, and a filthy cheat, and I'm ashamed of you right now."

"I don't give a shit about your fucking opinion of me. What I do is my business and no one else's," Bill sneered. He was hungover, and he didn't need this crap.

"It's my business when it's my sister in law to be that you're cheating on," she spat. "Do you expect me honestly to be ok with that?"

"I couldn't give a flying monkey whether you're ok with it or not," Bill glowered. "I don't answer to you or to Frannie. I'm a grown man and I'll do whatever the fuck I want. If you don't like that, then tough luck."

"You know what Bill? Fuck you," Evelyn scowled, reaching for the handle of the back door.

"Where the fuck are you going now?" Bill asked. "I thought we were going for lunch?"

"Are you for real?" Evelyn exclaimed. "I don't wanna go anywhere with a dirty, cheating scumbag. I'd rather take myself to lunch!"

And with that she stormed out of the door leaving the three men staring after him with varying expressions of bemusement and annoyance.

"Meh," Bill shrugged. "I'm going back to bed. Catch you guys later."

He wasn't particularly worried about his fight with his sister, and neither were the other two. Barely a day went by without the two of them arguing about something.

... ... ...

Sitting outside the church, Evelyn was fuming. Why were all men such pigs? She wanted to wring her brother's neck. No, actually she wanted to chop off his balls. He wouldn't be much use to anyone again without them, would he? What a complete and utter asshole. Frannie was back home in Philly waiting around for him like some chump while he was here having it off with whoever he damn well pleased. And he wasn't even remorseful about it when he was caught in the act. Literally.

"I'm glad I'm single," Evelyn muttered to herself, so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear the footsteps approaching on the gravelled path.

"You know, they say that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness."

She looked up at Liebgott and glared at him. The last thing she wanted was to see him right now. He was as much of a jerk as her brother.

"Where you going?" Liebgott frowned as she got up from the bench.

"What does it matter to you?" she scowled, walking away from him. He grabbed her arm gently to stop her.

"I wanna talk to you," he said.

"Well, I don't wanna talk to you," she spat angrily. "I think you said quite enough the last time you spoke to me, don't you?"

Liebgott sighed and rubbed his face wearily, "That's why I need to talk to you. I think I owe you an apology."

"You think?"

"Ev please," his eyes pleaded with her own. "Just hear me out? Please. And I promise if you don't wanna accept my apology then I'll leave you alone."

"Fine," she relented, allowing him to lead her back to the bench.

Evelyn kicked at a stone on the ground with the toe of her boot while she waited for Liebgott to speak.

"There's no excuse for the way I spoke to you at the pub the other night," he began, scratching his head nervously. "I was a complete and utter asshole-"

"-You can say that again," Evelyn muttered, and Liebgott raised an eyebrow at her. "Sorry, carry on."

"As I was saying, I was an asshole," he continued. "When we all heard what had happened to you, we were livid. I was livid. But more than that, I felt guilty. Hell, I still feel guilty. If I had never let you walk home on your own that night, that bastard wouldn't have been able to lay a fucking finger on you. And then when you walked into the pub and your face was..." he paused, taking a deep breath, his face pinched as he remembered the image of those bruises all over her face. "...Anyway, when I saw you, all the guilt I felt just came flooding out and I took it out on you. It just came out of my mouth before I could stop it. You are definitely not a liability to this company, in fact we would be completely lost without you. And what I said about you asking for it by dancing with those other guys, well, I was wrong. Wrong and stupid. You didn't deserve what happened to you and you certainly didn't deserve what I said to you about it. I understand if you don't wanna accept my apology, but I just thought you should hear it anyway."

Evelyn wasn't sure what to say. She had never seen Liebgott look as vulnerable as he did right now with his dark eyes boring sincerely into her own, pleading silently with her to forgive him. It was obvious that he was truly sorry for what he had said to her.

"You know, you haven't actually said sorry," she said with a small smirk.

"I'm sorry," Liebgott snorted. And just like that, everything was back to normal.

"Just one thing though," Evelyn said. "How come it took you so long to talk to me?"

"Well, for one thing I thought you hated me," Liebgott answered. "And second of all, there was never the chance to speak to you on your own."

"So it wasn't because you've been too busy with your new girlfriend then?" she tried to say in a light hearted manner. She hadn't been sure whether or not to mention the mysterious blonde to Liebgott, but she decided she would rather know what was going on with that whole thing whether she liked the answer or not.

"Girlfriend?" He frowned. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"Oh sorry, I must have got the wrong end of the stick," she apologised, feeling suddenly rather happy. "It's just that, uh, George kind of mentioned to me that after I left the other night he, uh, saw you with a girl. I guess I just kind of presumed that she and you were a thing."

"George and his fucking mouth. He's like an old lady, isn't he?" Liebgott sighed, running his hand backward through his dark hair; a habit Evelyn had noticed he seemed to do when he was nervous or uncomfortable. "What can I say? That whole night was just one of fucking mistakes."

Evelyn sensed he didn't want to say anything more about it and if she was being honest, she had heard the only thing she wanted to, which was that Liebgott and this mystery blonde were obviously nothing to each other. She still found it a little hurtful that he would go off with someone else, but she couldn't exactly stay upset at him for it. After all, it wasn't like he saw her as more than a friend so he could go out with whomever he chose.

"So are we good, you and I?" Liebgott asked, breaking her thoughts.

"Yeah," she smiled. "We are."

Without thinking, she flung her arms around Liebgott's neck and squeezed him tightly to prove that there were no hard feelings between them any longer. The butterflies in her stomach intensified as he squeezed her back, and she could smell his cologne mixed with the scent of cigarettes that was unique to him.

"You got any plans for the rest of the day?" Liebgott asked when they finally broke apart. He smirked when he saw the blush creeping up Evelyn's neck.

"Well, I was supposed to be going out for lunch with my brother, but that's a whole other story," she snorted. "Let's just say, me and him have had a bit of a falling out."

"What's new? The pair of you will be friends again in no time." Liebgott laughed. "So what's he done this time?"

"It's a long and somewhat embarrassing story," she grinned.

"Well, how about you tell me about it while we go up to the bakery?" Lieb suggested holding out his hand. "A little birdie told me that they've got lardy cakes today. What do you reckon?"

"Hmm, you've twisted my arm," she agreed, taking his arm with a timid smile. "But I'm warning you now, I get first dibs ok?"

"It's a deal."

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