Evelyn's Tale

By HyperfixationWhore

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Bill Guarnere's youngest sister joins Easy as a medic, and so begins a journey of friendship and love. (Joe L... More

-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-
-Thirty Two-
-Thirty Three-
-Thirty Four-
-Thirty Five-
-Thirty Six-
-Thirty Seven-
-Thirty Eight-
-Thirty Nine-
-Forty One-
-Forty Two-
-Forty Three-
-Forty Four-
-Forty Five-
-Forty Six-


621 12 3
By HyperfixationWhore

TW: attempted assault

25th December, 1943

Life for Easy Company was much improved in the few weeks since Sobel's departure. His replacement was First Lieutenant Thomas Meehan, who had been transferred over from Baker Company. He was likeable and fair, and unlike his predecessor was actually rather elated to have the only female combat medic in the entire US Army within his very own Company. He was also a strong and competent leader during field exercises; something that had given Easy Company a renewed sense of hope when it came to their chances at surviving this war.

To celebrate Christmas, a party had been organised in one of the larger hangars on base and the entire village had been invited. The party had been all Lucy could talk about over Christmas dinner, and she had made Bill promise to save her at least three dances. Evelyn had dreaded spending Christmas so far away from her family, but she knew she was a lot luckier than most in that at least she had her brother with her. The Jones' had invited him to spend the day, and Mrs Jones had cooked a Christmas dinner so decadent that one would never have known rationing was even in effect at all. Despite the fact that the Jones' had gone to a lot of trouble to make their guests feel welcome and part of the family, Evelyn had been eagerly counting down the hours until they could go to the party and see everyone else. Over the last year, the men of Easy Company had become her other family and she couldn't think of any better people to spend part of Christmas with.

By the time they arrived at the base, the party was in full swing and Lucy's face was alight with excitement. There were coloured paper chains and threaded popcorn hanging from the ceiling and real Christmas trees were ornately decorated on either side of the stage, where a swing band was playing.

"Are they friends of yours?" Mr Jones asked, nodding towards the bar. Evelyn broke into a grin as she saw Malarkey and Skip waving excitedly.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I'll go and say hello to them in a minute. Let's find somewhere to sit first?"

"Nonsense," Mrs Jones said, shrugging off her coat and draping it over her arm. "You've spent all day with us. Go and have some fun with your friends. Besides, I think I've just spotted the Mathesons from next door over in the corner."

Evelyn smiled gratefully, knowing that Mrs Jones was just being polite.

"Can I come too?" Lucy asked, tugging on Bill's jacket sleeve. He looked at her mother who gave a small nod and Lucy all but dragged Bill across the room towards the bar.

Evelyn shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched her brother being pulled along by an eight year old who was at least half his size.

"If she starts to annoy you too much, send her back," Mrs Jones said. "In fact, if she starts to annoy you, call me over and then at least I've got a good excuse to meet your friends. Handsome bunch, aren't they?"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Mr Jones commented.

"Oh don't worry, they're not a patch on you dear," she smiled innocently at her husband before giving Evelyn a sly wink when he wasn't looking.

Laughing, Evelyn headed over to the bar where Bill had plonked Lucy onto one of the bar stools and was making a huge fuss of introducing her to everyone. The second Evelyn got there, she was immediately engulfed in a round of hugs. When it came to George's turn, Evelyn knew he was up to something because he had that infamous George Luz grin plastered on his face. He whipped a piece of mistletoe out from behind his back and held it up above her head.

"Nice try, George," Evelyn smirked. "But I ain't kissing you."

"Evelyn Elizabeth Guarnere, it's Christmas. And I'm pretty sure it is the law that you have to kiss someone under mistletoe at Christmas, and if you don't then you're a spoilsport," George declared.

"First of all, my middle name isn't even Elizabeth," Evelyn frowned. "And second of all, you are one giant pain in the ass. But seeing as it is the season to be jolly then I suppose I will kiss you just this once. But don't be getting any ideas, okay?"

George gave her a mock salute before pulling her into his arms. He bent her backwards with as much flourish as he could muster and kissed her soundly on the lips, much to the amusement of everyone else. Even Bill was howling.

"Alright, alright get off me now," Evelyn grimaced, slapping at his arm. It was like kissing her brother.

"Put her down, George. You don't know where she's been," Skinny commented as he, Liebgott and Talbert approached.

"If it wasn't Christmas I'd slap you silly for that comment, Wayne Sisk," Evelyn pouted playfully.

"Aw you know I'm just kidding," Skinny winked. "How about I get you a drink to apologise?"

"Hmm, it's a start," she smirked.

"As long as it's just a soda, huh? We all know Evelyn can't handle her liquor," Liebgott grinned. Blushing, remembering the passing out party, Evelyn turned around to make sure that Bill hadn't heard. But his attention was firmly focused on his little buddy who was giggling uproariously at something Malarkey had said to her. Evelyn thought it was ridiculously sweet how one little girl could turn a group of hard assed paratroopers into mush.

"What is this? Pick on Evelyn evening?" she turned back to Liebgott and raised her eyebrow.

"Sorry," Liebgott said with a smirk that made her think he was anything other than sorry.

"Sure you are," Evelyn narrowed her eyes and grinned.

"Evelina Peccorina, you gonna come dance with me now?" George interrupted.

"On two conditions. Firstly, stop calling me by strange names and secondly, lose the mistletoe."

"You drive a hard bargain, Miss Guarnere," George sighed, reluctantly throwing the mistletoe onto the bar. Allowing George to lead her to the dancefloor, Evelyn threw Liebgott a smirk over her shoulder. "You'll watch my drink for me, yeah?"

"Sure because it's not like I've got anything better to do," Liebgott shrugged.

But in truth, he couldn't think of anything better to do than spend the evening casually admiring her. Ok, if he was being truthful, he wasn't so much watching her as he was George, or anyone else who would decide to dance with her later. While he knew that she and George were just friends, he couldn't pretend seeing her in his arms didn't bother him. In fact, it bothered him much more than he wanted to admit. Just like it had when he had seen them kissing. Despite it being blatantly obvious that it was just a joke, he had wanted to punch Luz's lights out all the same.

"Where'd Ev go?" Skinny asked, passing Joe a beer. He took a sip and grimaced. After all these months, he still couldn't get used to the fact that the Brits drink their beer warm. Who did that? It was revolting, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

"George took her for a spin," he nodded towards the dancefloor with his head, unable to take his gaze from the girl who had her head tilted back, laughing at something George was saying. She had worn her long ebony hair down. It had been long when she had last worn it down at the passing out party, but now it almost reached the small of her back. His fingers twitched involuntarily as they itched to reach out and touch the silky lengths.

"Probably getting her warmed up for later," Skinny smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Liebgott questioned, hoping he sounded a lot more casual than he felt about that comment.

"Were you not there the other day when George came up with his new money making scheme? He's gonna rent her out to the other companies for dances in exchange for payment," Skinny answered. "But I don't think he's really thought this one through. Can you really see Evelyn going ahead with a plan like that?"

It turned out though that Evelyn did go ahead with the plan. On the condition that she took half of the takings, much to George's dismay.

... ... ...

A few hours later, Evelyn was standing alone at the bar alone, counting out the money that George had begrudgingly given her a few minutes before a rather vivacious looking redhead had dragged him onto the dancefloor. Evelyn snorted. The woman had looked as though she was going to eat George. But then again, George didn't look overly bothered. In fact, he looked to be rather enjoying himself. And he wasn't the only one. Although the person who looked to be having the most fun by far was Bill. Little Lucy had barely left him alone all night, and he hadn't seemed to mind one little bit. Evelyn found it incredibly endearing to watch as Lucy hopped onto his boots so that he could dance around with her. He was going to be an amazing father someday, she was sure of it.

"So yours and George's little money maker did well then?"

Evelyn turned and looked at Liebgott who was now standing beside her.

"I'd say so," she smirked, wafting the wad of notes in his face. "Drink?"

"Nah," he shook his head. "I'm not letting a girl buy me a drink."

"You're joking, right?" Evelyn frowned.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"Well your face always has that sour kind of expression so it's pretty hard to tell," Evelyn answered flippantly and Liebgott snorted. "So are you genuinely not gonna let me buy you a drink? I mean, I'm literally the richest I've probably ever been in my entire life right now. You know if it makes you feel better, I'll give you the money to pay the bar man so it looks like you're paying?"

"Here's a better idea," Liebgott laughed. "I'll get you a drink and you can keep your money to blow when we get to Paris; if we ever get there. You can buy yourself a load of pretty dresses or something."

"Joseph Liebgott, you've known me for almost two years. When have you ever seen me wear a pretty dress?" Evelyn frowned.

"True," Joe shrugged, waving the bartender over to order their drinks.

Evelyn didn't know why, but in that moment she suddenly felt self-conscious. Looking around the room, her eyes fixed on every young woman, many of them a similar age to herself, all dressed in their finest. Fashionable and flirty dresses that accentuated the female form perfectly. And then she glanced down at herself, clad in her drab olive green dress skirt and jacket. Despite being a lot more feminine than her OD's, they were still hideous. In those few seconds, she wanted to be just like any other nineteen girl. In those few seconds, she wanted Liebgott to notice more than anything that she was just like any other nineteen girl.

Suddenly feeling somewhat panicked, and then panicking all the more because she didn't know what had come over her, she decided she had to go right away. She didn't know where. She didn't care. Anywhere.

"Where you going?" Liebgott's arm shot out and grabbed her by the wrist just as she reached the door.

"I have to go," she answered, blinking rapidly to try and make the tears stinging the back of her eyes disappear.

"Ev, what's the matter?" Liebgott asked. "If this is about the whole drink thing-"

"-No. No it's not that. I just, I need to go. I don't feel great. I'm just gonna go home."

"Ok," Liebgott said, peering at her in concern. "Just wait there while I get my jacket and I'll walk you back? Or I could get your brother?"

"No!" she shook her head vehemently. "Please, Joe. I would rather walk back on my own."

"Not a chance," Liebgott shook his head now. "I'm not letting you walk back on your own. It's pitch dark outside."

"Please," she begged, putting a hand on his arm. "I'll be fine, I've got my torch. Please. I just want to be on my own, ok?"

"Fine," Liebgott sighed reluctantly.

She gave him a grateful smile and with that she disappeared into the darkness outside.

... ... ...

On the walk back, Evelyn's mind was in overdrive. Thoughts were whirling around her head. Crazy thoughts at that. She was so lost in herself that she didn't notice someone watching her from the shadows. Didn't notice the footsteps just a second later than her own.

At the back of the local shop and post office was an alleyway, and Evelyn always went that way because it cut at least twelve minutes off her journey back to the Jones' house. Just as she turned into the alleyway, a hand shot out and grabbed her by the arm, and before she knew it she was slammed roughly against the wall. Thrashing wildly with her arms and legs, she was no match for her assailant who was at least a whole foot taller and a good thirty pounds heavier. It was dark and she couldn't see his face but he was strong. She beat at him with her fists and yelled loudly for help, even though she knew it was futile. Almost the entire village was at the party. Her assailant grabbed hold of her face roughly and covered her mouth with his own, cutting off her screams. She gagged as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, his foul alcohol laden breath mingling with her own. Panicking, Evelyn did the only thing she could think of and bit his tongue. He hissed and slapped her soundly across the face, sending her sprawling onto the floor.

"You vicious little bitch," he spat, kicking her hard in the stomach once. Twice.

Evelyn wheezed and clutched stomach as tears of agony poured down her face. Her assailant leant his weight on her and pinned her arms up above her head with one hand and squeezed her wrists tightly.

"Like it rough, do you? Is this how all your buddies in Easy give it to you?" he sneered, ripping her jacket and shirt open with his free hand. Evelyn felt bile rise in her throat as his hand boldly slipped under her brassiere and squeezed her breast. "Shame your boyfriend isn't here. I could have shown him how a real man pleases a lady."

It suddenly dawned on Evelyn just who her attacker was. He was the very same Fox Company private that Liebgott had gotten into a fight with all those months back on the way to Atlanta.

She was still too winded to do anything other than lie there and wait for it to be over. Her head was spinning and she could barely breathe as his hand slipped under her skirt and trailed purposefully up her thigh.

Suddenly she heard familiar voices and the soldier was yanked off of her. Strong arms pulled her up into a sitting position, making a stab of pain shoot through the back of her head.

"Evelyn." She knew that voice. Looking up, she met Lieutenant Winters' caring gaze and burst into tears. "Ssh, it's alright. You're alright now."

Dick could do nothing except hold Evelyn as she clutched the front of his jacket in a death grip. Her entire body was wracked with sobs and trembling both with the cold and shock. He rocked her forwards and backwards softly as one would a small child. He looked over at Welsh who was knocking ten bells out of the other soldier. He might have looked small and gangly, but boy did that man have some power. Usually Dick would have put a stop to something like that, but after what he had just witnessed he was as angry as he had never been before.

"Bill," Evelyn suddenly croaked. She lifted her head and Winters could see a huge bruise already forming on one of her cheeks and her lip had been split open. "I want Bill."

"Lieutenant Nixon has gone back to base to get Colonel Sink and the MP's. He'll find your brother, don't worry," he reassured her. "Right now, we just need to concentrate on making sure that you're alright. Can you make it to the hospital?"

She nodded, her bottom lip wobbling as more tears fell down her face. He helped her up slowly and realised that her ripped shirt and jacket were revealing parts of herself she might have preferred to keep private, so he quickly shrugged off his own jacket and draped it around her shoulders and buttoned it. Evelyn gave him a grateful, if not embarrassed smile. He put his arm around her waist as her legs wobbled slightly and he urged her to lean her weight on him by pulling her closer. She winced and he immediately looked at her in concern.

"I'm ok," she groaned. "I just, he uh, he kicked me and, well, it kinda hurts surprisingly."

Winters smirked at her small attempt at humour, hoping his face didn't show just how furious he felt inside. He had seen many things in life, but he had never seen such a savage attack on a female. That in itself was bad enough, but from another member of the military was even more appalling.

"Well let's just take it nice and slow, huh?" he said before quickly telling Welsh where they were going.

"I'll stay with this piece of shit until the MPs come," Welsh growled. The soldier was flat out on the floor. He wasn't going anywhere for a while.

... ... ...

Bill marched through the small make-shift hospital as fast as he could. When Lieutenant Nixon had come and told him what had happened he had been sick with worry. And enraged. Enraged with himself for not realising that Evelyn had even gone. Enraged with her for being stupid enough to leave by herself. Enraged with the soldier who had attacked her. Colonel Sink had wisely kept him from seeing the bastard and assured him that he would be dealt with accordingly. Sink had insisted that the best thing Bill could do now was to make sure that his sister was alright.

He burst through the door and saw Evelyn on the bed and Winters sat on a chair beside her. Her face was a mess. A huge bruise marred one cheek and her lip was split and bleeding. Noticing her torn clothes, Bill clenched his fists angrily. Evelyn looked over at him and smiled weakly, reaching her hand out for him. Winters stood up to offer him his chair, but Bill planted himself on the bed and gently gathered his sister into his arms as sobs overtook her once more.

"You stupid girl," he whispered, his voice cracking. He kissed the top of her head. "What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry," she sobbed.

Giving the two some privacy, Winters walked over to Colonel Sink and Lieutenant Meehan, who at this point were surveying the scene before them with grave expressions.

"Is she alright?" Colonel Sink asked.

"She will be, Sir," Winters nodded, swallowing a lump that had formed in his throat. "The doctor wants to keep her overnight. She's got a bruised cheekbone, a mild concussion and a broken rib."

"A broken rib?" Sink frowned.

"Yes Sir," Winters clarified. "When she tried to fight back, he knocked her to the ground and kicked her hard enough to do some damage."

"Christ," Meehan shook his head in disbelief and disgust.

"Did he violate her?" Sink asked, clenching his jaw angrily. He hated to ask such a thing but from what Lieutenants Nixon and Welsh had told him when he arrived at the scene, it needed asking.

"He tried," Winters answered uncomfortably. "But I'm quite certain that we got there in time to stop him."

"Well that's something at least," Sink muttered.

"I know it's not my place to ask, Sir but what do you intend to do with the soldier?" Winters asked.

"I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour from any of my men, especially against one of our own," Colonel Sink answered. "I have no other choice but to have him removed. Wouldn't you agree?"

Winters and Meehan both nodded their agreement.

"He'll be shipped out first thing in the morning, but until then he's under lock and guard for his own safety as well as punishment."

"And Corporal Guarnere?" Meehan asked. "Do you intend to let her stay?"

Colonel Sink sighed as he weighed up his options. From day one, he had decided that if anything like this happened he would have to end the experiment. But now that it had happened, he found his stance wavering. In almost two years, Corporal Guarnere had proved herself to be a solid member of the Company. She was well liked and respected by her fellow men, and she had a maturity beyond her years.

"In all honesty, I don't know what to do," Sink admitted. "If this had happened at the beginning of training, I would have sent her away without any hesitation, but it's been almost two years."

"May I speak frankly, Sir?" Winters asked.

Sink nodded.

"It is my belief that if Corporal Guarnere is sent away it could prove to damage the morale of the men, especially if she is sent away as the result of someone else's actions. I am not entirely sure that it would be a wise thing to do when we could be moving out for the invasion at any time now. However, if Corporal Guarnere decides to leave of her own volition, I feel the men would respect and accept that decision more."

"So you believe the decision on whether she stays or goes should be hers?"

"Yes Sir," Winter nodded.

"Wise words, Lieutenant," Sink smiled warmly. He had a lot of respect for Dick Winters and anything he had to say.

Leaving the two Lieutenants by the door, Colonel Sink approached the bed where Bill was still holding his sister tightly, as though he had no intention of ever letting her go.

"Now Sergeant, if you carry on squeezing her like that she'll have two broken ribs instead of one," he tried to lighten the mood with a small joke. Bill looked up, tears clearly threatening to spill over his eyes as he blinked to keep them at bay, and then looked at his sister in shock.

"A broken rib?" he croaked. His voice cracking once more. What had that fucking animal done to her?

"It's alright." It was Evelyn's turn to comfort him now. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled. Well, as best she could without hurting her lip even more. "I'm alright, Bill."

"I know this is going to be hard, Corporal," Sink spoke, trying to pretend he wasn't moved by the blatant love these two had for each other. Growing up, he had only had one sibling who had died of scarlet fever when he was just seven. After that, his parents had no more children leaving him an only child. His mother had taken to her bed most days in a depression while his father focused on work and drink. That was why he had joined the Army at a very young age; to find the essence of family that he had missed his entire life. "But I need you to tell me exactly what happened this evening."

Evelyn stiffened. She didn't want to relive it. Not even for one moment, but she knew she had to. Bill squeezed her hand reassuringly. She wasn't going to do this alone.

"I left the party at around ten," she began.


"Yes Sir," she nodded. "A stupid idea, I know. In hindsight I see that. I took the main road back to the village..." Repeating to Sink everything that happened, the taste of bile rose in her throat as she remembered every little detail. Beside her, Bill ground his jaw angrily as he listened to what the soldier had done to his little sister. He felt a level of rage he had ever felt before in his entire life.

"And that was the point at which Lieutenant Winters came upon you?"

"Yes Sir. Thankfully."

Colonel Sink could see how distressing this was for her. Satisfied that he had all of the finer details, he had no wish to distress her further.

"There's just one more thing, Corporal," he said. "We need to discuss your future in the airborne?"

"My future, Sir?" Evelyn said tentatively. Was he kicking her out?

"Surely you can't be thinking of kicking her out?" Bill echoed her thoughts out loud. He stood up angrily, not caring that he was talking to a senior officer in such a way. And not just any senior officer, at that. "It's that son of a bitch that needs kicking out, not my sister."

"Calm down Sergeant," Sink growled. "I am willing to overlook such a blatant disrespect of authority just this once, but if you can't control yourself then I will have you removed from here. Do I make myself clear? Now, nobody said that you were being kicked out of my regiment," Sink turned back to Evelyn, satisfied that her brother had calmed down somewhat. "You're a good medic and an asset to Easy. My only concern is your safety and that you might not feel safe here anymore after what has happened. Therefore, the decision whether you stay or go will be yours alone. However, before you make your decision, I will tell you that the Private who attacked you will be sent back home as soon as I can get him on a boat. You'll never have to see him again."

Evelyn's shoulders visibly relaxed as she let out a breath she hadn't even realised she was holding. The relief she felt at knowing she wasn't about to be kicked out was indescribable. But now she was faced with a tough decision. Right at this moment, she wanted nothing more than to be home with her parents, but she knew she was still in shock and everything was still raw. When the shock wore off, she didn't know how she would feel. She had worked hard to get here and had been accepted by almost everyone. Was she going to allow the despicable actions of one man to force her to give that all up?

"I'm staying," she answered with hesitation.

"Evelyn," Bill started.

"I'm staying," she repeated through gritted teeth. She hadn't let Sobel force her out and she would be damned if she would let someone else, especially when that someone was being dishonourably discharged and she wouldn't have to see him ever again.

... ... ...

Under Colonel Sink's explicit orders, Evelyn had been relieved from training for an entire week to give her rib a chance to start healing. By the second day, she had been climbing the walls. Well, would have been if her rib would have let her. Once upon a time, spending an entire week lounging about doing nothing would have been her idea of heaven, but now it was like hell. Not to mention the fact that Bill and Mrs Jones had been fussing over her to the point of suffocating. While she knew it was well meant, it made her want to scream nonetheless. She had overheard the two of them discussing her in the kitchen the previous morning. The pair of them were concerned that she hadn't really absorbed what had happened. But that couldn't have been further from the truth. Every time she closed her eyes, she could feel his hands on her skin and his disgusting breath on her, but she flat out refused to allow it to affect her. She refused to crumble. Because if she did, then the soldier who had attacked her would have won. And she wouldn't allow that.

On her fifth day of rest (imprisonment) Evelyn had managed, with great difficulty, to persuade Bill that she was well enough to come out to the pub for a drink. She missed the guys and wanted to see them. The only person Bill had allowed to come and see her over the last week was Eugene, and that was only because had come to check on her injuries. The bruise on her face was starting to fade to a yellowy green colour and she could move around a lot better without her rib screaming at her. Ok, she could only move around a little better, but she wasn't going to tell her brother that, or Eugene for that matter.

... ... ...

Walking into the bar, Evelyn immediately spotted the guys in the corner of the room. When they saw her approaching, a hushed silence fell over them all as they took in her face.

"If you think I look bad you should see the other guy," she joked tentatively. Judging by the looks on their faces, it wasn't very well received. She pulled up a chair beside George and sat down as though nothing was amiss. "Oh come on guys, I thought you would be happy to see me? I mean I know I'm drop dead gorgeous, but you can all stop staring now."

"It's good to have you back Ev," Eugene finally smiled warmly from across the table.

"Yeah, we've missed you bossing us about," Malarkey smiled.

"You'll do anything to get out of training, won't you?" George grinned, nudging her. And just like that the tension was broken.

As the evening wore on, Evelyn noticed that there was one person who didn't seem very happy to see her. Liebgott had sat at the bar most of the night, ignoring everyone else.

"He's been like it for days," Skip commented. "Won't tell anyone what's wrong though."

"I'm gonna go talk to him," she decided. "Watch my drink?"

As Evelyn neared Liebgott she tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and glared, and the blatant hostility in his eyes took her aback.

"What do you want?" he growled.

"I..." she didn't know what to say. This wasn't the reaction she had been expecting. "I just came to say hi. I, uh, haven't seen you all night. The guys said you were upset about something so I wanted to come over and make sure you're alright."

"Well I'm fine, so you can go now," he spat, facing forwards once more.

"Joe," she pulled on his arm in an attempt to get him to look at her again. "What's the matter? Have I upset you in some way? Is this about what happened at the party? Listen it wasn't your fault you kno-"

"- I know that!" he exclaimed angrily. "The only person to blame here is you. You and fucking Luz."

"What?" Evelyn frowned, completely confused not only by his behaviour but by what he was saying.

"You heard me. You think you can float about all night selling yourself for dances and then not expect a guy to get ideas?"

Evelyn was dumbfounded. He was making it sound like she had been whoring herself out. It had only been a few harmless dances. Hardly an excuse for someone to do what they had to her.

"And you know the worst thing?" he continued his rant. "The only thing that stopped that guy from raping you was that someone else came along to help you. Just like I had to when he was insulting back in Georgia. You couldn't even fight him off by yourself. If you can't defend yourself here without help from us, how do you expect to do it in a war zone? You just expect everyone else to watch out for you and keep you out of trouble. You should have taken Sink's offer to leave when he offered it to you. You're a liability, Guarnere."

Evelyn gasped as though he had physically hit her, such was the sting she felt at his words. She looked at him, her eyes beginning to blur with tears. She waited for him to say something, to apologise for his cruel words. But he just turned his back to her, hunched over his drink, effectively dismissing her.

"You alright Ev?" Bill asked as she walked back over the table, Liebgott's words playing over and over in her head. She felt as though she couldn't catch her breath, and she blinked rapidly trying her hardest not to cry.

"Can we go home?" she whispered.

"Sure, what's happened? Did that schmuck say something to you?" he nodded over at Liebgott, who hadn't moved.

"No of course not," she lied, her voice strangely high pitched. "I'm just tired. And my rib's kinda sore."

Bill narrowed his eyes, not entirely sure that he believed her.

"Please," she begged.

"Sure thing kiddo," he put an arm around her shoulder. "Let's go."

... ... ...

Liebgott sat at the bar feeling like a bastard. He shouldn't have shouted at Evelyn. He hadn't wanted to shout at her. In fact, he had wanted to grab her and hold her and thank God that she was really alright. The guilt he felt about that night had built up and up inside him, and it had only been a matter of time before it imploded. He should never have let her go home on her own, no matter how much she had assured him she would be fine. He had been as much to blame as the animal that had attacked her.

When he heard what had happened, he had wanted to rush right over to the house where she was billeted and see her for himself. But Bill had forbidden anyone from going there, stressing that his sister had needed her rest. He had been right of course, but it had been agony for him. Then she had walked into the bar so casually this evening as though nothing had even happened; as though her beautiful face wasn't still healing from bruises and cuts; as though someone hadn't tried to assault her in the worst possible way.

"So, what's a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?"

Liebgott looked at the leggy blonde who had appeared beside him at the bar. With perfectly coiffed hair, a face laden with make-up and a tight dress accentuating every curve in her body, she put her hands confidently on her hips and grinned. She was the exact type of girl he usually went for; a girl who was quite clearly out for a good time with no strings attached.

"Well let me get you one and then I'll decide," he smirked as the girl fluttered her eyelashes coyly, sitting down on the spare stool next to his. As she crossed her legs, her rather short dress rode up her thighs and she pretended to discreetly pull it down, all the while making sure he was watching her.

"What can I get you?" asked the bartender, and Joe thought he noticed an almost disapproving look aimed at his new companion.

"Another beer for me and whatever the lady wants."

"I'll have a gin and tonic, please," she smiled but Joe noticed the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. There was definitely some kind of tension between these two. Not that he cared. Suddenly, a hand was thrust out in front of him. A hand with ruby red painted nails. A hand that was so soft it had probably never seen a day of work in its life. "Meredith O'Neill, pleased to meet you."

"Joseph Liebgott," he smiled. "Friends call me Joe though."

"Does that mean I can call you Joe then?" Meredith smirked, placing a hand on his arm. "I do so hope we're going to be friends."

"Guess we'll have to see, won't we?" he grinned.

"One beer and one gin and tonic for the lady," the bartender all but slammed the glass down in front of Meredith who glared at him.

"Do you know that guy?" Joe asked, taking a sip of his beer. There was definitely no mistaking the hostility between the two of them.

"Unfortunately," she sighed, peering at him through lowered lashes as she delicately took a sip of her drink. "We grew up on the same street and, between you and me, he's always had a bit of a thing for me. But he's not really type."

"Oh really," Joe leaned closer, feigning interest. "And just who might be your type?"

"Well, I tend to prefer the more mysterious type, myself. You know, dark and brooding."

"I see," Joe looked her up and down with his best dark and brooding look, smirking when she smiled demurely. "Looks like you're in luck then."

Four beers later and Joe was feeling that elated buzz you get when you're just on the cusp of being drunk but still sober enough to know exactly what's going on around you. He and Mabel, or whatever the hell her name was, had been chatting for the last hour and a half. Well, she had been chatting. He had just been sitting there listening to her waffle on and trying to ignore the fact that her hair wasn't the colour of ebony, or that her nose didn't crinkle up every time she smiled. Would you just listen to yourself, Liebgott? You sound like a pathetic piece of shit.

"Did you hear what I said?"

Liebgott shook his head, clearing his thoughts, as Marcie (was that her name?) tapped his arm impatiently, her eyebrow arched in clear annoyance.

"Sorry," he apologised quickly, grabbing hold of her hand. "I was actually just thinking about you."

"Me?" the blonde frowned in confusion.

"Yeah," Joe smirked. "I was just thinking about how much I would really like to kiss you right about now."

"Oh, is that right?" she smirked. "Although, I don't really think it would be all that appropriate here, what with all these people about."

"You're absolutely right," Joe smouldered, leaning back in his chair.

"But you know, it is a little warm in here, come to think of it," Meredith bit her lip coquettishly as she stood up slowly. "Do you think you might be so kind as to escort me outside for a little fresh air?"

The second they were out of the bar, Joe pulled Meredith into the alleyway behind the building and crushing his lips to hers in a bruising kiss, he pushed her up against the wall. Immediately his hand found his way up her skirt, pulling at her underwear. They both knew what they wanted and he wasn't going to waste either of their time pretending otherwise. He grinned against her mouth when he felt her unbuckle his belt confidently and his other hand squeezed her breast making her moan loudly. Evelyn's face suddenly appeared in his mind, and he quickly pushed it away as he thrust angrily into the blonde quivering uncontrollably under his hands. His release came quickly and as soon as it was over, he shoved Meredith away from him in disgust. You're in way over your head, Liebgott.

"Will I see you again?" she asked, smoothing down her dress.

"Probably not," he muttered, lighting up a cigarette.

With a small shrug, Meredith sauntered off out of the alleyway and back into the bar. Joe lit up a cigarette and decided to head back to barracks, feeling strangely dirty and dissatisfied.

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