(Dropped) [Jake Sterling's Su...

By sockially

8.6K 209 219

TW : Suicide, Self harm, Overdose, Death Threats, Abuse & Bullying Jake Sterling a supposedly happy and lucky... More

Drews Rampage
Hailey's Threat
Mother Issues
Jakes Temptation
What Happened?
Sean's Revenge
The incident.
Trauma. (PT 2)
Backfired(PT 4)

Guilt. (PT 3)

436 12 10
By sockially

Milo's response was a mixture of sadness, anger, and confusion. He looked up at Daisy, his eyes filled with tears, and whispered, "I don't understand, Daisy. Why did he do it? What did we miss? He was hurting, and we didn't even know." Daisy held his hand gently and replied, "Milo, sometimes people carry their pain deep inside, hidden from the world. It's not your fault. We couldn't have known what Jake was going through." Milo sniffled and wiped his tears. "But his sketchbook, Daisy. I found disturbing drawings and diary notes. They were so dark, full of anger. I can't help but think it had something to do with his classmates, with us." Daisy pondered for a moment, then suggested, "Milo, maybe we should dig deeper into Jake's sketchbook. Perhaps there are more clues hidden within his art and writings. We could try to understand his pain, his perspective, and maybe find some closure." Milo nodded, his curiosity piqued. "You're right, Daisy. I need to understand why he felt this way. Maybe if I can grasp his pain, I can cheer up a bit.. Together, Milo and Daisy look through Jake's sketchbook. They carefully examined each drawing, read every word, and tried to piece together the emotions and thoughts behind them. As they dove deeper into Jake's troubled mind, they discovered a recurring theme of isolation, bullying, and a profound sense of loneliness. Milo felt like he was to blame for this because he always teased Jake. He felt guilty for it, it had pained him. He then whispered "I miss you.. Jake." in tears and Daisy started crying back tears filled the sketchbook nearly ruining it, Jake was gone and they couldn't do anything about it. Milo had said "My big brother, gone forever I miss him so much WHY DID HE HAVE TO DO IT?!" Daisy full of shock not expecting Milo to start screaming like that  hugged him. "You know Milo, you're only 12 you wouldn't understand.." Immediately realizing her mistake, Daisy regretted her words. She saw the hurt and confusion in Milo's eyes, and she rushed to embrace him tightly. "I'm sorry, Milo. I didn't mean that. You're right, you're hurting too, and your pain is just as valid. I'm here for you." Milo's sobs subsided as he clung onto Daisy, seeking comfort and solace. In that moment, Daisy realized the importance of acknowledging Milo's feelings and offering support, even though he might be younger and their perspectives might differ. Together, they allowed themselves to grieve, finding strength in their bond and a shared determination to honor Jake's memory by understanding the pain he carried within. Daisy didn't even know Milo that well but she still felt sorry for him. As their tears gradually subsided, Daisy gently pulled away from the embrace, keeping her hands on Milo's shoulders. She looked into his eyes, still red and puffy from crying, and spoke with a soft yet firm voice. "Milo, we can't change the past, we just have to live with the guilt. We owe it to Jake to understand his pain." Milo nodded, his expression a mix of determination and sorrow. "You're right, Daisy. We need to confront the uncomfortable truths and face our own shortcomings. It won't bring Jake back, but it might prevent something like this from happening again." Daisy smiled at Milo, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Exactly, Milo. We can use this experience to foster empathy, kindness, and understanding. Let's continue exploring Jake's sketchbook, not only to find closure but also to understand WHY he did it!" They carefully turned the pages once more, pausing at each drawing and each written word. The pain in Jake's creations was palpable, but amidst the darkness, they also discovered moments of beauty and vulnerability. They saw sketches of nature, hopeful quotes, and hidden messages of longing for connection. With every revelation, Milo kept crying. As they reached the final pages of the sketchbook, they found a drawing that caught their attention. It depicted Jake standing on a cliff, looking out at a breathtaking sunset. In his outstretched hand, he held a single red balloon—a symbol of hope and release. Milo touched the page gently, a mixture of sadness and gratitude in his heart. "Jake found solace in his art, Daisy. I wish he had shared this part of himself with us when he was alive." Daisy nodded, her voice filled with a newfound determination. "Milo, let's honor Jake's memory by carrying forward his artistic spirit, by being there for each other and for those who might be silently struggling. Let's create a world where nobody feels alone and unheard." Milo looked at Daisy, a glimmer of hope rekindling in his eyes. "Yes, Daisy. Together, we can make a difference. Let's keep Jake's memory alive and ensure that nobody else feels the weight of their pain in silence." They closed the sketchbook gently, a sense of closure and purpose settling within them. Though the pain of losing Jake would always be present, they vowed to channel their grief into something meaningful. Daisy left the room after hugging Milo and wiping the tears in his eyes for him, "now you go be a big boy and keep this sketchbook safe for him, okay?" Milo nodded and left to go put it in his desk. Waving goodbye to Daisy, he then heard a knock on the door and thought it was Daisy coming back because she left something but no, It was.....

PT 3 End...

PT 4... Coming soon!!

(bro this made my friend cry :skull:)

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