𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 | 𝐝...

By naiithewriterr

89.5K 3.2K 366

Widening the door I seen him holding another bag, with flowers in his hand and a blunt behind his ear "really... More



14.2K 232 51
By naiithewriterr

a/n read in a slight Baton Rouge accent as much as you can/ or simply don't

Looking around the airport I searched for the baggage claim sign to be able I could go collect my bags, go through passport control and leave this stuffy place cause I really can't breathe in here.

It's been a lil minute since I stayed in NewYork, as for the last ten years of my life I've been spending it in Louisiana with me now just hitting twenty three.

As I've stayed here I had to learn bout the culture and how they move as well as gaining an accent of my own, it's not real heavy but you can tell I'm from the south of somewhere which is good enough.

For me. Personally.

I also picked up the Creole from the old heads but Ion really know a lot, my friend granny only speak Creole with a lil bit of English so from that I picked up certain stuff that she said.

I am unfortunately the youngest of triplets which had momma struggling after our pops had died to which he didn't leave a will or none for her.

On top of that living in the city rent was crazy and her alone couldn't provide for a family of four.

Momma did what she had to do so I didn't blame her for what she thought was best, I didn't have much down there but my best friend Desiree that I couldn't say bye to, or even keep in contact with since I didn't have a cell.

One of the first things I wanna do after I get settled in, is go see if I could find her cause one thing bout NY everyone know everyone so it shouldn't be that hard.

I was mad about it but not as mad as my brothers when we left cause they had a lot more than me, I probably had more in Louisiana than I ever did in Manhattan.

When momma had woken us up one random night straight outta my deep sleep telling us we leaving, it had me thinking we evacuating in the middle of a war or some from how secret she was being and from how she went about with everything.

Not a single word was said till we boarded in Louisiana, having Zion and Casey complain about the reason for momma leaving or about how boring Louisiana is without being in the state not longer than twenty minutes.

Nothing coulda prepared me for how right they was.

Growing up in the Baton Rouge isn't a joke and Ion want nobody to willingly move their ass down here, all these people know how to get the fuck down.

It ain't that bad if that's what you're used to, but I sure as hell wasn't.

Me being from where I was, moving into they community without knowing how they get down I had to stay silent and accept it cause one: I ain't got a choice or two: a say in what goes.

And Harlem ain't even any better for real especially where I grew up, we done grew up in trenches so I made it out the trenches just to go straight back which is BR in my case.

Some of them are real chill and cool then there's the others you'on really wanna mess with.

We ain't really struggle fitting in with the community cause the people we were around were chill and I kept my ass outta trouble.

Getting the bus from school all the way home and not standing around after school hours cause then you get caught up in things that don't involve you.

Which is how most of these people be ending up jail just cause they was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

With this momma had us finish school in New Orleans so we had to take around two buses the journey being about an hour and some bit just to get our school.

I ain't never went to college cause my momma didn't have the money to fund my education, and it's crazy hard to get a scholarship if it doesn't include any kind of sport.

Zion got a scholarship for football and Casey got a scholarship for basketball so they were cool going through their college years, whereas I been working my ass of hustling around and whatever else to help momma and granny.

I decided to come back down to NewYork because it's the only place I really know.

I couldn't physically survive another year in Louisiana cause I'm not cut out to live like that for the rest of my life and I was currently there someone just would have to take me out.

Zion and Casey got one more year till they graduate and they stay on the campus, so the only reason I got coming back here is to watch them graduate.

I saved up money as much money as I could ever since I got a job at fourteen, I knew I wasn't staying here forever so any time I got paid that money went into my savings and a lil bit of it went to my momma to help pay for groceries or gas.

At a young age of having my priorities straight I didn't waste my money on the new trendy clothing, or being able to tell anyone I proudly owned anything with a brand.

But that didn't mean I ain't have a sense of style or even dress good cause I didn't have the money at the time.

That's another thing that confused the hell outta me, when people would make fun of me for not having the branded clothing but I'd rather not have the branded clothing and have a sense of style then the complete opposite.

All these people do is flex and brag about the shit they don't have, especially the boys I seen around my High school every one got a mouth to talk about what they got, or an Instagram to 'flex' but no one could show the rack of money or the clothes they claimed they had.

It was always on some "we at school I ain't gotta prove shit to you" which is true but all I could at that point is agree knowing damn well or just laugh and walk away.

For me, I've always been into fashion growing up, cutting shit out from magazines and making scrapbooks with things I would style it with, so now I've come back to NewYork to kinda pursue it and see how it goes.

I am most definitely gonna find another job cause I'm not being broke and living in NY the money I got can only take me so far.

On top of that I also wanna go back to Manhattan and the rent for those typa apartments that I want ain't cheap especially the ones in the safest area.

Ion want the struggle that I had growing up, times have changed and I've changed.. a lot.

Finally making it to the baggage claim after this long ass walk from the plane, I stood back to quickly catch my breath as well as resting my legs.

Doing this I just waited on the bags to move down onto the conveyor belt but since we just came off the plane the suitcases haven't started to come out.

A loud ass beeping sound came from the machine and the conveyor belt started to move before the suitcases started to come out.

Fixing my duffel bag on my shoulder I went a bit closer so I could easily collect it, avoiding all the people standing around I seen my suitcase with a pink and white tag so I walked over to go get it.

I lifted it up and took it off the conveyor belt without a breaking a nail, I picked it up and took out the handle and tied my duffle bag on top to make this all easier for myself.

Cause I didn't waste the money I was saving on a lot of clothes, accessories and things of that nature I didn't have a lot to take to the airport wimme.

It was my 'valuables' in the duffle bag cause I ain't want them to break, whilst my clothes and whatever else went in the suitcases.

I glanced around for my other suitcase and found it on the other side, grabbing the handle of the suitcase I pulled it in the direction of where the suitcase was at and quickly retrieved it before it went any further.

Momma gave me the contact of my uncle to come pick me up and I was kinda nervous to see him after all these years I just didn't want anyone to ask me about my late father cause Ion wanna talk bout him not on some disrespectful shit.

But being daddy's girl and being the closest to him not saying his death didn't hurt my brothers but his death struck me so damn hard, I feel into depression and all that other shit that come with it.

Which for me was anorexia, which no one really noticed because of the clothes I would wear until momma walked on me changing and saw how thin my body was she got me help as well supporting me along the way.

I gained a lot of 'happy' weight but I'm still struggling to put more on, even though I eat so much it's so much harder to put on the weight than to lose it.

I'm mostly in the slim girl category but I'm slowly getting there, I still was blessed a lil ass and some titties.

I guess I was experiencing the five stages of grief and I didn't even realise.

At the I ain't wanna believe he had passed away and it felt like the Universe was playing wimme cause why the hell was I seeing so much fathers and daughters all around me.

After seeing all that I realised my father ain't coming back and that's when it really kicked in.

I started to get angry, mostly at myself on why I couldn't see that my daddy was sick.

Maybe I was too young to understand what was happening around in my surroundings, or I was too full of myself to notice, shit maybe I did notice and I just didn't wanna believe because it'll all go away if I didn't see.

My father was one of them folks that was too vibrant and outgoing so whatever was happening you wouldn't even know unless it came directly out of his mouth.

He was really good at hiding things. Too good.

But I wished he had told me so younger me would've understood why daddy wouldn't wake up outta his sleep.

I don't think I've accepted his death but I hope with time I will one day.

I took out my passport as I was now standing behind the line for them to check my passport and whatever else they be checking, the person in front walked through so the officer gestured me over.

I put my passport on the lil whatever the hell it is, he took my passport and went to go get my suitcases to pull them next to me.

He checked the little details and scribbled something "you got that lil card?"

"Mhm it's in there" I pointed at the paper with my index finger.

"What you here for? A holiday?" He looked at me and pushed my passport across the table.

Shaking my head I wanted to keep my speaking to a minimum since my throat currently dry as hell "no I just came back from visiting family" I partially lied.

He don't need to be all up in business for real.

He nodded his head and put the lil card we had to fill out on the plane in a lot slot I put my passport back in it's secured spot and took my suitcases murmuring a small thank you.

I looked around for one of them convenience stores to quickly go buy a small bottle of water "a dollar and thirty two cents" a dollar and thirty two cents for this tiny water bottle is wild.

It was between not buying the water and walking around with dry throat or buying it so I obviously bought it, I'm tired of walking around tryna swallow spit and ain't no spit being made.

I picked up the cold bottle and stood off to the side to drink and throw it in the trash can cause I'm not carrying dead weight.

After chugging the water I took my suitcases and walked towards the pick up point where my uncle should be holding my name.

Putting my glasses down to my face I looked around before I even got off the escalator so I could just walk right up to him.

I found him standing by the perfume store and I couldn't hide the smile off my face, once I got to the bottom I sped walked over to him with my suitcases swaying to the side.

I was ready to hug the life outta him mostly because he was a twin of my father meaning they identical so it'll feel like some sort of closure.

He finally made eye contact with me after looking all around the airport.

A smile appeared on his face with the outer corners of his eyes creasing, he met me half way and wrapped my arms around his torso as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Damn Brook you almost took my old ass out" he chuckled.

"That's my bad, I ain't mean to be so aggressive I just ain't seen you in forever" I pulled away from him and stood back to get my suitcase as he went to get the other.

"Nah you good" he waved it off "it's been way too long and now you've grown up on me" he shook his head and walked towards the exit with me following behind him "so how old are you now?"

"Twenty three" I replied and his eyes went wide.

"Shit man time flies, how's your brothers and ya moms?"

"Momma is good has her ups and down, Zion and Casey in college so Ion see them often but they good too".

"Mhm that's good, that's good" he mumbled the last part kinda under his breath as the cool breeze hit me straight in my neck "you like it up in Louisiana?"

I followed to the parking lot elevator and I would rather be anywhere else than to use a damn old parking lot elevator.

"Ain't my typa vibe, I like things kinda fast and Louisiana too slow for me" I stood inside the elevator and gripped on the handle of my suitcase "you get what I'm saying?"

"Mhm" he hummed "I was expecting the accent to be worse" he chuckled once again.

"I know it's not that strong for real, Zion and Casey accent real strong" they sound like they were born and raised there cause the accent so strong but they around more people than me for them to pick up the slang.

"Damn y'all country heads now" he laughed just as the elevator dinged at our level.

Sucking my teeth I pulled my suitcase off the elevator before I replied "we not country".

"Yeah aight" he chuckled and pressed the button on his keys to unlock his car doors "you know where you staying?"

"I'm staying at a hotel till I get my place".

"How long that take?" He opened up his trunk and put the suitcases in there "you keeping that?" He asked referring to my duffel bag.

"Yeah" I nodded "it shouldn't take long I'm just waiting for the landlord to accept my papers, I send the deposit and the place is mine. Imma look for job as I'm waiting".

"I was finna say that if it take too long that you could stay wimme" he suggested.

"Thank you but I needa do this on my own" I love the idea of being independent instead of having to rely on people all the time.

"I'm forgetting you a big girl, ya ass don't need me no more" he joked having me rolling my eyes at him "all jokes aside you my only niece anything you need I got you" he said more seriously this time.

"Thank you I appreciate it" he nodded and reversed the car before he drove towards the exit.

By now I've checked in the hotel room and did whatever I had to before I decided to go look for something to eat before I chill and call it a day cause jet lag whopping my ass right now.

I put on something chill which consisted of a black tight cropped top with these black sweatpants I bought for like three dollars off some website I found, for three dollars they're better than I would've expected for the price.

I kept on my grey crocs since I didn't want to open up my other suitcase all I wanted right now was a deli sandwich but I also wanted Chick-Fil-A.

I picked up the key for the room as well as my phone in which I forgot to text my momma. I sent her a message telling I arrived and before I knew it she was calling me, "hello?"

"Now why you ain't call me hours ago Milan? You had me stressed and Ion wanna have grey hairs just yet" she sucked her teeth and I was inch away from sucking my teeth.

"Cause momma I'm jet lagged I just wanna sleep and eat" I locked the room behind me and dropped the key in my pocket.

"So I take it you've settled in?"

"Yeah" and I heard her let out a sigh of relief "Imma look some to eat".

"Okay make sure your careful on them streets remember how they busy they get" she warned like I ain't lived here before.

"Yes bye momma" I moved the phone away from my face ready to end as soon as I heard her bye I ended the call and put my phone away.

When my uncle was driving by earlier I made sure to remind myself of the shit here so people don't think my ass a tourist or something.

Most of the things I need are in this area since I'm in the middle of Manhattan, I walked in the direction of the restaurant and I had to bite a smile off my face from not looking like a crazy person smiling to myself.

But I can't help but be proud of myself from making it out Louisiana when I had my days of doubting myself to actually leave and live my dream.

If NY wasn't first on my list I would've moved to Dallas or Houston or took my ass straight to Atlanta if I actually knew folks down there.

Ion really know people in Houston or Dallas but it's closer than Atlanta so I wouldn't really care, even though NY in the east coast I got family so I should be good.

Opening the door to the Chick-Fil-A I stood in the line and Ion know why it feel like it's my first time in a foreign country and it's irritating the hell outta me.

As I read the items off the menu I heard a couple people behind me whispering but I just ignored it cause there ain't nothing bad you couldn't really say about me.

You can't talk about my looks but if you know me personally then I guess you could talk about my personality and whatever the case may be.

I lowkey feeling the grilled chicken sandwich or maybe the mac& cheese, Ion know what the fuck tortilla soup is so I ain't trying that, on the picture it look like throw up with extra large bits in it.

You definitely ain't got teeth if you eating that off the menu.

"Excuse me?" I heard someone say from next to me looking at them with my eyes squinted since I ain't got my glasses "you Brooklyn?" The girl with curly hair asked.

"I told ya ass that's Brooklyn" the other girl whispered "you'on remember me?" She now asked and I stared at her a good minute, but ain't shit clicking.

"Damn you really don't remember me" she muttered as I slowly shook my head thinking it would give some kinda memory. "I was your only friend throughout middle school, kindergarten, elementary?"

Now she ain't needa mention the only friend part.

As I continued to stare at her face everything started to kick in "Desiree?"

a/n a view on the background of the character/
excuse any mistakes

disclaimer: face claims are used to just get a better understanding of whats happening in the story, everything is completely fictional and entertainment purposes only!
you also don't have to use my face claims!!

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